Chapter 14

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The heroes proceed to the snow-covered castle of Shang Tsung, where he and Quan Chi craft a crown at a well emitting green energy.

Shang Tsung: We are ready.

Quan Chi: And the soul stealers?

Shang Tsung: Keep them running. I am sure we'll find a use for the collected souls.

They walk back into the main building as Milenna stabs a guard from the ledge and quickly sneaks around. Kitana and the others meanwhile quietly eliminate the guards, acting like ninjas. Teaming up with Smoke and Scorpion, they encounter a group of soldiers marching through the courtyard. Y/N, watching the group of soldiers marching through the courtyard, feels a sense of trepidation. The odds seem stacked against them, and the situation looks dire.

Y/N: Damn.... this isn't looking good...

Mileena: Will they stand down, if ordered?

Sindel: No. Those are the General's most loyal lieutenants.

Smoke: They must be neutralized if we are to shut down the soul stealers.

Lord Liu Kang: Yes they do. We should split up.

Y/N: Alright then.

He puts his cowl on and brings his claws out.

Y/N: Let's go!

The heroes run to attack and start a massive battle in a wide courtyard with many soul stealers on large wooden pedestals. The courtyard becomes a battlefield, a melee of violence and chaos. Y/N, claws extended, leads the charge. The rest of the heroes follow, each engaging the soldiers and the soul stealers with brutal efficiency. The sound of metal clashing against metal fills the air, punctuated by the screams and grunts of the fighters. Y/N moves like a whirlwind, claws slashing and tearing through the soldiers with deadly precision. Y/N and Tanya group together as they are about to reach a soul stealer. Suddenly a giant rock is thrown at them from above.

Y/N: Oh no..... don't tell me-

He looks up at the sky and sees Ermac.

Tanya: What is that?!

Y/N: Oh god damn it! Not him again!

Ermac, floating above Y/N and Tanya, eyes them with an emotionless stare. He seems to be sizing them up, deciding how to deal with his unwanted opponents.

Tanya: Stay behind me, Y/N.

Y/N: No. We fight together Tanya.

Ermac throws the pieces of the fortress at them and hits Tanya, but Y/N leaps over the debris and almost manages to attack Ermac, but he throws him away. He lifts him and Tanya into the air and throws them against the castle wall. Ermac, lifting Y/N and Tanya into the air, hurls them towards the castle's wall with incredible force. The impact is jarring, Y/N and Tanya crashing against the hard stone. For a moment, they are stunned, the wind temporarily knocked out of them. Y/N groaned and stood up rushing to Tanya's side. Y/N kneels beside Tanya, concern etched on his face. He can see the pain etched across hers, hear the laboured breathing that tells him something is seriously wrong.

Y/N: My god, are you okay? Can you stand?

Tanya grits her teeth in pain, wincing as she tries to move. Her voice comes in gasping breaths.

Tanya: My ribs... I think... I think they're broken.

Y/N's heart sinks at the revelation. He can see the pain in her eyes and hear it in her voice. Ermac suddenly flies toward them.

Tanya: Guh! Help me up.

Y/N: No, Tanya. Stay down. I got this....

He stood up and looked at Ermac.

Ermac: We are Ermac. It is pointless to resist us.

Y/N: Come any closer and you'll feel the points of my claws!

He pulls out his claws threateningly.

Ermac: We are many, you are one. Your souls will become part of our collection.

Y/N charges at him. Y/N, fueled by determination and anger, charges at Ermac, claws extended. The two meet in a clash of fists and talons, the air crackling with supernatural power. Y/N and Ermac engage in a brutal fight. Y/N's claws clash with Ermac's fists as they trade blows, each trying to overpower the other. The battle is intense, both fighters giving it their all. Y/N's claws rake across Ermac's chest, drawing a thin line of blood. Ermac retaliates with a forceful punch to Y/N's stomach, sending him stumbling backwards. The impact knocks the wind out of Y/N, but he quickly recovers and leaps back into the fray. The fight continues, both fighters showing no signs of slowing down. Ermac's telekinetic force matches Y/N's physical might blow for blow. Y/N, pushing himself to the limit, continues to press the attack. He evades Ermac, his movements fluid and lightning-fast. Y/N roars loudly as his eyes turned red and the tips of his claws burn as he attacks Ermac faster than before. Y/N's attacks become even fiercer, his movements a blur of superhuman speed and power. Ermac, taken aback by the sudden intensity, struggles to parry the relentless barrage. Y/N presses the attack, his claws wreathed in a bright glow of red energy. Each strike he makes seems to carry the force of a battering ram, and Ermac is clearly on the defensive, struggling to counter the fast and brutal onslaught. Y/N, not giving Ermac a moment's reprieve, continues the assault with a barrage of blows. The final slash connects, and Ermac falls, defeated. Y/N stands over the fallen Ermac, exhausted but victorious.

Y/N: Our souls aren't yours to keep. Ermac.

He walks off and helps Tanya up.

Tanya: Impressive Y/N..... now I see why your mother is very impressed by your skills.

Y/N, feeling a mix of exhaustion and victory, turns to Tanya. Her words about his mother's impression bring a momentary smile to Y/N's face.

Y/N: Thanks, Tanya. I wasn't sure I'd be able to take him down, but I did. Now, let's get you some help for those ribs.

Ermac?: Y/N..... wait.....

Y/N immediately froze after hearing what sounded like his father's voice. Y/N's heart sinks when he hears the voice call out his name. It sounds exactly like his father's. Y/N, feeling a lump form in his throat, turns back to Ermac, his eyes wide with disbelief. Y/N's eyes widen in shock as Ermac rises to his feet, and his facial features change to that of someone very familiar: Jerrod, Sindel's husband and Y/N's adopted father. Y/N stands frozen in place, his mind struggling to process what he's seeing.

Y/N: Father? that...really you?

Jerrod: Yes, Y/N. This body was created from the Living Forest's souls. Mine was one of them. Your attack broke the spell that binds us. Now I am in control.

Y/N, still in shock, nods slowly as he processes Jerrod's words. He realizes that it's his father's soul, trapped within Ermac, finally in control of the body and releasing himself from a spell of some kind.

Y/N: You're...really here, Father?

Jerrod, now in control of Ermac's body, nods at Y/N. His eyes are filled with relief and love, and his voice carries a hint of sadness.

Jerrod: Yes, Y/N. I am truly here. I am so sorry that you had to see me like this, trapped in a body shared with many others.

Y/N, hearing Jerrod's apology, feels a wave of emotions wash over him. Seeing his father, after all this time, trapped and in such an unexpected form, is a shock, but the love and remorse in his voice bring a lump to Y/N's throat. Y/N, his emotions now on full display, slowly removes his cowl, revealing his face and the tears in his eyes. He looks at Jerrod, his father, and the love and anguish in his gaze is palpable. The sight of Y/N's tear-filled eyes and his unmasked face affects Jerrod deeply. Seeing his son's vulnerability and the depth of his emotion brings a wave of love and protectiveness over him.

Y/N: F-father!

He rushes to Him and hugs him. Y/N holds onto Jerrod tightly, feeling a rush of emotions wash over him. The familiar embrace of his father, after so long apart, brings a mix of tears and sighs, as years of separation and worry come pouring out. Y/N buries his face in Jerrod's shoulder, feeling the warmth of his father's embrace. He whispers in a choked, tear-filled voice.

Y/N: I missed you so much, Father...

Jerrod, his voice filled with love and pain, pats Y/N's back gently. He can feel the depth of emotions in his son's embrace and the years of tears unspoken.

Jerrod: I know, son. I missed you too. More than you can imagine.

Jerrod, looking at his son, sees the young man Y/N has become. He sees the strength in his eyes, the lines of maturity on his face, and the way he carries himself.

Jerrod (teary-eyed): My son... You've grown into such a strong and powerful man. I am so proud of you.

Y/N, seeing the mix of pride and sadness in his father's eyes, smiles shakily. He feels a rush of gratitude and love in hearing Jerrod's words.

Y/N: Thank you, Father... I've been through a lot. But I know I did it because of the things you and mother taught me.

Jerrod, his eyes shining with love, places a hand on Y/N's shoulder. His voice holds a mixture of pride and melancholy as he speaks.

Jerrod: I'm glad to hear that our teachings have helped you. I know you've had to face many trials and tribulations. But knowing that you've grown into this strong, resilient man... it eases my heart, even if it's aching.

Tanya watching the interaction couldn't help but smile at the reunion as Jerrod noticed her.

Jerrod: You are umgadi..... but not li Mei.

Tanya: I replaced her after your death, Your Majesty. She left the order rather than accept punishment.

Jerrod: Punishment? It was not her fault.

Y/N: A discussion for another time, Father. We must go, mother and the others are gonna be happy to see you again..

Y/N, Tanya, and Jerrod, all filled with a mixture of emotions, begin to make their way to reunite with Sindel and the rest of their allies. The journey ahead is filled with purpose and the promise of a reunion long awaited. The others have already destroyed their soul stealers and are walking victoriously through the empty courtyard. As Y/N, Tanya and Jerrod enter the courtyard Kitana and Milenna's eyes widen as they run to him and hug their father when they see him. Sindel walks by and her eyes widen when she sees Jerrod.

Sindel: Jerrod?!

Sindel runs over to him and hugs him.

Jerrod: Yes, Sindel. It's me.

Sindel: Ah! How I've missed you.

Lord Liu Kang: Greetings Jerrod.

He bows respectfully.

Jerrod: Liu Kang, my friend. We meet again.

Lord Liu Kang: It is good to have you back. We once again find ourselves in challenging circumstances.

Jerrod: And once again we will prevail. As always, Sindel, I am yours to command.

To be continued.....

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