Chapter 9

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At sun do festival, Y/N, Johnny cage, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Ashrah, and Reptile are hiding in an alleyway with an unconscious quan chi in a festival outfit.

Y/N: Alright- so here's the plan. If we wanna get to that portal, we gotta be cautious. And most importantly- you will need to clear a path for me.

Ashrah: Why's that?

Y/N: Because if my sisters, li Mei, or the royal guards see me- they'll inform my mother and let her know where I am. She can't know I'm working with you guys until the time is right.

The group listens intently, taking in Y/N's words. Ashrah tilts her head slightly, puzzled by his reasoning.

Ashrah: Wait, your sisters? As in your family will be at the festival?

Y/N, slightly sheepish, nods in response to Ashrah's question. He looks a bit bashful, knowing that his family's presence complicates matters.

Y/N: Yeah, my sisters will definitely be there. My mother on the other hand is at the palace I think-

The group exchanges glances, realizing the potential complications this brings. Johnny frowns, already not liking the situation.

Johnny: Great, just what we need, a family reunion in the middle of a mission-

Reptile: Don't worry, I'll create a diversion.

Y/N: You sure you're up for it?

Reptile nods confidently, ready to take on the task.

Reptile: I've done this before, trust me. I'll create a big enough commotion that you all can slip away unnoticed-

Reptile suddenly turns invisible.

Y/N: What the- where did he- Ohhhhhh I forgot he could do that. Heh. Alright everyone- put on your disguise outfits.

They all put their disguise outfits on as Y/N looks at ashrah's outfit which makes him blush.

Ashrah: Is this what all edenians wear at festivals??

The group quickly dons their festival costumes, looking slightly ridiculous in their disguises. Y/N, however, is particularly taken aback by Ashrah's outfit, his cheeks turning slightly red as he looks at her. Y/N takes a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking.

Y/N: Um, well, not all, but edenians do tend to wear these types of outfits during festivals... Looks good on you, by the way-

Ashrah's cheeks flush a shade of red at Y/N's compliment. She can't help but feel a bit flustered, not used to such open praise from him.

Ashrah: Thank you... I'm not sure it looks good on me, though. I feel a bit exposed-

Y/N, realizing his comment might have embarrassed Ashrah, quickly backpedals, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

Y/N: Oh, no, no, I didn't mean it like that! You look fine, really. You look great in anything, I just...

He trails off, realizing he's only digging a deeper hole for himself.

Y/M: Forget I said anything bub- I-i mean Ashrah!

Y/N frantically tries to recover, stuttering in embarrassment.

Y/N: Argh, I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that... can we just move on?

Ashrah, stifling a laugh, gives Y/N a teasing smile. She finds his flustered state amusing and endearing. The group, now fully disguised and with an unconscious Quan Chi disguised as a drunken partygoer, makes their way through the crowded venue. The atmosphere is lively and full of laughter, music playing in the background as party-goers dance and have fun. People in colorful outfits wander around, enjoying the festivities. Kenshi, taking the lead, guides the group through the crowd, trying to maintain a low profile.

Kenshi: We could really use that diversion-

Suddenly multiple hanging lights through the festival fall off causing a fire to break out as Kenshi and the others can't help but be impressed.

Ashrah: Nice work Syzoth. She muttered.

Y/N stands in the shadows, a few yards away from the commotion caused by Reptile's diversion. He surveys the scene, a small smile on his face at the successful distraction.

Y/N mutters under his breath, amused at Reptile's antics.

Y/N: Nice one, Syzoth. Always reliable for a distraction.

Y/N, watching the chaos caused by Reptile, sees an opportunity. He unsheathes his claws and leaps onto the nearest building, using his sharp nails to climb up the side. He moves stealthy and quickly, avoiding being seen by the busy party-goers who are focused on the fire. Kitana who was watching the chaos unfold is suddenly grabbed by Tanya.

Tanya: Come princess! We must get you to safety-

Kitana: Unhand me! I'm not going anywhere!

General Shao who was walking around witnessing the chaos groans.

Shao: Douse the fires! Find out who started it!

Li Mei suddenly appears.

Li Mei: Stand down general! This is my problem not the military!

General Shao groaned and scoffed not saying a word to her.

Li Mei: Look!

She points to a roof where Reptile is seen in his Zaterran form on the roof.

Shao: Syzoth.....

Li Mei: You know him??? Who is he?!

Shao: Unimportant! Reiko!

General Shao, recognizing the need to apprehend Reptile, orders Reiko to give chase, knowing that Reiko is fast and agile. Reiko, upon receiving the order, immediately races through the crowd, Li Mei following closely behind. The two warriors move adeptly, pushing past the party-goers and closing in on Reptile's location. Reiko and Li Mei, having spotted Reptile on the roof, react quickly. Reiko, proficient in using ninja stars, hurls several of them at Reptile, each one finding their mark, causing the Zaterran to screech in pain. As Reptile falls off the roof, he quickly turns invisible, using his natural ability to blend into the surroundings. Reiko and Li Mei, realizing he's disappeared, continue chasing after where they last saw him, only to find a green blood trail from reptile. Reiko and Li Mei, determined to not lose Reptile, follow the green blood trail that he has left behind, pushing through the festivalgoers in hopes of catching up to him. They navigate through the busy streets, following the droplets of blood that mark Reptile's path. Reiko, his trained eye fixated on the trail, growls in frustration, knowing the Zaterran is nearby, yet staying elusive. Y/N, perched on the roofs, spots Reptile, who is invisible but still leaving a visible blood trail. He curses under his breath at the sight, clearly concerned about his friend's situation. Y/N mutters to himself, his voice tinged with worry.

Y/N: Damn it, Syzoth!

Y/N, seeing Reptile's plight and sensing the urgency, knows he needs to act fast. He follows the blood trail, silently moving from rooftop to rooftop, trying to get a better view of where Reptile is going. Y/N, silently stalking through the maze-like rooftops of Outworld, continues to follow the blood drops that mark Reptile's trail. He carefully leaps from one roof to another, maintaining a discreet distance while keeping his eyes peeled for any sign of the injured Zaterran. Reptile is seen in his human form as Li Mei stops in her tracks and stares at him.

Li Mei: Green blood?? You're Zaterran. How did you-

Reptile: There's much more you don't know about me- or what the general is really up to!

Li Mei: Surrender and I'll hear you out! I can't if you resist arrest!

Reptile: If you arrest me- the general will kill me! And that's not how I plan to die!

Y/N, perched on the roof, observes the skirmish between Reptile and Li Mei. His eyes widen as he sees how effortlessly Reptile is holding his own against Li Mei's prowess. Y/N, impressed by the display of skill, mutters under his breath, watching intently.

Y/N (mutters): Damn... he's handling her pretty well.

Y/N, still watching the fight unfold from his vantage point, continues to be amazed by Reptile's skills. Despite his wounds, Reptile is displaying incredible agility and ferocity as he engages Li Mei in battle. Y/N can't help but be impressed, muttering to himself once more as he assesses the fight.

Y/N (mutters): He's not even at full strength and still keeping up. Goddamn.

Y/N continues to observe the fierce match between Reptile and Li Mei. He admires Reptile's resilience and combat skills, surprised by how he is still able to hold his own despite his injuries. Y/N watches as Reptile dodges Li Mei's attacks, retaliating with his own moves. The tension in the air is palpable as Y/N silently wishes for Reptile to come out victorious. After a few intense minutes of combat, Reptile finally manages to overpower Li Mei, leaving her unconscious on the ground. Reptile, breathing heavily and covered in his own blood and sweat, stands victorious, though clearly fatigued from the battle.

Kitana scoffs and rushes off with her fans in hand.

Kitana: Ludacris!

Tanya: Princess no! You could get hurt!

Kitana charges at reptile and tries slashing at him but he dodges her attacks. Kitana, driven by anger and impulsiveness, rushes forward with her fans firmly in her grip. Tanya tries to stop her, cautioning that she could get hurt, but Kitana refuses to listen. She lunges at Reptile, attempting to slash at him with her fans, but Reptile, quick on his feet, smoothly dodges her attacks, avoiding each strike with surprising finesse. Kitana's attacks, fueled by her emotions, grow more desperate as she continues to attempt to land a hit on Reptile. However, Reptile's agility and reflexes remain unmatched. He continues to dodge and weave, his movements almost dance-like as he avoids her fan strikes. Y/N, watching the scene unfold from his vantage point on the rooftop, feels conflicted. On one hand, he wants to intervene and help Reptile, but on the other hand, he knows that his sister, Kitana, is the one who initiated the confrontation. Y/N remains perched on the roof, torn between loyalty to his sister and his desire to assist Reptile. He watches the fight unfold with a mixture of concern and hesitation. After a short but intense battle, Reptile emerges victorious, overpowering Kitana with his unique Zaterran abilities. Y/N, watching from afar, can't help but sigh in relief and frustration. Though he doesn't like seeing his sister defeated, he knows that she acted impulsively and put herself in jeopardy by attacking Reptile. Tanya, with Khameleon's assistance, slowly gets up from the ground. Y/N, sensing her intention to engage Reptile, let out a worried muttering. Y/N, a hint of concern in his voice, mutters almost to himself.

Y/N: Oh no...Tanya, please don't fight him...

Reptile, bloodied but standing firm, looks at Tanya with a mix of exhaustion and determination upon his scaled face. He speaks with a hint of pleading urgency.

Reptile: Take the princess and go. This fight is not with you or her.

Tanya, driven by anger and protectiveness of Kitana, refuses to back down. Her words are sharp and resolute.

Tanya: It is now that you laid hands on her. I will take your life as punishment!

Y/N: Fuck it-

He leaps off the building and knocks out khameleon as Tanya turns around. Y/N, filled with a mixture of frustration and determination, decides that he can't just stand by and watch anymore. He leaps off the building and swiftly incapacitates Khameleon, ensuring she's not a factor in the continuing conflict. Tanya, surprised by the sudden intervention, turns around to face Y/N. Her expression is a mix of surprise and irritation.

Tanya: Y/N?! Where have you been?! What are you-

Y/N: Sorry Tanya!

He punches her knocking her out. Y/N apologizes to Tanya, his voice filled with a mix of remorse and necessity. Before she can continue speaking, he makes his move, delivering a strong punch that knocks her out. Y/N, letting out a sigh, looks at Tanya's unconscious form with a hint of regret.

Reptile: I'm sorry Y/N- I had to....

Reptile, battered and weary, apologizes to Y/N, aware of the difficult choices he had to make. Y/N responds, understanding Reptile's situation

Y/N: It's alright. Let's catch up with the others before anyone else gets involved.

General Shao,accompanied by his giant bodyguard Goro and a contingent of guards, encounters Ashrah, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, and Quan Chi, who now appears to be conscious and present. Johnny Cage and Kung Lao, working together, pummel Quan Chi with a flurry of punches, incapacitating him. Once they have the upper hand, Quan Chi, groaning, scurries off before the guards can retaliate.

Goro, observing the situation, addresses General Shao.

Goro: What about that sorcerer? Shall we pursue him?

Shao, focused on the task at hand, responds firmly.

Shao: Disregard him! Direct your attention exclusively toward the Earthrealmers.

Johnny Cage, ever the opportunist for a quip, comments on the dire situation.

Johnny: If this was one of my movies, we'd be saved by a comedic sidekick right about now!

Reptile and Kenshi, having successfully regrouped with the Earthrealmers, let out a powerful roar as they jump down, joining the group. Before long, Y/N arrives on the scene, emerging from a towering building, landing next to Ashrah like a valiant knight preparing for battle. Reptile, standing beside his allies, utters a determined declaration.

Reptile: If we die today, we die together!

Johnny Cage, ever the quipster, responds with a correction, still maintaining a hint of humor even in the face of danger.

Johnny: Not exactly a comic moment, but you've got that plucky spirit, eh?

Johnny Cage takes the lead in the fight, charging forward and initiating the battle. The other Earthrealmers swiftly follow suit, joining the fray. Y/N, determined to protect Ashrah, places himself as her defender, standing staunchly between her and harm. The Earthrealmers engage General Shao's forces, their skills and determination on full display. Johnny's moves are fluid and precise, while Kung Lao employs his signature hat attacks with finesse. Reptile charges headlong into battle, using his Zaterran abilities to his advantage. Kenshi, aided by his blindfold and sword, strikes with accuracy, while Y/N, protecting Ashrah, deflects attacks and shields her from harm. Reptile charges at General Shao, knocking him temporarily off balance with a well-timed attack. As Shao groans and regains his footing, he picks up his battle axe, expressing his surprise at Shang Tsung's lack of care for loose ends.

Shao, addressing Reptile, laughs mockingly.

Shao: You won't be exposing any conspiracies anytime soon. Dead men tell no tales!

Y/N, joining Reptile's side, interjects with determination.

Y/N: He's not alone, buddy!

Shao, facing off against Reptile and Y/N, sneers as he addresses them with a hint of disdain.

Shao: I should have known you would turn your back on your own mother and turn against all of Outworld.

Y/N, standing firm beside Reptile, feels a mixture of anger and determination in the face of Shao's words. He responds defiantly, his voice filled with conviction.

Y/N: I may have chosen my path according to my beliefs, but I haven't turned my back on anyone. But you did....

Y/N and Reptile, united in their determination, unleash a powerful roar as they charge at General Shao. Their combined strength and resolve drive them forward, their focus solely on confronting the treacherous general. The clash between Y/N, Reptile, and Shao ensues, each combatant unleashing their unique abilities and fighting styles in the heat of battle. Y/N and Reptile work together, their attacks coordinated and precise. Y/N uses his claws to attack, while Reptile utilizes his Zaterran powers and abilities. Shao, though initially taken aback by their combined might, soon adapts and counters their attacks with his battle axe and brute strength. Y/N and Shao find themselves in a tense clash lock, their gazes locked in a silent battle of wills.

Shao, his voice filled with malice, taunts Y/N.

Shao: You'll regret this betrayal when your mother finds out about your treachery!

Y/N, refusing to back down, counters with conviction.

Y/N: Oh, she'll certainly find out about your true intentions eventually!

The clash lock between Y/N and Shao intensifies, the weight of their conflicting beliefs hanging in the air. Despite the tension, they remain locked in their standstill, neither willing to give an inch. Reptile, seizing the opportunity, transforms into his true Zaterran form and pounces on General Shao, driving him back with a powerful tackle. Y/N, observing Ashrah getting encircled by guards and Goro, feels his heart quicken with worry.

Y/N: Ashrah! Hold on!

He clenches his fists, ready to intervene and provide assistance. Y/N, driven by a fierce protective instinct, lets out a primal roar and charges towards the guards surrounding Ashrah. With quick and precise moves, he swiftly disposes of the guards, tearing through their ranks like a force of nature. As Y/N stands amidst the fallen guards, his attention turns to Goro. With a powerful swing of his claws, Y/N slices off Goro's four arms, incapacitating him momentarily. Without hesitation, Y/N swiftly moves in for the final strike, slicing Goro's neck and neutralizing the threat. After a hard-fought battle, Reptile emerges victorious against General Shao. He looks around, sensing the urgency of the situation, and calls out to Y/N.

Reptile, catching his breath, says anxiously.

Reptile: We have to get out of here, NOW!

Y/N's voice echoes urgently through the arena, signaling the need for a swift retreat.


The group dashes through the Outworld festival, navigating the chaos and danger that surrounds them. At last, they reach the fire portal, which serves as their gateway to the fire temple in Earthrealm.

Kitana: Y/N?!

The group turns towards Kitana's voice, momentarily pausing as they take in the presence of the Princess of Edenia. Y/N locks eyes with Kitana, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. The portal, a potential passage back to Earthrealm, awaits, but the sight of Kitana makes him hesitate. Y/N, his voice filled with a mixture of remorse and regret, utters those fateful words.

Y/N: I'm sorry...

Y/N, seeing Motaro and Shao's reinforcements approaching, realizes the urgency of the situation. Without wasting another moment, he sprints towards the portal, knowing that  every second counts. Y/N makes a dash for the portal, propelled by the adrenaline and the need to escape. As the reinforcements draw near, he grits his teeth and pushes himself further, his sole focus on reaching the safety of the portal. The Earthrealmers step through the portal one by one, each preparing themselves for whatever dangers may follow. Johnny, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Ashrah, and Reptile find themselves on the other side of the portal, regrouping and bracing for a potential confrontation if the reinforcements manage to follow them through. With the portal closed, a collective sigh of relief fills the air. The group takes a moment to catch their breath, finally having escaped the chaotic confrontation in Outworld. Y/N looks around, the realization of his current situation setting in. He remarks with a mix of resignation and amusement.

Y/N: Whew... My mother is definitely going to be royally pissed.

Liu Kang, having been observing the situation from a distance, approaches the group.

Liu Kang, addressing the Earthrealm fighters, says sternly.

Liu Kang: Johnny, Kenshi, Kung Lao...

They all turn around.

Liu kang: I'm glad to see you all returned safely.

Liu kang sees kenshi with a bandana on as he realizes what happened.

Liu kang: By the elder gods.....

Johnny: Yeah- we ran into milenna's. Inner demons....

Kenshi: She took my sight..... but sento in its own ways restored it.

Liu Kang: I am glad you and sento bonded. Though I had hoped the means would be different this time.

Kenshi was confused when he said that.

Kenshi: This time....??

Liu Kang: My apologies, Kenshi. Go to the monks. They will attend to your injuries.

Kenshi nods, still puzzled by Liu Kang's words, and departs towards the monks.

Johnny: Liu kang- meet earth realms new players.

He points to Y/N, Ashrah, and Reptile. Liu Kang turns his attention to Y/N, Ashrah, and Reptile. He gazes at them intently, taking in their presence.

Liu kang: Syzoth, Ashrah, and Y/N.

Reptile: You know us??

Liu Kang nods, acknowledging each of them.

Liu Kang: Of course I know you. I have watched and observed your journeys. And as the god of fire and the protector of earth realm. There is much more to me.

Ashrah: Then do you know of my former master quan chi? He colludes with Shang Tsung.

Liu kang's expression darkened when he heard the news.

Liu kang; Another deadly alliance....? Come- you all can tell me what you know so far.

He walks in the fire temple as Y/N walks by Ashrah as she held his hand. Y/N feels Ashrah's touch, her hand gently taking his. The warmth of her grip brings a sense of comfort amid the chaos and uncertainty that surrounds them. As they follow Liu Kang into the fire temple, Y/N can't help but feel a mix of anticipation and concern, eager to share the information they have gathered about Shang Tsung and Quan Chi's alliance.

To be continued.....

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