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(BGM: Wolfenstein The New Order Trailer song remastered)


The scene opens where we hear the sounds of gunfire.

Narrator: "So much has changed."

Screams of agonizing torture are heard as battles rage on.

Narrator: "I've been gone for too long."

A loud siren is heard as it signals in incoming bombing.

Narrator: "They beat us to the bomb."

The hatch opens to reveal an atomic bomb. What's particular about it is that it has the flag of the Empire of Japan plastered onto it.

Narrator: "No one knows how."

The bomb is released and once it made impact, a massive explosion is seen as the city went up in a massive mushroom smoke.

It turns out that Japan had unleashed the 2 Atomic Bombs on the American cities of Dallas and Detroit, ultimately forcing the USA into an unconditional surrender to the Imperial Empire.

Narrator: "The world was forced into submission."

With WW2 finally ending in a Japanese victory, the scene shifts to show Japanese soldiers parading in the streets of Tokyo as the people celebrate in winning the War.

One particular scene shows a Japanese Soldier kissing a Japanese Nurse in a V-J Day in Times Square kiss scenario.

Back home in America, the people are both shaken and disheartened to learn they not only lost the war, but their government had surrendered to the Empire unconditionally. Within the homes of average Americans, families were either weeping or clutching their heads in frustration over the fact their people have sacrificed everything for nothing.

Narrator: "They took our freedom."

The scene shifts to show Hideki Tojo being crowned the new Emperor of Japan due to former Emperor Hirohito and the entire royal family being killed in an 'accident'. With his ascension as Emperor, the war monger reforms the Empire of Japan into the Greater Japanese Empire.

From there, we see Tojo standing in front of a podium as he's seen giving a speech about their victory over the 'barbaric' allies.

Narrator: "Tore down... what took centuries to build."

It turns out that the speech Tojo is giving is actually at the American White House as the flags and the front of the building are all replaced with the flags of the Empire of Japan. In the skies, Japanese Tengu fighters are seen flying overhead as they fly past the White House.

Tojo raises his arms in the air, shouting 'Banzai!' and the rest of the Japanese soldiers in front of them follow suit, also chanting 'Banzai!' many times.

Narrator: "They terrorize the world with their power."

With no one left to oppose them, the Japanese military began a reign to terror and violence all across the world as they began consolidating their power. Establishing the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (GEACPS), the Japanese began either moving or exterminating the local populations of various Asian countries in order to fill them in with their own people, resulting in the killing of over millions of people in the process.

Narrator: "Enslaved millions."

We see many Japanese labor camps being established as the Japan forced many civilians into slave labor. The conditions are harsh, brutal, and unethical as many suffer and die in these camps due to back breaking labor.

For females, it's even worse as many are converted into comfort women, resulting in many being (R-Word) every day on a daily basis.

Narrator: "Uprisings... Rebellions... Resistance... crushed beneath an iron boot."

Various rebel and resistance groups are seen fighting back, hoping to free their homes from Imperial rule. It all proved to be fruitless as the Imperial War machine had proven to be too powerful and dangerous for them to overthrow.

In response to these insurgents, the Japanese committed many massacres on civilians. No one was spared as millions of men, women, and children are killed in the process.

Narrator: "They're stealing our future."

The scene shifts to show the Japanese have landed on the moon. A Japanese Astronaut is seen placing the flag of the Empire of Japan on the lunar surface and then doing a 'Banzi' salute.

Narrator: "Flaunting their might."

Soon a lunar base is seen being established as Japan begins colonizing the Moon in order to expand their Empire.

Narrator: "They think the war is over."

Japanese scientists and researchers are seen conducting experiments before they all finally made a breakthrough in portal technology. Taking this information to the Emperor, Tojo orders a massive invasion force to be assembled as he plans to invade a whole new world for both resources and potential slaves.

After much time, effort, and a lot of experimenting, the Japanese succeeded in creating a stable portal to another world. Once the army is assembled, they're seen on their naval ships as the portal open in the Pacific Ocean near Hawaii. Once the fleet enter through the portal, they see what appears to be an alternate version of Hawaii that seen being guarded by an unknown fleet.

Without giving a warning or attempts of making contact, the Greater Japanese Empire opens fire and eventually destroys the fleet. From there, they begin a land invasion as they manage to take the costal beach areas before invading the nearby cities. Bombings and artillery rounds are being fired as cities go up in flames. Civilians are seen running force their lives and scream in terror as the Imperial Japanese continue on with their invasion.

Narrator: "Well they're dead wrong."

As the Imperial Japanese continued with their assault, they're suddenly caught off guard by a brutal counterattack. A joint military counterattack conducted by the Union of American Continents, Pan-Asian Coalition, and the Democratic Eurasian Federation is underway as their armies battle against the Imperial Japanese before eventually pushing them out of Hawaii.

It was here that both the UAC and their allies learn of the identity of who is responsible for this attack and are shocked to learn it's a parallel version of the Japanese Empire who is now more advanced and for more dangerous than ever before. The ones who were most shaken were the PAC Japanese who couldn't believe their Imperial ancestors were still alive in another world.

Unwilling to allow this attack to go unanswered, the UAC President Yolanda Renee King and the world leaders have declared war against the Greater Japanese Empire. Their armies were being prepared and after reverse engineering the portal, they began an invasion into the Imperial Japanese world in order to liberate the oppressed people there.

Narrator: "For in another world, there exists a place where the people are free and now, they've come to help us free our own world from brutal tyranny."

As soon as the UFN nations began their invasion, we see infantry, armored, vehicles, tanks, aircrafts, and mechs all charging across the battlefield as they engage the Imperial Japanese while liberating the nations that were oppressed by the Imperial Empire for so long.

Battles are seen being waged on land, at sea, in the air, and in space as the GJE is sorely unprepared to fight against that opponent with actually military capability.

Narrator: "This is a war of the people..."

During the war, the UAC and their allies meet B.J. Blazkowicz and the resistance. Many discussions and negotiations are made as both sides explain the histories of their worlds. After more talks are made, both sides have agreed to an alliance and work together to stop the Imperial Japanese once and for all.

Narrator: "By the people..."

With help and cooperation from the resistance, the UAC and their allies gain critical information needed to help bring down the Japanese Empire. Prisoners were freed, territories were retaken, key military bases were either destroyed or occupied, and high-ranking officials were either killed or arrested.

In one prisoner camp in the Philippines, we see both UFN and Resistance forces liberating the people there. The prisoners cry in both relief and joy that they were being free. A UAC Guardian is seen surveying the area until his eyes spot what looked like a child around 6 years old. Walking over, the child looks up with a fearful expression on his face until the UAC supersoldier gently knelt down and offered a helping hand. Hesitant at first, the little boy eventually grabs the supersoldiers hand and is soon lifted up into his arms as the UAC Guardian carries him to be given medical.

In orbit of Earth, spaces battles are seen occurring near a space station as space fleets engages one another as both energy, gauss, and plasma weapons impact the hulls while mechs are seen being deployed as engage one another.

Narrator: "For the people."

The scene changes to show a battle in the streets of Shanghai as two small armies of PAC Japanese soldiers and Imperial Japanese soldiers are seen engaging one another. Eventually the Imperial Japanese got close enough to do a Banzi charge as the Imperials let out a war cry as they charged against their counterparts.

In response, the PAC Japanese soldiers also let out a war cry as they charged against their Imperial counterparts and engage in vicious melee combat. Both PAC and Imperial Japanese soldiers draw out either their HF Katanas or Beam Katanas as they soon clash, resulting in vicious melee combat.

Katana blades are heard clashing and first are heard being thrown as a brutal battle erupts between the two Japanese forces. Both PAC Japanese and Imperial Japanese forces are seen in vicious melee combat as both arms and legs were broken, twisted, severed, or all of them at the same time. Some even had their heads sliced or torn off. Blood was spilled on the ground and elsewhere that battle raged.

Narrator: "Today our independence is reborn."

Within the Imperial Palace of Japan, Hideki Tojo is seen going on a full-on rage quite after getting reports of them losing the war against the UAC and their allies. The man is seen throwing a temper tantrum over the fact that all of his scheming, planning, and decades of hard work are all seen being undone.

Suddenly, he hears a commotion outside before the doors to the palace burst open to reveal JSF Commandos and EAF Spetsnaz who all proceed to kill the Royal Guards in the room, leaving only Tojo. Hideki Tojo was furious seeing the foreigners in the throne room, but just as he was about to go on another angry rant, he was paused when he hears footsteps and nearly had a heart attack at who he saw step into the throne room.

Immediately, Hideki Tojo looked even whiter than a ghost as the person in front of him is a very much alive Akihito, son of the former Emperor Hirohito, and his was PISSED.

Narrator: "The fight to keep it starts now."

The final scene shows a battle in space as two mechs are seen engaging each other over the moon's lunar surface. Space fleets from both the GJE and the UAC are seen engaging one another, causing mass chaos and destruction in the process.

The first mech is the Type 15-JKS-21 Kyokujitsu Gundam.

The second mechs is the FX-90 Gundam Barbatos Alternative.

As they continue to fight with either their rifles or swords, we now see who the pilots are as they're seen viciously trying to kill each other.

The first is revealed to be the Japanese Prince Hiroki Tojo, the son of Hideki Tojo.

The second is an American named John S. Grant.

Both are supersoldiers and they're seen glaring at each other via an open channel and screen as the two mechs back away momentarily.

Hiroki: (glares) "Do you have ANY idea what you and your kind have done?! All our work! All our progress! Gone! It's all gone now and it's all YOUR fault!"

John: (glares) "Yeah well considering the BILLIONS of people you made suffer and the fact you tried to conquer my world, I'd say karma finally got to you!"

Hiroki: (growls) "I will make you rue to the day you defied the Empire!"

John: (glares) "The bring it on!"

Both pilots let out war cries as they raise their weapons once more and their mechs charged at each other. As soon as they got close, both supersoldier pilots raises their blades and they clash, resulting in a bright spark before the scene goes black and the title appears.

[Wolfenstein: The Rising Sun]

(Background Music Ends)


(A/N: Alright so that is it. Hope you all enjoyed the trailer. This was a previous story idea I had before my old account was being deleted. Basically, this is Wolfenstein except its Imperial Japan that takes over and not Nazi Germany. Considering just how bad and evil the Japanese Empire was, expect to see war crimes many of you readers might find uncomfortable. No, I don't support any of this. I hate it. This is all just apart of the story as realistically this is something that's gonna happen if this was real life. Anyway, see you all next time.)

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