Chapter 17 Travel

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We ran for a long time before we stopped. We all dropped the cubs. "Ugh!" I howled. "We ran in the complete different direction. I don't even think we're in Amethyst Mountain anymore!" I looked at the stars that were starting to appear. I had never done this before and I saw with surprise that there were only ten stars and no more. And then I remembered a story my mother once told me and my litter mates to calm us down, break up a fight, or to put us to sleep. That story was about the wolf stars. The wolf stars were the spirts of are ancestors that have died. My mother and father were up there. And so was my litter mates. That new thought gave me hope and I turned around. "Alright." I began. "We have been chased from are home and we are farther from Slough Creek than ever. But I still have hope that we can make it. So first step, let's find some shelter. Has anyone spotted anything." I asked. "I have." Blood said raising his tail. "I saw a hallow under a aspen. We can sleep there." He pointed his tail toward a aspen tree with a hollowed out space under the roots. "Good job." I woofed and headed toward the tree. Everyone fallowed. We settled in and then went to sleep. When I closed my eyes I thought I could just hear my parents whispering to me: "good job my brave wolfling." I looked up one more time at the stars before sleep took over.

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