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Next morning

Krish's parents let him sleep till late and Sona also woke up late as last night she read that wolf's book.

Last night when she couldn't meet Krish she felt very sad and little guilty too. Then she thought to read some book to change her mind and mood and then she remembered that book.

She could only read the origin & history part and before she could reach their nature she slept as she was very tired. At first she thought to read nature's part first as nature can help in controlling Krish's powers but then she thought skipping 2 main parts of book may leave some important points.

She decide not to attend college today.

At Krish's house...

He was sleeping and his parents were whispering so that his sleep doesn't get disturbed.

His mother," I don't think we should leave him alone tonight. He's not fine."

His father," I know... I too don't want to leave him here and go but you know it's my boss's daughter's wedding and it's important to go or else he will feel I intentionally didn't attend and will hold a grudge against me forever. We can take him with us."

His mother," He will never agree and he's not well then how can he attend a function?"

His father," Yes you are right. Let him wake up and see how he's feeling and we will decide in evening."

Tara was also sitting there sulking as she got a nice scolding and she was not wrong at her place. She was trying to help her brother but their parents don't know this. She thought to break her silence as tonight can be dangerous if Krish was not left at home.

Tara," I think"

Father," We have not asked you.*

Tara," Now no one will ask me anything? What I think is we should"

She was interrupted by her mother," Slowly! He's sleeping."

Tara," Sorry! But I thought you guys are also talking here so... If his sleep was that light we could have talked outside."

Mother," It will be better if you sit quietely."

Doorbell rang and they send Tara to see who was there. It was Sona.

Sona," Hello! Is Krish home?"

Tara replied grumpily," Where would his highness go this early?"

Sona," Woahh! What happened? Are you fine?"

Tara snapped," No! I am not fine. I can never be fine. How can I? I am never in my right mind that's why I hurt everyone intentionally right? I am responsible for everything. I am the bad person..typical vamp. So, it will be better for everyone to stay away from me.😠🥺"

Sona got shocked. She hugged Tara.

Sona," Calm down darling. Calm down... Let's sit and talk."

Tara," There is nothing to talk."

Sona made her sit and gave her water.

Sona," Now relax and tell me what happened?"

Tara told Sona everything that has happened since yesterday evening. How Krish was feeling low and how she tried to help and tried to explain him but got blamed instead. How she got scolded in the morning.

Tara," Everybody thinks I only care about myself and don't understand my brother, I am insensitive but do anyone understand me?
I always try to explain him things and take care of him but I always get blamed for things he do and get a tag that I am bad.

Yesterday he was not thinking straight. He was about tell mom and it's not the right time, she wouldn't have believed him. He don't have control over his power. He's slowly improving in turning back into human from wolf but not the other way. He cannot turn into wolf from human when he desires and whenever he turns he not always get to control himself. I know how it feels to hide things from mom and dad but how to make them believe?
You know he tried to tell us on the first day itself when he got bitten. But everyone thought he's lying because his wounds got healed and there was no proof. Nothing of this sounds real.
And yesterday I intentionally called him werewolf to remind him but that dumbo didn't understood. You yourself have told me about his feelings leading to control his power. Whenever he's emotional or angry he turns. I tried to told him same but..."

Sona again hugged her.

Sona," It's fine..it's fine... Calm down. It's not your mistake. Don't be sad. You know how hard it is for him and for us too. We need to be calm. They are your parents. They get worried for you both that's why they scold. They only want good for you. Try to think from their perspective and and from Krish's too. How hard it is for him. You felt like this then think how he must be feeling."

Tara," I know..I know... I try to help but everything goes wrong. You have to take care of him. Only you can. I always fight with him and sometimes Krish and I can't stand each other but he is my brother and I do care for him and love him. Help him Sona..help him. He became this much restless because you were not with him yesterday. He needs you."

Sona," I know was not there for him past some days and I really feel bad you know. But from now I will not leave him. I promise.
Now smile... Tara Malhotra looks good while smiling and smirking only. Not sad..sad..."

Tara smiled...

Sona," Now give me an evil and naughty smirk.😜"

Tara laughed and then smirked," You have consoled me darling but how will you persuade your little boyfriend?😏"

Sona," Well! I will try my best."

Tara," Let's see...😏"

Sona," It's good to see old Tara back.🤭"

Tara," He's in mom and dad's room. All the best. "

Tara went back to her room. Sona went to Krish's parent's room.

He had just woken up and rubbing his eyes. His parents were looking at him with concern.

She knocked the door," Have I come at wrong time?"

Krish looked at her for a second then turned his face.

His father," No..no... Come child."

She entered inside.

Krish," Good morning mom dad. Don't worry... I am fine now."

His mother," You scared us last night."

Father," How are you feeling now?"

Krish," I am good."

Mother," Don't take your sister's talk to your heart again."

Krish," Never! It's not her fault. What I said was"

His father interrupted," A dream... We know. Let's not talk about that."

His mother," Don't think about that again."

His father," I have to go for some important work. You talk with Sona and your mother will bring breakfast for you both."

His father went out.

Mother," Get fresh Krish... Sona take him to his room and I will bring your breakfast there."

Krish," I have feet. I can go myself."

His mother," All the best Sona."

Krish," What? Why?"

His mother went out without answering.

Sona said sweetly," Krishu!"

Krish," Who are you?"

He got down from his bed and started to walk towards his room and Sona followed him.

Sona," Haww! You don't know me?"

He didn't answered and entered his room and closed it lightly. She opened the door and entered.

Sona," Wow! Your manners are so nice. You closed the door on girl's face. Very good!👏"

He went to bathroom and locked it from inside.

She sat on his bed and waited for him.

She thinks," What to do? How make him forget his anger? Will my simple apology work? Or do I have to do something out of the box? Something which is not like me? Let's try something else."

He comes out from bathroom in his undergarments while rubbing his hairs with towel.

Suddenly he heard a whistle. He shockingly turned towards Sona. She waved her phone and acted like she blowed a whistle. In actual she don't know how to whistle so, she played a music in her phone. Then she gave a sheepish smile.

Krish shaked his head and whispered," Can't even flirt properly."

Sona," I heard that."

Krish," Ok..."

Sona," Ok?? Only ok?"

Krish," What else should I say?"

Sona," I am sorry Krish. I wanted to go out with you yesterday but I had to go to college. But today I will spend my whole day with you."

Krish," Oh wow! This big sacrifice for me. I am greatful.😒"

Sona," Krish!🥺 Don't say like that. I am really feeling bad. I didn't ignored you intentionally. I too missed you so much. I am sorry. I have taken my name back and said I will not look at preparations or take part from now on. Please talk to me... Please..."

Krish," Sona there is no need to back out because of me."

Sona hugged him," No! If it is coming between us then no and besides I myself was also not feeling comfortable. That's not me. I don't like all that. I cannot manage those things and it's really a headache.
You are also not with me there, to handle me so no. And you were also feeling"

She didn't complete as she got cut in between by Krish. He kissed her in between making her go in shock..shock... She hold his shoulder so that she didn't fall as her mind stopped working.

After some seconds...

Krish," Ssshh! It's fine... Don't worry... I am fine and you were doing great. All these games and events happens like this only. It gives stress. Don't back out."

After some more seconds she came back to reality and registered what he said.

Sona," Umm..I.."

Krish back a little," I am sorry I kissed you without taking permission before. At that moment I just.. If you felt bad then"

Sona," No..no... It's fine... It was fine. I was just surprised. I didn't felt bad. You can do that anytime you want. I..I myself could have never dared to...

Well..umm about that college event I am really not liking all that. I can't do that anymore. And I can step back now. I was asked I have to participate and I did. I did arranged for some things."

Krish," But they will not give marks for assignment"

Sona," They can't do that. Rules says all students must be assessed in a similar way and if everyone are getting 80% marks from written exams and 20%  from assignments then I will get too. They were just saying to..I don't know why? And I have done what they have asked. I have stepped out from my comfort level and I can't do that anymore."

Krish," But the Sona I know never steps back and never accept a failure."

Sona," This is not a failure and I know I tried something out from my limits and I am proud I could this far. But not anymore."

Krish," Alright! I am with you and the thing that matters is fun. If you don't have fun in doing something and are not comfortable then don't do it for others."

Sona," Thank you! You are not angry anymore with me right?"

Krish," No! I am not... I never get angry with you but today... I don't know. I am feeling like a other person. Till yesterday I was just sad and not angry and today I felt anger on you for not coming and then after that when you said all that with that much cute expressions I couldn't control and kissed you."

Sona," It's because todaydy is the day. You are trying so hard to be in control and not change by any chance and that's what making you feel like that. I know you know that if you changed then you will not be able to control and change back.
You need to try to control your anger Krish. Think about being calm and not about not to turn.

You know yesterday I was reading a book on werewolves. It has everything about their history and origin. I couldn't reach at the nature part but so far what I have understood is you need to be calm and don't take rapid decisions or act at the moment on anything.

In that book I didn't encounter any specific way by which werewolves turns. They turns whenever they want and think...naturally within seconds when a sudden situations came like unannounced war etc."

Krish," I didn't understand a single line you said. What are you talking?"

Sona," Idiot!"

Krish," What?"

Sona," Nothing! I was just telling about the book I have read. You read that yourself and you will understand."

Krish," Boring! You reading that is enough."

Time goes by and whole day Krish behaved fine. Sona stayed at Krish's house only.

It was evening time...

Krish and Sona were playing a video game.

Sona's phone beeped and she stopped in between to look.

Krish," What happened?"

Sona," It's a message from Jai."

Krish," What does he want now?🙄"

Sona," It says: You didn't came college today so I came to your house to meet you. Open the door I am outside."

Krish," What?😠"

They looked out from window and saw him outside Sona's house.

Krish," Attend college or take leave is your decision. Who is he to inquire? I will not leave him today.😡"

Krish went out angrily.

Sona," No Krish stop!"

She followed him and saw him angrily approaching Jai.

Jai also became stiff seeing him and glared Krish angrily.

Krish," What are you doing here?"

Jai," It's none of your business."

Krish," It is my business when you are standing in front of my house."

Jai," I am standing in front of Sona's house, not yours."

Krish," But it's my house front too and I don't want any dirt in front of my house."

Jai," Believe me I have purchased a tub of sanitizer to bath after I return from here. I like myself to be clean and pure."

Sona," Stop it both of you. Jai what are you doing here?"

Jai," I want to talk. Everything was going great then why you stepped out from event?"

Sona," I don't feel to continue further."

Jai," Why? Because if this insecure cockroach?"

Krish," Jai!😡"

Sona," Mind your words Jai. Don't call him that."

Krish," Sona sweetie this little lizard will not understand anything. Let's go back inside."

Sona sensed Krish is trying so hard to control his anger and he can any second blast on Jai and can turn. So, she hold his hand and turned to go inside. She can talk with Jai later but now Krish was important.

Jai," You have given your contol in his hand. Are you a remote control robot? You will do whatever he says? Don't you have your own mind to decide what's right or what's wrong?"

Krish," Stay in your limit Jai and go back."

Jai stepped forward," No, I won't. What will you do? You can't do anything."

Krish," Don't test me."

Jai," You score zero in every test. It will be a waste."

Krish," As if you get 200 out of 100 everytime."

Soon their verbal fight turned into physical fight.

They had a pretty bad fight. Sona tried to separate them but failed to do so. Everyone gathered around them.

Sona saw Krish's anger and the force by which he was hitting him increase. He was turning. His eyes changed which no one noticed. His nails were also increasing but his hands were in a fist, nails got pierced into his palms, blood was oozing out. His hairs also start increasing. Sona got shocked and put hand on her mouth in shock.

She shouted very loudly," Krishh!"

Her shout made both the boys shocked and they stopped to look at her.

Because of her shout Krish's parents and Sona's parents also came out.

Sona ran to Krish and hold his wrist," Stop it! Calm down..."

He closed his eyes.

Jai," Got afraid this early?"

Sona slapped Jai," Shut up and get lost."

Jai," This has not end."

He went from there.

Krish's father," What's happening here? Krish!"

His mother," Oh my god! Krish!"

Sona's father," What is going on Sona?"

Krish's father," We asked you something Krish? What kind of behaviour was that?"

Krish," He said things for Sona..bad ones."

Krish's father," So you turned into a rowdy gangster?"

Sona father," You can't listen anything for Sona is good but you could have handled in a more civilized manner. You could have got hurt badly."

Sona noticed Krish's changing expressions. He was again changing and it was almost night. He will not be able to hold anymore.

Sona," Can we go inside?"

Her father," Yes that will be fine."

She was about to go to Krish but her mother stopped her and said that his parents might need private time with him to talk. She returned her home but was very restless.

Krish went straight into his room and locked it from inside.

Growl escaped from his mouth and he broke a vase and few other things to suppress his voice. His parents were outside his room, banging the door.

His father," Come out Krish! We need to have a serious talk. What you did is not acceptable."

Krish," Go away!"

Tara," Dad open the door from key."

Father," No! He need to come out himself and face us and accept his mistake."

Mother," Krish come out son."

They banged the door for long and then went back after locking his room from outside.

His father," You don't want to come out right? Then stay locked in your room without food and water till we come back. This is your punishment. We will lock house from outside and Sona will  not be able to come and open you."


That's all for now. Do you liked it?

This part was little longer then my usual.

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