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That's how I would describe this moment in time. The roar was so loud, the ground shook underneath my fingertips as I fell onto my palms. Each breath was ragged but not with the terror I felt moments ago.

The remorse I felt at seeing my mother alive and standing... it was nothing to the sheer exhilaration and blatant happiness I currently felt.

The vibration slowly came to a halt the same way my entirety came to a standstill.

He's finally realised it!

A wide grin breaks my face into two as I clutch my hands into fists, ripping up grass in the process. With an aching slowness, I use my dramatics to turn around slowly.

This is it!

Everything I have been hoping for. We can now finally settle down and have a gaggle of kids.

The very thought excites me and I sit upright, eyes wide in shock as I whip my head around to stare at my fated.

The great Wolf stands above me, chest heaving with immense pressure. The hood on his head had slipped off in the chaos of it all, leaving his features for all to see. Dark brows were settled over piercing black eyes as his chest heaved. The entirety of his features were coated in anger as a snarl took over his face.

I can barely process what's happening as I go to speak but get knocked off course as someone barrels past me.


You'd think people would have a bit more grace on the battlefield.

I land on the palm of my hands once more, my shoulder throbbing as I grab fistfuls of dirt. The Queen barrels past me as she gets a head start on the witch that caused this all;

My Mother.

"Well that's one way to leave a lasting impression," My flirtatious ways fall on deaf ears as the growling erupts once more.

I can tell this time it's aimed at the person who knocked me over.

I wouldn't mind getting knocked up, that's for sure.

Slow steps Althea. The man will think you're crazy.


Righting myself for the second time in the span of a few moments, I slowly stand on my own two feet. My mother's magic is strong and potent. Its effects linger even now. The connection has broken off but the whispers still remain.

A soft hiss rings in my ear like a snake taunting its prey forwards with whispers of longing. Pain streaks down my throat and around the expanse of my neck almost as if death had raked his very one claws on my skin.

"Hey Althea, are you okay?"

I don't have to look towards the person to know Rui was approaching me. The concern was apparent as she stretched her arms out to give me some sort of aid.

Cold fingertips brushed against my exposed shoulders as I was pulled back into an expanse of cloth. My breathing catches in my throat as a soothing aroma envelopes me.

It doesn't take me long to realise. Kier has me clutched in his embrace, my back pressed to his front as the billows of his cloak wraps around me. It feels as if his cloak has a life of its own, the silky material doesn't fall back to mold to his body but instead shrouds mine.

Another growl leaves the person behind me, the thought of anyone touching me stimulating the wolf.

"I'm fine Rui," I can't even keep the excitement out of my voice which is probably why the woman leaves us be.

The gravity of the situation we were in failed to register in my mind. We were in the middle of the battlefield and instead of being mindful of my surroundings, I was hooked on the euphoria of his gaze lingering on me.

His possessiveness shone a new light upon me, and the expression on his face causes me to double over in a fit of giggles. As if my destiny was bound by fate, I happened to crouch low enough to hear the slight wisp of air pass my ear just in time for an arrow to fly over my head.

Strong arms hooked around me, tugging me into a firm chest. My feet dragged over scattered bodies and despite Rui's hold supporting my weight, I still managed to stumble over my own feet.

It was no secret that I was clumsy and I had a couple screws loose inside my brain. I was even beginning to live up to Aine's theory of being dropped on my head one too many times as a baby. With that thought in mind, I had the dumbest idea to ask my mom to confirm that bit of information.

I mean, she's just a couple feet away. Why waste such a marvelous opportunity?

My feet propelled me up and away before my mind could even think twice. I didn't make it more than a few steps. Kier's arms were like deadweight against my waist.

"Stop. Stay still. It's dangerous."

Kier's words were a whisper against my ear. Tingles shot down all throughout my body and I find myself slumping in his hold. I want to peer endlessly into the man's eyes but the cloak somehow snaked its way back onto its head, concealing his expression from me.

I could stay wrapped up in his arms for days.

"Are you okay?"

"Mmm," I respond dreamily to the worry in his voice.

The man was a rock, he showed no emotion whatsoever and now here he is, showing every emotion in my book.

Except for one. That's the most important emotion.

I didn't realise how much time had gone by. I stayed in Kier's arms with my knees locked as I swung freely. The man's tall stature was marvelous. I always wanted someone who was taller than me. Considering I was quite tall myself, finding someone well above six foot was more than what I wanted.

"Oh, a girl can dream. And I did!"

Kier ignored my ramblings and put me down when the King and Queen returned. They had run off after my mother but I wasn't worried. They hadn't managed to kill her. I could feel it.

The fighting had stopped now. A few witches were in chains with a scary Apollo towering over them. There were only two left. I didn't particularly like them anyways. They used to bully me terribly back in the coven.

'Off with their heads', I say.


The way the King uttered my name caused me to freeze. The arms around my waist stiffened and tightened at the low octave.

"Your mother ran away. We tried to get to her but it's like she disappeared into thin air. We'll discuss further strategies but let's get back home yeah?"

Fie tried to make her voice more polite and soothing but I could  tell the King was thoroughly ticked off.

Deftly slipping out of Kier's embrace, my eyes latch onto a snarling bulldozer coming my way. It wasn't surprising to see the person directing their gaze onto me.

I didn't want Kier getting hurt because of me.

"Apollo," The King called out sternly as the hulking man stalked over to me.

Apollo was a ball of fire. His eyes were narrowed and growls slipped past his tongue.

"The witch is a traitor! If Wolf doesn't step to the side, I'll be forced to think he's committing treason. I will kill him and then I'll kill her if need be."

A gasp escapes me at the audacity of the man. I pointedly huff while stepping behind Kier, looking over his shoulder while clasping his cloak.

On second thought, I don't mind if Kier acts as a barrier between us.

"Stand down Apollo. You know I don't like repeating myself. Althea is not a threat and neither will Kier be if you ease up."

Apollo halts on his feet, his stance is that of a conflicted man. On one hand he wants to rip my head off because I'm a traitor. On the other hand, he can't deny his King. That would mean his head would be ripped off.

"Trust me Apollo-"

It was almost indiscernible but Kier shifted his head. Two dark eyes pierced through the King, cutting the man off. The slight shake of the head was only seen by me and the King. Fie glanced my way with a worried look on her face.

A frown makes its way onto my face. An emotion lances its way through my chest. One that I desperately tried to get rid of as a child. I didn't want to spiral back into my old ways. Nor the feelings that came with them.

My grip slackens from Kier's cloak as realization sets in.

He doesn't want anyone knowing we're mates.

"Althea isn't at fault. I'm sure of it and nonetheless, we'll be taking precautions. The Head Mage will be taking the test."

I don't bother looking at the Head Mage. The woman would be thorough in her test. I just know it. I can't even be bothered to feel the anger that would usually course through me.

"What about my mother? Did you kill her?" I pipe up when I realise Malleus and Fie are walking away.

"No. She's alive. But I'm sure I can rely on you and Kier to take her out."

I nod my assent.

There was nothing else I could say.

Everyone leaves except for the Head Mage. The woman was shrewd and was less smiley around me than she was with everyone else. She seemed to love that Ezra kid but all that went away when she settled her gaze onto me.

Keir stood away from me as he scoured his surroundings. He was probably cursing me because he wasn't able to fight. Instead he had been placed on babysitting duty.

The thought dimmed my mood and I wanted nothing more than to go back to my room. I'm sure my Familiar would be more than happy being used as my squishy as I cuddled the breath out of him.

"Let's get this over with shall we, dear?"

The old woman croaked but not enough. Just a few more breaths and she'd tip over into her grave.

"Didn't you test me when I first came? Is it absolutely necessary to prod in my head again?"

The Head Mage grinned her toothless smile at me before dipping her gaze to Keir.

"A lot has changed since then and now. You can't take a step out of this forest until I clear you."

Grumbling under my breath, I kneel in front of the hobbit. The woman was frighteningly small but her grasp was strong as she held my head in a vice-like grip. It was stronger than necessary but my lips remained sealed.

She was a sick old woman.


An unbecoming sound tore past me. All my previous composure had been ripped away from me with the way she invaded my senses. The first time hadn't been relaxing but it was nothing as unpleasant as this. Everything was being stripped from me. Every cherished memory. Every feeling that swirled its way through my heart. I was being exposed to the very core and I could do nothing but take it.

Not if I didn't want to get closer to my mate. Someone who wanted nothing to do with me. That much was evident from his sheer reaction at anyone finding out we were destined for one another.

My heart grew morose at the thought.

"Enough. You know she is innocent."

That same heart was traitorous as it fluttered at Kier's voice.

The fangless bitch was brutal.

I did nothing to deserve it. My glare didn't affect her in the slightest as I shakily stood on two legs.

The Head Mage walked off without another glance back which was a good thing for her since she'd see a stray bird flying right at her.

"Let's go, shall we?"

My question wasn't one to be answered as I stalked off.

My heart cried out at the thought of leaving my mate behind but I was a woman scorned.

How dare he act as if I meant nothing to him?

He should be at my feet begging to have sex with me.

The audacity of the man to have control over his own nerves.



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