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Here's the first chapter....

My Dad sighs dramatically as I entered the house front door, which I could hear, me kicking off my shoes at the door, and he stood up from his recliner, and gives me a look I'm in trouble.
The forty year old Navajo native was giving me a scolding look, and I dressed what he would say next.
"I got a call from the school.
You were kicked out of the school!
Now I'm gonna have to search for another school to enroll you in this semester!"

"The bully deserved me kicking his face in Dad!
He touched me inappropriately!"
I scoff at him as I sat upon the long couch that was next to his recliner, more like I had plopped in it, and he sighs once again, him pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Where did he touch you?"
Dad asked me, him looking upset I said that.

"He stuck his hands down my shirt."
I say to him, me shaking my head, me angry, but I didn't raise my voice at him.
"Why does it matter Dad?
All I was doing was sitting and minding my own business, and the jackass stuck his hand down my shirt like all boys do, because I got big boobs.
I wish I never had them!"
I fling my hands in the air, me raising my voice when I said the last part, because I really hate my big boobs, they are indeed a fucking curse to behold.
"I hate being a woman Dad!"

Dad sat next to me upon the long couch, him side hugging me.
"I'm sorry I jumped your ass.
It's just I can't move you every which way from Sunday.
We don't have that kind of money, and we can't even afford to sue the school, since I'm only being paid by boats at the boat making company I work at.
Money is tight."
He tells me, and I tear up, my emotions overruling me.

I had short spiked up dyed bleach blonde hair, and wore a black rock band t-shirt, and black sweatpants, and fingerless biker gloves.
Boys think I'm lesbian, and often sexually harass me, by touching me inside my shirt, spank my ass, and other things, them saying all I needed was a good dick to turn me straight.
The fact is I'm not lesbian, and I do like men, but as of now, I'm turned all the way off on them, cause they can't keep their hands off me to my dismay.

The boy today even said he'd turn me straight, by raping me to be straight, so I beat his ass, and he is now missing several teeth because of it, luckily the boy is just as poor as us, so his mother won't press charges on me and my Dad, which I'm relieved at that bit of information.
I am keeping the rape threat to myself, because Dad don't need to worry about that boy's buddies trying to sexually assault me for revenge down the road.

"So he touched you in your chest?
That's it?"
Dad asked me.

"He grabbed my right boob inside my bra, so wouldn't you kick his ass too?"
I sass Dad.

"If I was there; well yes I would."
Dad admits honestly.

"We can find another school, so don't worry Dad."
I stand up, and decided to go to my room and research a school I could enroll in during this semester, and I walk over to the stairs that led to my room.
"I will start looking online."
I tell him as I walked up the stairs.

I enter my room, and lock it behind myself, and I walk to my desk, and flip open my laptop, and started looking for schools close by to enroll in, and so far there wasn't any close by my old school, however there was one, a town over, called Quantum High School, from the town of Epsarda, which is an hour drive into that town, and it's a little town, a very quiet place and a town over as I mentioned from where we live, so if we decided to move, then it won't cost much to do so, but I doubt that Dad will move, only that he'll drive me there, because Dad even said we cannot afford to move.

I found the enrollment paperwork on their website, and printed it out.
My printer immediately started making it's noises of it printing the paperwork.
I stand up, and grab the several sheets of papers that Dad will have to fill out for me, since legally I can't, since he's legally my guardian.
I walk out of my room, and came into the kitchen, finding him fixing a vegetable soup, and I say to him.
"I found a school.
It's a town over."
I tell Dad, and he stopped stirring the soup, and I handed him the paperwork.

He looked it over.
"It sounds like a good school.
I'll fill this out immediately, so we can get you in.
It'll take a week though it says on here."

"That's fine by me."
I tell him and he sets the paperwork aside onto the bar across from the stove.
"Dad I'm sorry.
I was just defending myself."
I felt bad immediately that i have to go to another school now.

"I know sweetie and schools don't like it.
I even think it's stupid."
Dad says to me what he honestly thinks, and he took a spoon, dipping it into the soup, and blew on it, and sipped it.
I also used veggie noodles too."

"I'll eat whatever Dad.
You know that."
I side hug him, and he hugged me back.
"Love you Dad."

"I love you too pumpkin."
Dad says to me, him smiling down at me, since he's so tall.


......One Week Later....


Dad immediately; after I gave him the paperwork, he filled it out, him mailing it the next day, and we got a response in the mail a week later, that I was accepted into Quantum High School, and they gave me a list, on what to buy for the schooling, which was a regular list all parents are given to buy things for their kids.
And right now we were at our local store, buying the things I need, including groceries as well.
Our bill to check out was very high indeed, once it was paid, we had left, our groceries in hand, and we placed them in his vehicle, which was a Honda CR-V, which was red.

Tomorrow I was supposed to start at Quantum High School; under a new semester, and I bet, me being the new kid will have tongues wagging so to speak, which I'm not really up for that at all tomorrow, but I guess I'll endure it the best of my abilities.

That night I sat in bed; me reading a book, a romance novel to relax me to sleep, and I sigh in content, me marking it with a bookmark, and reached over to turn off my lamp, and flicked it off, and I lay within my covers, closing my eyes, and after a few minutes, I had feel asleep.


My alarm I set yesterday started blaring, it rousing me from my slumber, and I reach over, and press the button to turn the alarm off, and I get out of bed, me grabbing things to wear, and went across the hall, and opened the closet, me grabbing a towel and rag, and I shut the closet, and stepped into the bathroom, and shut the door behind me, me locking it.

I strip out of my clothing, and set my things upon the bar, and set my rag on top of the knob to turn the shower on, and I turn the shower on, the rag not falling off.
I turned it on warm, and get in the shower, and started wetting my gelled up hair down, my eyes closed, as I grab my bottle of shampoo, and start scrubbing my hair well, getting the gel out of it.
I soon rinsed my bleach blonde hair out, and wiped my eyes of water, and I take the rag, wet it, then lathered it up with honey and cream scented body wash, and start scrubbing my body well, and even scrubbed my butt, and cleaned the lips of my core, and I rinse off the rag fully, and next my body with with shower head, including rinsing my butt and core off.

I turn the water off, and grab my towel, me stepping out, and I start drying my body, and I dress in my purple and gray bra, my gray panties, black sweatpants with a rock band name on it, a red shirt with a rock band's name on it, and I started styling my bleach blonde hair to be spiked up with gel, using my comb to do so, and once my hair was perfect I sprayed it with hairspray.
I then wash my hands well, including rinsed off my comb well.

I leave the bathroom, and pull on black socks, and grab my bookbag with all the things I bought for school in it, my phone, my phone's portable charger, and wall charger.
I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, finding my bandana covered head Dad in his uniform for work, and him sipping coffee.
"Oh that's right; you'll be going to that school, and I'll need to drive you."
Dad scratched his bandana.

"Yeah; I'll hurry up and fix me toaster blueberry waffles to take."
I tell him, as I go to the freezer, and grab the blueberry toaster waffles, and stick them into the toaster.

I start fixing me a cup of coffee in my own coffee pod coffee maker, since we both have our own coffee makers, and once it was done filling up inside my coffee cup, I put creamer in it, and four sugar substitutes, me stirring it up.
I then set the spoon upon the paper towel I set down for my spoon, and sip on my coffee, right after I blew on it.

I swallow my drink of coffee down, and my toaster blueberry waffles popped up, and I grab all four of them, and flinch at them burning my fingers, and set them onto a plate, and I start eating them with no butter or syrup, only eating them with my one hand.

"After you eat and had your coffee I should take you, since it's almost seven.
You have to be there by eight-thirty."
Dad says to me, and I nod.

My Dad is Navajo, and my Mom was white, and the two loved each other very much, highschool sweethearts actually, but when she was pregnant with me, and as she gave birth to me, she died from her hemorrhaging to death, and Dad raised me all alone, because his parents didn't approve of mixing blood, and though I'm half Navajo, I didn't actually get the tan skin, more or less I have pale as snow skin, and you can see my blue veins easily.
I'm technically whiter than my Mom if possible.
My pale complexion my Dad says is from my mother's side.

I finish eating up my toaster blueberry waffles, and drank the rest of my coffee down, and tell Dad.
"I'm ready."

"Let's go."
He grabbed his keys from the key hanger by the door, and I follow him out the door, and I lock the house behind us.

I get into the passenger side; and he the driver's side, and I buckle in, and so does he, and he soon turned his Honda CR-V's engine over, and pulled out of our driveway, him driving towards the direction of Epsarda, the town we will be going to reach Quantum High School, and the sign after awhile popped up of Epsarda, the town, saying it was about twenty miles away, so it will take awhile to get there, so Dad turned on the radio, on the 1980's rock station, and this morning the hosts were talking about random things, so we listened to them talk.

"I hope you like this school, and please try not to get kicked out this time, okay honey."
Dad says to me.

"I'll try Dad."
I say to him, me watching the big pine trees of the forests pass by us along the old cement road leading to Epsarda, and I sigh, as I noticed the sun was coming up over the trees, the trees basking in pinks and purples.

"I hope you make friends too."
Dad says to me.

"Doubt it."
I tell him.

"Oh I think you will."
Dad smiled in my direction.
"It's a new semester."

"Dad I'm the new girl and the new shiny toy for bullies, so I doubt I'll make friends, cause how I dress in all black."
I tell him.

Dad sighs at me.
"You're so negative."

"Well do you blame me Dad?
I've been bullied all my life, and when I even fight back, I get kicked out of schools!"
I retort sassily back at him.

"Krystal; don't give me lip now!
I know you don't like changing schools, or dealing with the outcome of bullies, but you need to at least try to be happy.
All I care about is your happiness, nothing more, nothing less."
Dad replied to me, as the sign was coming up to us of the Epsarda town line.

"I can't promise you anything Dad."
I replied to him, and he drove down the main street of the town, which had many restaurants, and shops along it.

Dad turned left down a gravel road, and it was quite bumpy, making my big breasts bounce alot, and I saw a building at the end of the road, a building that looked like a plantation mansion, with a mix of a victorian styled mansion, and I've never seen a school like that before, but the sign of the place said Quantum High School, the sign wasn't even electric, only wooden.

There was kids I noticed all around the front of the school, and cars lined in a dirt parking area off to the left, and Dad pulled into the dirt parking lot, and found him a spot, and parked, him looking to me.
"At least try to have a good day, okay."

I grab my bookbag from the back seat, and tell him.
As I get out, and shut the door.

He rolled down the passenger side window and said.
"Love you."

I look back at him, and wave silently as he pulled out of his parking spot, and left down the gravel road, which I watched him go on the grass lawn.

I then look up at the weird plantation mansion mixed with a victorian styled mansion, and I sigh dreadful sigh, that meant I am pretty much dreading today.
"Let's get this over with."
I mutter to myself.


To be continued.....

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