Oh. Should I be mad? Or amazed?

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Moon just told us she needed to tell us something.

Like, alright! She tells us stuff all the time!

But today, right now, she seemed nervous.


Like we would just suddenly fly into rage at her and ditch her.

I wouldn't do that!


Glory's sister, Brightest Girl, and Best Friend to Moonwatcher!

"Yeah?" Qibli asked, looking nervous as well.

"Well, it's a huge secret." Moon said, looking sideways. "Like, really big. And I think you all are going to be furious at me afterwards."

All of us looked startled.

"We wouldn't." Sunny said soothingly. "Don't worry."

Luna's friends stared at Moon.

"Alright." Moon shifted. "I don't know where to start-"

"Start straight forward." Winter suggested.

"Alright." Moon said again. She took a deep breath.

Must be a big secret. 😕

"I have a power." she blurted. "Two powers actually."

Now everyone really looked startled. 

"Two powers?" Deathbringer asked curiously. "What powers?"

"Well," Moon said. "I can only use those powers when I have this-" she opened up her medallion and slid out a small, black, shiny disk. "In my medallion. So I can choose when I want to use it or not."

"It depends." Riptide said. "On the powers."

"Tell us the worst one." Tsunami suggested. "Or, in other words, the hardest one to use."

Moon hesitated, then said, "Mind reading."

That got a big reaction from us.

Swordtail let out a yelp and crashed into Luna.

Luna's friends covered their mouths.

But that was the biggest reactions.

Tsunami and Riptide looked ruffled, but that was all.

Qibli and Winter had impressed expressions and 'oh my goodness' expressions.

Sunny and Turtle had "oh wow" expressions.

Glory had a 'REALLY?' face on.

Deathy looked like 'Oh my little sister is UNIQUE!"

And what was I thinking?








"THAT'S SO COOL MOON!" I burst out, along with Deathy and Qibli.

The corner of Moon's mouth flickered. "Thank you. But I never use it often."

"Are you using it now?" Asked one of Luna's friends, Skipper, I remembered, sharply.

Luna stared intensely at Moon.

"No." Moon said.

The exhaling was defiantly audible.

"It's really complicated." Moon said. "The other power is visions of the future."

"That's really cool too!" 

Now all of us were grinning.

"What did you see?"

Moon hesitated again, then said, "I know my dragon form."

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