Murder Mystery (8)

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Silver: W-what are you doing here?! 


Bookworm: *Winces* Well, yes, I am. We all are like I said.

Moonshard: What?! That's not possible. *Her head suddenly hurt as tons and tons of floods of visions filled her* No... no...

Raindrop: B-but you and Wild and- and you died! What do you mean we're dead? You're dead! If you die you can't die again. *She broke off into a flustered mess

Frog: . . . We're failed experiments. *He turned his eyes to Cottonmouth/Wind* You haven't stopped experimenting with the Breath of Evil with other dragons haven't you? 

Moonshard: *She realizes what Frog was saying* Because you know that even if you get trapped in a mind-space again, you can easily resolve it now with Wind's animus magic.

Cottonmouth: Ooh, never realized that the MudWing would be the first to figure it out. Maybe I've been looking down on you... hm, perhaps I should keep that one with me.

Silver: What?

Cottonmouth: Oh, you dragons aren't actually dead-dead. I mean, you're lying unconscious in a pool of the Breath of Evil right now and will soon rot away like Lizard and my actual human body did. Right now, I just put you guys into my mind space instead of going to yours. I can easily awaken yall if I wanted to. Usually, I do so with the dragons who are useful!

   Oh! Like my favorite, Corspe'Collector! He's the one who brought you dragons here. Very helpful of him. I'll have to see if Frog is useful or not. 

Raindrop: It still doesn't explain how Bookworm, Wild, and Walrus died.

Bookworm: Oh... we never really actually died. Turns out you can't harm dragons in mind space and since this is Cottonmouth's mind space, he made the illusion that each of us had died. Anyhow, we're doomed. According to one of my favourite scrolls of all time, "Everywhere and Nowhere" we will live for eternity with nothing but boredom awaiting us until we reach insanity. 

Silver: I hate you so much! *She pounced on Cottonmouth, and tried to attack him*

Cottonmouth: Tsk, tsk. *Silver soon disappeared to the other's shock.*

Shadow: Silver! Wh-What did you do to her?!

Cottonmouth: Oh. She was just sent back to her own mind-space. Since I'm still a part of her, I can still see her seething in anger and attacking me.

Moonshard: Why did you do that? Why do you have to try the Breath of Evil on everyone? You've already known how it works in the past, so why must you keep on experimenting when the whole world could be in your control right now?!

Cottonmouth: Oh. It seems like you haven't realized it yet. Go on, Bookworm, tell her. 

Bookworm: Moonshard... he's not doing this because he wants to zombify everyone again...

???: He's doing this because he wants an eternity of fun! 

*They all looked with a shiver at the new voice. Wind's eyes had suddenly changed color and the words came out of her mouth.*

Wind: Isn't he great? King Cottonmouth is so clever! In order for him to not go insane with boredom, he uses Corpse'Collector to find new dragons for him to infect! And as you can see, he uses my *Puffs chest with pride* magic for this. And then he just lets the storyline continue with the Murder Mystery scenario and everything.

Shadow: She's the real Wind? 

Bookworm: *nods* I think so. She visited me when Cottonmouth dumped me into my own mind space.

Wind: Oh yes! The Book-Guy. You seem really smart if his majesty put you here. *She glares at him* Also, you better refer to his highness by "King Cottonmouth".

Frog: B-but there's no such thing as King!

Wind: *rolls her eyes* Well, there is now!

Moonshard: *She whispers to Bookworm* This one is one out of thousands... she shares the looks but she does not share the heart. 

Bookworm: If what you saying is, "Can we get her to let us go" I say the chances are 50/50. She's desperate for attention and visits me a lot. Cottonmouth rarely lets her take control of her body. He just needs to take a rest from using a dragon's body because of how different it is from scavengers. So if we're about to convince her, we only have so little time before we do.

Frog: *leans over* But there's a possibility? 

Wind: *Her eyes trailed toward them and she smiled* Ooh, I see many futures where I'm swayed by you all. But all of them just lead to me pitying you guys. . . 

Stardust: What do you mean?

Frog: She doesn't have as much control over herself as we think we do.

Shadow: Well you're getting awfully clever. 

Raindrop: I get what he means. Cottonmouth is practically engraved in her. She could try to free us but he may be able to take control before she says the words. And if she thinks of it in the mindspace, he would just counter the words back while taking control of Wind's body so that animus magic will be . . . let's say, confused.

Shadow: So in other words. . . you're saying . . . 

Bookworm: *smiles bitterly* We're stuck here forever


(First of all, yes, I am leaving this open-ended so you can create your own ending in your imagination. Secondly, this series is one of the most fun things I've ever written. Loved all your characters and I really hoped I've written them correctly. And as for the owner of Wind-- I'm really sorry about how I invested in her personality is completely different from the things you've written.

Anyway here is a bonus if you wanted to know how it might've turned out in the end: 

If  I was to give it a bad ending, Bookworm, Moonshard, and Shadow would be one of Cottonmouth's servants or something like that. Stardust and Raindrop would be captured into their own mind-space and will lose touch with reality. Wild would be doing OK so far as he is a creative dragon and goes on a lot of adventures- even if they were just made up in his mind-space. Bookworm has the ability to visit Wild as Cottonmouth's "trusted" dragon. Silver is slowly going insane with rage (a bit like Icicle)

If it was a good ending, another curious animus who desires all the answers in the world will enchant something to tell him all of the world's wonders. He would eventually find this and take pity on these dragons, freeing them by restoring their bones back to their original forms.

Normal spoofs will be updated again- that should be it!)

Now, with that, I'll go plunging back to school work!

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