Spoof #12

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*Cattail was strolling through a supermarket when she saw it . . . COWS! Her sister, Asha was selling cows along with a few other dragons.* 

Asha: Get 1 cow for a price of 3 gold coins! 

Cattle: Damn . . . I'm short on 2 coins. Oh dear sister, won't you spare your poor sister 2 gold coins? 

Asha: Throw in your red egg and I'll give you two cows. I might even consider cleaning your room and I might do the dishes. 

Nautilus: What?! Are you kidding me, Asha? Do you really think she would give up her egg for 2 cows?! This was our only chance, and you ruined it!  

Cattle: Yep, yep, whatever. Take the egg or whatever, now give me my cows! No refund, alright? Also, Toad vomited on one of the plates. Good luck cleaning it. 

Nautilus: You know what? I kinda change my mind. It's actually not a bad bargain.

Squid: . . . 

Asha: So, the moral of the story is to bargain your child for cows. 

Burncow: Wait, what? Dad, are you sure I should be bargaining my children for cows? 

Clay: Of course my dear kid. I would have done so myself if your mom wasn't threatening to steal all my supplies of food. DO EVERYTHING FOR COWS! 

???: Agent Clay, you got a new mission. Kill two dragons in exchange for two cows. 

Clay: Daddy needs to go to work now, Burncow. Be nice to Oceanwave.

Burncow: . . . 

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