Zant's Loyal Mistake

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Ganondorf was beyond frustrated. He had searched through every book Midna had given him with no luck. He learned about the entire history of the Twili - to the magic they utilise for purposes Ganondorf found completely pointless. The endless pile of discarded books was growing quickly, and the desert king was waning in patience. Ganondorf took a deep breath as he picked up the next book. With a golden clasp to ensure it closed, the thickness of the book held promise. He gently unclasped the catch not wanting the normally loud noise to wake the sleeping Hylian beside him. But as soon as the first page appeared to be nothing but a family tree of a random Twili family Ganondorf let out a roar of fury before throwing the book against the wall.

Link snapped his eyes open and jumped into action, glancing around the room ready to face whatever threat was present. He let out a quiet sigh when his eyes landed on the Gerudo- who was holding his head in his hands. Link approached him and ignored how Ganondorf tensed as he gently placed his hand on the Gerudo's arm.

"What happened?" Link asked to which Ganondorf simply pointed across the room to where the book laid awkwardly on the ground. Link rose a brow glancing back at Ganondorf for a moment before inspecting the book. The Hylian tilted his head about to criticise the man's disrespect for literature and the Twili heritage when he noticed the huge pile of books that sat on the other side of the desk. "Have you been at this all night?"

"Yes." Ganondorf simply stated. Link could clearly hear the exhaustion in the Gerudo's tone and the Hylian came back to his side. He placed the book back on the desk as Ganondorf leaned back in the chair. "There is absolutely nothing that can help us. Zant said it himself, No one can remove the curse."

"You need to rest, I can take over for a while," Link offered as he let his hand rest on the books Ganondorf still had left to read. "You don't have to do this all alone."

The desert king snorted but nodded in agreement, he was bushed and maybe, this once, he could let someone else help. Link opened the book furrowing his brow when he didn't hear any movement from the chair. He glanced back to Ganondorf who's eyes were wide in abrupt realisation.

"Ganondorf?" Link called to him as the Gerudo sorted through the bombardment of information in his brain.

"No one can remove the curse," Ganondorf announced again as he clasped his hands. He jumped from the chair before he began to search through the discarded books. "Not one person can remove it."

"You just said that. You're tired, just go to bed." Link said in sudden concern, watching as the unwanted books were flung to the side. Ganondorf waved him off before he grinned to himself as he found the manuscript he was looking for. He brought it over to the desk and slammed it down.

"Read it." Ganondorf opened it and watched Link scan over the pages.

"This is just the Twilight history." Link looked up at the smug look on Ganondorf's face. "What's this got to do with the curse?"

"If you read it from front to back like I have and read all the other pointless books, there is one thing they all have in common." The Gerudo pointed to a small passage in the book, letting Link read it before speaking again. "There's never just one person in the center light. There's always two or more."

"Right...So?" Link still didn't understand what Ganondorf was getting at. The desert king gazed at the Hylian in disappointed shame which had Link placing his hands on his hips. "Spit it out."

"Zant used a mixture of my own magic and his to create this curse," Ganondorf explained holding two fingers up to show Link. The desert king turned back to the pile of books and produced another passage for Link. "The Twili never use magic alone no matter how trivial the task. Zant said no one can remove the curse. He gave us a clue without even realising it."

"So, you're saying it has to be more than one person?" Link shook his head in confusion. "Why wouldn't Zant just say that?"

"Well he doesn't want the curse to end, but he didn't want to disappoint me either." Ganondorf realised. "I'm still the God that granted him his power and he's trying to 'save' me at the same time."

"This sounds a little too easy and unbelievable." Link pointed out before he sighed heavily. "But it's all we got. So, we just have to force Zant to work with you to remove it?"

"No, Zant has served his purpose." Ganondorf shook his head as he closed the book. "We need Zelda. Light will always banish the dark."

Link looked at Ganondorf in surprise. To think he would ever think that way was astounding. He was the dark king, he thrived on the shadows of the world, always ready to devour any light that dared flicker before him. To hear him speak the way he has now had Link recalling Zant's words from the mirrored reality.

"Ganondorf?" Link fiddled with his gloved hand as he gazed down at the floor. "Are we close?"

"Close?" The Gerudo rose a brow, turning to acknowledge the Hylian after picking up some of the books he had thrown away in his excitement.

"Are we no longer enemies?" Link elaborated. Ganondorf opened his mouth to speak only to close it again. He had wanted to say yes, of course. But when he looked at the hero all the previous feelings of hatred were no longer present.

"I think perhaps, for now, we are simply just aiding one another with the same objective," Ganondorf replied, not wanting to label anything that was happening between them. Link nodded in understanding before he smiled at the Gerudo. Ganondorf involuntarily smiled back before his head began to spin. He grasped his forehead as he stumbled back, Link hurrying to catch him as he leaned heavily against the bedpost.

"Are you okay?" Link asked in concern as he held onto Ganondorf's arm. The Gerudo could feel the curse trying to take over, his conscious flickering between the two.

"Link...You need to...leave." Ganondorf gritted out, managing to warn the boy before he roared out in pain.

Link backed away as the Gerudo battled with himself, his hand finding the door's surface. When Ganondorf stopped his movements and went silent, Link tensed. He called out to him only to startle himself as the Gerudo snapped his head up. The red orbs bore hungrily into Link causing the Hylian to gulp. Link swiftly left the room, watching as the door's closed and locked just before Ganondorf was able to pass through. The Hylian let out a sigh, jumping in fright as the door shook after the Gerudo smashed into it. Link drew his sword standing in front of the door waiting for the inevitable. But when it went silent Link shivered at the unwelcoming calm. He suddenly felt a menacing presence behind him and he glanced over his shoulder to see Ganondorf grinning wickedly at him.


Ike rolled his neck as he walked down the hall carrying the two plates in his hands. It had been a long night for everyone, the mercenary being chosen to guard the crazed prisoner. When he had been relieved he barely fell asleep for two moments before Zant's distant cooing woke him up. It was clear the Twili was unstable, so unstable so that even Ike was concerned for his own sanity. As he rounded the corner to Ganondorf's room Ike noticed Link's Master sword laying on the floor. The mercenary rose a brow, placing the plates down by the door before picking up the blade. He knocked on Ganondorf's door, fist still in the air when the door abruptly opened.

"Ganondorf? Link?" Ike called out taking a step inside after he didn't receive an answer. His eyes widened at the state of the Gerudo's now trashed room. A distant maniacal laughter followed by the spine-chilling cooing had Ike running down the hall.

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