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The day doesn't come sooner. Dark grey clouds chock full with rain, thunder cracking in the far distance as I stand in the entrance of the large hall. The towering twin doors are open a crack, just enough for a person the size of a bulldozer to comfortably walk in.

The wind whirls from the outside, icy spray hitting me smack in the face while goose bumps erupt onto my skin.

I wish that was solely because of the cold frost and not what awaits me within a few hours' time.

The sun isn't out yet, daybreak faltering from the covering of clouds above. Wrapping my arms around myself, I wait for my Familiar to wander back inside.

The entire night I laid awake, almost anxious about the day ahead. Not sure how this would go.

I had a good thing going here. I was living in a nice place, much better than what I was living in before. My little run down shack leaving nothing to be desired. The mere thought has me sighing in dismay, unsure of where to go from here.

My rampant thoughts followed by my Familiar having the zoomies in the dead of night didn't really help with my lack of sleep. Now here I am, standing next to the front entrance while my pet fox goes to take a potty outside.

My subdued senses are numb to the cold, my arms wrapping around myself as I bask in the sprays of water splashing onto my face.

"Are you stalking me?" My tone is teasing but even the dust mites in the air can hear the hopeful lilt in my voice.

Much to my embarrassment.

The shadow at the end of the hall moves, surprised that I've called it out.

I usually wouldn't but I'm always intrinsically aware whenever a certain someone is in the near vicinity.

"I'm sure you would like that."

Whipping around, a giant grin stretches across my face as I narrow my eyes to pinpoint the perpetrator.

"I must look ravishing in the moonlight. Not only are you acknowledging me but did you just crack a joke, Mr. Wolf Man?"

Mr. Wolf Man doesn't take too kindly to his new nickname, instead he retreats a few steps.

"Don't be scared. I don't bite, normally. Although I can make an exception for a cutie like you."

The silence I'm met with is enough for me to gain on him, using the advantage to approach him after what must probably stunned him.

I don't think the revered assassin and right hand man of the King has been called a cutie before.
I stop a few steps away from him, the both of us in an eerie glow from candles lit around us and bouts of flashing thunder. The man makes it a point not to move any further, keeping up a stoic façade when all I want to do is reach up and pinch his cheeks.

His usual cloak flutters around him like a second skin, the hood pulled down. Unfortunately, his face is covered from view. A darned scrap of cloth covering his mouth and nose. The only visible part being his dark eyes peering deep into my soul.

I wonder if he can peer even lower.

"Why are you awake?" The tone leaves no room for argument and my suspicions grow deeper.

Is he here to keep an eye on me?

"I could ask you the same thing."

The intense urge to reach up and touch him overcomes me, every fiber in my being pulsing with the thought of running my palm over the side of his cheek or splaying my fingers over his threads of hair but I stop myself.

It's rather difficult to keep myself back, trying to tell my heart and soul that I need to give the man space but also trying to reel him in.

Biting my cheek, I take a step before turning around, flourishing my hand towards the open door.

"Should we make our way to the forest. I'm sure the rest will be rousing soon and I'd like to have a head start. Enjoy the peace and quiet."

Liar. You want to spend time with him alone and not surrounding by a gaggle of people.

Wolf man makes no inclination of wanting to spend time with me but I take his lack of running away in the opposite direction as a good sign.

With immense effort to take the shit eating grin off my face, I head down the large hall, nearing the door that stands ajar with a few guards eyeing me cautiously.

I hope my body language conveys how my slight pause is for him to join me. To not let me traverse alone in this harsh rain. The more negative part of me cackles at my efforts, knowing he's going to chew me up and spit me out.

With one final look outside, knowing I'll be facing the elements, I glance down at my clothes. Another dress added to my collection of other dresses. This one was a white number, long and nearly touching the ground. The top of my chest could be seen due to the intricate cupping around the breasts before cinching at my waist and flowing down. It didn't have any prints or designs but was soft and something I adored.

Thankfully, I had the foresight to bring a cloak with me. Satisfaction coursing through me as I pick up the hood and cover my head with it.

Not only will I be protected from the rain but I'll also be matching with the person who is slowly following me out the door.

Rather than my usual soft shoes, black laced up boots cover my feet. The shoes uncomfortable due to the hardness of it. Especially since I love to walk around barefoot more than half the time.

The trek is quiet but my soul is at peace. The trip down the hall is pleasant even with thunder crashing around us but never too close by. Something tells me a certain King wouldn't like that happening.

The view from here is magical in itself. Although the rain tears down in sheets, a smile crosses my face as I stare at the sleeping town. It's not early enough for the humans to rise, almost as if a sleepy spell has been cast on the inhabitants. Cobbled roads and houses meshed together, a longing rising in my heart as I catch sight of a chimney with smoke billowing out.

"Are there any of our folk down there?" I question softly, still focused on the town as my Familiar trots a few feet in front of us.

No words are spoken for a moment but I glance out of the corner of my eye and see Wolf nodding his head.

"A few. But they don't often reveal themselves. Humans aren't kind towards what they consider abnormal."

"That's sad," I muse before focusing on the track to the forest.

Pleased with a response from the man, I stay silent for the rest of our walk, nearly out of breath as we pass the outskirts of the dwelling, heading past farmlands before the forest stretches out in front of us, following the road.

My Familiar makes himself comfortable, curling on top of a dry patch of moss and snoring away after releasing his bowls and filling his tummy.

Glancing into the dark forest, an eerie feeling envelopes me. One that has been residing within both me and my home for months on end.

With obvious weariness, I step one foot off of the road and into the ground of the forest, an unseen border faltering as I step through it. Paranoia and anxiety begins to creep up. My toes clenching in my boots as invisible mist curls up around my body till it settles on my throat, constricting in taunting movements as whispers fill my ears.

Forcing my eyes shut, I take deep breaths to calm and center myself, the psychological effects easy to take over the most sanest of beings. This is dark magic, far darker than can be controlled.

A sharp gasp escapes me, as if I've been dragged out of water. Stumbling back, two arms grab my shoulders, hoisting me in place as I gasp for air.

"It's dangerous to go in their unaided."

I'm not sure if my mind is still upended from the black magic or if Wolf actually does sound slightly concerned.

Before I can say anything, our visitors approach.
"Good morning. Sire. Wonderful day isn't it," I chirp as I spread my arms all around me. Acting as if I didn't have a panic attack mere moments ago

"A good a day as any to get this mess sorted." Malleus says with a nod, hands crossed in front of his chest . I glance behind him and catch sight of Queen Fie giving me a friendly smile, her cousin Ezra lurking next to the forest while my soon to be sister in law watches over him. A few other people stand behind them but I don't care about them.

"Shall we?" I ask, not really waiting for an answer before I make my way into the forest. Keeping my mind occupied and not letting the magic seep into me, we all walk into the depths of the unknown.

How spooky.

The walk wasn't hazardous and long although the puffs from some of the un-athletic wolves did raise a few eyebrows. The thick trees lessen out in their density a half hour into the trek, a clearing opening up ahead as we make our way into the midst of it. I can tell the wolves feel uneasy, eyes darting and ears twitching to catch a sign.

I focus straight ahead, already knowing my sisters are here already.

I'm surprised to see a man I've seen a few times during my life in the forest. The older man with grey hair and a thick beard hobbling forward like Gandalf the Great.

The Keeper of the Gate to Tenebris steps forward with two of my sisters walking behind them. They're alert as ever, seeking out routes to slip out from but then stop when they catch sight of my grinning face.

"Norma. Lucy. I'm glad you could join us. I'll skip past the introductions because that's boring. Anyways, shall we?" I ask after glancing from our group and to the other group.

The two women hesitantly share a look before glancing at me and then running their vigilant eyes over the rest of us, eying our group.

Norma and Lucy are almost identical with thick brown hair and pale alabaster skin. They look more like vampires than witches with their gaunt looks but are sweethearts deep inside.

I'm taken off guard when an older woman from behind hobbles forward, stepping in front of the witches before she turns her head and smiles at me.

She's fangless!

How adorable!

The woman stretches out her arms and focuses on the two witches who take a step back but a sharp glance from Theodore has them rooted in place. It's only a brief moment where the Head Mage clamps her hands on each side of their heads, muttering something under breath which I'm positive aren't incantations. I see no glow of light nor are there gasps of pain but instead, the woman steps back and shrugs in discontent at Malleus, upset she didn't get any juicy information.

Hmm. She must be the Head Mage.

Wicked beings who use potions and physics. Pfft, Science.
The quirky woman glances back at me and nods, letting me know that it's my turn. I have no idea what I'm doing but pretend I have a clue as to what is going on. I have a very bad memory. I really should have written everything the King told me to do.

Gesturing to the rest of the wolves, I follow my sisters as we form an impromptu circle, Malleus stepping in to join us right beside me while the rest scatter.

With a deep breath, I lock eyes with my sister and let them take the lead, completely forgetting the start of the incantations. They've always known my memory isn't the best and instead of outing me there and then, they begin for me. It only takes a second for me to join them.

Ezra stands right behind me, his gaze focused on my familiar who sits perched underneath a tree, pinning us with his gaze.

The air turns dense around us, heaviness clawing at us as the magic near us fights for its life. Our words grow louder and the air resists with each chant, sending itself into a frenzy as it batters against us.

I brace myself as the wind picks up speed even more, the sounds of our incantations getting cut off by the howling of the wind and the thunder erupting in the distance. A flash of thunder lands right next to our circle, gasps leaving our little group while excitement flashes through me.

I've never been struck by lightning before.

As soon as it started, the rain and thunder comes to a stop. Silence hangs all around us as we all focus on one thing. Black wisps rise from the ground like a cold winter's day on the beach side. It's as if it has a life of its own the way it twists and curls, fighting for its life to not be taken out of what sustains the black magic.

My brows furrow as the thickness in the air continues to suffocate us. The black mist appearing as if it was getting weaker but instead gaining strength as it attacks us full throttle.

My eyes dart to my sisters, watching the way victory flashes briefly in their eyes.

"You little minx, you stabbed me in the back!" My voice is nothing short of amusement as I watch terror consume them.

Being face to face with a pack of wolves isn't the most comforting.

That's when everything it's rock bottom.

Bones snap and curl back into shape, sinew twisting while hair sprouts out of their pores in a rapid feat and that's when all hell breaks loose.

I watch in dismay as I see King Malleus not batting an eye nor bothering to shift, merely reaching forward to reach Norma out of thin air and ripping her head from off her shoulders.

I quite liked her.

Blood sprays onto me as Malleus throws her head somewhere far off, her sister turning ashen as she lets out a blood curdling scream before she lashes out. Hand raised, I barely have time to move before white hot fire that looks like pure light escapes her palm.

Only a short yelp escapes Ezra as he barely dodges the fire, the smell of singed fur permeating the clearing.

"Oh no," I tsk as I catch sight of what truly had been going on.

It's no surprise that Norma and Lucy were a distraction as the rest of my coven filters in. Eight of the remainder wander in already ready to attack. I barely get a chance to take it all in before two wolves dart in front of me, attacking the witches head on.

Queen Fie and Ezra zip past me, the latter having a head start while I purse my lips and scoot to the side.

A lot of ruddy help I can do.

"Are you alright?" A feminine voice questions as I turn to see Rui dodging a blast of fire.

"Yes, just tired," Rui pauses before nodding, launching herself at Colleen who I've never liked anyway.

Sitting down in a safe patch, I turn just in time to see the King carrying his shifted mate like some pesky dog who he dumps right beside me.

"You keep a close eye on Althea. Keir is here to keep an eye on you both," My mouth opens to protest that I most certainly do not need anyone to keep an eye on me.

That is until I realise Keir is here somewhere. How silly of me to forget.

Turning to my left, I catch sight of an equally disgruntled Kier- or so I guess since I cannot see his face again- join us. Probably annoyed that he has to babysit rather than kill.

I can tell Fie is pissed as she scratches at the ground with her claws, huffs of air leaving her as she pins her eyes to the battlefield.

"Rip their hands off! They can't let magic flow otherwise," I quip hopefully, knowing everyone can hear me.

"How are you on this fine day today?" Turning my attention to my beloved mate, I don't need a mirror to tell that my eyes are oozing love hearts.

The man looks so handsome sticking out like a sore thumb in all black.

"Duck." A deep gravelly voice speaks up from next to me, Keir's words not a reply to me which causes a frown to mar my face.

Fie and I are both slow to act, my mind barely processing Apollo and his huge wolf hurtling towards us at break neck speed. Before I can even blink, Kier raises his hand and strikes the giant animal out of our way.

I swoon internally, choosing to ignore that he's been ordered to protect the Queen.

It's a feat trying to keep my attention on which of my sisters is being brutally mauled and also the man who is my destined to be. Both my eyeballs far apart to try and focus on two things at once.

I nearly jump in my seat when Fie starts growling beside me, the sound unexpected and causing me to lurch back in case she's trying to come after me. Its only when I look at her that I realise she's focused on something at the other end of the clearing.

"Why is she alive? I thought she was dead," I'm not surprised in the slightest. My mother always was a slippery bitch.

It's clear as day that she's trying to blend in with the trees, her billowing cloak trying it's hardest to camouflage against type dark backdrop of the forest. The woman hasn't aged a day since I saw her head being ripped off of her shoulders which is saying something since she should have been a pile of flesh and bones by now.

Staring at her with such intensity, I'm not surprised when she turns her eyes calculatingly towards where I'm sitting. Her cold dead eyes focused on me before her lips twist into an expression akin to revulsion.

My expression isn't sunshine and daisies either as I slowly stand, not daring to break eye contact.

What is she up to?

Muttering under my breath, my brain in fight mode as all the incantations flood back to me. My lips move imperceptibly fast, something I'm not even in control of but that happens on their own free will.

Just as my tongue lets out another flow of Latin my tongue seizes as my throat constricts. A soft noise escapes me as air gets trapped and it feels as if my head is ready to explode on the spot. Energy leaves me in a wave as I drop to my knees, unable to do move let alone placate a whining wolf as Fie nudges me with her wet snout. My body starts to spasm and a metallic taste floods my mouth as blood fills the crevices.

My hands brace myself on the grass, the wet strands causing my grip to slip as I convulse uncontrollably. Nothing distracts me even what feels like an earthquake beneath my hands as the ground shakes violently.

Terror strikes through me at the thought of my mother having so much power but just as soon as the emotion strikes me, it's replaced by something much more powerful and unexplainable. It's as if my heart opens up at the sound of a deafening growl, the voice something that would scare me to my wits end but instead, loosening the grip that my mother had a hold on me.

Air rushes back into my lungs and I slowly sit back on my haunches, vision flooding my eyes as the growl rings through while the grass still shakes.

Did something happen to the Queen?

Looking at my left, I see the Queen equally as stunned as she glances right next to me. Catching my breath, I slowly turn to my right, the person behind the growl leaving me more breathless than when I was literally being strangled to death.

Wolf stares back at me, eyes wild and chest heaving as he controls himself mid shift.

The mate bond consuming him entirely.


AN: Woohoo! Super long chapter. I do apologise for the delay. I had this chapter done last weekend but got busy with my results and graduation, even got a kitten; so here I am now!

Also apparently I can't use Wattpad without a VPN now?
Question: What animal/insect makes your skin crawl?

Please remember to:


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