Chapter 10 🍋

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A while later Liu kang and Geras are alone in the fire temple speaking to each other.

Liu Kang: Shang Tsung and Quan Chi again conspire against earth realm?? What Johnny and kenshi report should not be possible. You saw how I rewrote history- I gave the sorcerers meaningless lives, they should not have gained power let alone join forces!

Geras listens intently as Liu Kang reveals the situation with Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and their alliance against Earthrealm. Geras responds with a deep, contemplative tone.

Geras: Indeed, Liu Kang. The power of the Hourglass should have ensured that the sorcerers were stripped of their abilities and relegated to insignificant lives. Their partnership is not a natural occurrence. And your work was flawless. Such would their lives have been, had someone not interfered.....

Liu kang: Interfered??? What do you mean....??

Geras continues, his voice taking on a more ominous tone.

Geras: Interfered... Yes. Someone or something has tampered with the flow of time. They have altered the threads of reality, causing Shang Tsung and Quan Chi to regain their power.

Geras goes toward a fire pit and used his time powers showing a vision of someone confronting Shang tsung and quan chi to work together.

Geras: Both sorcerers were visited by this person. It is her intervention that bent the arcs of their lives..

Geras, using his time powers, conjures a vision in the fire pit. The flames flicker and dance, revealing a figure confronting Shang Tsung and Quan Chi.

Geras: This individual visited Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, persuading them to join forces. The interference altered the courses of their lives.

Liu Kang watches the vision in the fire pit, his expression turning grave as he witnesses the mysterious figure's influence on the sorcerers.

Liu Kang: Someone has meddled with their destinies, urging them to form a partnership. This is not mere coincidence. Whose intervention has caused such a drastic change?

Geras: Their identity has been obscured from the hourglass.
Liu Kang considers the possibility of Kronika's involvement, speculating that her influence could be at play.

Liu Kang: Could it be... Kronika? Has she somehow returned, manipulating events behind the shadows?

Geras quickly dispels that theory, firmly stating that once a Titan is destroyed, they do not return.

Geras: Titans, once destroyed, are gone forever. They do not return.

Liu kang: Then someone from the previous timeline must've survived. Someone who had a vendetta against me...

Geras listens intently, considering their conversation.

Geras: It is possible, Liu Kang. An enemy from the previous timeline might possess the motivation and power to interfere in the new one.

Liu Kang nods in agreement, his determination flaring up.

Liu Kang: If someone has survived from the past and is working against me, I need to find out who they are and stop them. Earthrealm's fate depends on it.

Geras: And the boy?

Liu kang: You mean Y/N? What about him?

Geras: When will you reveal to him about his victory changing the timeline?

Geras brings up the topic of Y/N, piquing Liu Kang's attention.

Liu Kang: Y/N? You're wondering when I'll tell him about his impact on the timeline?

Geras nods, his eyes fixated on Liu Kang.

Geras: Yes. His actions in the past have changed the course of history. It would only be fair to tell him the truth, wouldn't you think?

Liu Kang hesitates, his expression growing solemn.

Liu Kang: You're right, Geras. Y/N deserves to know the truth. But it won't be an easy conversation to have...

Geras understanding the weight of the revelation.

Geras: Indeed, Liu Kang. The truth can be burdensome, especially when it concerns one's actions shaping the fate of the world. I take it you're planning on telling him soon?

With determination coursing through his veins, Liu Kang makes a decision.

Liu Kang: Yes. I will speak to him now. This is something I cannot put off any longer.

A few minutes later Y/N walks inside as he takes his cowl off.

Y/N: Lord Liu kang. Pleasure to meet you.

Liu Kang turns his attention to Y/N as he enters the room. The fire flickers in the temple, casting its warm glow upon them.

Liu Kang: Y/N. The pleasure is mine. It's good to finally make your acquaintance. Please, come closer. I have matters of importance to discuss with you.

Y/N heeds Liu Kang's request and moves closer, sensing the gravity in the air. He stands before Liu Kang, ready to listen.

Y/N: So.... What's happened...?

Liu Kang takes a moment, gathering his thoughts. His expression is serious as he looks into Y/N's eyes.

Liu Kang: Y/N... What I'm about to tell you will be difficult to comprehend. It is a truth that will change your perception of the world and your place in it. But it is crucial that you understand.

Y/N nods, sensing the weight in Liu Kang's tone. He can feel that whatever Liu Kang is about to reveal is momentous.

Y/N: I'm listening, Lord Liu Kang.

Liu Kang nods in acknowledgment, appreciating Y/N's receptiveness. He takes a deep breath, his eyes never leaving Y/N's.

Liu Kang: Y/N... The truth is that your actions in the past have not only altered the course of your own destiny but have reshaped the very fabric of reality. The outcomes of the past tournaments were not what history remembered. Instead, they resulted in a different timeline – an alternate reality where the events we once knew have been erased and rewritten.

Y/N: What do you mean....?

Liu kang: You remember fighting Raiden in the tournament yes?

Liu Kang continues, his voice steady and deliberate.

Liu Kang: In the previous timeline, the course of the tournament was meant to be different. The outcome was supposed to be Raiden emerging victorious. But your victory, Y/N, triggered a divergence—a fracture in the fabric of time. The victory over Raiden shifted the balance of probabilities, propelling us into this altered timeline.

Y/N is taken aback, struggling to process the magnitude of what Liu Kang is revealing. The implications of his actions start sinking in, creating a storm of questions in his mind.

Y/N: So... I caused all this? My victory against Raiden... It shattered the timeline?

Liu Kang notices the hint of despair in Y/N's words. He quickly reassures him, his tone steady and hopeful.

Liu Kang: You are right, Y/N. All hope is not lost, and this divergence was not a mistake. It has led us to this point – a point where we can shape the destiny of this new timeline.

Y/N looks up, a flicker of hope returning to his gaze. He listens intently, feeling a sense of reassurance from Liu Kang's words, but still grappling with the enormity of what he's just learned. Liu Kang continues, his voice carrying a hint of encouragement.

Liu Kang: This divergence opened up new possibilities, new paths for Earthrealm's destiny. It gave us the chance to create a future we might not have otherwise had. And while the responsibility may feel weighty, rest assured that you play a significant role in shaping the course of this new world.

Y/N's mind reels as he tries to grasp the scope of what's being said. He has a lot on his shoulders, but Liu Kang's words provide a sliver of reassurance that he can rise to the challenge. Liu Kang senses the gears turning in Y/N's mind. He gives him a moment to process.

Liu Kang: I know this is a lot to take in all at once. It may take time to fully comprehend and accept, but know that you are not alone in this, Y/N. The weight of this new timeline is shared by many.

Y/N nods, his mind still processing everything. It's an almost overwhelming responsibility, but there's a determination in his gaze as he looks back at Liu Kang.

Y/N: Alright then. I'll do it.

Liu Kang smiles faintly, appreciating Y/N's resolve.

Liu Kang: That's more like it. I knew I could count on you, Y/N. You have the strength and determination necessary for this journey.

After their conversation Y/N leaves the fire temple and heads inside to his room as he sighs and puts his cowl on a desk before sitting on a bed. Y/N leans back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling as he tries to make sense of it all. This new responsibility, the knowledge of his power to shape reality -it's almost too much to bear. But there's a determination in his eyes, a resolve to live up to this newfound destiny. Y/N's thoughts are interrupted by a knock at the door. He gets up from the bed and walks over, opening it to see who's there. Y/N is surprised to see Ashrah standing at the door. He steps back slightly to let her enter.

Y/N: Ashrah? What brings you here at this hour?

Ashrah steps in, her eyes fixed on Y/N. There's a mixture of curiosity and concern in her gaze.

Ashrah: Y/N, I hope I'm not disturbing you. I wanted to speak with you if you have a moment.

Y/N shakes his head, gesturing for her to come in.

Y/N: No, you're not disturbing me. Please, come in. What did you want to talk about?

Ashrah moves further into the room, her footsteps quiet. She stands a few feet away from Y/N.

Ashrah: I couldn't help but notice your demeanor. You seem quite troubled. Is everything alright?

Y/N gives a half-hearted smile, appreciating her concern.

Y/N: I'm... I've just had a lot on my mind lately. There are some things that I've learned recently that are difficult to process, and the responsibilities that come with them are quite heavy.

Ashrah nods, a look of understanding in her eyes.

Ashrah: Responsibilities can be burdensome sometimes, especially when we're forced to carry them alone. Do you want to talk about it?

Y/N hesitates for a moment, contemplating whether to share his burden. Then, he nods, grateful for her willingness to listen.

Y/N: Yes, I think I do. But I need to ask you something first. Can you keep a secret?

Ashrah straightens up, her expression serious.

Ashrah: Yes, Y/N. Whatever you tell me, I will keep to myself. You have my word.

Y/N takes a deep breath, preparing himself to reveal the truth.

Y/N: What I'm going to tell you... It will seem far-fetched, but I need you to trust that I'm not making this up. And most importantly, you can't tell anyone else. Can you do that?

Ashrah listens intently, understanding the gravity of Y/N's words.

Ashrah: Yes, Y/N. You have my word that I will maintain your secret. I won't breathe a word of it to anyone.

Y/N nods, relieved by her reassurance. He gathers his thoughts, preparing to reveal the truth that Liu Kang shared.

Y/N: Okay... The truth is that I... I have a power to change the very fabric of reality. My actions in the past altered the current timeline, creating a divergence from the original events. That's why things are different now, and that's why I'm responsible for shaping this new reality.

Ashrah's eyes widen in surprise, but she remain silent, letting Y/N continue. Y/N continues, his voice slightly shaky from the weight of the truth.

Y/N: This power... It's a responsibility that was thrust upon me, but it's also a tremendous burden to bear. I'm still struggling to understand it, and even more so, to accept it. I just... I don't know if I'm strong enough, Ashrah. I......... I'm afraid that....... That I'll lose my family...... my friends......... even you.

Ashrah's eyes soften, her expression one of both understanding and compassion. She steps closer to Y/N, her voice gentle but firm.

Ashrah: Y/N... look at me.

Y/N looks up, meeting Ashrah's gaze. Her eyes are filled with a quiet strength, grounding him in the moment. Ashrah continues, her voice firm yet soothing.

Ashrah: You are stronger than you believe. Everyone is afraid of losing what they love. It's a sign of courage in its own right. But we must not let this fear consume us. We must channel it, use it to fuel our actions and decisions. You have a great responsibility and power. But you are not alone. I am with you. The others are with you. We will stand with you, through thick and thin.

Y/N feels a wave of emotion wash over him. Her words are a balm to his weary soul, lifting some of the weight off his shoulders. He gives her a small smile, his voice catching in his throat.

Y/N: Thank you, Ashrah. Hearing that helps, more than you know. I guess I just... I need to find the strength within myself. And with you all by my side, maybe it's not as daunting a task as I thought.

Ashrah gives him a warm, comforting smile, her hand gently resting on his arm.

Ashrah: You will find that strength, Y/N. I'm sure of it. You've come this far, and you've already faced many challenges. This is but another one. And remember: You're not alone. We're here for you, every step of the way.
Ashrah scoots closer to him, their lips barely touching. Y/N is taken aback by her sudden closeness, their faces just inches apart. He looks at her for a moment, his heart beginning to pound in his chest. The air in the room feels charged, the space between them electric. Ashrah leans closer, their lips almost touching. Her breath is warm on his skin, her eyes fixed on his. Y/N feels a wave of emotions wash over him - excitement, anticipation, nerves, all swirling together into a maelstrom of confusion and desire. Y/N remains rooted to the spot, his gaze locked on hers. He wants to close the distance, to feel her lips on his, but something is holding him back - trepidation, uncertainty, fear of ruining the moment. The tension between them is palpable. Ashrah's hand reaches up, gently cupping his chin. Her touch is tender, her fingers tracing along his jawline. She leans in, her voice a whisper.

Ashrah: You're thinking too much.

Her words are like a soothing balm to his turbulent thoughts. He looks into her eyes, seeing a mixture of assurance and longing in them. All hesitation seems to melt away as she draws closer, her lips hovering just millimeters from his. The world seems to fade away, leaving just the two of them in the quiet of the room. Y/N's eyes flutter closed as he finally gives in to the pull, leaning in and closing the gap between them. Their lips meet, soft and tentative at first. But then, it becomes more intense, the kiss igniting the sparks of passion that had been smoldering between them. Y/N wraps his arms around her, pulling her closer, losing himself in the moment. The kiss deepens, their bodies pressed together, the connection between them growing stronger, the outside world fading into insignificance. Y/N feels a wave of heat wash over him, his mind drowning in a sea of sensation. After what seems like an eternity, they slowly pull apart. Y/N's breaths are ragged, his heart racing in his chest. He looks at Ashrah, seeing a different light in her eyes - a tender vulnerability that he hadn't seen before. Ashrah smiles softly, her hand still holding his chin gently.

Ashrah: See? That wasn't so hard.

Y/N blinks, his mind still hazy from the kiss. A slow smile spreads across his face.

Y/N: Yeah. Yeah, it wasn't. I just... I didn't want to mess it up. Or ruin anything between us.

Ashrah chuckles, her hand moving to gently stroke his cheek.

Ashrah: You're too hard on yourself sometimes. Trust me, you could never mess it us. And it's not like I haven't been signaling for a while now.

Y/N feels a wave of relief wash over him. Her words are like a balm to his insecurities.

Y/N: You have? I..I was too oblivious to notice. Damn, I can be so dense sometimes.
Ashrah grins, her smirk playful.

Ashrah: Yes, you can be a bit slow on the uptake. But don't worry, it's endearing. It was kind of cute watching you get flustered before.

Y/N rolls his eyes, his ears reddening slightly.

Y/N: Yeah, yeah. Shut up. I just... I wasn't sure if you actually liked me or not. I didn't want to embarrass myself if I was reading the situation wrong.

Ashrah laughs, finding his admission adorable.

Ashrah: You really are hopeless. But yes, I do like you, Y/N. Quite a bit, actually. It was hard to resist you after spending all this recent time together.

Y/N feels a wave of relief and elation wash over him. Her words, simple as they are, mean the world to him right now.

Y/N: I like you too, Ashrah. More than I realized before. I guess I was just too caught up in everything else that's been going on.

Ashrah's smile softens, her hand moving to intertwine with his.

Ashrah: I understand. With everything you've had to deal with, it's no wonder you've been a bit scatterbrained. But it's okay. I'm here for you, Y/N. And I'm not going anywhere.

Y/N squeezes her hand, the simple contact sending a jolt of warmth through him.

Y/N: That means a lot to me, Ashrah. It really does. I don't know what I would do without you by my side.

Y/N leans in again and kisses her. The kiss is different this time - less tentative, more assured. Y/N's arms wrap around her waist, pulling her closer. Ashrah responds, her arms encircling his neck. Their bodies press together, the kiss growing more intense. They lose themselves in the kiss, the world narrowing down to just the two of them. Y/N's hands roam over her body, tracing along the contour of her back, feeling the warmth of her skin. Ashrah responds in kind, her fingers tangling in his hair, pulling him closer. After a moment, they break apart, both of them breathing heavily. Y/N's voice is slightly breathless as he speaks.

Y/N: I don't think I've ever been kissed like that before. It's... it's incredible.

Ashrah gives him a sly smile, her eyes glinting with a mix of desire and mischief.

Ashrah: Oh, you've seen nothing yet. I've only just gotten started.

Y/N can feel a shiver run down his spine. He swallows, his mind whirling at the implications of her words.

Y/N: Oh, really? I'm looking forward to seeing what else you've got in store for me.

Ashrah straddled his lap and continued kissing him. Y/N's breath hitches as she straddles him. His arms instinctively wrap around her hips, pulling her closer. As she continues to kiss him, his hands run over her back, feeling the warmth of her skin through the thin fabric of her clothing. As they fall onto the bed, he feels her body on top of his, her weight pressing him into the mattress. The kiss becomes more fervent, their bodies molding together in the tangle of limbs. Y/N's hands move to her hair, running his fingers through her silken strands. Ashrah responds to his touch, her kisses growing more urgent, her body moving against his in a way that ignites a fire within him. He feels his body responding, his mind growing hazy with desire. He rolls them over, pinning her beneath him on the bed. He looks down at her, her hair splayed out across the pillow beneath her, her lips red and swollen from the kiss. Her eyes meet his, heavy-lidded and full of desire. His hands slowly slide over her body, tracing along her curves. Ashrah's breath hitches, her body arching into his touch. Her hands find purchase on his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin. She pulls him closer, her voice a low murmur.

Ashrah: Y/N... don't stop.

Y/N feels a shiver run down his spine at her words, her voice sending a wave of heat through him. He leans down, his lips brushing against her ear as he speaks, his voice husky.

Y/N: Trust me, I don't plan to.

Y/N takes his entire Wolverine outfit off. He stands before her in just his underwear, his body toned and lean with muscle. The dim light from the room casts a soft glow on his skin, highlighting the contours of his physique. He stands there for a moment, letting her take in the sight of him. Ashrah props herself up on her elbows to better appreciate the view, her gaze slowly traveling over his body. Ashrah can't help but admire his form. He's well muscled, but not overly so, his body lean and powerful. Her eyes trace the lines of his shoulders, the rippling muscles of his chest and arms, the hardness of his abdomen. She can feel her body responding to the sight, her pulse quickening. Y/N can tell her reaction, a hint of a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.

Y/N: Like what you see?

Ashrah licks her lips, her voice dripping with desire.

Ashrah: Oh, very much so. You have quite the impressive physique.

Y/N chuckles, feeling a surge of confidence. He moves closer to the bed, crawling onto it, his body hovering over hers.

Y/N: Is that so? Well, I can show you just how impressive it is, up close and personal.

Y/N takes his underwear off throwing it to the side. Y/N stands completely naked before her, his body on full display. His muscles are tense, his breath coming in short, sharp bursts. He can see her gaze roving over him, taking in every inch of his form. Y/N is acutely aware of his lack of clothes, but it's a welcome feeling, the vulnerability and intimacy of the moment only heightening his excitement. He climbs back onto the bed, straddling her once again. He can feel the heat of her body against his, the contrast between his nudity and her clothed state arousing him even more. He leans down, his lips finding hers once more, the kiss deep and passionate. He can feel her hands roaming over his back, her touch leaving a trail of fire in its wake. The kiss deepens, their bodies pressed together. Y/N's hands begin to wander, exploring the curves of her body, slipping beneath the hem of her shirt, feeling the heat of her skin against his palms. He feels her shiver beneath him, her breath hitching at his touch.

Y/N: I never thought I'd be having sex with a demon.~

Ashrah laughs, her hands still tracing paths over his back.

Ashrah: I never thought I'd be having sex with a human. Let alone a hero. Life is full of surprises, isn't it?

Y/N smiles, his mouth moving to trail kisses down her neck, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin. He murmurs against her ear, his words teasing.

Y/N: I could say the same about you. A demon and a hero. It's a classic case of opposites attract.

Ashrah tips her head back, exposing more of her neck to his kisses. Her hands slide up his back, her nails digging in slightly.

Ashrah: Seems we're quite the unlikely pair, don't we? Who would've thought the hero would fall for the demon.

Y/N chuckles, the sound vibrating against her skin. His lips move to her collarbone, his tongue lapping at the hollow of her throat. He murmurs against her skin, his voice low and gravelly.

Y/N: Well, they do say love is blind.

Ashrah lets out a soft moan, the feel of his lips on her skin sending a jolt of arousal through her. Her hands move to his head, tangling in his hair, guiding him closer.

Ashrah: You're right about that. Clearly they were talking about us.

Y/N: Now then- let's get this off shall we? He smirked gesturing to her outfit.

Ashrah looks up at him, a coy smile playing at the corners of her lips.

Ashrah: Are you saying you want me to strip for you, hero?

Y/N: Oh I certainly am.~ he brings his claw out.

Her eyes flick to the blade before looking back at him, her gaze filled with excitement and daring.

Ashrah: You going to slice the clothes off me, just like that?

Y/N grins, the challenge in her look making him even more aroused. He plays along, the edge of the blade skimming over the bare skin of her stomach.

Y/N: That's exactly what I'm going to do. And I'll enjoy every second of it.

Ashrah's breath hitches as she feels the cold steel against her skin. The feeling is both thrilling and dangerous, the thought of the blade slicing through the fabric of her clothing adding an extra edge of excitement.

She lifts herself up so she's sitting, leaning back on her hands for support.

Ashrah: Go ahead, hero. Do your worst.

Y/N's smile widens as he positions himself so that his knees are on either side of her hips, his body towering over hers. The edge of the blade glides slowly over her ribcage, the tip barely touching her skin. He speaks, his voice a low rumble, the sound sending a shiver up her spine.

Y/N: I like it when you call me 'hero' when I've got you almost naked and pinned beneath me. It's kind of a turn on.

Ashrah smirks, her hands moving to rest on his thighs.

Ashrah: Oh, so you like it when I call you 'hero', do you? Well, you are my big, strong hero after all. My personal hero, here to save the day. And the damsel in distress.

She says the last part with a wink, clearly enjoying the role reversal.

Y/N: Now then- hold still Ashrah....~

Ashrah nods, the eagerness in her eyes obvious. She leans back, propping herself up on her elbows. Her body is taut with anticipation, her chest rising and falling with each breath.

Ashrah: I'll hold still. Go ahead, hero. I'm all yours.

Y/N smirks and slowly rips her outfit all the way up and down with his claw but not to deep to hurt her. Ashrah gasps as she feels the sharp blade rip through her outfit, the fabric giving way with a tearing sound. She can feel the cool air on her now-exposed skin, the absence of cloth leaving her feeling both vulnerable and aroused.

Ashrah lets out a shaky breath, her eyes wide as she looks at him.

Ashrah: Damn, hero. That was... quite unexpected. And very arousing.

Y/N chuckled and put his claw away before staring down at her nude body. As he looks down at her now-bare form, his eyes rake over her body, taking in every curve and contour of her flesh.

His voice comes out in a growl, his arousal clear in his tone.

Y/N: You're beautiful, you know that? Utterly beautiful. And all mine.

Ashrah smiles, the flush on her cheeks deepening at his words. She stretches out on the bed, her body on full display for him.

Ashrah: All yours, hero. I'm all yours to do with as you please.

Y/N smirks and slowly moves down in between her legs. As he positions himself in between her legs, he can feel her watching him, her eyes dark with desire. The anticipation is palpable, the tension between them thick and electric.

Y/N: You ready for this, Ashrah?

Ashrah nods, her voice breathless with anticipation.

Ashrah: Yes, I'm ready. I'm more than ready. I'm aching for you, hero. I need you.

Y/N: That's what I like to hear.~


Y/N slowly lifts her legs up slightly before slowly sticking his tongue inside her. As his tongue touches her, Ashrah lets out a gasp, her body arching in response. She grips the sheets, her body beginning to tremble.

The feeling is unfamiliar, yet exquisite, her body sensitive to his touch.

Ashrah: Oh, God, hero... yes... that feels... incredible...

Y/N lets out a low growl of approval, his tongue moving deeper, his actions growing bolder, more sure of himself. Her gasps and moans fill his ears, fueling his own arousal, pushing him further. Her hands grab at his hair, her fingers tangling in his locks, holding him in place. She can feel the heat pooling in her core, her body writhing beneath his touch.

Ashrah: Oh god, hero, don't stop... don't stop...

The sound of her voice, filled with pleasure and need, only makes him more determined. His tongue works her over relentlessly, his pace slow and deep, his aim deliberate. He wants her to feel nothing but pleasure. The sensations are overwhelming, Ashrah's body on edge as he brings her closer and closer to climax. She can feel herself teetering on the precipice, the climax building, the pleasure mounting.

Ashrah: God, hero... I'm... I'm so... close...

Y/N can feel her body tensing, the signs of her climax growing more and more evident. He continues his relentless assault, determined to drive her over the edge.

Y/N: Let go, Ashrah. Let go. Come for me, sweetheart.

With a final, strangled cry, Ashrah reaches her climax, her body shuddering as the waves of pleasure course through her. Her fingers dig into his hair, her body arched off the bed, her eyes closed tight. Y/N continues his efforts, helping her ride out the waves of her orgasm, his tongue coaxing every last drop of pleasure from her body. He can feel her body slowly relaxing beneath him, the tension leaving her muscles. Y/N takes his tongue out while wiping his mouth. Y/N sits back on his heels, watching as Ashrah comes down from her high, her body boneless and satiated. He watches the rise and fall of her chest, the flush of her cheeks, her eyes slowly fluttering open.

Y/N: You alright, sweetheart? You doing good?

Ashrah blinks up at him, a dazed, blissed-out expression on her face. She nods, her voice shaky.

Ashrah: I'm... I'm more than alright, hero. I'm fantastic. That was... incredible. You... you're incredible. However..... it's my turn.~

Y/N raises an eyebrow, a small smirk playing at his lips.

Y/N: Your turn, huh? And what do you have in mind, sweetheart?

As Ashrah moves down between his legs, his breath catches in his throat. Her proximity, the anticipation of her touch, sends a ripple of excitement through him. He can feel his pulse quicken, his body tensing in anticipation. Her hands move to his hips, her touch firm, almost possessive. She looks up at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of desire and challenge. She knows exactly what she's doing to him, and it's driving him wild.

Ashrah: Relax, hero. Just let me take care of you.

Y/N nods, his voice hoarse.

Y/N: I'm all yours, Ashrah. Do whatever the hell you want. I'm not gonna stop you.

Ashrah smiles at his response, her hands moving lower, her touch growing more determined. She can feel his arousal, feel it pressing against her as she positions herself closer, her breath warm against his skin.

She looks up at him, her voice low and sultry.

Ashrah: I'm gonna make you feel so damn good, hero. Just wait and see.

Ashrah slowly grabbed his member and slowly started stroking it. Y/N lets out a guttural moan as her hand encircles him, his head falling back, his eyes closing. The pleasure is immediate and intense, a low fire beginning to burn in the pit of his stomach. He grips the sheets tightly, his body taut with tension.

Y/N: God, Ashrah... your hands... they feel incredible...

Ashrah watches his reaction, her gaze focused on his face. She can see the pleasure etched in his features, the way his body responds to her touch. She begins to increase her pace, her grip firmer, her movements more rhythmic. Y/N's breathing grows ragged, his chest heaving as he struggles to maintain control. He can feel the heat building, pooling in his lower abdomen, the pleasure almost too much to bear. His hips begin to move with her rhythm, his body seeking more, craving more.

Ashrah: Let's take this next level then shall we~?

Y/N's eyes open, his gaze focusing on her face. He can hear the determination in her voice, the promise in her words.

Y/N: Whatever you want, sweetheart. You're calling the shots. Just don't stop.

Ashrah smirks and slowly opens her mouth before taking him in. The moment her mouth wraps around him, a guttural moan tears from Y/N's throat. His hands immediately reach out, tangling in her hair, holding her in place. The sensation is intense, his body responding to her touch, his control fraying at the edges.

Y/N: Oh god, sweetheart... your mouth... so good...

Ashrah's tongue works in tandem with her lips, the movements skilled and purposeful. She knows exactly how to drive him wild, knows how to make him lose control. Her pace is slow, torturously slow, each movement purposeful, each flick of her tongue designed to tease and taunt. Y/N's hips rise off the bed, his body seeking more, his hands gripping her hair tighter. The pleasure is overwhelming, the fire in his stomach burning hotter, his control slipping further and further. He can feel the edge approaching, the peak growing closer.

Y/N: Ashrah... sweetheart... you gotta stop... or I'm gonna...

His words are broken, his voice strained as he struggles to hold on, to delay the inevitable. Ashrah gags on him before slowly taking him out her mouth. Y/N lets out a strangled gasp as she pulls away, his body aching with unsatisfied need. He can see the smug satisfaction in her eyes, the knowledge of the power she wields over him.

Y/N: You little tease. You're gonna drive me insane.

Ashrah smirks, her voice dripping with faux innocence.

Ashrah: Me? A tease? Whatever do you mean, hero? I'm just doing what you asked... taking care of you.

Y/N lets out a strained chuckle, his body still trembling with need. He runs a hand through his hair, his expression somewhere between amused and frustrated.

Y/N: You're playing with fire, sweetheart. One of these days, I'm going to take you over my knee and smack that cute little ass of yours.

Ashrah: I like to see you try.~

She smirks and takes him again. Y/N's head falls back, a strangled moan tearing from his throat as she takes him in again. The sensation is just as intense as before, the fire in his stomach flaring to life once more. He lifts his head, his eyes locking with hers, his voice a gravelly growl.

Y/N: Don't challenge me, sweetheart. You won't like the consequences.

Y/N moans even more and louder as Ashrah moves down deeper. His body is taut, the pleasure building, the fire inside him growing hotter. He can hear the sounds he's making, wanton, needy moans that he's powerless to stop.

Y/N: God, Ashrah... so good... so damn good...

His hands fist in the sheets, his body arching off the bed, seeking more. He's on the edge, the peak so very close, but she's in control, keeping him there, teasing him mercilessly. Her pace grows quicker, her movements more determined. The pleasure mounts, the fire burning hotter, the pace almost overwhelming. Y/N's moans grow louder, his control slipping further, the edges of his climax nearing.

Y/N: Ashrah... sweetheart... I'm so close... so close... just a little more... just a little...

The pressure builds, the fire consuming him, the peak within reach. He's losing it, his body trembling, his hands gripping the sheets tightly, his voice a strangled moan.

Y/N: I'm... I'm gonna... sweetheart... I'm gonna...

The climax hits him hard, his body arching off the bed, a guttural moan tearing from his throat. His eyes clenched shut, his breath coming in ragged gasps, his body trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure. Ashrah feels his climax enter her mouth. Ashrah swallows obediently, her hand continuing to work him, her movements slowing as she guides him down from his high. She looks up at him, her eyes filled with satisfaction, a hint of a smirk on her lips.

Lemon end 🍋

Ashrah: Feel good, hero?

Y/N lets out a shaky breath, his body boneless and satiated. He looks down at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of exhaustion and affection.

Y/N: You know damn well that I feel damn good, sweetheart. You're a damn miracle worker.

She smiles, crawling up the bed to lie next to him. She moves an arm over his chest, her head coming to rest on his shoulder. With a satisfied hum, she nuzzles into him, her voice sleepy.

Ashrah: You're not so bad yourself, hero.

Y/N wraps an arm around her, pulling her close. He presses a kiss to the top of her head, his voice soft.

Y/N: You're damn right, sweetheart. I'm a damn fine piece of man.

Ashrah chuckles softly, snuggling deeper into his embrace. She lets out a contented sigh, her eyelids growing heavy.

Ashrah: I wouldn't disagree, hero. Now, shut up and let me sleep.

Y/N huffs out a laugh, pulling the blanket up over them. He shifts to a more comfortable position, his arms wrapping tighter around her.

Y/N: Whatever you say, sweetheart. Sleep well.

To be continued....

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