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Krish ignored Tara and without thinking said," Yes mom but I am also having problem in controlling my emotions..my anger. I am not the same since that night. I am changed. I am not human anymore. I have become a"

Tara cut him in between and said," Teenage whinny girl, who only wants all attention on her. Stop it Krish. Just think before saying anything."

She glared at him.

Mother," What are you saying Tara? Why to think to express his feelings to us? We are his family."

Tara," I didn't meant that mom. I mean to say think before crying unecessarily. So, what Krish is Sona is busy and not able to spend time or so what if dad scolds? You are big boy now. Stop crying on petty things and think about the big. About the main big problem. How to handle the most terrifying issue of yours? You don't have to sit and cry for a girl or get scolded by dad. You have bigger problems."

Krish's mind went blank after her scolding," About what?"

Tara," Arrghhh! I want to bang your head in a wall. Mom tell him not to forgot that he's a werewolf and need to control his powers and anger rather than crying."

Krish shockingly asked," Mom! You know I am werewolf?"

Tara," Of couse my sweet little sister. The way you throw your tantrums is enough to understand that you are similar.

(After watching his shocked face for 5 seconds) Arggh! Mom why is he so dumb? Why can't he understand I was comparing him with a wolf because of his behaviourand not calling him for real? There are no such things as werewolf Krish and you know that. It's all a fantasy. There is no need to spread fake fantasies here and there to make people worried. Are you understanding what I am saying?"

(No Tara... He is not understanding anything. He didn't understand that you intensionally called him werewolf so that your mother thinks she's only calling to mock you or tease you and for the other reason too, tto remind you to not to tell the truth. Its not the right time according to her as you don't have control and can scare and harm others.)

Krish," I am not lying about anything. I am telling the truth."

Tara," Oh god!🙄 You thickhead "

Mother interrupted," Enough Tara! Out!"

Tara," But"

Mother," Out!"

Tara," Okay I am going. But remember Krish if you didn't sorted your emotions till tomorrow I am gonna tie you up behind mom and dad when they will go for wedding and I am gonna make Sona accompany me while I tie you. She will help me for sure. And mom and dad are going to stay there for a night. They will not listen your growls and come to open you up.😏"

Their mother glared at her," You will not do that or anything similar. I am listening to you from so long. What's wrong with you? He's your little brother. You can be little sensitive with him when he's not feeling well. I will talk with your father and you will come with us. We everytime agree to leave you both here as you both throw tantrums to go to functions like these, I don't know why. But not this time."

Tara," Okay! Boring function will be better then hearing is growls and wails.🙄"

She walked out.

Mother," What's wrong with her?"

Krish," Mum! "

She calmed him by her sweet talks and he slept in her lap.

Sona returns after an hour. She was feeling bad as she couldn't go with Krish. She's always busy like that past some days she is not able to give Krish time and she's guilty for that too. She knows what he is going through but couldn't help she got extra responsibilities.

She went to his house to apologize but found out that he's sleeping. She returned to her home feeling bad.

She said to herself," Tomorrow morning first I will talk with Krish and then do something else. Go to hell stupid event or competition whatever. It's taking my time way too much. I have to be with Krish tomorrow whole day. I will not leave him alone."

Krish was in a deep sleep so his parents didn't wake him and let him sleep in their room. Although his mother didn't wanted him to sleep without eating dinner but she couldn't wake him up.

Tara made some comments like little girl, mumma's small angel etc so that they woke him up and send him back to his room as he can turn into wolf at late night but she only got scolded. They didn't do as she advised. She also got an ultimatum to start behaving nicely with her brother or else she will get punished from now on. She made a face and went to her room.

It was mid night...

Krish started feeling uneasy during sleep. He was sweating, growling and grunting a little in his throat. He started twisting and turning in bed.

His mother wake up due to the movements beside her and saw Krish struggling.

She shaked him and called his name to wake him up," Krish! Krish! What happening with you?"

She waked up Krish's father.

Father," What happened? It's midnight. Let me sleep."

Mother," It's not the time sleep like dead. See what's happening to Krish."

His father switched on the lights.

Krish's sweating, twisting and whimpering increased.

His father also shaked him," Krish..Krish... What's wrong? Are you in some pain?"

His mother," Wake up son! Tell us what are you feeling? Anand bring thermometer."

He came back with thermometer but Krish was not still. He was moving and rolling a little in bed. How could they put thermometer in his mouth?

Both of them again shaked him together and Krish woke up with a jerk while growling. He was in a pre state of turning.. meaning he's about to go the physical changes.

Krish growled," Aarrghhh!"

His face was down that's why they didn't saw his eyes and his hands were in blanket that's why they didn't saw growing nails.

His mother put hand on his cheek to make him look up but he closed his eyes.

Mother," Krish? What's happening with you? Where is it paining?"

Krish hugged her and opened his eyes while in hug. His eyes were yellow which his parents didn't saw. His hands which were on his mother's back were growing nails.

When he realised this he panicked and hold her more tightly.

His father patted his back lightly and roam his hand there to soothe him down," Tell us what's happening son?"

Mother," Yes Krish? Was it a bad dream? Or pain somewhere? How will we know if you don't tell us?"

Krish shut his eyes tightly and tried to calm down himself. He took some deep breath and try not to think anything. His mother's embrace had calmed him down somewhat but still his heart was beating fastly. He can again start turning. Sona's face came in front of him, if she was with him the she could have handled everything.

He calmed down with warmth of mother's embrace and love and with thought of Sona.

His mother separated him from her to see his face.

Mother," Krish tell us son.. say something?"

Father," Yes tell us how are you feeling? What was that some minutes ago? It was like you were in pain? Or nightmare?"

Krish," I..I was turning into a werewolf. Ch..cha..changes were going on in my body that's why I..I was feeling un..uneasy and pain."

His father," What? Werewolf?"

Krish," I..I got bitten by a wolf in jungle and then"

His mother," Tara! 😠"

His father," What? What has she done now?"

His mother," She was calling him werewolf before he slept and he slept thinking same. That's why he got a nightmare like this."

His father," What? She called him a werewolf?😧🤨🙄 How can she think something like that?"

His mother," Not only this but many other things too."

Krish,"  No..no! It's not because of her. She said the truth. I..I am a werewolf. I didn't told you before because I was scared. I..I am a werewolf. Wait I will show you."

He closed his eyes and again opened them," See my eyes are yellow..like a predator. Wait..you both didn't got scared. Why?"

His mother," Your eyes are perfectly fine. Brownish black... Yes they are little red right now but not yellow predator one.😐"

Krish," What? No..no..no Some time ago I didn't had control and now it's not changing. Wait! I can show you something else."

He waved his hand in air to make his nails grow but they didn't came out.

Krish," Wait! My nails grow longer and will be sharp like a knife. I have some problem in controlling my power but they will come. See..."

His parents looked at each other.

His father," Tara is in trouble."

His mother," In big one."

Krish," I am not lying."

Father," We are not saying you are lying."

Mother," We understand you are telling same as you saw in dream."

Krish shouted," No! It was not a dream. Only one way is left to prove. The healing power."

Mother asked confused," What?"

Father," Go to sleep son. You need rest."

Krish," No! You are not believing me. I am not lying. I can prove by cutting my finger and it will heal."

Mother," Stop it Krish. Lie down. Anand bring a tablet for fever."

Krish," I am not lying. It'ss not a dream. I"

He jumped down from bed and started looking for something sharp and pointy but his father came back and hold his shoulder," Calm down... We will talk about this tomorrow. Take this medicine and go back to sleep."

They make him sleep with difficulty.

Father," He has never took Tara this much seriously then why now?"

Mother," He has never took her seriously because she has always said things playfully but today she shouted on him and he was already not feeling well from evening. I think that's why he took her talks to his heart."

Father," This girl! What to do with her. She's good with everyone except him."

Mother," We will talk with her tomorrow. She need to take things seriously. Krish has never got dream which felt this real to him."

Father," Don't worry... He will be fine in morning."


That's all for now.

Finally Krish told his parents but they didn't believed him.

Was Krish right on his part or the timing he chose was wrong?

Now what will happen with him and Tara and how will Sona persuade him?

In next part you all will finally get full moon. What are your expectations for that?

But do you guys know Krish and Sona are little disappointed with you all. They say you guys are not liking them much and if you are liking and loving them then why you all don't show it? They are asking why they get low reviews?

Share your views in comments and don't forget to vote.


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