Greater Japanese Empire

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(A/N: This version of Japan is the Wolfenstein Version of Nazi Germany. Some story but with some changes. You'll just have to read to understand better.)


History: Founded on January 3, 1868, the Japanese Empire was a nation that once struggled to compete with the other major powers. However, due to a series of events and reforms during the Meiji Restoration, Japan would grow to be a rival power to be contended with. Wanting to be a major power of its own, Japan would begin a series of campaigns to expand its Empire in Aisa and conquer more territory for more resources. When Japan entered into WW1, this was when the country began to change into a more militaristic society with ideals of expansion and craving out its own Empire. 

Due to the fallout with the Western Powers, Japan joined the Axis Powers during WW2 and committed many atrocities in China and the rest of Asia. In 1941, Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, causing America to enter into the war on the side of the Allies. However, even though Japan was unable to contend with the industrial might of America, there was still hope for the Empire due to advancements in high advanced technology. This was in part thanks to the help from a Japanese Scientist named Dr. Shinotama, leader and head of Unit 753, a Unit based around the creation of High Technology for the IJA and IJN. But truth of the technology created by Dr. Shinotama was not truly his own.

In 1945, in Occupied China, a Japanese Ship sank in the middle of Lake Poyang, carrying stolen loot from China. The Japanese sent a team to recover the valuables, but instead found something even more valuable. Under the city was a secret gateway to a Hidden Underground Village. Housing a Secret Society known as the 'Tao-Shan', who retreated underground long ago with the goal of preserving sacred knowledge after the First Emperor began his Book Burnings. Dr. Shinotama, having founded the village, ordered the library of the village to be looted and transported to his base in the South Pacific, along with the surviving Villagers, claiming he had found the key to winning the war. After acquiring and understanding the necessary knowledge, the Japanese Scientist would kill all but a few of the villagers as only a small handful managed to escape.

With new technology in the hands of the Empire, Japan quickly turned the tide of war in their favor, tearing through the ranks in China and the rest of Asia through newly created robots called 'War Spiders' and 'War Dogs'. To the surprise and shock of the allies, the Japanese, who were being pushed back mere months ago, were suddenly making incredible gains once more. However, there was a hint of optimism in the air. With the help of William Joseph Blazkowicz, the Allies discovered the location of Unit 753's headquarters in the North Atlantic. Believing that the destruction of Unit 753's head would stop the Japanese War machine. Unfortunately, the mission was a failure, as Shinotama survived the day and Blazkowicz and his team (Frederick, a Hunter from Australia, and Wyatt, a Harvard dropout) went MIA after that day and were assumed dead. To make matter worse, most of the American Pacific Fleet was involved in the attack and sunk, along with much of the Royal Navy's Pacific Fleet, allowing the Japanese to begin overrunning the Pacific.

With the failure of that mission, the world would fall into the hands of Imperial Japan. Chiang-Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong were killed missing after China fell. Australia fell shortly afterwards, along with India and the Russian Far East. In Europe, Germany had won the Battle of Stalingrad, but was betrayed by their allies to the east as the rest of Russia fell to Japan, so did the Third Reich, with Europe becoming divided into Japanese Puppet states. America would fall as well. The gassing of San Fransisco, leaving the city lifeless for 20 years, would be a shock to the nation, but did not deter the American people. Unfortunately, things would change when the Japanese unveiled the Atom Bomb, and when Dallas and Detroit went up in smoke, the US chose to surrender, resulting in America being divided up into puppets, with the largest being the Pacific States of America.

Everything changed in 1960 as the Japanese Empire controlled the entire world under their iron boot. However, their Empire was soon threatened due to the reappearance of William Joseph Blazkowicz, awakening after 15 years, and leads a resistance in Asia against the Imperial Japanese. Though they achieved many major victories, everything changed when Japan unleashed the Kensei-Class Supersoldiers and Prince Hiroki Tojo began to take charge. From there, things began to go downhill for the Resistance as the Japanese began eliminating all opposition and began retaking lost territory. With so many casualties and barely having enough strength to muster a fighting force, it seemed as though everything would end in victory for the Greater Japanese Empire.

But hope was not lost. Out of foolishness and the greed of the Japanese Empire, they were able to successfully open a portal to another world with the intent of expanding their territory and gaining more resources. What did instead was awaken a slumbering Titan who wanted revenge for Japan's unprovoked attack. Now forced to fight against an effective and dangerous military force with the same technology the Japanese Empire had, its days were numbered as the enemy they faced had just signed their death warrant.

That enemy... being the Union of American Continents.


Battle Flag:

Imperial Seal/Crest:


-"8-Tsu no kuraun kōdo, 1-tsu no rūfu" (Eight Crown Cords, One Roof)

-"Sekaijū ga hitotsuyanenoshita de" (All The World Under One Roof)

-"Tenno Heika Banzai!" (Long live His Majesty the Emperor!)

Military: Imperial Japanese Armed Forces (IJAF)

Military Branches:

Imperial Japanese Army (IJA)

Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN)

Imperial Japanese Air Force (IJAF)

Imperial Japanese Mecha Corps (IJMC)

Imperial Japanese Kensei Corps (IJSC)

Imperial Japanese Space Force (IJSF)

World Map:

Naval Ship Abbreviation: Imperial Japanese Ship (IJS)

Government: Unitary parliamentary semi-constitutional monarchy under a Shōwa Statist system

Capital: Tokyo

Foundation: January 3, 1868

Current Year Date: January 17, 1981

Leader: Emperor

Emperor: Hideki Tojo

Bio: Hideki Tojo ascended to the throne in 1945 after Emperor Hirohito and the entire Japanese Royal Family were killed in an 'accident'. In truth, Tojo and his loyalists secretly planted a bomb which killed everyone and those that survive were assassinated. He then made their deaths seem like an accident or he put a blame on the Allies in order to achieve legitimacy. Fooling the Japanese public and military, Tojo is seen as the only legitimate form of leadership in order to prevent the complete collapse of the Japanese Empire, hence why he was crowned as the newly appointed Emperor.

Under his leadership, he would ramp up the Imperial War Machine to new technological levels, mostly in part thanks to a Japanese scientist named Dr. Shinotama who acquired highly advanced knowledge from a secret Chinese society called the 'Tao-Shan'. With the knowledge to make highly advanced military technology, Tojo would lead a massive counterattack that finally destroyed the allies and allow him to conquer the world unopposed. Reforming Japan into the Greater Japanese Empire, Tojo would be responsible for committing numerous atrocities and war crimes which would lead to the deaths of millions. 

However, his rule over the world would be threatened by a growing resistance led by the famous William J. Blazkowicz. Time and again the American would ruin his plans, much to Tojo's frustration. But thanks to sheer luck, Tojo was able to strike a major blow against the Resistance after creating the Kensei-Class Supersoldiers. By unleashing them upon the resistance, Tojo was finally about to deal a crushing blow that would leave his enemy crippled. Eventually Tojo would learn of his scientists and researchers make a breakthrough in portal technology that leads them to other worlds. Excited and filled with greed, Hideki Tojo would assemble a massive army and send it through the portal in order to invade another world and conquer it.

That would be his biggest mistake as his actions would awaken a slumbering Titan who now wanted revenge no matter the consequences. Now forced to fight against an enemy with technology that can rival his Empire, chaos and destruction would ensure as Tojo is forced to watch his Empire crumble due to his pride and arrogance. The enemy in question... is the Union of American Continents.

=== [Military Generals and Leaders] ===

Name: Ijuin Tadaaki


Age: 50

Nationality: Japanese

Rank: General of the Navy

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Name: Saika Magoichi


Age: 45

Nationality: Japanese

Rank: Lt. General

Power Suit: Hachiman Power Suit

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Name: Sento Uin


Age: 47

Nationality: Japanese

Rank: General of the Army

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Name: Oda Nobutada


Age: 43

Nationality: Japanese

Rank: Leader of Imperial Intelligence Services (IIS)

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Name: Satake Yoshiaki


Age: 38

Nationality: Japanese

Rank: General of the Space Force

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Name: Saburo Arasaka


Age: 62

Nationality: Japanese

Rank: CEO of Arasaka Corporation

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Name: Unknown

Callsign: Ikari (Wrath)


Age: 25

Nationality: Japanese

Rank: 1st Lieutenant

Shogunate Frames: Type-09 Seiryu

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Name: Kataoka Masutaro


Age: 28

Nationality: Japanese

Rank: Captain

Mobile Suit: MBF-P02 Gundam Astray

=== [National Anthems] ===



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