Oh WOW :O :D

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"You know your dragon form?"




So Moon described her dragon form, while me and the others listened with amazement.

"And I um, know all your dragon forms too!" she added.

We begged her to tell.

Winter was a white dragon with hues of blue striped all over him. He had a narrow face, with spikes all over. Moon told us that he was in the tribe IceWings, and that all IceWings had similar features. IceWing special powers were breathing ice, able to withstand really cold climates, and their eyes could cut through glares that reflected off ice.

Tsunami was a deep blue dragon with spiraling patterns, and an elegant snout, with webbed talons, and a very powerful looking tail. Moon said she was in the tribe SeaWings. SeaWing powers were seeing in the dark, able to breathe underwater, and able to swim really well.

Riptide was also a SeaWing, though he had sky blue scales ("And you got to admit I look rather handsome." He'd said with a smirk at Tsunami, which earned a smack to the face.) 

Glory was green, orange, and gold, with a long tail, though Moon said she was a RainWing, and all RainWings could change their scale colors, and spit deadly venom. ("Spit is deadly?" Deathbringer mused.)

Kinkajou was also a RainWing, with long fangs. She was covered from head to toe with yellow, with splotches of pink. ("I love that word." Kinkajou sighed. "Splotches.")

Deathbringer was a NightWing. He was black like the night sky. ("that about sums him up." Glory said.) NightWings had special powers. Moon said she had both powers; mind reading and seeing the future. Some NightWings don't have powers at all, which was pretty common. Deathy didn't have any powers. ("Hey!" He'd huffed, while Glory  laughed her head off. "I'm very handsome.")

Turtle was a SeaWing, green like seaweed. ("Nice comparison!" Deathbringer had mocked Moon.)

Luna had butterfly like wings, unlike the others. Moon said this was normal because only Pyrrhia  High had bat wings, and that Pantala University had butterfly wings, bee wings, and leaf like wings. Luna was pearly green, with hints of yellow and blue on her wings. Luna was a SilkWing. There was 1 out of fifty chances that a SilkWing was a flamesilk, which meant they spun fire silk instead of their regular silver silk. SilkWings were amazing weavers. Luna was a flamesilk. ("haHA!" She cried.)

Swordtail was also a SilkWing, dark, royal blue with orange splotches ("MY FAV WORD!" Kinkajou cried) on his sides. Swordtail was a normal SilkWing.

Cricket was orange with black splotches ("EVERYONE HAS SPLOTCHES!" Cried the Kinkajou), with bee wings. Cricket was a HiveWing. HiveWings had all sorts of powers, but one one power per dragon. Some, like Cricket, did not have any powers. ("aww," said a downcast Cricket.)

Blue, Luna's half brother, was a SilkWing. He was purple and blue, shimmering all the way from head to toe. Blue was a flamesilk.

Me. I'M A SANDWING! I, don't know what that is. Moon said I could breathe FIRE! HOw cool is THAT?! I have pale yellow scales with freckles along my snout, and I have my earring in my left ear. I also have a scar zig zagging across it. I can survive a long time without eating or drinking, which does not make any sense because I cannot go a day without eating my Pringles. Coolest part?! I HAVE A SCORPION TAIL BARB! I CAN POISON MY ENEMIES!! I can go HIYAAA and HOIYA! And CUNCH! YAY!

Everyone was delighted with their dragon forms.

"Thank you so much Moon!" Tsunami said, carefully drawing her dragon form on a piece of paper. "I've only seen my mother's form!"

The others agreed.

As we walked to our next period, I had an idea.

"Moon." I said. "You should tell everybody their dragon forms."

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