Act 1:|| Death Of An Aunt

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It's official Wolven Hearts is up the first chapter enjoy guys!
I'm slowly working on this while sick with a bad sinus infection that is pretty bad the worst one I've had in years. I'll find out Monday why I get them so bad and so often.
Be rooting for my recovery cause this is hell having clogged up ears that have liquid behind them, stuffed up nose and a cough.
I'm pulling through though, well trying to.

Wish Author-sama to get well.


"Best friends forever right?"
Ace asked me, Sammie Collins at ten years old, beaming at me, he was four years older than me so was his brother Blaze.

His brother and him were rumored to be raised by wolves, but I never believed it.

"Yeah, best buddies forever!"
I hug Ace and then Blaze.

Both are now fourteen and I'm ten.
But to me they are my best friends.
We romp and play together, we've done so since I was in third grade.
They've known me since then, since they moved here in my third grade year, and by chance the two found me when I got lost in the woods near my house in Bonneau in the woods.
My Dad was looking allover for me at the time, and by chance the two identical twin brothers found me crying and alone by myself, and they befriended me, and brought me back home to Dad.

Dad was so relieved he gave the twins two hundred bucks each for saving me and finding me.
But the two brothers wanted to be my friend and promised to protect me forever for my Dad.
Dad thinking that was a child promise, accepted them being my friends, by then we were inseperable.
They followed me around, protected me from bullies.
Though they were older, they were the only friends I had.

"Brother we should head back before her father gets upset at keeping her out too late."
Blaze says with much sarcasm, as Ace hauled me in a piggy back ride over his back.

"I know, let's go home Sammie okay?"
Ace tells me, and I yawn, feeling sleepy.

"By that yawn it means yes take me home."
Blaze tells his brother, laughing at how I was yawning with a whine at the end.

"Sleepy Sammie?"
Ace asked me, as the two walk me home.

I rub my eyes, and nod.

"We'll get you to bed soon as we get you to your father okay?"
Ace smiled up at me.

By the time the two got me home, I was deeply asleep, but I felt strong arms as I slept put me into my bed, and cover me up in my Power Rangers blankets. Tommy was my favorite Power Ranger, and Dad bought me official signed sheets from that actor who plays Tommy from Power Rangers.
I turn on my side, breathing in deep breaths.

"She sure is cute when asleep."
Ace says, shutting the door.

"Yeah, we should get home before father gets upset as well."
Blaze tells Ace, leaving the hallway.

Ace and Blaze said their goodbyes to Mister Collins, and left, going home.

"He will not like we stayed out so late either, since rogues are in the area again."
Ace tells Blaze.

"Yes, we aren't of pack, but we are not rogues. Rogues are diseased wolves who attack humans and it's a lone wolf's job to deal with rogues not a packs job."
Blaze tells Ace.

"We are still in training so we aren't ready to fight a rogue or two yet."
Ace shook his head.
"I can't imagine a rogue hurting Sammie but I worry about it."

"So do I since she's our mate.
We can't have her yet until she's older though."
Blaze tells Ace.

"Yeah, that would be pedophilia if we don't wait."
Ace admits to his brother.

"Father would rip us to shreds if we don't wait."
Blaze warns Ace.

"I know.
We will wait."
Ace sighs, rubbing the back of his neck.


Many years later.....


I was tending to the clothes in the washing machine in my aunt's home in Kansas City, which I've done for going on since I was seventeen, taking care of her since she got ill with lung cancer, now I'm twenty-six, and adapted to cleaning, cooking, and caring for her.

As I said I was doing washing, my flowing pink long hair swishing as I was working in putting clothes in the washer, when I heard a loud crash.
I stop what I was doing, and run to the noise, finding my aunt collapsed in the kitchen.
I check her pulse, finding she had none.

I grab my phone from the counter, calling 911.
I tell them my address, and they told me to check if she was breathing.
"No pulse, and she's not breathing. She had final stages of lung cancer."
I sob hysterically into the phone.
I was now losing my aunt and right after my boyfriend broke up with me for another man a month ago too.
It seems like I'm losing everyone lately, which pains my heart, with too much pain to bare.
I hug her head into my chest and sob, as the sirens blare close to the house, and the EMT's entered the home, checking her over.

The head EMT sighs calling her death.
"I'm sorry."

I watch them bring the coroner in and take her body away.
Broken hearted, and now losing a very close family member I came here when I was seventeen to take care of, was too much, and I cry into the head EMT's chest, which he comforted me.

After the comforting, the EMT's left, and the head EMT gave me his card for if I need to talk to him about my grief.

I watch them leave.
I decided to call Dad to let him know Aunt Dee died today.
I dial Dad's number and he picked up.
"Sweetie?! What's wrong?"
Dad asked.

I broke down.
"Aunt Dee died today. She just collapsed and wasn't breathing and had no pulse."

"Oh gawd, I'm sorry Sammie. I know how much you adored Aunt Dee."
Dad began crying too.
"After the funeral do you wanna come back home?"

"Yeeees...I...I do."
I whine out.

"I'll rearrange it. Call me and let me know when the funeral is over. Pack your things, and deal with legal things of Aunt Dee's and let me know when you can leave."
Dad says, and I sob, telling him about my breakup with Ron, and now this happening was too much.
"I'm here for you sweetie, I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for everything."
Dad's voice was full of regret, full of pain.

"I promise I'll call you when everything's been dealt with."
I tell Dad.

"I will see you later.
Be safe hon."
Dad hung up.

For three days I took care of legal things, even donating Aunt Dee's things to Goodwill, and sold her home, since she had no other living relatives but me and Dad.
I took care of her funeral and had her cremated, so Dad can have her ashes when I return home to Bonneau South Carolina.

Tonight I would be flying home, but my things I packed would be moved by a moving company to my Dad's house.
My flight was only in an hour, so I took a taxi and headed to the airport, arriving there and checked in.
Once checked in I texted Dad I'm going on my flight soon.
But he didn't reply, meaning he was busy with work.
He owns a restaurant so he runs it and it can get busy.
It seemed forever until my flight was called and I finally boarded my flight, it would take only a few hours to get there.
So I napped the whole way.

I woke up just as we were landing, with help of the flight attendant.
The landing was a gentle one, and thus we were told to leave the plane.

I leave out of my plane and go to the airport, holding my purse in my hands, which had my wallet, keys, my phone, and ear buds in it.
I never got around to getting a car nor a license, because I was using the bus to take my Aunt Dee everywhere for her appointments.

Aunt Dee died a month after Ron broke up with me, leaving me for another man.
I'm not angry with Ron for his sexual preference, I am just angry he had sex with me many times and just used me for his pleasure to figure out his sexuality.
He told me our love was a farce, that he was forced into it by family to try to cure him being gay.
So now I believe no man could love me, no man could love a 200 pound girl, with chubbiness.
Big breasts, thick thighs, a thick round rump, green eyes and dyed long pink hair?
Seriously nobody could love a fat girl.
I got my chubbiness from my Mom's side.
Mom died after giving birth to me, so Dad took care of me.
Mom died of her bleeding too much after giving birth to me.
I fear one day that'll happen to me if I have kids.
The doctors say she was too tiny in her uterus to have children naturally, the C-section got me out, but my Mom kept bleeding, she died making sure I was born.

Truth be told there are folks who send their gay children to cure gayness camps, which is run by religious fanatics, which is wrong.
I don't hate gays, I don't hate anyone, I'm more of a pacifist.

I don't believe violence to be necessary. I couldn't hurt a fly not even when I was little.
I remember when Ace stepped on a grasshopper I started crying for the grasshopper, and Blaze had to comfort me by holding me and rocking back and forth when I was eight.

That's right going home I might see them!
I missed them too.
They should be thirty years old by now since we are four years apart.
I thought to myself, as I walk out of the airport, since I don't have any luggage since the moving company will deliver my things in a few days.

I take out my phone and call my Dad.
The phone rings and soon Dad picked up.
"Hey hon."

"Hey Dad, I'm at the airport in Charleston, are you almost here yet?"
I ask Dad.

"Yep I'm pulling up now.
I'm in a red Ford Escape."
Dad says and I look around, seeing a red Ford Escape pulling up to the pick up zone.
"I see you."
Dad joked then hung up.

I hang up too, walking to the passenger side, and open the door, getting inside, and shut the door, and buckle in.
I side hug my Dad.
"Gosh you look exactly like your mother."
Dad smiled a kindred smile.

"I don't think so."
I wave off his comment, and pull away from the side hug, and Dad pulled away from the pick up zone.

"You do look like her. You're chubby like her. Its a genetic trait too. But I loved your mother no matter what. I loved her for beautiful smile, her rocking curves, her pacifism. I loved everything about her. You look like her when she was your age. I'm now 56."
Dad tells me, and I sigh, putting my hand on my cheek.
"I told those friend of yours the twins you're coming home. They seemed happy, and they want to see you."
Dad told me, making me look at him.

"Ace and Blaze wanna see me?"
I ask with much excitement to my voice.

"Well yes, they admit they missed you. Whenever you sent me photos in the mail I would show them the photos. They are still your best friends right?"
Dad tells me, asking me the last part of his sentence.

"Friends forever, so yeah we are still friends, though I haven't talked to them in years."
I say, rubbing the back of my neck.
"I don't know what to say to them. They went to high school and we never got to see each other since then. When I got older I never got to see them either since I moved to Aunt Dee's house. I felt bad for leaving things the way we did back then."
I tell Dad, looking at him.

"Well you can correct it when we get home. They are waiting at my house chilling."
Dad tells me, making me go wide eyed.
"They have changed too so you know."

"They have? I still remember they were skinnier than me and they could pick me up no problem."
I giggle at that.

"They aren't skinny no more, since they work in construction now.
They are buff boys."
Dad tells me.

What do they do?"
I ask confused, since I don't know much about construction.

"They build buildings, houses, barns, anything really."
Dad tell me.
"They have workers who help too. They took the company after their father passed away. Their father was attacked by a bunch of coyotes, and it was gruesome.
The burial was definitely not an open casket. He died last year."

"I feel sorry for them."
I tell Dad, feeling remorse for Ace and Blaze that they lost their strict father to a bunch of rabid coyotes.

"The two are doing fine. They bring over some leftovers for me they have at open houses they cater to. They have open houses on their finished projects to sell the homes or buildings they build."
Dad tells me happily.

Dad was overjoyed I'm back home now which is a good thing.
I thought to myself.

"Is my room the same?"
I ask Dad.

"The boys bought you a new bed and they helped me set it up. We kept the Power Rangers blanket on the bed for you cause I know its your favorite blanket."
Dad tells me.
"They've been pretty helpful about getting the room ready for you. Even offering to buy the items I need to fix your room up, and telling me I don't need to pay them back."

"That's fucking weird Dad."
I tell Dad, making him frown.

"You didn't learn cursing from me."
Dad retorts to me.
"My guess Aunt Dee?"

"No it was Uncle Bob who came over once in awhile here, I just hid I knew how to curse from you."
I pat Dad's thigh.
"Don't worry about it."

"Your mother was a potty mouth too so it don't surprise me."
Dad replied.

"How is Uncle Bob?"
I ask Dad.

"He passed away too last year."
Dad says, and I shake my head.

"Everyone is dying on me lately or leaving me for other men."
I say, as tears go down my cheeks.

Dad rubs my back, as he drives us home to Bonneau.
"Its okay hon I'm here and so are the boys, we won't leave you."

I nod, wiping my tears away.
"Yeah they never did anything to hurt me ever, so I know you're right."


First chapter is up....
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