Act 3:|| Behold Werewolves!!

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Another chapter for you guys who love this book or just love werewolf stories.

Chapter three is now officially able to read!

I pigged out on my meal, and some fried mushrooms, until I got too full, and Ace kept trying to feed me more of em.

"Enough Ace I'm full."
I giggled, as he got ranch on my face.

Blaze took my chin in his hand and licks the ranch off my face with his tongue, making my cheeks burn and heat up at seeing him do that.

"Mmm....the ranch is good on your face."
Blaze murmurs in a husky tone to his deep voice, and smirks down at me as he let's my chin go.

Ace frowns, I could tell he was inwardly sulking at Blaze licking my face.
"That was not fair brother."
Ace could be childish, and right now he is being childish by dipping his finger in ranch, and dabs my face, then turns my chin towards him, and licks my right cheek of ranch.

"You two are acting really weird."
I shiver, feeling my core throb at them licking my face, and I don't understand the reaction unless I'm horny for them, but they are my friends, and they would never see me in a sexual way.

"Now I grow zealous of you licking her next."
Blaze chuckles darkly at Ace.

What's wrong with you two acting so weird?!"
I exclaim, making heads turn towards us.
I got too loud on accident, then covered my mouth.
I stand up, and I slip passed Blaze in the booth, and go to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me, and lock it.
I put my hands on the sink, looking at myself in the mirror.
"They couldn't be could they?"
I mutter to myself, as a knock hits the door.

"Hon are you okay?"
Dad asked me from behind the door.

"I'm fine just going pawdee."
I tell Dad.

Dad sighs, and walks away.
I do my girly business, peeing, and wipe, then flush, then wash, and dry my hands.
I unlock the door, stepping out, and go out the door of Sammie's Diner, needing air after my two best friend's licked my face, and were acting weird.

I sit on a chair where a checkers table was painted on it, and I began spinning a black checker piece on the table.

"Hey...sorry we licked your face."
Ace says, rubbing the back of his neck as he stood in front of me.

"If it was a prank I'm not amused Ace."
I say sarcastically.

"No it wasn't a prank."
Ace sat next to me, and I look through the window into the diner, seeing Blaze paying our bill.
"We were just happy you're back."

"Licking is more extreme Ace."
I retort back.
"Especially after my last relationship went bad."
I say, biting my lower lip.

Blaze says, coming up behind Ace from the entrance door of the diner, making me look up at Blaze.

"Tell us about it."
Ace hugs me to his side, since he sat next to me on the bench I was on.

He felt so warm and comforting, warmer than Ron ever was.
"Tell us if you want."
Blaze leaned against a post, his arms folded to his chest, turning his head so his eyes looked upon me.

"My Ex boyfriend. He left me for another man. He said our relationship was just a farce, since his folks were trying to cure him of being gay. He used me to wet his whistle and never thought of my feelings. He broke it off with me to be with Gary his new boyfriend."
I tell Blaze and Ace, and Blaze glared a death glare at me.

"Easy Brother."
Ace tensed up while holding me.
"Calm your temper."

"Blaze has anger issues?"
I ask Ace.

"Like father he inherited the anger issues yes."
Ace says, standing up, and puts his hands on Blaze's trembling shoulders.
"Calm down brother."

"If I ever see that Ex of yours I'll rip his heart out."
Blaze walks away out of the cabin porch area.

Ace sighs, and I was shocked Blaze said that!

"Ace what did Blaze mean by that?"
I ask Ace, scared of the evil and angry look Blaze had in his eyes.

"Blaze meant every word because he loves you and so do I, since we were kids we loved you. We've been waiting for you to come back."
Ace says, looking to me.
"We'll see you later, first I have to calm my brother down."
Ace walked away, and left me there to realize that those two are in love with me, and my thoughts leading to that in the bathroom came true!!

Dad's voice brought me outta my thoughts.
"If you stay out here the bugs will eat you alive.
Come inside okay."
Dad says in a fatherly manner, and I get up, walking into the restaurant with him.

Obviously I can't tell Dad about my two friends are in love with me.
I thought to myself.

"I'll drive you home."
Dad tells me, turning to face me.

"Mister Collins I'll take care of the diner while you're gone."
A chubby red head walked up with deep chocolate eyes, and pale as snow skin, who wore an apron, and a Sammie's Diner red shirt over her chest, in black jeans, and black converse shoes.
I could tell her hair that was tied up into a ponytail was dyed that Emo or Goth red like my hair is dyed Emo or Goth pastel pink.

"Thank you Quincy that would be nice. You always offer to take over the diner for me. I appreciate it."
Dad smiled nervously at Quincy.

I noticed Quincy had a thing for Dad.
"No problem anything to help my boss!"
Quincy says cheerfully, her black lipstick on her lips curved along her lips into a smile.

"Then I leave everything to you while I take my daughter home."
Dad nods to her, grabbing me by my arm, and walked with me back to his Ford Escape.

"You do know Quincy has a thing for you Dad?"
I ask him, as we got the vehicle and buckle in.

"Yes and it kinda petrifies me, since I haven't seen anyone since your mother died, so I'm afraid I'm rusty, and she's younger than you by three years."
Dad tells me, making me smile brightly at him.

"Come on Dad give her a chance, she fucking is hot for you."
I tell Dad.
"I can tell she is."

"But she's my worker and that's wrong right?"
Dad asked, as he pulls out of the tiny parking lot to take us home.

"No it's not Dad."
I tell Dad honestly.
"Alot of young people get with much older people."

I was nervous going home, knowing the brothers who are in love with me will be there.
Be there working on our house.

Dad noticed my strange behavior since I'm patting my hand on my thigh alot at a rapid pace.
"Hon, what's got you so nervous?"

I lie to him.

"Uh...huh. Does it have to do with your out burst in the diner?"
Dad asked me, trying to pry information out of me.

"The two said something that got me unnerved but nothing bad I swear Dad."
I tell Dad, trying to hide about what Ace said, that Ace and Blaze have been in love with me since we were kids.

"What they say?"
Dad asked, worry laced in his voice.

"Blaze got mad when I told him and Ace about Ron."
I tell Dad.

"Blaze does have a temper, always has had one when it came to you, so I'm not surprised."
Dad replied.

"What he said scared me.
He will rip Ron's heart out if he sees him ever?"
I tell Dad.

"That's just words he spouts when angry don't think too much about it okay hon."
Dad rubs my shoulder.

I say, as I sigh at thinking about when did them two fall for me.

When did it all start those two falling for me?
I thought to myself, so desperately wanting the answer.

Dad pulls up to his driveway, and the truck belonging to Ace and Blaze wasn't there.
Dad noticed.
"Hmm.... I bet Ace is trying to calm Blaze down. We best let him do that, since only Ace can calm his brother down remember?"
Dad tells me, and I nod, getting out.
"So when is your stuff going to get here?"
Dad asked me, guiding me up the steps, and unlocked the house.
"Careful walking around they got their tools wherever."

"I will."
I tell Dad, as the door clicks, and he stepped through, looking around, and Dad was right there was lumber against the wall, saws, and other weird tools by the front door, but they were covered in protective plastic so they don't cut anyone.

I carefully like Dad, manuever around the tools, with careful as hell footing, and go towards my room, opening my door, seeing my wall posters of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers along my walls, and my now queen sized bed, with my Green Ranger bedding, and green sheets on the bed.
My automatronic Pikachu that first came out when The Pokemon Indigo League show came out was on a shelf, which also don't work anymore, and was cleaned up.
Last time I saw it, it had dust on it.
I had more Pikachu plushies surrounding it on the shelf. There were more shelves added in my room, since I bet Ace and Blaze heard from Dad I have more plushies to put on display coming soon in my moving truck, including my Beerus plushie I bought online.
Beerus is my favorite Dragon Ball Super character.

"Just how you left it right?"
Dad's voice spooked me, making me scream, and turn around, and smack his arm.

"Don't do that!
Jesus Christ Dad!
I exclaim, holding my hand on my chest breathing hard, my heart racing.

Dad laughed at me like me being jumpy amused him.
"Sorry hon."

"Not funny Dad!"
I fume out.

Dad covered his mouth, hiding his childish smirk, and as he did, I heard a howl, a loud howl.
"Dad what was that?"
I ask Dad.

"Probably coyotes again, the ones that attacked Mister Hunter were hunted down by the city folk.
They probably won't come near us."
Dad says to me, as another howl went off in the air.
"That does sound close."
Dad walked to his room, coming back out with a crossbow.

When did you get a crossbow Dad?!"
I exclaim, as he walked out the front door, and I follow him.

"Since the day Mister Hunter was killed, and I'm a good shot."
Dad says, as I stand on the porch, nervously looking around, as Dad stepped off the porch, looking around, and arming the crossbow to fire at the ready.

Don't tell me he's gonna kill the poor thing when it lunges at him?!
I thought to myself, and gulp loudly, scared.
Then that attack was serious like Dad says?!
So if those coyotes come they might attack us?!
I thought more to myself, panicking.

I heard loud yelping and growling noises behind the house, making Dad skulk over behind the house, and I follow him, curious as to what kind of animals were having a fight behind the house.

What I saw blew my mind, large wolves standing six feet tall on all fours, one black with white blotchy spots with golden eyes, had it's jaws around one wolf that was a brown color and much lankier, and another wolf that was silver with white blotchy spots on it, with blue eyes had it's jaws in another brown colored lankier wolf, both odd colored wolves tear the throats out of the brown wolves, blood gushing onto the grass of our backyard.
The brown wolf's bodies fell limp to the ground dead.

The silver and white blotchy spotted wolf turned it's head to me, so did the black wolf with white spotted blotches as well, growling at Dad, and backed away, then they dart off into the trees.
Dad ran up to the lankier wolves looking them over.
"These ones look diseased.
I better call animal control."
Dad says, pulling out his phone, and dialed a number.
"Yeah animal control, I saw two big dogs take out two diseased coyotes. Yeah, I think you need to pick up the bodies or the bodies of other animals feast on them could spread disease."
Dad told them our address, and then hung up.
"Sweetie go inside okay, those big dogs could come back.
I think they are wolfdogs that someone dumped out here.
They could be diseased too."
Dad motions me to go back in the house, and I obey him, walking back around the house, and into the home, shutting the door.

Sirens blared; and I watch from the screen door as Blaze and Ace's truck pulls up, along with an animal control vehicle.

Blaze got out quickly along with Ace, and walked up to the house, opening the door, and both say.
"You okay?
You look like you saw a ghost?"

"Come in.
I'll tell you what happened."
I move away from the door, and they shut the door, and I sit on the couch in the living room.
Both of them sit by each of my sides.
"We heard howling and we heard what sounded like dogs fighting.
So we looked to see what caused it. Dad said they were wolf dogs, but to me they looked like wolves, they had to stand at least six feet on their four paws, they attacked these lankier coyotes Dad called them, ripping their throats out. It terrified me seeing those wolves do that to some diseased coyotes Dad called those coyotes."
I tell Blaze and Ace, tears going down my cheeks.

"Maybe those wolves were protecting you and your father?
Father told us wolves are sacred beings who do protect us without us knowing so."
Ace tells me.

"You still cry over animals getting hurt."
Blaze hugs me to his side, and I push him away, not wanting a hug right now.

"I don't want a hug right now, cause I'm freaking out at what I saw.
No wolves can be that big unless they are mutant wolves!"
I tell Blaze giving him a painful scared look.

"Should we tell her brother?"
Ace asked Blaze.

"Tell me what?!"
I ask, scared of what they were talking about.

"I think telling her now isn't appropriate since she is freaking out."
Blaze tells Ace.

"Tell me what?!
What else are you guys hiding from me?!"
I stand up, facing them.
"First you tell me you two are in love with me!
So what else are you keeping from me?!
That you have a secret life?!
You're super heroes?!
You're freaks of nature?!
I shout, since I'm overwhelmed by everything today.

Blaze and Ace, stand up.
"We should tell you."
Blaze says, and Ace nods.

"Just spit it out!"
I fume.

"Those wolves you saw were us.
We are werewolves.
We are lone wolves, who it is our duty to kill rogue man eating werewolves.
Those brown wolves were rogue man eating werewolves.
We don't eat humans we eat human food though.
The reason why we love you is because...."
Blaze cut himself off.

"Because you are our mate."
Ace finished Blaze's sentence.
"Our true love the moon goddess blesses all werewolves to encounter. We've know you're ours since we met you in your third grade year, so we've been waiting for when you're an adult to tell you everything and hope you accept us."
Ace tells me, making my mind go outta style with severe questions riddling my mind.

You two are werewolves?!
So those wolves were you protecting me and Dad?"
I ask in shock.

"Yes we tracked some rogues around here, and they smelled you and your father, and were going to attack you, so it was our duty to protect our mate."
Blaze tells me, and my legs shook, and Ace guides me to sit down.

"Easy breathe."
Ace tells, me since I'm having an anxiety attack.
Blaze rubs my back, making warm shivers go up my spine.

"So biting me it won't turn me into a wolf?"
I ask Blaze and Ace.

"Actually we can turn you into a wolf, but we have to feed you our blood to due so. We won't do that until you decide you want to be a wolf."
Ace tells me.

"This is alot to take in."
I tell Blaze and Ace.

"Animal control has lone wolves working for them to dispose of bodies of rogues.
So our secret is safe.
You can't tell your father what we are, he won't understand and might try to kill us.
Humans often fear us."
Blaze tells me, making me look at him.

"You must keep it secret."
Ace tells me, giving me a serious look.

"Promise us you will not tell anyone of what we are."
Blaze gives me a serious glare.

"I won't say anything.
You guys accepted me for me so I should do the same.
I don't get why you never told me."
I shake my head.

"Imagine you as a ten year old telling your father you got werewolves as friends, your father would of put you into a nut ward."
Blaze says sarcastically.

"Good point.
People would think I'm crazy if I said anything."
I say, starting to calm down.

A knock sounded at the screen door.
"Hon they want your account of what happened."
Dad opens the door.

"I know what to do now."
I tell Blaze and Ace.

I left out of the door, and walk to the animal control people.
I tell them I saw wolf dogs attacking the coyotes and rip their throats out.
Telling them we heard howling and investigated what it was, seeing those wolf dogs killing the coyotes.
After telling my story they wrote it down, as I watch two other guys take the bags of the bodies of those rogue wolves, and put them in a trunk of their truck.

They soon left and I was relieved they did.
Dad was too.
Dad hugged me to his chest rubbing my back.
"It's okay.
The boys are here too.
They can help keep the other coyotes away since they carry guns in their truck."

I pull away from the hug, and walk back into the house where the boys started working on a section of the house.
"Need anything to drink?!"
I shout over their power tools.

"Yeah that'd be great!!"
Blaze shouts, as he was cutting some wood.

I maneuver over to the fridge, grabbing two bottled waters, and walk over to them both, and set them on the floor.
"By your feet."
I shout over the power tools.

Both siblings shout.

I walk over to Dad.
"Can you take me to the store to buy necessities?"
I ask Dad.

"Sure let's go then."
Dad guides me out the door, and we get into his Ford Escape, buckling in, and he pulled out, driving off to Moncks Corner.


Please don't hesitate to comment if you like these story.
I would love feedback guys.

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