Act 12: Enter Drakeo!!

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Here's another chapter!
Enjoy guys!!!
You guys deserve these chapters after me not updating in awhile and there will be changed to the story!
I've decided upon it!!

There will be a book two for Tenko's Storyline......

Stepping into the foyer, I was amazed at how large this home was, and I was in his home before, but still it amazed me yet again as I remember seeing the crystal red chandelier before, but it still is pretty.
And Eros looked at me as I gawked at his large home, the decor.
"Stop dawdling and follow me."
I nod doing as asked as I follow Eros into his home, and he showed me to a big bedroom in which I would stay in, which was magnificent, it had a big mahogany manmade carved bed, accented with manmade carved wooden dressers and a walk in closet, with blue and golden sheets on the bed and blankets, and pillows, and the walls of the room were blue and gold too, and there was a large bathroom with a marble tub and large marble walk in shower, and this room was fit for a royal guest in my opinion!

"Thank you for letting me stay here."
I tell him.

Eros looked to me, then my belly that was plump with Tenko inside, and swallowed hard.
"I am doing this for you and Tenko."
He looked away, and I was shocked to see him so flustered at saying that!
He then cleared his throat, and then says.
"If you need anything tell my maids to fetch me."
Eros then left the room.

I then watch him leave, and then felt lonely as two female maids come in the room, introducing themselves as Mary and Ada.
They were nice middle aged ladies.
They have been beside Eros for years.
Served him for a long time and were human.
Said Eros is the kindest and best master of all, and the last vampire master they had before was abusive.
Then I realized not all vampires were nice, making me wonder if Dad was in a good place with the vampire he is with and mated to, though I can't see him?
It makes me worry, and want him to see his future grandbaby about to be born.

Just thinking of it makes tears form and roll down my cheeks as I'm overwhelmed with that sadness, and Ada and Mary see me crying, and look concerned, but say nothing, probably understanding pregnant women go through bouts of emotions during pregnancy.

It was heartbreaking to me my Dad will never see Tenko, and never know she exists, because I know he will adore Tenko to death if he met her!
He would love the shit out of my future daughter Tenko!
He'd spoil her rotten if he could but he can't!

"What is the meaning of this?!
This sadness she is going through?!"
I perk up, seeing Eros standing in the doorway of my room, looking pissed I'm crying.

"Milord, we don't know!
She just started crying out of the blue!"
Mary bows to him and so does Ada, both of them fretting over how angry Eros looked.

Eros walked over to me, tilting my chin up so I'll look at him.
"Why are you heartbroken and weeping?
It upsets the child within you."

"I'm upset Dad will never meet Tenko."
I tell Eros, making him narrow his charcoal gray eyes at me.

"That newly turned child?
Forget about him.
That damn vampire who has him is a controlling fuck and will never allow you a werewolf to even see him nor your child to see him since he hates werewolves."
Eros let's my chin go.

I weep more as he said that.
"I want my Dad to see my child, to see Tenko just once after she is born!
Is that so hard to ask?!"

"Would you want the very vampire that turned your father to tear your child to ribbons upon seeing your child?
That is what he will do."
Eros says to me, and I look at Eros with shocked eyes.
"You are filth to that vampire, and right now he is brainwashing your father to see you that way."

Dad won't!"
I shout.

"He will!"
Eros grabbed my chin, and growled at me.
"That vampire is scum, and you must know that you must accept you lost your father to him forever for eternity!"

I look away from him.
"I can't!
I love my Dad!"

"I know you love your father!
But remember him as he was before he was taken!
But now that he is taken remember he is your enemy, and if he ever comes to harm your child nor you and your mates you must kill him.
Your mates and your child comes first before anything else that is the life of a werewolf."
Eros tells me, and I go wide eyed at that.

"Ace and Blaze told me that, but I never thought I'd have to kill him one day!"
I tell Eros.

"One day you will."
Eros says to me.

I gulp at that.
"I don't know if I can!"

"You must!
Or I will to protect the child within your womb, or when she is born!"
Eros snapped at me, then let's my chin go, turning away from me.
"And you are a werewolf?
What a pity.
Those two boys have not disciplined you enough."
He then left out of my room, scoffing that out as he left.

That hurt how he degraded me, but he's right, I'm a coward right now, and Ace and Blaze would be disappointed in me, and they'd want me to face my problems and not run away from them.
Mary and Ada look to me with eyes they felt sympathy for me, hearing the whole conversation.


Another month has passed, and I'm really heavily pregnant by eight months in fact, and the stress of these Rogues and Packs hunting me and my unborn child was getting to me, and I'm in bed unwell, Eros upset by it, and Nori was treating me for a Stress Fever, which is rare werewolves get.
Nori giving me herbal remedies for my Stress Fever, trying to get my sickness to go away, and Ace and Blaze was even over here to visit, worrying over my condition.

Drakeo wasn't even here yet though nor Eros' other Vampire Lord friends due to they ran into a snag in their travel to get here thanks to The Packs and Rogues making then run into a snag.
Plans for reinforcements are getting hard to come by, the Vampire Lords cannot get here any sooner than planned, and we are running out of Lone Wolves and vampires to protect me well enough, so Nori has asked his coven of Mages to help, and his coven know by Nori's predictions that I guess Tenko is I guess important to the world, and this damn war rages on, and even human blood has been spilled too, innocent human blood along the way.

South Carolina has now become a war zone, and humans are afraid to leave their homes, all thanks to me becoming pregnant with Tenko.
Hell rape cases have gone up of humans being raped by Rogues and Pack Wolves that cause chaos I heard Eros discuss with Nori, which caused me to stress out more and get into this condition, me blaming myself, me wishing I never got pregnant with Tenko and this war never started, the pain and despair I'm feeling too much to bear.
But I know Tenko must be born, because Nori said if not the fate of all species is at hand.
Tenko was that important.
She's the life of all species.
My baby girl was the hope of us all.
The light of everything good, and I gotta remember that.

I look to Ace who was kneeling down next to me, him grief stricken at seeing me in such a condition, and Blaze was arguing with Eros I could hear in the next room about my condition, the two bickering, about how I got this way, having a yelling match.
Blaze and Eros never got along.
Never did.

"Hun, please get better for Tenko.
Don't blame yourself for this war anymore.
It's not your fault.
It would've happened anyways."
Ace caressed my cheek lovingly, giving me a warm painful smile as a tear went down my cheek.
"Don't cry hun."
He says to me wiping the tear away with his thumb.

"I'm scared.
Scared I started this all.
Packs and Rogues are hurting humans, and I used to be one!
They are raping them, and killing them!
It's wrong Ace!
We need to protect humans from them!
I'm a werewolf now, but I won't ever forget that I was once human, and I will never forget my humanity nor I used to be one or where I came from, so I will continue to protect humans, and so should our family!
So should Tenko!"
I tell Ace with a painful look on my face.

"You didn't start it all, they choose to harm humans, and we will protect them, and so will Tenko when she is older.
We will train her like we will train you after you recover from giving birth."
Ace says to me.
"Nori can watch Tenko too while you train."

"I'd be glad to watch Tenko."
Nori smiled at me.

"Sammie just do not blame yourself anymore.
It puts stress on unborn Tenko here."
Ace touched my big belly with unborn Tenko inside over my clothes, and Tenko kicked and I let out a moan.
"See Tenko agrees with Daddy."
Ace then chuckled at me.

I nod to Ace as Nori jumped when a slam occured and Ace stands up, and I heard snarling noises and knew Blaze shifted and Eros was probably fighting Blaze right now in his wolf form.
"Cease this behavior Blaze!"
Eros shouts.

"Ace go stop him!"
I tell Ace.

Ace gets up and ran to the other room, and I then heard another snarling noise, and snapping noises and yelping noises, and thuds, and crashing noises.
"Why'd you stop me Ace?!"
I heard Blaze shout.

"Do you realize he would murder you?!
If you die it would kill Sammie and cause her to miscarry Tenko!"
Ace roared.

Blaze did a Tch.
"What has gotten into you brother?!
Is it because he is mated to our unborn child?!"
Ace shouts.

"That entirely pisses me off!
I hate him!"
Blaze shouts.

"Get over it fluffball!"
Eros snapped.

"As he said.
It is the universe that decides a mate not us!"
Ace shouts.

"Oh what a party this is."
I heard a voice say with a heavy Asian accent, and heard Eros' breath catch with my ears.

"Bow you two immediately!!"
Eros shouts, and I heard the sound of Ace, Blaze and Eros kneeling.

Now I was curious of who entered the other room, and by the male heavy Asian accent the person sounded of high authority.
"Mind my entrance, the others could not make it, because their travel was delayed because of them fighting warrings where they are in their sects with Packs and Rouge's so only I could make it, but I am powerful enough to handle anything you request of me."
The person says with confidence to their heavily Asian accent.

"Drakeo-sama it has been a long time since you have visited me, how have you faired?"
I heard Eros stand up, and then say to Ace and Blaze.
"Stay kneeling and do not disrespect him lest you will be reprimanded."

"Yes Lord Eros."
Ace and Blaze say to Eros.

"I have been fair, but I am in your household to see the female wolf you have been protecting.
I feel a pull to your home for an unknown reason."
I look to Nori who gave a low whistle, looking nervous.

"You're hiding something aren't ya?"
I ask Nori.

Nori gulped, looking to me, and I heard the door to this room open and Eros walked in with a man with long waist length silver hair, who had glowing light blue eyes, and elf-like ears, and he was Asian.
He wore a gray kimono with a purple and blue sash and gray leggings, and black boots, he looked to be in his mid-twenties.
He narrowed his almond eyes at me, as he walked up to my bedside with Eros.
He looked to Eros then reached his hand out to touch my plump belly, and closed his eyes, and I felt a pulsation in my body, and I felt Tenko move in my belly, as if she's reacting to this man.
The man then looked to Eros with a serious look.
"She is your mate as well as my mate this unborn child."

Eros goes wide eyed in shock.
I exclaim in shock.

"Drakeo are you sure?!"
Eros asked, his voice shaking.

The man Eros called Drakeo calmly pulled his hand away from my belly, and looked to me, and nods.
What is the unborn babe's name?"

Eros says to Drakeo.

"A beautiful name."
Drakeo smiled warmly at me, and I blink at him, then he reached out, feeling my forehead.
"This is rare.
She has a Stress Fever.
Poor girl is stressing over something.
Not good for poor little Tenko."
Drakeo then frowned.
"What are you stressing out about female?"

"I can answer that."
Ace walks up, looking to Drakeo.

Drakeo turns to Ace.
"Spill it wolf."
Drakeo seems displeased, and not in the mood for me being ill.

"She blames herself for this chaos and war going on, which is causing humans to be harmed by Packs and Rogues in vile ways and wants to protect humans since she used to be human.
It's her dire wish to.
She feels it's her fault this is happening so she became this way, sick with a fever.
Sammie has always been this way.
Too kind for her own good.
Too warm.
And if she knows others are hurting because of her it breaks her.
She's always been this way because it's who she is."
Ace says to Drakeo.

"I can attest to that."
Blaze says to Drakeo.
"We grew up with her when she was human."

Drakeo looked to me, and saw me in a new light, and then looked to Ace and Blaze, then Nori.
"You Mage!
Get Sammie the mother wolf better!
I shall not have her miscarrying Tenko!"
Drakeo then left the room, his long waist length silver hair swishing as he walked.

"Geeze, he's worse than you Eros!"
Blaze scoffed.

"You will grow accustomed to him.
He is childish yet warm and friendly, but also brutal in battle.
He knows Mage magic, and has as well as werewolf strength and vampire strength.
I learned Mage magic from him so you know.
Only the two of us know that kind of magic since we share the same vampiric blood. Vampires who share the same blood can only have the same abilities in their family tree."
Eros says to Ace, Blaze, and me.

I then close my eyes feeling sleep take over me, and it was deep sleep, as I rested my weary body.

I not too soon woke up to my fever gone, but I started getting pains in my belly, and I cry out, and Nori was not in the room, and I sit up, looking down at my bedding seeing my water broke.
I scream.
My water broke!!"

Soon as I scream that, I didn't expect Drakeo to zoom at vampire speed in the room, flinging the door open, and him wide eyed, as I turn my head to him.
"You are birthing?!"
He asked.

"My water broke you moron!
So yeah!"
I shout as the labor pains started.

He zoomed out of the room, and in seconds came back with Eros, Ace, Blaze and Nori in tow, and the maids Mary and Ada.
"I brought everyone to the birthing."
He smiled happily.

Eros, Ace, Blaze, and Nori was by my bedside including Drakeo as the maids Mary and Ada started pulling my pants and underwear off so I'm nude waist down, and had my legs bent up.
The two women told me to push, which I was, which hurt cause Tenko was no normal child, she was in wolf form, and bigger than a normal baby.
I was clawing my fingers at the bed sheets, and Ace and Blaze took my hands in theirs, and I look up to them crying rivers of tears.

"You have no idea how much this fucking hurts!!"
I scream.

"We can only imagine sweetheart."
Ace says to me.

"We are here for you."
Blaze says to me.

"The pain is nothing compared to that of losing the child know that."
Eros says to me, gently patting my shoulder.

I glare at him like I wanted to tear his head off.
"Not the best choice of words Eros.
She wants to tear your head off."
Drakeo laughed.

"I agree with that."
Blaze laughed too.

"Can you guys be serious for once geez!
She's having a baby!"
Nori complained.

I cry out more in pain as I push more and more, screaming my head off, me crying more tears, and Mary says.
"I see a tail, a fluffy black and white speckled tail!!"
Mary then gently tugs the tail, pulling the pup out slowly to help the pup come out of my womb as I push, until finally the pup came out of my womb, and Mary then said.
"She's born!!"
Mary then cleaned the white and black speckled fluffy wolf pup up, that is the size of a six month old baby, and washed her coat, then dried her off, then the pup whimpered and yipped in her arms, her eyes not open yet, since wolf pups are born blind at first.
"She is adorable."
Mary says to Ace, Blaze and me, and handed Tenko to me in my arms in a pink blanket.

Ace, and Blaze looked down at Tenko and so did I, and Eros and Drakeo.
"She is beautiful."
All of us say, so did Nori.

"Heh, we made that."
Blaze chuckled, hitting Ace in the arm playfully.

"We sure did brother and Tenko is beautiful indeed."
Ace smiled happily so did Blaze.

"This child isn't sin to me brother."
Blaze says to Ace.

"Fuck the Rogues and Packs."
Ace pets Tenko's pointy black and white speckled wolf ears, making her whimper.

"How's the mother feeling?"
Drakeo asked me.

"Winded actually."
I say, looking tiredly at Drakeo.

"I can hold Tenko if you will."
Eros says to me.

"Put a doggie diaper on her though.
We bought some."
Ace says to Eros.

Eros says and nods then cleared his throat.
" do you do that?"

"I will show you.
I watched a video on it."
Ace says, taking Tenko from me, and Blaze stayed by me as Mary cleaned me up so did Ada.

Blaze kissed my cheek.
"You did awesome.
Now rest your heart out hun."
I nod, and close my eyes, slowly falling to sleep, tired from giving birth and extremely sore too, I feel like my womb was ripped to shreds a million times over and my stomach too.


To be continued......

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