Chapter 11

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A little while later, Scorpion, Sub zero and smoke are seen talking in a room.

Left: Smoke Middle: Sub Zero Right: Scorpion

Sub-Zero: How long are we expected to linger?

Scorpion: Patience, Bi-Han. There are many demands on Liu Kang's attention.

Smoke: Were he here, Father would advise us to wait without protest.

Sub-Zero: But now he is gone and I am Grandmaster.

Scorpion: His teachings did not pass with him. They should guide us.

Sub-Zero: Guide us, yes. Shackle us, no.

Smoke: We can't abandon tradition!

Sub-Zero: Mind your place, Tomas. Father may taken you in, made you one of us...

Sub-Zero: ...but your blood will never be Lin Kuei.

There is silence in the room until Raiden and Kung Lao walk in.

Raiden; Lord Liu kang will see you now.

Sub Zero: It is about time....

In a giant planning room Liu kang is seen with the three ninja's along with Raiden and Kung Lao.

Liu Kang: Shang Tsung is here, at the ruins of Ying Fortress. His soul stealers are already under construction. You must destroy them, and capture Shang Tsung, before either can inflict harm upon Earthrealm.

Sub-Zero: We will leave immediately.

Raiden: And we will join you.

Sub-Zero: You are not Lin Kuei. You would only hinder the effort.

Kung Lao: Raiden and I are very capable of...!

Scorpion: We're trained differently. It takes years to master our ways.

Liu Kang: You and Raiden have my full confidence, but you are needed elsewhere. Go to the Wu Shi. The monks must prepare you for war.

The group nods in understanding, their expressions determined.

Raiden: We will not let you down, Lord Liu Kang.

Raiden and Kung Lao leave.

Liu kang: As for you three- I am sending one more person with you all.

The three ninjas exchange glances, curiosity in their eyes.

Scorpion: And who is this person you are sending with us, Lord Liu Kang?

???: That'd be me.

The ninjas, and Liu Kang, turn to look at the newcomer. Surprise flickers across their features, followed quickly by curiosity.

Scorpion: And you are...?

Y/N: Names Wolverine bub, but you can just call me Y/N.

The ninjas look at Y/N, assessing him. He seems strong, competent, despite his seemingly carefree demeanor.

Scorpion: Wolverine? That's an.... interesting name. You're an outsider then.

Liu kang: Y/N is empress sindel's son- and also the one who defeated Raiden at the tournament. He will be aiding us in the following days to stop Shang Tsung and Quan chi.

Scorpion and smoke's eyes widen except sub zero who looks unimpressed.

Scorpion: You're the one who defeated Raiden? That's impressive. I've never seen anyone best him in combat.

Y/N: Yeah. I get that a lot- now then. We should get moving. Shang Tsung and Quan chi aren't one's to waste time.

The ninjas nod, their eyes filled with determination.

Scorpion: You speak true. Let us not waste any time on getting moving. The longer we wait, the further Shang Tsung and Quan Chi's plans progress towards fruition.

Y/N heads back to his room and see's Ashrah still nude and sleeping from the other day's fun. He walks over to her and kisses her cheek. Ashrah stirs in her sleep as Y/N kisses her cheek, a soft hum escaping her lips. She doesn't fully wake up, her body still heavy with sleep.

Y/N: Sleep well, sweetheart.

He grabs his cowl and puts it on, leaving the room quietly so as not to further disturb her rest. At Ying fortress, Y/N, Scorpion, Sub Zero and smoke are standing afar from the fortress watching. The four individuals observe the fortress in silence, taking in the details of the structure. The silence is deafening, the only sound being the soft sounds of the wind. Y/N speaks up, his voice barely above a whisper.

Y/N: Seems quiet. Too quiet.

Smoke: The other way in is over the walls.

Sub-Zero: We must find a less guarded before attempting an acsent. Finally we face a worthy foe. Victory will bring us glory.

Scorpion: Glory? We fight for duty.

Sub-Zero: Does our Father's ghost possess you? All I hear is his voice.

Scorpion: We must honor his vision, Bi-Han!

Sub-Zero: Vision is what he lacked. He was blind to our superiority. We settle for defending Earthrealm when we could help lead it.

Smoke: Our clan doesn't govern. It serves!

Sub-Zero: That is our past. It won't be our future.

Y/N listens to the conversation, his expression thoughtful. The tension between Scorpion and Sub-Zero is palpable, their differing views clearly driving a wedge between them.

Y/N: We're not here to argue about the Lin Kuei's role in Earthrealm's future. We're here to stop Shang Tsung. Let's focus on the task at hand.

The ninja's nods, their expressions serious. They know he is correct, and push their differences aside for the time being.

Scorpion: You're right. We mustn't let our disagreement distract us. We need to destroy Shang Tsung's soul stealers before they can be used.

Y/N nods and points to a small gap in the wall.

Y/N: There. That looks like our best chance at a less guarded entrance.

The four ninjas scale the wall with varying methods. Y/N uses his claws, climbing effortlessly. Scorpion uses his kunai, his movements precise and measured. Sub-Zero's axe allows him to climb the ice-formed steps with ease. Smoke utilizes his smoke powers to levitate himself, gliding silently up the wall. As smoke is almost to the top Suddenly screeching is heard as nitara is seen rushing at him knocking him off the wall.


Y/N's heart races as Nitara knocks Smoke off the wall. He acts quickly, jumping off after him and using his claws to stop himself from falling too far. Just as Smoke's grip is about to slip, he catches him, holding on tightly.

Y/N: I got you!

Sub zero and scorpion look up and see Nitara tackle sub zero trying to bite him until sub zero punches her and throws her aside. Sub-Zero fights back against Nitara's attack, countering her lunge and throwing her aside. The force of his punch sends her sprawling to the ground. Scorpion's eyes widen as he watches the scene unfold. He looks at Y/N and Smoke, hanging precariously from the wall.

Nitara:(guttural roar) Argh!

Sub-Zero: As a boy, I heard tales of battles agains your kind. I had thought them tall ones.

Nitara: All Earthrealmers will soon know of Vaeternus. My realm starves and it's coming here to feed.

Y/N tosses Smoke upwards with his incredible strength, the momentum sending him high enough to grab onto the ledge. Smoke pulls himself up with ease, securing his position on top of the wall.

Scorpion: Are you alright brother?!

Smoke catches his breath, nodding at Scorpion's question.

Smoke: Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for the save, Y/N.

Y/N gives him a nod in acknowledgment before turning his attention back to the fortress grounds below. Y/N continues to crawl back up. Y/N watches as Sub-Zero effortlessly defeats Nitara, his skills on full display. With a final strike, Nitara falls to the ground, beaten.

Y/N: Impressive. That was no ordinary opponent.

Sub zero is suddenly frozen and can't move.

Sub zero: What sorcery is this?!

Suddenly Ermac appears.

Ermac: We are charged with defending the fortress. None will escape us.

Sub-Zero: Argh!

Ermac tried to rip sub zero's arms apart until sub zero breaks free and shoots an ice ball at Ermac knocking him down.

Ermac: Oophh!

Y/N: Shit- him again!

Scorpion; Wanna fill us in here?!

Y/N: That's Ermac! The creation quan chi made! Be careful! He's not going down easily!

The ninjas exchange looks of concern at the arrival of Ermac. Y/N's words linger in their minds, a reminder of the powerful opponent they're up against.

Scorpion: And how do you know all this about him?

Y/N: I've faced him before. Trust me, he's not one to underestimate. His abilities are something else.

Y/N readies his claws, the razor-sharp edges gleaming in the faint light. On the other side, Sub-Zero forms an icy spear, the spear's tip crackling with cold energy. The two prepare themselves to face the formidable Ermac. Y/N and Sub-Zero rush towards Ermac, their weapons ready to strike. However, the fusion of souls in Ermac's body proves to be a formidable force. He deflects their attacks with ease, countering with his telekinesis.

Ermac: Insects. You cannot hope to defeat us.

Y/N and Sub-Zero trade looks of frustration. Ermac's powers are proving to be a serious challenge.

Sub-Zero: His telekinetic abilities are impressive. It's like he can see our every move before we make it.

Y/N nods in agreement, his mind racing as he dodges Ermac's attacks.

Y/N: We need to find a weakness, something we can exploit.

Y/N and Sub-Zero continue their onslaught against Ermac, throwing attacks and counterattacks. The fusion of souls grants Ermac incredible power, making each hit more potent than the last. Despite their best efforts, they can't find an opening to exploit.

Y/N: This is getting us nowhere. We need a new strategy. Something to catch him off guard.

Y/N spots a massive shield laying on the ground. A plan forms in his mind. He glances at Sub-Zero, a silent signal for him to follow his lead. Y/N nods to Sub-Zero, gesturing for him to follow his lead. Without wasting a moment, Y/N charges towards the shield, his claws ready.

Y/N: Cover me!

Sub-Zero nods, understanding Y/N's plan. As Y/N moves towards the shield, he creates a wall of ice to block Ermac's line of sight.

Sub-Zero: Go!

Y/N dives for the shield, grabbing it off the ground. The shield is massive, easily weighing over 100 pounds but still weighing little to Y/N.

Y/N: I got it!

Ermac shoots an energy ball at Y/N who quickly deflects it back at Ermac knocking him down and making him fall off the fortress. Y/N skillfully deflects Ermac's energy ball using the shield, redirecting its trajectory right back at the fusion of souls. The impact knocks Ermac off the edge of the fortress, sending him tumbling to the ground below. The ninjas pause, looking out to see where Ermac landed.

Sub-Zero: Hopefully that's the end of him.

Y/N: Come on. Let's move!

Y/N and the other ninjas continue their way through the fortress, moving swiftly and stealthily. They know Ermac was only one of the challenges they'd face. There would be more to come. They hid behind multiple walls and look around the corner and see quan chi.

Quan Chi: Be care with what you're handling. We have no time for mistakes. Continue working. I must oversee production of the remaining basins.

Guard: Eeyah!

Smoke: That's Quan Chi. The other sorcerer Liu Kang described.

Sub-Zero: Kuai Liang and I will capture him. You two Stay here. Do not let them activate the soul stealers.

Sub-Zero and Scorpion nod, their expressions stern and focused. They both know the importance of the objective - they must stop the activation of the soul stealers at all costs.

Y/N: You and Your brothers are very skilled.... He tells smoke.

Smoke: Oh- they're not my blood brothers.

Y/N looks at Smoke, surprise evident on his face.

Y/N: Really? I thought you all were related.

Smoke shakes his head, a slight smile on his face.

Smoke: No, not blood relatives. We're brothers in the Lin Kuei. Our bond goes beyond blood. That's the true meaning of brotherhood.

Y/N: Ah I see...... then we have something in common.

Smoke looks at Y/N with curiosity, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Smoke: Oh? What might that be?

Y/N: Empress Sindel. She adopted me when I was just a scared little boy found outside her palace cold and frightened.

Smoke listens, his eyes widening a fraction at Y/N's revelation. He was clearly surprised.

Smoke: Sindel adopted you? I had no idea.

Y/N nods, a hint of melancholy in his gaze.

Y/N: Yeah, she did. I was a stray mutant kid, who escaped from a facility. Sindel took me in, gave me a home, a family. I owe her everything.

Smoke regards Y/N with a mix of respect and awe. To have been raised by the Empress of Outworld was no small feat.

Smoke: I can only imagine the life you've had. Being raised by someone of that stature, the expectations, the privileges. Not many can claim such an upbringing.

Y/N shrugs, a hint of humility in his expression.

Y/N: My upbringing wasn't all privilege and prestige. I had my share of struggles, just like anyone else. But yes, being Sindel's adopted son does bring... certain expectations. Expectations to serve, to protect, to live up to her name. It's a weight I carry with honor.

Smoke nods thoughtfully, understanding the burden that comes with being in Y/N's position.

Smoke: Those are admirable traits: service, protection, honor. A life like yours isn't easy. It takes a lot of strength to bear such responsibilities.

Y/N nods in agreement, a solemn expression crossing his features.

Y/N: Yeah, it does. Sometimes it can be overwhelming. But it's a life I wouldn't trade for anything. Sindel is my family, my home. I'd do anything for her. And for Outworld..

Smoke senses the profound loyalty in Y/N's words. His connection to Sindel and to Outworld is clearly deep and unwavering.

Smoke: That's admirable. Your devotion to your realm and your adoptive mother is impressive. It speaks volumes about your character.

Y/N appreciates Smoke's understanding. There were few who could comprehend the complexities of his situation.

Y/N: Not many people get it, you know. The bond I share with Sindel, the commitment I have to Outworld... it's not something you can easily explain.

Smoke offers a sympathetic nod.

Smoke: I can understand that. Loyalty like yours isn't common. But it's a powerful thing. It drives you. Guides you. Gives you purpose.

Y/N smiles faintly, a sense of gratitude in his eyes.

Y/N: You get it. That's exactly right. Loyalty is my compass, my unwavering north star. It's the core of who I am.

Smoke regards Y/N with newfound respect. He could see the strength and determination within him.

Smoke: Then let's ensure Sindel and Outworld are protected. Together.

Y/N's smile widens, his resolve strengthened.

Y/N: I couldn't agree more. Sindel and Outworld are counting on us. We won't let them down.

Y/N held his hand out to smoke. Smoke glances at Y/N's extended hand and nods, accepting the gesture. He reaches out his own hand, clasping Y/N's in a firm grip, sealing the bond of their resolve. 10 minutes later, Y/N and smoke are still waiting for scorpion and sub zero to capture quan chi. Until suddenly-

Sub zero; Do not let Kuai Liang escape!

Y/N's ears perk up.

Y/N tenses at the sound of Sub-Zero's voice. The mention of Kuai Liang's name sends a shiver down his spine. He turns to look at Smoke, his expression laced with concern.

Y/N: Did he just say... Kuai Liang?

Smoke notices the change in Y/N's demeanor and immediately understands the gravity of the situation. His eyes widen a fraction, the same concern evident in his gaze.

Smoke: Yes, I heard it too. What could it mean?

Y/N stood up fast and sees scorpion running.

Y/N: Scorpion! What happened?! Where's sub zero?!

Scorpion: He's betrayed all of us! We're in imminent danger! Let's go!

He runs off while Y/N and smoke look at each other before running with him. A few minutes later scorpion explains that sub zero had let their father die so sub zero could take over the Lin Kuei, and his true intentions are to work with Shang Tsung.

Smoke: Letting Father die,.. Forsaking Earthrealm! He is abandoned for all reason!

Scorpion: I knew Bi-Han's frustrations ran deep. But I never thought they could inspire such madness. We can't let his corruption spread.

Smoke: Whatever it takes I am with you.

Scorpion: Thank you, we may not share blood, but we are brothers.

Y/N: As do I. I'll aid you both in saving the realms.

Smoke and Scorpion regard Y/N with gratitude. Now knowing they had a powerful ally on their side gave them newfound hope.

Scorpion: Your aid is greatly appreciated. Together, we can halt the spread of this corruption.

Smoke: Thank you, Y/N. We will need all the help we can get.
Y/N nods as the snow storm clears revealing sub zero.

Sub-Zero: Do your oaths mean nothing?! It's your duty to obey my will!

Scorpion: Not when it betrays Lin Kuei's principles! We won't sacifice them to serve your own ambition!

Sub zero forms a dagger and charges at scorpion as he dodged his attacks while Y/N and smoke stood back watching. During the fight Sub zero tricked scorpion and formed another dagger in his other hand slashing his eye.

Smoke: Kuai Liang!

Scorpion: STAY BACK!

He ordered Y/N and smoke.

Scorpion: This is my fight...

Sub-Zero: End this, brother! Embrace the future!

Scorpion: I want no part of it! You pervert all that it means to be Lin Kuei!!

After scorpion defeats sub zero.

Scorpion: You are my grandmaster no longer.

He takes off the lin kuei emblem off his outfit.

Smoke: What are you doing?! Once he's exposed- won't you be made grandmaster???

Scorpion: You forget cyrax and sektor. Their loyalty to bi Han is absolute. They'll soon leave Bi Han and follow me, we must plot a new course. One that both honors our father's legacy.

Y/N: Agreed, but we gotta take him with us. We can't let him aid Shang Tsung in his plans.

To be continued....

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