Act 2:|| Sammie's Diner

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Act 2 is now up!
I'm glad this story has at least one read for now.

I'm hoping it gets more reads....


While Dad drove, we talked about things that was going on here in Bonneau, that the town was getting slightly bigger, and Dad's restaurant was getting more popular.
The restaurant was a dream Mom wanted to build up with Dad, and Dad built the restaurant up by himself in memory of Mom.

The business was going good by the sound of it, Dad was getting good customers who leave a good review on his restaurant.
Which is a good thing.
I was glad he was getting good business at the restaurant he built in Mom's image and memory.
Mom would be happy about it and happy for him if she was alive.

All the talking had wasted time, and Dad soon enough pulled into his dirt driveway which was covered in some black rock now.
Our home was a modular home.
Dad built this house with Mom when Mom was one week pregnant with me.
The home was a four bedroom home, the main bedroom is Dad's room, the one in the far end was my room, the two rooms side by side which are a short walk from each other are guest rooms, which were rooms Ace and Blaze stayed in when they slept over when I was a tiny little kid.

A big old red truck was in the driveway, and I knew that's not Dad's vehicle, since he told me his truck broke down and he got this Ford Escape because it was good on gas.

"Who's truck is that?"
I ask Dad.

"It's their truck. They are doing work on my house lately. I need things replaced and they offered to do it."
Dad tells me.
"These boys have been a good help to me whenever our old home goes to hell in needing repairs."

"So they've been good friends to you too?"
I ask Dad, as he parked by the truck.

"Well of course, since their father and I became good buddies after they saved you back then, and you three were fast friends, and were inseperable. I had to adapt to them demanding to fix things. No matter how many times I denied their help they wouldn't take no for an answer. You know it reminded me of your mother, she was that way. That's how we met was I fell off my bike and twisted my ankle and your mother helped me get to the emergency room. I fell for her at first sight."
Dad sighs, looking at the house his look faraway as if he's seeing Mom again.

"I figured they would act like that, back then when I was a kid they were pushy."
I tell Dad.

"And for a good reason because you had a bad habit of getting in trouble."
Dad reminded me.
"Remember you almost got kidnapped by a pedophile? And them two beat the tar out of the guy before he snatched you?"

"I barely remember that.
I can't remember everything."
I tell Dad.

"Oh, right the autism memory issues thing. I forgot you told me doctors in Kansas City diagnosed you as autistic with aspergers."
Dad rubs the back of his neck.
"I haven't told them that yet."

"I'll tell them on my own."
I tell Dad.

"You should tell them soon."
Dad says motioning his hand to the house.

The front door to the house opened revealing two tall men, one with spikey short black hair, and one with wildly styled shoulder length black hair, both had coal gray eyes, tan skin, dragon tattoos lining their eight packed abs, their v-line, that also goes up their chest, to their upper muscular arms.
They were shirtless, and only wore blue stained in white blotches jeans with black belts, with yellow work boots.
Their chests and stomachs were riddled with droplets of sweat.
Both kept their chins well groomed with no hair, thick full lips, fine chiseled jaws, high cheek bones, arched black eyebrows that make them look stern in the face.
To others they could look a mix of Indian with Caucasian in them, but no they were Caucasian, but since they work in the sun they are overly tan due to it.

The two walk over to Dad's side and Dad rolled the window down, the short haired guy leans over drapping his arms over the door.
"Hey Mister Collins, we still got work to do, but we're gonna take a break. Your AC unit too needs fixin."
The guy looked at me and whistled.
"That Sammie?"

"Of course I'm Sammie and who are you?!"
I say sarcastically.

"I'm Ace remember?"
Ace chuckled.

I gape at him.
"I don't remember you looking so meh."
I do a hand moving on waves motion.

"Sammie has memory issues now boys."
Dad counters, stopping me from firing more sarcastic remarks.

"She does? Sorry about that then."
Ace looked like he was disappointed I don't remember that much about his looks.

"Why don't we all go to your restaurant Mister Collins? I bet Sammie is hungry."
The other man leans down looking through the window next.
"Hey Sammie I'm Blaze.
Been awhile since we've seen you.
You've changed."
Blaze smirks at me.

Has he always smirked like that?
No back then he was a moody, pissy, but nice boy back then, and now he smirks at me? Back then he would frown all the time.
I thought to myself, and Dad's click of his tongue brought me out of my thoughts.

"Well it's up to Sammie."
Dad looked to me.
"Wanna eat at my restaurant hon?"

I perk up at the offer, and nod.

"We will follow you in our truck then.
We already locked up the house."
Blaze hands Dad the keys to the house.

"Alright meet you at my restaurant."
Dad waves to them, and I watch them get into their truck, and they turn on their roaring engine, then they pull out.
Blaze was the driver.
Dad pulled out too, and drove off, following their truck, driving into Moncks Corner next.

All I know is when I left Dad had just built the restaurant and hadn't gotten workers yet, so this will be my first time eating at Dad's restaurant.
"Where is your restaurant?"
I ask Dad.

"By the train tracks here in Monks Corner."
Dad tells me.
"That's right you left as I just finished building the place. You know their father helped build it for me with their help."
Dad smiled as he drove.
"I named it Sammie's Diner."

"You named it after me?"
I ask, feeling warmth in my heart he named the restaurant after me.

"Yeah, I thought it would make your mother happy naming it after you, since she never got to hold you. Your mother would be proud of you and me making her dream come true. I think your autism came from her Dad's side, her Dad had a brother with a mind of a child. He passed away when she was fourteen from eating something he shouldn't of."
Dad keeps talking, in which I listened.
"I think it skipped to you."

"I figured someone in our family had it other than me since its genetic. The only thing I was good at was taking care of Aunt Dee. I never got a driver's license nor a job. I wanted to take care of her which was good for me. It made me learn independence."
I tell Dad, as he pulled into a small concrete parking area, and a sign saying Sammie's Diner stood tall over a little building that looked a cabin with an open area big porch, surrounded my screen windows and one metal screen door.

Dad parked next to the red truck of Blaze and Ace's and shut the engine off.
"I'm glad you took care of her for so long. I think she knew she would die, and wanted her favorite niece by her side until the end. I'm also glad you would accept her dying wish to be with you until she passed. Like your mother you are kind and compassionate, and you would do anything to help those in need like your mother would of done for me when I hurt my ankle. You are just like her, and you deserve so much better than Ron doing you wrong. Which is why I wanted you to come home too so you can get away from the pain and be with me hon."
Dad side hugs me in the car.
"I'd do anything to make my baby girl happy again."

"I'm happy I'm back."
I nuzzle my cheek into Dad's chest, until I heard a knock on Dad's window.

Blaze motions us to get out.
"These boys are always like this impatient."
Dad chuckled.
"Best get used to it."

I step out of my side of the vehicle, holding my purse, and shut the door.
I wore a Dragon Ball Super blue shirt with Super Sayain God Super Sayain Goku on my shirt in a fighting stance, some blue jeans, and black men's boots.
I had my hair tied into a loose tie over my shoulder that reached my chest.
I've been wanting to cut my hair boy short, but I haven't had the time, except dying it myself.
I'm thinking of cutting it soon.

I turn to look over my shoulder, seeing Ace behind me, smiling at me.
"You look awesome."
Ace says cheerfully, as always Ace was cheerful as I remembered him.

Now Blaze he acted way different in how I remembered him to be.
"T...thanks um..."

"I'm Ace the guy with longer hair is Blaze."
Ace then frowns.
"You really don't remember how to tell us apart do you?"

"Sadly no.
As Dad says I do have memory problems."
I tell Ace, as all four of us walk up the steps of the restaurant, and Blaze opened the door, holding it open for us, and I nod to him, as I squeezed passed him, my breasts rubbing against his chest.

I tell Blaze, and he ignored my apologies to him, and shut the door  behind me.

Ace looked to Blaze with a look to get a grip.
Blaze sighs, shaking his head.
"You are fine Sammie."
Blaze pats my shoulder, and looked to Ace with an I Know look.

"Booth or table Sammie?"
Dad asked me.

"Booth is fine."
I tell Dad, and Dad sat us down at a round booth, which I sat in the middle, with Blaze on my right and Ace on my left, them sitting by each side of me, making me feel kinda uncomfortable, but also safe at the same time, which is weird.

Dad grabbed us some menus saying.
"I'll be back in awhile, I got stuff to do in the back of the diner, you three order whatever you want okay."
Dad sets the menus down, then walked off.

I pick up my menu, looking it over as our waitress walked up.
"Hello I'm Trish I'll be your waitress. What can I start you off to drink?"

"What do you have that's diet?"
I ask, making both Blaze and Ace stare at me.

"Diet Mountain Dew, Diet Pepsi, Diet Coke, Diet Dr Pepper."
Trish says to me.

"Diet Dr Pepper for me."
I tell her, and she writes it down.

"For you two sirs?"
Trish asked.

"Root Beer for us."
Blaze tells her, giving her a look that made me get chills.

Trish nods, and I noticed she was unnerved, but scampered off to get our drinks.
"Now, what should I have?"
I ask myself outloud, looking the menu over.

"I think we will get burgers which is our usual order."
Ace tells me.

"The burgers good here?"
I ask Ace.

"Very good."
Blaze replied, making me look at Blaze.

"If it's a cheeseburger then I'll eat it."
I tell Blaze.

"They got a make your own burger thing right here see?"
Ace showed me on my menu, pointing to the make your own burger meal thing.

"We usually get a double cheeseburger with jalapenos, onions and green peppers on ours."
Blaze tells me.

"I like spicy things but last time I had a raw jalapeno I had a terrible time with it. I'm thinking a cheeseburger with onions, mushrooms, and green peppers. With a side of fries."
I tell Ace and Blaze.

When did you start liking them?"
Blaze asked.

"Since I had to cook with em.
Aunt Dee liked mushrooms."
I tell them both.
"I grew to love em."

"They have mean fried mushrooms here. Why not order some?"
Ace asked me, making me look at him next like he said something forbidden.

"Fried mushrooms?!
I love fried mushrooms!
Yeah I want some."
I tell Ace in an excited way.

"Then we will order some."
Blaze says into my neck, since his breath hits my neck when he talks.

"Okay then."
I tell them both, excited to have fried mushrooms.

I'm still a kid at heart, which there's nothing wrong with it.

"Here are your drinks."
Trish set our drinks down, setting straws down for us.

"Me and my brother will have a double cheeseburger with jalapenos, green peppers, and onions on it, with fries. She will have a cheeseburger with mushrooms, onions and green peppers on it with a side of fries.
Also we would like an order of fried mushrooms as an appetizer."
Blaze tells our order to Trish, and she writes it down.

"Um thanks for ordering my meal for me Blaze."
I tell Blaze, making him smirk at me.

"Anything for you.
Remember our promise?
Us being friends forever?"
Blaze asked me.

I swallow hard.

"It means we'll do anything for you."
Blaze tells me, holding my right hand in his, and kissed my hand.
"And we mean anything."

"Blaze you're creeping me out kissing my hand like that."
I tell Blaze, and he let's my hand go.

"A little much don't you think brother?"
Ace says, taking a drink of his drink.

"You two are confusing me."
I tell them both.

"Your fried mushrooms."
Trish sets down a basket of fried round things, and a saucer of ranch.
She then walked away.

"Careful eating them.
The juices can burn..."
Blaze sighs as I bite into the mushroom, and flinch as I burnt my chin and lip from the juices.

"Here, an ice cube on your chin and lip."
Ace takes two ice cubes and rubs them on my chin and lip, making me flinch.
"You said the warning too late brother."
Ace says sarcastically.

"Why did you not listen to me?"
Blaze scoffed.

"Sowwy. I wasnth paying attention."
I say honestly.

"Its hot in your mouth right?"
Ace asked me handing me my drink.
"Drink the cold drink it should help."
I nod taking a drink.

I swallow down my now cooled bite and sigh in content.
"Sorry I have issues with my short attention span."

"Short attention span?"
Ace asked, looking to Blaze.

"I think now is a good time to tell you I guess?"
I say, as Ace kept using the ice to ease my burns.

"Tell us what?"
Blaze asked, confusion in his face clear as day.

"Recently I found out I'm autistic, slightly autistic, it's called aspergers, that's another reason why I was kinda slow in school. I found this out last year.
I even take medicine for it. By the way that reminds me I need to transfer my meds here to the nearest pharmacy."
I tell Ace and Blaze.
"Without my autism meds my brain feels weird when I miss them. It's kinda hard to explain."
I look from Ace to Blaze.
"You don't judge me?
Some people judge me, calling me a retard."

"We don't judge you Sammie.
We never will, because you are our best friend."
Ace gently, caresses my cheek, making me look at him.

"A friend we hold dear."
Blaze counters back gently.
"To us you are still our dearest friend Sammie Collins and you're not a retard in my book."
Blaze made me look at him, then the fried half eaten mushroom I dropped in the basket of other mushrooms.

I smile to myself, happy they still accepted me for me.
"I'm glad you accept me for me."

"We always will accept you for you."
Blaze kisses my forehead.

"Thanks for everything.
Helping Dad and all."
I tell Blaze and Ace.

"We promised our father we'd help your father out.
I guess father wasn't so strict, but actually he was a soft old man."
Ace says to me.

"When I saw him he looked pissy all the time. You sure he wasn't PMSing all the time?"
I ask Ace, making Blaze bust out laughing.

"Oh yeah that's Sammie for you."
Blaze laughs, as Ace then joined in laughing.

I began laughing too.
"Father would call you saying that a crime."
Ace chuckled, wiping his eyes of tears that shed when he laughed.

"No father would laugh too."
Blaze wipes his eyes next.
"Goddamn I needed that laughter in me."

"Your orders ma'am and sirs."
Trish sets our orders down.

Smells good."
I take my civilware from my napkin and began cutting my burger in half, making the brothers look at me weird.
"I cut burgers in half now unless it's a Wendy's burger."
I tell them both.

"Is it because it's too big?"
Ace asked.

"Yeah mainly that reason."
I tell Ace.

Once my burger was cut in half I took the first half and bite into it doing an Mmmm.

Blaze asked me and I nod.

"I told you the burgers are always best at your father's place."
Ace says cheerfully, and bites into his burger next, and so does Blaze, all three of us eating now in silence.


I cut this chapter off since its getting too long.
I hope everyone enjoys this story.
I wanted to do a story of a chubby autistic girl being mated to two twin werewolves who are lone wolves that aren't rogues nor part of a pack but their duty is to kill rogues.
Rogues are werewolves who have gone feral and eat humans.
Lone wolves don't eat humans they eat food like humans do same with pack wolves.
All will be explained soon.

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