First Day

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Here's the next chapter......


This place was a maze; truly it was, and it was easy for me to get lost, as I roamed the hallways, the hallways which were made of cedar wood, and many paintings were upon the walls of this school, like 17th century paintings.
This place was amazing, and I noticed as I walk along the halls, that there were students hanging out in the hallways I'm going further down, and once I walked by them, their eyes stared at me, stared at me in hunger, which I felt my skin crawl, because that's how the bullies in my other school looked at me, with lustful hunger.

I quickly scurry down the hall, until I heard a growling noise behind me, that made me stop, as I heard an Asian heavy accent say behind me.
"You are a morsel."
I felt a hot breath hit my neck, and I turn around quickly, and I go wide eyed at the Asian hotty in front of me; he had dyed pink blonde hair highlights, and he did have black in his hair, as well as he had gaping punk black piercings on his ears, a septum piercing on his nose, and two ring bottom lip piercings.
He wore gray jeans with holes at the knees, black ankle high converse shoes, and had tattoos on his left arm, the tattoos were tribal and floral tattoos mixed together, and I recognized was a pink rose on the top of his hand, where his veins are.
He wore a black shirt, and a black leather jacket as well.

Me; I have a red Medusa tattoo on my right inner thigh, which years later I got, right after I was molested by an old as fuck priest.
That was the only tattoo I had, because it symbolizes that I am a victim of sexual assault, child sexual assault.
My Dad literally beat the shit out of the priest when he found out, and then was jailed, until my aunt Mila bailed him out.

My heart raced as he eyed me up and down with his dark brown eyes.
"Does it speak?"
He smirked at me, him teasing me it seemed, making his bottom lip piercings move along with his bottom lip.

I take a step back, because I know that look, it was the look the old as sun priest when I was six years old gave me, a look of lust, and extreme hunger.
My heart beat was racing, because the post traumatic stress I had from my molestation, hit me like a heavy ass brick.
He licked his bottom lip in hunger.
"Seriously you smell awesome."
He grabbed my arm, and shoved me against the nearest wall, and I shiver when he leans into my neck, and sniffed my neck, and he lets out a growl, and pulls away from me.
"Like milk and honey."
He slammed his hand by my head, making me flinch.

What happened to hello?
Why did this guy start harassing me like this?
And why do I kinda like it?
No I shouldn't like it!

"Bai Qinlun!
What the hell are you doing?!"
I heard a female voice shout, and I look over this boy's shoulder, to see a woman in a gray suit, and gray skirt, as well as black heels, her wearing glasses, and her hair done up in a messy bun, she looked like one of those teachers like in anime or manga that are hella strict.

The Asian hotty in front of me sighs in an annoyed fashion.
"Bonbon it is very tiring when you interrupt my meals."

I squeak out, as he turned to face her.

The woman he called Bonbon looked at me.
"And more or less you're harassing the new student!"
She ignored him sassing her.
"Go elsewhere Bai Qinlun!
I am in charge of showing the new student here around!
I was looking for her!"

Bai Qinlun did a Tch and looked to me, him saying to me.
"Later pookie."
He then walked away down the hall to the right.

I tilt my head in confusion as the woman walked up to me.

"I'm so sorry about that.
Any new student that comes here; Bai Qinlun tends to ruffle their feathers.
I'm Cancer Bon."
She holds out her hand to shake and I shake her hand.

"Are you really named Cancer?"
I ask her.

"Unfortunately yes.
I was named after the zodiac Cancer."
She says to me.

"Why did that boy call you Bonbon?"
I ask her, me confused why he called her that.

"Bai Qinlun always mocks people with unwanted nicknames, but I never heard him call someone pookie before, so you must be special in his eyes."
She says rather cheerfully to me as she pushes her glasses up with her middle finger.
"Now I must show you around the school, so you know where to go for classes."

Was all I could say, because I'm overwhelmed with that Bai Qinlun guy harassing me the way he did, so I followed Miss Cancer around, her showing me around this maze of of a big school.

This school also had dorms for certain kids to stay in, though I didn't have a dorm, I was told by her to be careful, because I'm the first human to come to this school, which confused me by what she said, so I pushed that aside.
Whether it be a classroom, hallway, or even the sports room, or pool room, this school had tons of antique paintings and furniture from the victorian era as well.
The school's interior was absolutely stunning to say the least.
The pool room, which had a swimming pool, that was made of cream colored marble, and it had tons of students already swimming around, technically Miss Cancer said only the swim team can swim in this pool, or those who want to take swimming lessons.

"Bai Qinlun is apart of the swim team."
Miss Cancer tells me as we left the pool room, and I get flustered, because I truly wondered what Bai Qinlun looked like in only in swim trunks, making me wonder what he looked like without a shirt as well, and damn was I perverted right now!

I then shook my head, me trying to get my mind out of the gutter, as Miss Cancer says to me.
"I have your schedule, so your first class is on Procreation Education."
She hands me a paper.

"Procreation Education?"
I ask her, me confused.

"That is what we call sexual education in this school.
I know it's strange, but the headmaster named it."
Miss Cancer says to me.
"If you need me, have a teacher get me, so that I can answer any questions later that you have.
It's my job you know."
She stopped walking in front of a class that had a sign say above it Room 2B.
"I'll see you then."
She waved to me and walked away.

I look to the door of the classroom, and I sighed a sigh that meant I dreaded this class wholeheartedly, because it will be about sex, which was gross, and I knock on the door, which opened to a man with dark hair, who looked Native like my Dad, who had his long hair tied into a ponytail over his shoulder upon his dark suit, and he had a gray tie, who looked down at me.
He wore glasses, and had hazel golden eyes, and he looked really handsome in my opinion, however he looked to be in his late forties, or I could be wrong.
"You must be the new student Krystal?
Come on in.
Only you have come to class early."
He says to me, him stepping aside, and motioned his hand towards many seats that where on wooden bleachers, with cushions on the seats, that also had desks, like in colleges.

I walk into the room, which smelled of white sage inscents, which to me smelled really nice.
"Take a seat and wait for class to begin."
He tells me.
"My name is Racing Wind."

"Nice to meet you."
I tell him as I sat in the second row, setting my bag upon the floor.

"Do you perhaps have Native in you Krystal?"
Racing Wind asked me.

"Yes; my Dad is Navajo."
I tell him.

"I am from the Fox Tribe.
That tribe is from around Oklahoma and around Kansas as well."
Racing Wind tells me, him smiling warmly at me.

I ask him, me intrigued by what he told me.

Racing Wind tells me.

"I'm much paler because I took after my mother's skin tone."
I tell Racing Wind.

Racing Wind nods to me.
"I understand.
Not all mixed children become tan."

"That's what Dad says too.
He also says I look exactly like my Mom.
I never met her."
I tell Racing Wind.
"It's nice to meet another Native."

"There are many people here of all ethnic backgrounds."
Racing Wind tells me, and I tilt my head in confusion.
"This school is a special school is all I will tell you."

"What do you mean a special school?
You mean for delinquents?"
I asked Racing Wind.

"Sadly no; but you will find out soon."
Racing Wind tells me as he took a dry eraser pen, and wrote upon the white board his name.

That was weird.
Even Miss Cancer said some weird shit too.
Saying I'm the only human in this school, so I thought she was just looney.
I best keep my guard up for weird talk like this in the future, however it was nice to meet another who is Native like me.
Dad's real name was Saint.
Yeah after a word meaning a holy person.
Apparently his mother named him that, and even he doesn't know why.
I guess I will find out what else is in store for me in this school.


To be continued.........

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