Chapter 13

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Sindel, Y/N, and the others approach Shang Tsung's laboratory. Sindel's expression is one of disgust and horror as they take in the sight before them. The lab is a stark contrast to the usual opulence of Outworld. Cold, sterile, and sinister, it gives off an eerie aura. Vats of bubbling liquids, strange machines, and twisted experiments are visible in the dim lighting.

Y/N: Do you believe now mom....?

Sindel is quiet for a moment as she takes in the grim surroundings of Shang Tsung's laboratory. She looks around, her eyes wide with shock and disgust. The sight before her is a stark contrast to the palace she knows. Finally, she speaks, her voice soft but filled with resignation.

Sindel: Yes, Y/N. I believe you. This is...horrifying. How could I have so misjudged them?! For Shang Tsung to indulge in such depravity. For general shao to condole it...

Liu Kang responds with a hint of resignation in his voice.

Liu Kang: Despite my best efforts, neither Shang Tsung nor General Shao nor Quan Chi is meant to be.

Sindel's voice is filled with frustration and disappointment.

Sindel: They are Outworlders, Liu Kang. You have no control over them.

Liu kang: But it is I who crafted their destinies. Along those with other beings. At the dawn of history....

Kitana: You created the realms...?? Is.... Is your mind addled Demi-god...??

Liu kang: I am a mere Demi god now.... but eons ago- I was more powerful then all of the elder gods combined. I was a titan. And the keeper of time.

Suddenly Geras appears which surprised Sindel, Kitana and Milenna except Y/N.

Y/N steps forward, his voice steady and assured. He introduces Geras to his mother and sisters.

Y/N: Mom, sisters. This—is Geras. Liu Kang's ally, and the guardian of a celestial object called the hourglass.

Sindel, Kitana, and Mileena, though still visibly shook by the sudden appearance, look at Geras with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

Geras shows the hourglass using his sand powers.

Liu kang: The hourglass regulates time and destiny. When I wielded its power, it was upon me to craft all of existence. Which I did. When I restarted history....

Sindel: Re-started....??

Geras: This timeline was proceeded by billions more. Though this is the first of Liu kang's design. The others were designed by his predecessor. Kronika.

A vision is shown as Kronika is seen tampering with another hourglass from the previous timeline.

Geras: Kronika was obsessed with equalizing good and evil. When a timeline veered too far to one or the other, she would halt it and restart history. Tinkering with lives and events in the hope of achieving her golden balance.

Liu kang: In prior timelines, Kronika gave Shang Tsung and Quan Chi mastery of the most vile magics.

Shao is seen in the previous timeline but he wasn't a general but a tyrant.

Liu kang: Shao was not a general, but a tyrannical ruler, bent on conquest.

An evil version of Sindel from the previous timeline is seen hugging Shao Kahn.

Liu kang: You, Sindel, were his ruthless wife, who would do anything to preserve your privilege.

The vision shifts, now showing a pivotal scene from the previous timeline: Liu Kang's victory over Kronika.

Liu Kang's voice is strong and determined as he speaks.

Liu Kang: When I took the hourglass from Kronika, I made a promise to myself. I would do better than her. I would create a world where good and evil are balanced without needing to constantly intervene.

The vision changes once more, this time revealing a haunting scene from another timeline. It shows Y/N coming back home from a trip, only to find a gruesome scene. His loved ones, including his wife and daughter, are lying motionless on the floor, their bodies bloodied and lifeless. The camera pans to Y/N as he lets out a heart-wrenching scream, his face twisted in agony and despair. Liu Kang's voice interrupts the heartbreaking scene, his tone soft and sympathetic. Liu Kang's voice, soft and compassionate, interrupts the vision.

Liu Kang: As your son told you earlier- In a different timeline, Y/N failed to protect you, his sisters, and what is most dear to him, his own family. That timeline ended in agony and despair. It...haunts him still. That is why he cannot, will not, let history repeat itself.

Y/N turns his gaze away as the vision unfolds, the painful memory still fresh in his mind. The sight of his wife and daughter, slain in another timeline, is an image that still haunts him. His face shows a mixture of guilt, sadness, and determination. Liu Kang speaks with a mixture of frustration and concern, the situation unfolding in front of them more complex than he had originally believed.

Liu Kang: Yes. In this timeline, things were supposed to be different. General Shao was to be an obedient follower, you, Queen Sindel, would rule Outworld with justness and fairness.

Geras interjects, his voice ominous and firm.

Geras: But there is an unseen force at work. Someone has tampered with Liu Kang's design, turning Shao, Shang Tsung, and Quan Chi into the villainous figures they once were.

Sindel, still trying to comprehend the enormity of the situation, speaks up. Her eyes are wide with a mix of awe and trepidation.

Sindel: Where to begin? Am I to kneel to my creator? Am I supposed to worship you?

Liu Kang replies quickly, shaking his head. His voice is humble and earnest.

Liu Kang: No, your majesty. My role as the creator was thrust upon me by circumstances. I am not divine in any way. I am simply a Demi-god who created this timeline to be a better place.

Sindel is visibly impressed, awe and respect lacing her voice as she speaks.

Sindel: You have boundless power over creation itself. Yet you surrendered it.

Liu Kang responds with a nod, his expression solemn.

Liu Kang: Yes. I saw how wielding such incredible power corrupted Kronika. I knew that I would eventually succumb to the same madness and hubris.

Y/N and the others turn to them as he glared at them.

Sindel: You...... how dare you conspire against outworld!

Shao: Not against outworld- but against your misguided rule! Your deference to him leaves us all vessels.

Sindel: So you sanction these unspeakable horrors?! Lie about the threats we face?! Thanks to you earth realm blood is already on my hands! Bloodshed! Without cause of propagation!

General Shao pulls out the amulet of Shinnok aiming it at them all.

Shao; Don't move!

Liu Kang: Empress! Everyone! Stay back!

Sindel: What is that?!

Liu kang; The amulet of shinnok! A weapon of terrifying power!

Geras: It should not exist! Its maker is powerless as Liu kang designed!

Liu kang: Yet more proof of foreign interference!

Shao: Enough prattle! You will both bend a knee to outworld's new emperor!

Liu kang: Put down the amulet! Its power is beyond your control!

Shao: Do you think I'd do battle not trained with my weapons? I am more than prepared!


Y/N, his body flooded with adrenaline, pushes Liu Kang and Sindel out of the way, just as the amulet begins to glow.

Shao: Now I claim victory!

His soldiers watch with anticipation, the amulet's power building, about to unleash. Everyone looks on in horror as the amulet, glowing brighter and brighter, suddenly extends tendrils. The tendrils grab Kitana, Mileena, Tanya, and Geras, pulling them into the amulet's vortex. The suction is strong and relentless, the four seemingly powerless to resist it. Y/N's voice booms with anger and anguish as he watches the amulet absorb the four.

Y/N: NO!!!

Li Mei's cry rallies the others, everyone leaps into battle. The sound of weapons clashing and spells crackling fills the air. It's a chaotic, desperate struggle, the odds stacked heavily against those fighting for justice. The laboratory is a battleground of clashing steel and flying spells. Y/N fights like a man possessed, his grief and anger fueling his every move. Liu Kang and Sindel, despite their regal bearing, fight with the ferocity of warriors under attack. Even Li Mei and the other defenders hold their own, determined to stop Shao and his acolytes. The air is thick with magic, the smell of sweat and blood filling the room as the battle rages on. Nitara was about to pounce on Sindel until Y/N roared with anger and pounced on her throwing her aside. The sudden attack shocks Nitara as she lands awkwardly. She sneers, baring her fangs as she glances up at Y/N, her eyes filled with anger.

Y/N: You just don't know when to fucking quit do you?!

Nitara looks up at Y/N, her eyes narrowing to slits. She lets out a hiss, her voice dripping with barely contained anger.

Nitara: Look who's talking, you meddling little boy.

She pushes herself upright, towering over Y/N with a sinister smirk. Y/N's voice rises in a fearsome roar as he charges at Nitara. His claws are extended, his face a mask of anger. Nitara's eyes widen slightly at Y/N's speed and ferocity, but her smirk only broadens.

Nitara: You're faster than expected.

She dodges his attack, ducking under his outstretched arms and sidestepping him with surprising agility. She pivots on her heel, kicking out with a booted foot aimed directly for his kidneys. Y/N grunts as her kick connects, winding him momentarily. He staggers back, taking a second to collect himself. Nitara circles him like a predator eyeing her prey, her fangs bared in a malicious smile.

Nitara: You're feisty, I'll give you that. But feisty is no match for skill and the power of blood magic.

She raises a hand, crimson sparks dancing across her fingers, preparing a spell. Y/N, still recovering from the previous attack, eyes the crimson sparks warily. He's well aware of Nitara's blood magic and knows he has to be careful. He takes a steadying breath, preparing himself for the next onslaught. Nitara lets loose her spell, a flurry of crimson sparks hurtling towards Y/N. The sparks streak through the air, seeking their target like miniature comets, leaving glowing trails of red in their wake. Y/N dodges the relentless barrage of sparks, the air around him sizzling with magic. With a swift move, he slashes at Nitara's abdomen, managing to land a blow and follow up with a kick that sends her sprawling. Sindel, seeing her moment, steps in and unleashes her screaming power. The sound is nearly deafening, forcing Nitara to stagger back, disoriented and stunned. Nitara is caught off guard by the sonic blast, her hands reflexively flying to her ears. She's visibly stunned, disoriented by the screeching sound. Sindel and Y/N move in, poised to capitalize on her momentary weakness. Y/N and Sindel press their advantage, closing the distance swiftly. Y/N's claws are out, ready to strike, while Sindel's eyes burn with determination. She's poised to deliver a devastating attack, using the opportunity provided by Nitara's temporary incapacitation. The combined onslaught from Y/N and Sindel is a relentless barrage. Y/N's claws slash with furious speed, each movement aimed at delivering painful blows. At the same time, Sindel uses her long hair like a whip, lashing out at Nitara who is still recovering from the previous attacks. The two attack from different directions, leaving Nitara no respite, no room to counter. Nitara tries to fend off the attacks, but she's on the defensive. She raises her arms to shield her face from Y/N's slashes and dances back from Sindel's hair whip, dodging as best she can. But the onslaught is punishing, and she's starting to stagger from the repeated blows. With a final boost from Sindel, Y/N leaps into the air, a determined snarl on his face. As he propels himself towards Nitara, he reaches out, grabbing her wings in his claws. A sickening ripping sound fills the air as he tears the wings off her back. Nitara screams in agony, her beautiful wings lying torn and bloody on the ground. Her face is a mask of pain, her eyes wide with shock and anger. With a brutal strength that speaks of raw anger, Y/N lifts her up over his shoulders, his claws tearing mercilessly into her body. She lets out a blood curling screech as Y/N roared and ripped her in half finally killing her as a giant pool of blood covers Y/N. The remaining soldiers, seeing Nitara's fate, waver in terror. Some turn to flee, their fighting spirit shattered.

Y/N: Let's go mom!

Sindel nods, her eyes narrowing as she senses Liu Kang's struggle.

Sindel: Yes. Quickly. Liu Kang needs our help.

They rush forward, Y/N's determination fueling their every step. Y/N and Sindel navigate through the chaos, dodging spells and leaping over fallen bodies. Their eyes are fixed on Rain, engaged in a heated fight with Liu Kang. The Outworld prince is a blur of movement, his water powers flowing and shifting around him like a living current. Y/N leaps into the air and dropkicks rain away making him fall unconscious temporarily.

Liu kang: Your sisters are not dead! They're trapped in the amulet!

Y/N: We need to get it back!

Shao, triumphant, holds the amulet high, its eerie glow casting a shadow over all present. But just as the amulet seems about to activate, a swift kick from Li Mei takes him by surprise, knocking him off balance. The amulet falls from his grasp, clattering to the floor, the magic momentarily interrupted. Y/N snatches the amulet, its weight familiar in his palm. In a swift motion, he tosses it to Sindel. Sindel catches it, her grip firm. The amulet pulses in her hand, a faint glow still emanates from its depths. Y/N and li Mei follow Sindel and Liu kang as they stopped and noticed more and more guards surrounding them, Y/N growled as Liu kang shoots fire at the guards before Y/N let's out a very loud roar causing the place to shake as the roof collapsed on the guards killing them. They all run in the other room where umgadi soldiers, constables and shao's fierce guards are all fighting. Y/N steps in and slashes at some of the guards before turning his attention to rain who almost shot him with his water magic but missed.

Y/N: I should've known you would've betrayed my mother and all of outworld! You were like a second son to her!

Rain, pinned under Y/N, struggles against his grip, a mixture of anger and defiance on his face.

Rain: Betray? Me? Please. I merely followed the course of nature. Outworld needs a strong ruler, a true Kahn. Your mother is too soft, too concerned with diplomacy.

Y/N growls, his teeth bared as he listens to Rain's words. He pushes down harder, his clawed hand pressing against Rain's chest.

Y/N: You call her soft? She's the only reason Outworld is stable right now. You have no idea what she's sacrificed for this realm.

Y/N's eyes narrow, his gaze fixed on Rain with a mix of anger and disappointment. He readies his claws, the sharp tips glistening in the dim light. With a lunge, he springs forward, his claws outstretched, aiming to strike Rain with a fury born of betrayal and disbelief. The room fills with the sound of Y/N's roar and the harsh clash of claw against flesh as Y/N leaps at Rain, his assault relentless. He brings his claws down viciously, each strike fueled by anger and the desire to punish Rain for his treachery. Y/N's claws tear into Rain's body, the sound of scraping flesh filling the air. Blood splatters against the floor, the air thick with the metallic scent of it. Rain writhes under the onslaught, his face contorted in pain and surprise. His attempts at defense are weak and ineffectual against Y/N's sheer fury. He tries to push Y/N away, but it's futile. Y/N, his anger still burning fierce and hot, pins Rain down by the shoulders, the points of his claws sinking deep into the flesh. With an almighty shove, he throws Rain out the shattered window, sending him somersaulting through the air before he crashes to the ground far below. Y/N sighed and turned around to see Sindel and Liu kang having trouble fighting the other guards as he noticed general Shao about to throw his battle axe at her.


Sindel spins around as Y/N's shout rings out, her eyes widening with fear. She sees the battle axe hurtling through the air towards her, but before she can react, Y/N pushes her aside, intercepting the airborne weapon himself. With a sickening thud, the axe pierces Y/N's abdomen, pinning him to the wall. Sindel lets out a horrified gasp, her hand flying to her mouth. General Shao sneers, the satisfaction evident in his eyes as he sees Y/N pinned to the wall, the battle axe lodged in his stomach. He takes a few steps towards the young dragon, a cruel smile on his face. Sindel, her own anger flaring to life, rises to her feet, her eyes fixed on Shao. Her fists are clenched, her face a mask of furious determination. Shao chuckles, his gaze flickering between Sindel and Y/N, pinned and struggling against the wall.

Shao: Pathetic, Your son here thought he could play hero, and look where it got him. Stuck like a pig for the slaughter.

Sindel glowers at Shao, the fire in her eyes burning. Her voice, when she speaks, is a low, dangerous rumble.

Sindel: He's braver than you'll ever be, Shao. And more loyal than any of your pawns.

Sindel prepares to fight Shao as Shao grabbed a spear from a desk and aimed it at her while Y/N groans and grits his teeth in anger and starts pulling the battle axe off him. Shao, brandishing the spear, locks eyes with Sindel. His smug smile turns menacing as he raises the weapon, ready to strike. Y/N, meanwhile, fights against the pain inflicted by the battle axe, his face etched in determination. He grips the handle of the axe, every muscle in his body trembling as he tries to pull it out. Sindel and Shao circle each other, their eyes locked in a deadly dance. Shao, his spear lowered, waits for an opening, a moment of hesitation. Sindel, her expression stern, is ready to attack at a moment's notice. Suddenly, Y/N, his strength fading, manages to pull the battle axe out of his stomach with an agonizing yell. He staggers forward, blood streaming from the wound, but his eyes, filled with a fierce determination, are fixed on Shao. As Y/N removes the axe from his stomach, he lets out a loud yell that echoes through the room. Almost immediately, his healing factor kicks in, its power repairing the damage done to his body at an accelerated pace. The wound starts closing up, the flesh knitting together, the flow of blood gradually slowing. Sindel and Shao, both momentarily distracted by Y/N's outburst, watch as the healing factor does its work. Shao's eyes narrow as he sees Y/N's injury begin to heal. He growls, his grip on the spear tightening.

Y/N: If you lay a finger on my mother! YOUR HEAD WILL BE MINE!!

Y/N's voice rings out through the room, each word filled with a raw promise of violence and vengeance. Sindel looks at her son, pride and worry warring in her gaze. Shao, on the other hand, just laughs, seemingly unfazed by the threat. Y/N, his body already healing and his anger at a fever pitch, grabs the battle axe with one hand. He takes a moment to glare at Shao, his eyes filled with a fierce determination. With a guttural roar, Y/N hurls the battle axe at Shao with all his strength, the weapon whistling through the air towards the general like a missile. Shao sidesteps the hurled battle axe with expert timing, his smirk widening as he avoids the projectile. He regards Y/N with a mix of amusement and condescension. Y/N and Sindel stood side by side.

Y/N: Shall we finish him mother??

Sindel, standing shoulder to shoulder with her son, looks at Y/N, a small smile on her face. She nods, her eyes fixed on Shao.

Sindel: Yes, my son. Let's end this.

Y/N extends his claws, the sharp points gleaming in the dim light. His eyes are fixed on Shao, his expression a mask of determination and barely contained anger. Sindel, meanwhile, picks up a sword lying nearby, the weight familiar in her hand. She stands beside Y/N, her own eyes locking onto Shao, her jaw set and her grip firm. The room is quiet for a moment, the tension thick in the air. Then, suddenly, Y/N lunges forward, claws extended. At the same time, Sindel moves as well, the sword held high, ready to strike. Shao, sensing the imminent attack, jumps back, avoiding Y/N's claws by a hair's breadth. He counters by swinging his spear at Y/N, aiming to knock him off balance. Y/N dodges the swinging spear, sidestepping the weapon with impressive agility. He comes in low, claws slashing at Shao's legs, trying to bring him to the ground. Sindel takes advantage of Shao's momentary distraction with Y/N's frontal assault. She moves fast, trying to attack him from behind while he's occupied with her son. Shao, feeling the combined pressure, has to fight back on two fronts now. His attention is divided, his vision jumping between Y/N in front and Sindel creeping up on his back. He spins around, brandishing the spear first at Y/N, then at Sindel, parrying blows, dodging attacks. He's clearly on the back foot, the odds stacked against him as he tries to fend off the two attackers at once. Y/N and Sindel continue their assault, working in tandem. They alternate their attacks, taking turns to press the advantage. One moment Y/N is slashing with his claws, the next Sindel is lunging with her sword. Shao is driven back, his movements growing more erratic. He's breathing heavily, sweat glistening on his brow as he struggles against the onslaught. It's a battle he's losing, and fast. Y/N's claws cleave through the air, connecting with Shao in a swift 'X' shaped attack that sends him stumbling backwards. At the same time, Sindel steps in, the sword in her hand finding its mark, driving deep into Shao's stomach. Before Shao can even recover, Sindel whips him in the face with her hair, adding to his confusion. Y/N, not one to let an opportunity pass, is immediately upon him as well. He slashes at Shao's body repeatedly, each blow landing with a thud. Finally, Y/N drives his claws into Shao. Y/N, his final attack connecting with Shao's head, delivers a powerful punch that sends Shao crashing to the ground. Sindel, watching her son's actions with a mixture of pride and concern, waits for a moment before approaching the fallen general. She stares down at Shao, her sword dripping with his blood. The room is quiet now, the only sound being the laboured breath of the defeated warrior. Sindel looks over at Y/N, her expression a mixture of relief and worry. She takes a step towards her son, her voice soft as she speaks.

Sindel: My dear son, are you alright?

Y/N turns to his mother, his own breathing still heavy from the fight. He nods at her, managing a small smile.

Y/N: I'm fine, mother. Just a few scrapes.

Y/N, after the fight, takes off his cowl, his hair tousled and sweat-soaked. He looks down at Shao, his gaze hard, his expression a mixture of anger and satisfaction. Y/N, his eyes fixed on Shao, kneels down next to the fallen general, his middle claw extended. There's a look of determination on his face, as if he's about to finish an unpleasant chore. Sindel, seeing her son kneel over Shao, speaks up, caution in her voice.

Sindel: My son, he's beaten. There's no need to... finish him off.

Y/N looks up at his mother, his expression unreadable. For a moment, there's a flicker of indecision in his eyes, a hint of the internal struggle within him. Y/N glances back at Shao, looking at the fallen warrior with a mixture of anger and disgust. Then, slowly, he lowers his claw, the tension easing from his shoulders. Y/N, after a moment of contemplation, decides to knock Shao out instead of killing him. He punches the general, the force of the blow knocking him unconscious. As Shao slumps to the ground, Y/N rises to his feet, his hand still clenched into a fist.

Y/N: Sorry mother...

Sindel shakes her head gently, her eyes on her son.

Sindel: My son, you have nothing to apologize for. You fought bravely and protected me. That is all that matters.

Y/N hugged her. Sindel, feeling her son's embrace, returns the hug, wrapping her arms around him. She closes her eyes for a moment, savoring the feeling of having her child safe and close.

Liu Kang's voice rings out, suddenly cutting through the moment. He reminds Y/N and Sindel of the amulet, the source of all their troubles.

Liu Kang: Sindel, the amulet!

Sindel grabs the amulet and gives it to Liu kang as he activates it making Kitana, Milenna, Tanya, and Geras appear again. Kitana, Mileena, Tanya, and Geras look around, disoriented for a moment before their eyes focus on Y/N and Sindel. They exchange glances, taking in the scene before them - Shao lying unconscious on the ground, Y/N standing beside his mother, and Liu Kang holding the amulet. Y/N, seeing Kitana and Mileena again, rushes forward to embrace them. His voice is filled with relief and happiness.

Y/N: Kitana! Mileena!.

Kitana and Mileena instantly respond, throwing their arms around him. They're just as glad to see Y/N, their relief mirrored in their expressions. Sindel, watching the touching reunion, can't help but smile. She walks up to her daughters and Y/N, wrapping her arms around all three in a warm embrace. Kitana, Mileena, and Y/N, enveloped in the embrace, feel a wave of comfort and love. Sindel's presence brings a sense of security and wholeness to the moment, as if a piece of their family has been reunited after a long separation.

Liu kang: I hate to break up the moment but we must get moving to save earth realm.

Sindel: Is that the command of my creator??

Liu kang: No your majesty. It is the request of a friend. He smiled.

To be continued......

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