Murder Mystery (7)

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(OK, I'm like 80% sure that the things in this chapter are canon, but at the same time, I haven't read that book in like 2 months. If it's not, uh, it's CANON IN YOUR iMaGinAtIon now.)

Raindrop: Alright. So, we have Raindrop, Stardust, Wind, Silver, and me for the females... and.. well..

Silver: In terms of who can possess to ability to infect dragons. *They all turned their eyes on one dragon.*


*No one could say a word to the quiet dragon who rarely spoke. Shadow finally broke the silence.*

Shadow: That only leaves one dragon. While we're all Pyrrhian dragons, you're well . . . neither Pantalian nor Pyrrhian. *He kicked startled Wind down to the floor and held a good grip on her, pinning her down firmly.*

Moonshard: Yes, if anything, you look just like someone from my favorite scrolls! "The Freedom of the Breath of Evil." Is one of the best scrolls I've ever read.

Frog: *Tilts his head* Breath of Evil? That sounds dramatic!

Stardust: Oh! I read that before too! It's about the story of the Pantalian Heroes, right? And their awesome prophecy with Freedom's sacrifice!

???: Pfft.. that Lizard!? Hah, really saved the world there didn't she? *He scoffed with sarcasm.* 

Silver: You . . . you know Freedom/Lizard?

Moonshard: *Her mouth trembled in realization* Cottonmouth. Your name is Cottonmouth, correct?

Cottonmouth/Wind: *It smirked* Ooh, we got another smart child. Little Bookworm should have you as an apprentice. 

Raindrop: Wait, he's the almighty scavenger/human in the scrolls? But- but wasn't Cottonmouth dead?!

Cottonmouth: Ouch. Do you really need to hurt a small, fragile little scavenger's feelings? Anyway, you're kinda right.

Frog: Huh? I don't . . . get it.

Silver: Yeah, we don't either. I can see why his parents named him that. God, just say something that makes sense- it's like you can only spit out cotton or something.

Cottonmouth: OK, now I'm insulted. I'm named after a superior viper alright?! Anyway, JUST LET ME EXPLAIN. 

Cottonmouth: So, it all started when the lizard made that stupid sacrifice thing and cut the vine. And well, yeah, I died along with her. I'm sort of Lizard but just like half of her, let's say in the mind space though, of course. We're separate if we're still alive in the real world. Yes, I died. As Lizard. But no I didn't die, as Wind.

     I'm sure those heroes thought they had killed me after Lizard died, but JOKES ON THOSE IDIOTS! I have another dragon! In fact, I was stuck with Wind in another mind space first. Although, she certainly is a lot more obedient than that wrenched little serpent. A lot easier to control too. Lizard was angry that she never got to experience love and resented me for it and Windy was desperate for attention and love- even from me so much that she would do everything I told her to do!

    Oh! And I happened to find out she was some kind of magical dragon. 

Shadow: *shivers* S-she's an animus dragon? 

Cottonmouth: Oh, yes! Apparently, she could still use animus magic even in the mind space. That's how I escaped with Windy and then made the other mistake to continue testing out the Breath of Evil with Lizard and getting trapped with her. I was still a part of Wind though- since I had infected her right before we were sucked into the mind space, like Lizard. Ah, anyway, I and Wind are still apart of the same mind(space). It's just we can go into the real world now. If we want to.

Frog: Ohh, I think I get it now. *He nods confidently, already starting to forget what he had just learned.* So, we need to kill you now, right?

Silver: *Smacks Frog with her tail* DON'T SAY IT OUT LOUD, YOU IDIOT! 

Shadow: No... this seems too easy. *He was still pinning down Cottonmouth and shook him gingerly.* Why aren't you even struggling? Do you want to be dead? With one snap, I could crack your neck and I'm not afraid to do it.

Cottonmouth: *sneers* OhHhH, I'm SOO SCARED! 

Raindrop: He's definitely mocking us.

Stardust: Well, we can try, can't we? Just snap his neck? Maybe he's just taunting us so that we would second-guess ourselves. I say we just kill him now! At least try

Silver: Well, don't you sound eager in killing him. Are you hiding something, Stardust?

Stardust: *Her arms flail in the air* No! I just want this to be finished once and for all so I can see my brother and friends again.

Cottonmouth: Ooh, isn't this sweet! Too bad it'll never happen.

Stardust: *Flustered* We just need to kill you! BE AFRAID.

Cottonmouth: No thank you, I'll be Cottonmouth. 

Moonshard: EUGH, THREE MOONS, these references from PeppasCheesyToes are getting even worse. 

Frog: Tut, tut, tut. Don't break the fourth wall, Moonshard. We're in the middle of some dramatic part right now. 

Raindrop: What in the name of frog tongue are they doing?


Shadow: So, do I kill him or do I not?! *Cue dramatic voice* TO BE OR NOT TO BE? TO KILL OR uh.. not to kill? That is the question.

Cottonmouth: Oh dear.. it seems like you haven't realized it yet. *He sighed* I guess losing Bookworm was really a great loss of brains for you. I'll fix that.

Suddenly, Bookworm appeared. He didn't look too surprised but the others were the opposite.

Moonshard: I think I'm having a hallucination again.

Shadow: I'm pretty sure we all are...

Bookworm: *He lets out a panicked breath* OK, OK, where should I start? *Rubs his palms together nervously* This may sound crazy... 

But we're all kinda dead. Or like- going to be dead...

(Yes, I'm leaving you on a cliffhanger. I have absolutely no idea what I'm writing anymore and half of it is hurting my own brain cells, so good luck... also, yes, I need to advertise my new book 'cause I'm one of those jerks. 

It's called Thin Ice. It's basically what happened after the events of arc 3 with Icicle, Hailstorm, and Winter as the main characters. Aaaand with that, I'll go plunging back to school work. Woohoo.)

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