Act 13: War Going To Hell

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Here's the next chapter enjoy guys!!

The war was getting bad, so bad, as I took care of Tenko with Nori.
There was only a few Lone Wolves left, a handful left now in South Carolina, because the Rogues and Packs that invaded before Drakeo came here killed them all, even the Lone Wolves' mates and their children, and it was sickening, it upset me.
I was afraid Tenko would be next.
The news outlets were shut down, even the internet is too, except phone companies keeping phones running, we were in kinda the stone ages now in South Carolina, and no other states will help cause it's a Supernatural Problem.

Drakeo and Eros are our only help, including Ace, Blaze, and Nori's coven too, so yeah.
I hold Tenko now in my arms, and it's been about two weeks, and her eyes were now open wide, and she has one golden eye and one blue eye, and she was sucking on a nipple of a bottle of formula that I'm giving her as I rock her side to side, her staring at Drakeo as I give her formula, her fascinated by him as he talks to Eros about some adult things, things she probably don't understand at her age.

"More of our fleet is destroyed.
This do not bode well.
I do not understand how they are getting this powerful unless they are using magical herbs to drug up their fleet!"
Drakeo says to Eros.

"Could they be using that herb that is illegal?
Eros asked Drakeo.

"They wouldn't dare!
The side effects alone!
Taking Romodium too long can cause you to be infertile, as well as give you urges to be violent, and attack other humans at will and have perversions towards them!
It has been illegal due to that!
Though it makes you infertile it makes you so violently that way during attacking a human in perverse ways you can brutally kill them!"
I shiver hearing that from Drakeo.

No wonder that's been going on.
I thought to myself.

"That is probably why the raping and killing has been going on then."
Eros comments.

"But how are they getting Romodium?
It was supposed to be extinct!
I made sure of it!"
Drakeo growled out.
"Unless Defami saved a spore?"

"Of course that whore saved a spore!
You know he did!"
Eros growled out.

I glare at the two not holding their language around a newborn like Tenko, but I also curse around her, so I shouldn't fucking talk.

I look to Tenko, cause she pulled away from the nipple and looked at me, licking her chops and whimpered, giving me a concerned look.
Though a young pup, she shows expressions well maturely for her age.
"Mommy's okay hun, don't worry."
I smile at Tenko.

Tenko looked to Drakeo and Eros again, then me, still looking concerned.
"You worried about them baby girl?"
I ask her, and she yipped in reply.
"They are discussing about the bad things going on.
The war.
And about protecting all of us from the bad guys in the war."

Tenko blinked at me as she whimpered, I bet not understanding what I'm saying.
"One day you'll understand when you're older baby girl."
I pet her pointy black and white speckled ears.

I held her more in my arms as I walk away, and Nori then walked up, coming into the front door looking battered and bruised, with cuts on him and stuff, and he then coughed blood to the floor.
What happened?!"
I ask him.

They attacked me while I went grocery shopping to get formula for Tenko."
He collapsed to his knees.
"Couldn't get any formula I'm sorry."

Nori is hurt!!"
I shout, and Drakeo was by my side in seconds.

"Tell me all that happened boy."
Drakeo says to Nori.

"The Rogues have been spying on me getting formula for Tenko, and I didn't know it, and this time they ganged up on me, attacking me, and I couldn't get any."
Nori says coughing more blood.

Another Mage in the mansion from Nori's coven ran up, picking Nori up by his shoulder, and carted him off to go treat him.
Drakeo looked pissed.
"And Tenko is running low on formula as well Drakeo, as well as doggie diapers."
I tell him.

Drakeo clenched his fangs in his mouth.
"Then I shall retrieve them for now on.
I am the most powerful one!
Tell me what brand it is and what size the canine diapers they are!"

"I'll write it down for you, so hold on."
I tell him, and walk off, grabbing a pen and paper, and write it down on a piece of paper then hand it to him.
Drakeo looked to it and nods.
"I will return soon.
Eros shall hold down the base."
Drakeo then left.

Eros walked up, petting Tenko gently, and Tenko licked his hand, wagging her white and black speckled tail and panting.
"Do not worry, those Rogues and Pack Mutts are nothing compared to my maker."
Eros smirked showing a fang.

Tenko snorts as she play bites Eros with her toothless mouth, and Eros chuckled at her.
"Courageous you are for doing that when your fangs have not grown in yet little one."
She snorts again.

"She is funny isn't she?"
I giggled.

Eros admits to me.

"I'm worried about Ace and Blaze since they are out fighting in this alone.
There aren't very many Lone Wolves left accept me, Blaze, Ace, Adam, and Nicole."
I tell Eros.

"Yes, it is sad that the Packs and Rogues killed your kind out in South Carolina.
You were my people."
Eros looked to me.
"And soon Tenko will be my family, the same with Drakeo's family."

"When she is nineteen got it!"
I tell him, pointing at him.

Eros cleared his throat.
"Yes, when she is nineteen I understand."

"Good, now that we are clear on that."
I say to him, and Tenko stopped playing with Eros, and had fallen to sleep in my arms.

"She sleeps, shits, and eats.
But I love her."
I giggle.

Eros chuckled.
"You never cease to amaze me in your jokes, I can tell you used to be human."

"Why thank you Captain Obvious."
I giggle out.

"Touché Pussy Cat."
Eros winked at me chuckling more.

"At least you get along well."
I heard Ace say, and turn to the voice of Ace, seeing him walk up, and he side hugged me gently, looking down at Tenko.
"Sleeping beauty hello."
He whispered to Tenko.

Blaze frowned at Eros, but then looked to Tenko, whispering to Tenko.
"Hello sleeping beauty your Daddies are back."

Tenko was so dead to the world she didn't react to her Daddies.
Blaze and Ace chuckled at that.
"She's a deep as hell sleeper like Mommy."
Blaze chuckled.

I giggle.
"She inherited it from me."

"I remember you slept through the worst storm."
Ace says to me.

"And through Ace farting in your face once."
Blaze chuckled.

I glare at Ace.
"Uh......sorry but I was a kid and it meant I liked you."
Ace rubbed his neck.

"If you do it again I'll smack your ass!"
I threaten him.

"I won't I swear."
Ace says and I growl.

"Talk about a royal fart in the face."
Eros joked out chuckling.

Blaze chuckled too.
"Good one."

"We agree on something that fart humor is funny."
Eros says to Blaze.
"And Drakeo would agree too."

"Not when the fart is directed to your face it isn't."
I complain.

"Still amusing."
Eros shrugged.

I flip him off.
"Not when it's in a girls sleeping face."

Eros smirked.
"Yes your Royal Highness."
Eros mused mockingly out.

I say to him and humph.

Suddenly my phone rang, and I blink at that, and I hand Tenko to Blaze.
"Take her for a minute.
I don't want me talking to accidentally wake her up if I get loud on accident."
Blaze nods as I grab my phone, seeing it's my Dad's number.
My heart raced at that, and I answer it immediately.
I ask in shock.

"Hun, I heard the news about South Carolina that it's a war zone.
Remriz I convinced him to allow me to call you, to hear your voice, and check on you.
I'm now a vampire. But I'm forbidden to see you. Please tell me that you're doing okay?"
Dad asked as I heard him sniffling, and knew he was crying.

Tears ran down my cheeks at hearing him crying on the phone, cause I missed him too, missed him so damn much.
"Dad, I'm a mother and she's the most unique child of all and because of her uniqueness people want to kill her!
Kill my baby for being born!"
I sob out.

Are you kidding me?!"
Dad fumed.
"They want to kill your baby girl?!"

I sob out.
"I'm so scared!"

Dad shushed me.
"Don't be scared hun.
Blaze and Ace will keep your baby girl safe."

"She has mates at birth too, two of them."
I tell Dad.

"You're joking?!"
Dad exclaimed.

I sniffle.
"But they are sweet to her.
But I laid down the law they can't have her until she's nineteen."

"As you should."
Dad says to me.

"I miss you Dad."
I tell him sobbing.

He sobs out.
"I know.
But at least I got Remriz to allow me to call you.
I practically begged him."

"I had your close friend Roger take care of your restaurant Dad, who swore to keep it going like you did, well until shit went south down here."
I told Dad.

"I'm glad you did."
Dad says to me.
"At least you tried hun."

"Do I make you proud?"
I ask him.

"Yes hun you do everyday."
Dad says to me.
"Especially now you're a mother.
Send me pictures of the little baby sometime."

"I'm afraid to.
She is in wolf form at birth all the time and that's why people wanna kill her.
They see her as an abomination.
But Ace will when she's old enough teach her to shift to and from her human form and wolf form."
I tell Dad.

She's that kind of unique, well no wonder."
Dad says to me.
"I'd still want to see her.
I bet she's a beautiful baby wolf."

"Okay I'll sent you pictures sometime.
Will Remriz allow us to text?"
I ask Dad.

I heard Dad mutter and then he says to me.
"Yes he will, just I can't come see you in person."
Dad says to me.

I tell Dad, happy I could at least text him.
"I'll send you some pictures sometime."

"I gotta go."
Dad says to me.
"Love you hun."
Then he hung up.

Ace walked up to me.
"Your Dad called?"

"Yeah, Remriz at least let him call and now I can text him.
Dad somehow talked Remriz into letting Dad do so."
I tell Ace.

"I have heard of Remriz, his family was murdered by werewolves, which stems his hatred for them."
Drakeo says to me.

I ask Drakeo.

He is a ruthless vampire who rules Maryland's territory."
Drakeo says to me.
"He was turned in the viking era.
Me I was born what I am 3,500 years ago and Eros was turned 3,000 years ago, well before christ."

I say to Drakeo.

"Yes we are the oldest living vampires in the world."
Drakeo says to me.

"Do not dare say we have wrinkly old dicks either."
Eros glared at me.

"I'm not!"
I sigh at that remark Eros says, shaking my head.
But laughed in my mind at him saying that.


To be continued.....

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