The Best and Worst thing in the Universe

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I loved myself.

I never really thought of it, actually.

I was Anemone. The amazing Anemone.

At least, I thought I was. I was always the 'cool' girl in Jade Mountain Academy. People got out of my way, and people didn't dare look me in the eye. yes, being me, Anemone has it's advantages. 

Until I came to high school. My blue eyes, coral pink hair, and pearl jewelry were far from my sister and her small party.


Tsunami and her friends got a lot of attention, since she was friends with Glory, the former but still owner of the flower and fruit company.

Apparently, a lot of people love flowers and fruit, I mean, who can blame them?

While my big sister was off somewhere romping around with her popular friends, even that weird little dark haired girl, who was very weird, I was stuck with a whiney kid called Pike.

That wasn't fair at all.

"Anemone, that guy is giving you a weird look." Pike declared. "I think he has a crush on you. I should punch him."

The boy Pike was talking about looked alarmed, closed the textbook he was studying, and hurried off.

I sighed. "Pike, you said that like, five times already to five totally different boys. Stop making me look bad!"

I was still not quite sure why Pike even followed me around. Must be Mother. I thought angrily. Coral was very protective, for someone who is the top author in the world.

I stormed off to the cafeteria, finding it packed with students. As usual. 

Morrowseer, the principle, was thundering about, yelling at students, and stopping to jump over a baked bean spill, and then stopping yet again to roar about having the room too loud. 

Not that his bellowing will help much here. I thought.

"Anemone!" That must be Tsunami. 

I put on my best, dazzling smile and turned to where my annoying big sister was. 

She, of course, was sitting with all her friends. ALL HER FRIENDS.

Tsunami had about ten thousand friends. I could never ever keep up with all their names.

As I made made my way to her, I mentally sorted through the names.

Green and gold haired one=Glory. The all wonderful GLORY.

Yellow and pink haired=her sister Kinkajou

Black haired girl=daughter of Morrowseer, Moonwatcher, called Moon.

That other black haired guy=Moon's brother, Deathbringer.

Blue haired weird boy= Riptide

Blonde haired girl= Thorn's daughter Sunny.

Blonde haired boy= Thorn's adopted son Qibli

Icy blue haired boy= Brother of Snowfall, Winter.

Brown haired stocky boy who won't stop eating=I think that's Clay.

Another black haired boy with glasses who won't stop reading= I think Starflight

Anyone else? No. Just  a green haired girl, and an orange haired boy. They must have come from Pantala University.

Tsunami flashed her broadest smile, and Glory smiled too.

How gratifying.

"Hey Anemone." Tsunami said cheerfully. "Hey guys! Meet Anemone."

"I know Anemone." Turtle said.

"I know you too!" I said, a little ruffled. "You're my brother."

"i know."


Moon nodded her hello, and so did the others. 

Kinkajou bounded up to Anemone and shook her hand vigorously. "Hi Anemone! I've heard so much about you! Tsunami said you're the best sister in the world!"

My point of view for Tsunami shifted. 

"Aw, did you really?" I asked Tsunami sweetly. "Well. You're the best sister too!"

"Don't let Auklet catch you saying that." Tsunami said, bumping my side.

Glory laughed. "Sorry to crush your high hopes Nami, but I'm the best sister."

"No!" Kinkajou cried, letting go of my hand and pummeling her sister with her fists. "I am! Or Moon! Yeah, Moon is awesome! She told me my dragon form!"

Tsunami winced. 

Glory sighed and pushed Kinkajou off. "great Job Kink. Now we have to explain it before the great announcement. Amazing."

I whipped my head towards Moon, who had evidently not heard them. She was talking with Qibli and Winter, both which were staring at her a little too hard.

"It's alright." I said, keeping my eyes fixed on the girl. "I'll wait."

Then I noticed.

"Tsunami!" I cried, making Pike jump. "You got yourself a boyfriend!"

Tsunami tried not to blush. "yeah. Riptide asked me not long ago."

I started giggling like a maniac. Pike gave me a confused look. "Won't Mother be surprised." I teased. "She'll love it!"

Tsunami rolled her eyes at me. 

"hey." Glory interrupted. "I've got a boyfriend. Can you torture me? It'll be fun to watch your face as I shoot you down." She grinned at me, and I realized she was only joking. I smiled back. I was actually having fun.

ACTUALLY. Yes, this was my life.

"Who's your boyfriend?" I asked her. "Winter? Qibli? Turtle-?"

I got cut off by a very grumpy looking Winter.

"I have no Girlfriend thanks very much." He huffed. 

I rolled my eyes at him.

Glory swatted me. "It's Deathy." She informed me. "You know? That loud annoying one? The one who tries to keep too big sunglasses on his nose?" she sighed. "Don't ask. I do not see the relationship between him and his sister."

Deathbringer rolled his eyes at her.

Moon stood up. "I gotta go." She said. "Come on."

All of us stood up. I didn't know why.

Suddenly, I felt like I was going to be important in the first time in a while.

Guess what is the best thing and worst thing in the universe for Anemone? First one to comment with the correct answer gets a shout out from me to other people, or a follow from me if I haven't already followed you.

Second is me recommending your book to others

Third is your choice how many votes on which ever book. NOT BOOKS PLURAL



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