The Blind Thief

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Arguments were not one of Link's strong points, usually being on the receiving end of the loud condensing irritated yells. The feeling of shame and disappointment was always clear in Illa's tone as Link weighed heavy with blame by her usually justified anger. However, this once the Hero was not at fault, standing in the corner with the mercenary, their eyes wide in both in awkwardness and uselessness as the Gerudo King fought verbally against the Twili and Hyrulean Princess, with the Prince of Altea at their side. It had started as a civil conversation between Ganondorf and Link, walking back to the hall where they told the others of Zant's troubling confession. A look of confusion had passed on through their facial expressions before Midna made a snappish comment which had the Gerudo flinching in anger. A simple question that fell from Zelda's lips suddenly escalated into the screaming match that Link and Ike were now currently witnessing. Marth had come to Zelda's aid when Ganondorf had spat on her goddess title, Midna swiftly and ignorantly insulting the desert King in return.

Link and Ike had been pushed to the side sometime before, glancing at one another in concern before they decided to address the fighting monarch's.

"Hey," Ike called out, blinking a little in disbelief as they completely ignored him, throwing consistent criticism between them before Ike cleared his throat and tried again, this time a little forceful. "HEY!"

Ike rose a brow in contempt as all four heads snapped in his direction, glaring holes through his body.

"This won't get us anywhere," Ike scowled at them as he folded his arms. "Instead of arguing we should be figuring out how we're going to remove this curse."

"Well according to Mr. Psycho and his 'God', no one can remove it." Midna scoffed in disbelief, her deadly sneer aimed at Ganondorf who narrowed his eyes, golden hues burning in fury.

"But Zant's magic is your magic, surely you can reverse it," Ike spoke to the Gerudo who gave the mercenary his attention after he determined Midna was no longer worth his energy. Link's cursed skin caught Ganondorf's eye from behind Ike and he lightened somewhat, gazing into the blackened hues of the Hero in concern. The desert King watched the curse pulse from the boy's pupil, across his jaw and down his neck before disappearing beneath the Hero's garbs. The curse was worsening and Ganondorf knew if Link transformed again he might be lost to them forever.

"I will need some time, but I will determine whether the curse can be removed," Ganondorf announced, determined to see the bright blue eyes of the Hyrulean Hero gazing out into the world in wonder once again. Link seemed to brighten at the Gerudo's words, not only thankful for Ike putting a stop to their argument but knowing Ganondorf wasn't giving in to the curses unyielding affliction.

"Do you need help?" Link spoke up coming to Ike's side, about to offer his services when Zelda cut in and spoke for him.

"Midna would be the best at giving you assistance since your magic's are the most similar to one another," Zelda spoke with little to no argument to her tone, folding her arms to finalize her judgment. The Twili Princess and the Gerudo King had looked at her in horror and offense, daring to think their magic was anything like the other. They shared a heated glare before they both decided to be the bigger man in the situation and unwillingly agree to offer and accept the help given.

After the small feast, Midna had prepared for her guests Ganondorf found himself once again in the Hyrulean Hero's company. The Twili Princess had accompanied the desert King to his allocated room, spending a few hours bickering lightly as they studied before she left in a huff hours before. Ganondorf was reveling in the silence Midna's departure had brought when the soft knock on the door had the Gerudo calling out. Ganondorf placed his research down in pleasant surprise as the Hyrulean Hero appeared from behind the door.

"Link? What can I do for you?" Ganondorf asked turning back to the seven or so opened books in front of him, attempting to hide his contentment.

"Nothing, I just thought you could use the company." Link commented settling down in the seat Midna had pushed over and grabbed one of the closed books the Gerudo disposed of moments before. Ganondorf watched the Hero's features disappear behind the book, raising a brow in confusion at Link's antics before shrugging his shoulders in disregard and continued with his investigation.

Sometime after Link ensured that Ganondorf was no longer mentally aware of his presence, he peeked up from the old flaking pages and found himself mesmerised by the bold golden hues that were continuously moving with the words on the pages. Link didn't realise he was smiling softly until he suddenly recalled something that he heard many times throughout his adventure.

"I thought you were blind?" Link blurted out, questioning the man thoughtfully watching the surprise light up Ganondorf's features as he stopped reading and peeked at the nosing Hyrulean.

"I was, yes." The Gerudo answered cautiously, noticing the curiosity in the Hero's eyes and the mental nudge for him to persist. Ganondorf shifted some papers around before he continued. "When I was chosen by the Goddess at my death, she restored all my flaws, including my sight."

Ganondorf didn't let the boy see the small smile grace his lips at the scrunch of Link's nose at the mention of the Gerudo having flaws.

"It must have been strange to be able to see the world so suddenly." Link tilted his head to the side, interested to know of Ganondorf's past.

"When I woke, and my eyesight fully returned, I was in the Twilight Realm. I actually had trouble walking to start with." Ganondorf confessed to the Hylian who chuckled lightly, attempting to picture the Gerudo wobbling on his feet. "My ears were still hypersensitive from my blindness, so dizziness was certainly a feeling I felt more often than not."

"Why did you become a thief?" Link asked, bowing his head in apology as the desert King froze. Link knew he was delving too far into the Gerudo's life story readying himself to state an apology when Ganondorf started speaking.

"Living in the desert in the time I was a young King, with the limited resources I ascended to and with an entire guild to feed, my hand was forced." Ganondorf began to explain turning his gaze to the Hyrulean who was listening intently. "Once we got the taste for it, it became addictive. The power we had flowed through us like the Goddess Hylia herself. It is a feeling even now that thrills me. I am the bad guy, Hero, remember that."

The slitted eyes bore heavily into Link's own, causing the Hero to reassess the Gerudo in front of him. But when the flicker of tenderness entered Ganondorf's hues as he examined the Hyrulean, Link gave the man a small smile.

"The worst of the worst." Link agreed with a hint of affection in his tone, nestling back into the chair and continued to read. Ganondorf furrowed his brow at how relaxed the Hero was in his presence before he turned back to his work, not surprised at how natural it felt with Link by his side.

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