Chapter 15

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Y/N and the others are now inside where Shang Tsung and Quan Chi are watching a demonstration by their army of reanimated soldiers. Mileena, Smoke and the others sneak in.

Mileena: How is it they're unaware that the soul stealers are shut down?

Smoke: We are deep within the mountain. From here, they couldn't tell.

Lord Liu Kang: Look at them conspiring. It is history we should not be repeating.

Scorpion: We must take the crown. Without it, he can't raise more warriors.

Sindel: Our odds will improve if we can surround them.

Mileena: I'll distract them while the rest of you get into position. Leave it to me, Mother.

Y/N: Be careful Milenna....

The group, concealed in shadows, discusses their strategy. Mileena volunteers to distract the sorcerers, and Sindel expresses concern for her safety. Y/N, worried for Mileena, cautions her to be careful. Despite the risk, Mileena is determined to carry out her part in the plan, knowing a chance to surprise Shang Tsung and Quan Chi must be exploited. She sneaks up on the conspirators.

Mileena: Shang Tsung.

Shang Tsung and Quan chi turn around to see Milenna.

Shang Tsung: Princess Mileena?

Mileena: I bring news from Outworld. Sindel is deposed. General Shao now rules.

Quan Chi: And yet you are still free?

Mileena: To succeed, the General needed help on the inside. I provided it.

Quan Chi: The heir to the throne gives it up willingly?

As they talk the others creep closer.

Mileena: Ha! It's a burden I've never wanted. The realm is better left in General- Emperor Shao's hands.

Shang Tsung: A most mature perspective. Outworld benefits from your wisdom.

Mileena: Yes, Shang Tsung. It does... ...But not in the manner that you expect.


Y/N leads the attack as everyone attacks the soldiers. As Shang Tsung and Quan Chi are distracted by Mileena's deception, Y/N and the others join the fray, attacking the soldiers. The surprise attack is swift and coordinated. The fight turns into chaos as the group overwhelms the reanimated soldiers.

Shang Tsung: A bold gambit, Princess.

Quan Chi: It is an impressive display of guile. Who knew she was so capable?

Mileena: You count yourselves among my doubters? I will count you among the dead!

Mileena, fueled by determination and a desire to prove her strength, charges towards Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, intent on taking them on. Meanwhile, Y/N and the others are engaged in fierce combat with the reanimated soldiers. The battlefield is now a flurry of motion and tension as Mileena faces off against Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. The others fight with everything they have against the reanimated soldiers. Y/N's eyes dart between the duels, his own fight against the soldiers. He sees Mileena and the others struggling against the reanimated soldiers. Y/N, though locked in his own fight, casts wary glances towards Mileena and the others, concern visible on his face. The reanimated soldiers seem inexhaustible, and the battle is far from over. Y/N, turning his focus to Quan Chi, clashes with him fiercely. He unleashes a kick, sending Quan Chi staggering backwards. Meanwhile, Mileena faces off against Shang Tsung, her eyes locked on her opponent, ready to trade blows. The fight escalates between the two parties. Y/N engages Quan Chi, while Mileena locks horns with Shang Tsung. Their clashes echo through the chamber, the sound of flesh against flesh punctuating the tension. The intensity of the battle rises as Y/N and the others fight with all they've got. The reanimated soldiers continue to pose a formidable challenge, their numbers seemingly endless. Y/N finds himself fighting with all his strength, his eyes flickering between the fights unfolding around him, keeping a watchful eye on the safety of his allies. Y/N, though engaged in his own fight, keeps a watchful eye on Mileena, concerned for her safety. The battle rages on, the sound of clashes and grunts filling the air. The outcome is uncertain, and Y/N knows they can't afford to falter. The group keeps up their onslaught against the reanimated soldiers, fighting with determination and coordination. Despite their efforts, the soldiers seem to keep coming, their numbers taking a toll on the group. Y/N, realizing the crown's control, concentrates his efforts on incapacitating Quan Chi. With a series of quick yet powerful blows, Y/N sends him sprawling. Without missing a beat, Y/N turns to see Mileena facing off against Shang Tsung and rushes to her aid. Y/N, seeing Mileena in trouble, charges through the battlefield towards Shang Tsung. He joins the fight, adding his strength and skill to hers, their combined efforts turning the tide against the sorcerer. As the battle rages on, Y/N and Mileena unite against Shang Tsung, their combined might proving to be a formidable force. Together, they push him back, their moves and attacks in perfect harmony. The intensity of their attack keeps Shang Tsung on the defensive, his usual smugness replaced with determination. Y/N and Mileena fight together, every move synchronizing with the other as they push him further and further back. The duo fights with a coordination that speaks of trust and familiarity. Each attack is a mirror of the other's, their combined strengths proving to be a significant threat to Shang Tsung. With each strike, the tide turns ever so slightly in Y/N and Mileena's favor. Their combined technique begins to exhaust Shang Tsung, his defensive stance becoming less secure as he struggles to keep up with their assault. Y/N and Mileena exploit every opening, their coordination becoming a thing of beauty as they dance around Shang Tsung, their attacks blending into a deadly rhythm. The sorcerer starts to falter, growing visibly tired from the relentless onslaught.

Y/N: Milenna! NOW!

With Y/N's signal, Mileena sees her opening. She strikes with a swift and powerful blow, catching Shang Tsung off guard. The force of the hit sends him staggering backwards, disoriented and weakened. Y/N follows up with a punch as Milenna kicks Shang Tsung again before Y/N super kicks him causing the crown to fall off his head. Y/N's punch lands solidly.

As Y/N's punch lands solidly Mileena follows it up with another kick. The combined force of their attack, coupled with Y/N's super kick, sends Shang Tsung flying backwards, the crown flying from his head with a clatter as it hits the ground. With the crown now detached from Shang Tsung's head, the reanimated soldiers stop, falling inert. The battlefield is filled with sighs of relief as the immediate danger has passed. Shang Tsung reaches for his crown to activate the soldiers but it is not on his head.

Lord Liu Kang: Thanks to the Princess, this fight is ended.

Shang Tsung: The fight, perhaps. Not the battle.

Lord Liu Kang: True. Until your benefactor is caught, the realms remain threatened. Who is she, sorcerer?

Shang Tsung looks at the crown as it starts to glow which makes him laugh.

Shang Tsung: Speak of the devil. Liu Kang... meet Damashi.

The crown on the floor begins to glow as it floats in the air as three figures appeared. It was dark Sindel, dark Raiden, and titan Shang tsung from the previous timeline.

The atmosphere on the battlefield takes a dramatic turn as a strange, glowing light emits from the crown on the floor. Suddenly, three figures materialized from its glow. The sight of dark Sindel, dark Raiden, and Titan Shang Tsung from the previous timeline leaves the group shocked and unnerved.

Lord Liu Kang: You are the victim of deception, sorcerer.

Shang Tsung shocked walks in front of titan Shang Tsung.

Shang Tsung: You're not Damashi... You're me!

Titan Shang Tsung: More correctly, you are me. A poor facsimile, anyway, made lesser by Liu Kang's meddling.

Sindel: What's happening here? Who is he?!

Lord Liu Kang: This Shang Tsung is whom I battled for the Hourglass. I thought him dead.

Titan Shang Tsung: As I did you, Liu Kang—It turns out, our battle released mammoth energies which ripped apart time's fabric. The fight had two conclusions. In one, I was the victor... In the other, it was you. It was eons before I discovered this. Once I did, I knew the path forward.

Titan Shang Tsung held his arms out as his voice changed.

Damashi: I took this form and infiltrated your timeline.

He changed into Kronika from the previous timeline.

Damashi: I elevated these wretches, giving them great power. Together, they sowed discord among the realms and assembled for me the Dragon Army. I led them to believe they were aiding my conquest of Earthrealm and Outworld. But my intent is to exterminate all life in this timeline and then merge it into my own.

Shang Tsung: You promised us realms. Now you leave us to slaughter?

Titan Shang Tsung: You were pawns, not partners. Your purpose served, you will be sacrificed.

Quan Chi: We served you loyally. Built you the dragon crown!

He looks at the crown.

Titan Shang Tsung: This? It is a toy. I do not need it to control the Dragon Army, only the souls contained within.

He breaks the crown releasing the souls that possess the soulless warriors.

Titan Shang Tsung: Goodbye, Liu Kang. Neither you, nor your timeline, will be missed.

He disappears as Dark Sindel and dark Raiden get ready to fight them.
Shang Tsung: It appears our interests align... for now.

Lord Liu Kang: Know that I trust neither of you. I will finish you both at the first hint of treachery.

Dark Raiden levitates in the air with his red lightning glowing.

Y/N and the others all charge at them until dark Sindel uses her screaming powers and stuns them all except for Milenna who almost pounces on dark Raiden but unfortunately gets thrown off by him.

Jerrod rushes by milenna's side as she starts changing into her tarkat form.

Jerrod: Mileena! What's wrong?!

Mileena: Serum... Wearing off... Must stay in control...

Her mouth is bristling with fangs. She walks toward Dark Raiden.

Mileena: Blaarrrhhh! You attack my family?! I will make you suffer!

Dark Raiden: Further resistance serves no purpose. This timeline will be destroyed.

Milenna and dark Raiden charge at each other while everyone else recovers. The clash between Mileena and dark Raiden is intense, with Mileena unleashing her raw strength and ferocity. Despite her transformation into her tarkat form, her fighting skills remain sharp, and she fights with relentless determination. Y/N groans and gets up looking around and sees Milenna fighting dark Raiden on her own as he rushes to check on Sindel.

Y/N: Mom!

Sindel: I-I'm fine son! Go! Help Milenna!

Y/N, driven by concern for Mileena, races towards her and dark Raiden. He sees the fierce battle unfolding, his eyes fixed on Mileena's struggle. With determination in his steps, he rushes to her side to assist in the fight against dark Raiden. Y/N, fueled by determination, takes advantage of an opening and pounces on dark Raiden from behind. With a swift and powerful attack, Y/N stabs him twice, managing to land a hit before getting flung away. The sudden attack catches dark Raiden off guard, leaving him momentarily exposed to Y/N's assault. Y/N's attack momentarily stuns dark Raiden, giving Mileena a brief opportunity to regroup and reassess the situation.

Dark Raiden; YOU TWO WILL OBEY!!!

Y/N: Make us bub.

Dark Raiden, seething with anger, raises his voice and demands obedience. Y/N, never one to back down, defiantly responds with a challenge, refusing to bow down to his command. Y/N and Mileena charge together, their determination and unity evident in every step. They approach Dark Raiden, ready to face him head-on. The air is thick with tension as Y/N and Mileena charge towards Dark Raiden. Their focused gaze locks onto their adversary, and they prepare for the upcoming clash. The duo moves in sync, their every action reflecting a deep understanding and trust in each other's abilities. Y/N and Mileena's combined might becomes a force to be reckoned with, leaving no doubt in their determination to fight for what they believe in. As Y/N and Mileena approach Dark Raiden, their combined strength and determination create an imposing presence. The odds may be stacked against them, but they stand ready to face the challenge, their unity and purpose guiding them forward. Y/N's quick blade work slashes Dark Raider's leg, weakening him. Capitalizing on the opportunity, Y/N follows up with a powerful elbow strike to the back of his head, stunning him. Seizing the moment, Mileena quickly pins Dark Raiden down and delivers a fatal bite to his neck, ending the fight with a gruesome finality. Y/N: Sorry..... but this timeline is not yours or Titan Shang tsung's to take!

He tells dark Raiden before he dies as Y/N and Milenna regroup with everyone else circling around dark Sindel as she laughed.

Dark Sindel: Ha ha ha! Come forward, if you dare. I will finish what Raiden could not.

Y/N charged at her slashing at her but misses and gets kicked by dark Sindel before getting whipped by her hair getting knocked out. One by one each fighters get knocked out by dark Sindel. However Sindel still conscious gets back up and holds a sword.

Dark Sindel: Your tenacity's to be admired.

Sindel: Until our last breaths are taken... as long as blood flows through our veins... ...we are not beaten.

Dark Sindel: (chuckling) Noble sentiments, which in the end matter little. None of you will leave here alive.

Dark Sindel charges at Sindel and clash swords with her. Sindel and dark Sindel engage in a fierce duel, their swords clanging together with every strike. Their determination is palpable, each determined to protect their respective timelines. Sindel manages to knock dark Sindel
Down making her drop the sword. Sindel walks over to her and is about to finish the job until dark Sindel grabs her sword with her hair and stabs Sindel in her abdomen.


Y/N's anguished cry pierces through the air as he witnesses Sindel's injury, his voice filled with concern and pain. Dark Sindel throws her aside as Jerrod rushes to her side checking on her as Milenna rushes at dark Sindel.

Dark Sindel: Oh, it's so vid to see a child lose her mother.

Mileena: If my mother dies, she won't be the only Sindel to perish!!

She charges at dark Sindel. Dark Sindel gloats over her victory, taunting Mileena about the possibility of her mother's demise. Mileena, fueled by anger and protectiveness, responds with a vow, promising retribution if her mother does not survive. Mileena charges at dark Sindel, her determination and rage evident in every move. Y/N's heart pounds rapidly in his chest, his eyes betraying a mixture of fear and determination. He watches Mileena charging towards dark Sindel, his own emotions reflecting the intensity of the battle unfolding before him. The air is thick with tension and anticipation as Mileena moves forward, her resolve unwavering. She closes the distance between herself and dark Sindel, preparing for the inevitable clash. With a swift movement, Mileena leaps into the air, closing the distance between her and dark Sindel with a single bound. Her determination and anger fuel her actions as she readies herself for the attack. The weight of the possible loss of Sindel hits Y/N hard, stirring up a powerful mixture of anger and emotion within him. Sindel, who had been there for him since he was a young boy, had been his caregiver and confidant. The mere idea of losing her ignites a fire within Y/N, fueling his determination to fight even harder. Y/N's hands ball into tight fists, his knuckles turning white from the strength of his grip. The intensity of his emotions is palpable, channeled into a physical manifestation of his determination and resolve. Y/N's anger begins to take hold, causing his claws to emerge, revealing the hint of his inner beast. The primal instincts within him start to surface as the emotional turmoil continues to build, pushing him further towards the edge. Y/N's growl breaks through the silence, a guttural sound that betrays his growing anger and emotional intensity. The primal force within him becomes more pronounced, his transformation mirroring the internal struggle he is experiencing. A sudden transformation takes place within Y/N as his eyes turn a distinct shade of yellow, signifying a powerful shift in his physical state. The depth of his anger and determination intensifies, manifesting in this new, more primal aspect of himself. Y/N emits a primal roar, the sound resonating powerfully as he charges towards dark Sindel. His speed and ferocity have increased exponentially, his newfound power propelling him forward with a sense of unstoppable force. The sight of Y/N charging towards dark Sindel in his newfound transformed state elicits a mix of awe and shock from the others. They watch as his speed and strength surpass anything they have seen from him before, a testament to the inner beast that has been awakened within him. Dark Sindel braces herself, preparing to face Y/N as he closes the distance between them. The clash between the two combatants promises a brutal and intense battle, with the raw power of Y/N's transformation on full display. Despite missing his initial attack, Y/N continues to slash at dark Sindel with incredible speed and precision. He seems unfazed by fatigue or exhaustion, his primal instincts driving him forward in a relentless frenzy of attacks. The swiftness and ferocity of Y/N's slashes are overwhelming, each strike carrying enough force to potentially incapacitate his opponent. Dark Sindel struggles to keep up with his relentless onslaught, each missed attack serving only to further embolden Y/N's primal nature. The clash between Y/N and dark Sindel takes on an almost frenzied intensity, with Y/N's relentless slashes and dark Sindel's attempts to counter or evade his attacks creating a chaotic whirlwind of movement. Y/N's primal state grants him a level of ferocity and resilience that dark Sindel can't match, making the outcome of their battle increasingly uncertain. Y/N's roars and growls fill the air as he continues his assault on dark Sindel. In a single swift move, he severs both of her arms, further impairing her ability to defend herself. Despite her injury, dark Sindel attempts to counter his next move, but Y/N's heightened speed and ferocity render her attempts futile. He continues slashing at her with an even greater intensity, his primal state making him a nearly unstoppable force. The intensity of the struggle reaches its peak as dark Sindel finds herself increasingly overwhelmed by Y/N's primal onslaught. Each blow lands with greater force, the sheer power behind his strikes almost superhuman. The outcome of the battle seems more and more certain as dark Sindel's strength and resistance slowly dwindle. With a final, ferocious roar, Y/N delivers the final blow, severing dark Sindel's head in a brutal display of primal power. The fight comes to an end, Y/N's transformed state leaving him standing victorious but exhausted, his adrenaline slowly returning to normal.

Kitana: Mother, you can't go. Not yet.

Sindel: It's my time, dear. At least we had a few hours more.

Jerrod: I will cherish them.

Healed, Mileena runs up to her mother.

Mileena: Mother.

Sindel: You are now Empress. Rule well.

Mileena: I will, Mother. Father and Kitana will help me.

Y/N: Mom!

Y/N quickly removes his cowl, revealing his worried and emotional expression as he kneels in front of Sindel. The sight of her weakened state is a painful reminder of the toll the battle has taken on her.

Y/N: Mom, please...don't go.

Sindel turns her gaze towards Y/N, her eyes filled with a mixture of affection and gentle resignation. Despite her weakened state, she musters a soft smile for her son.

Sindel: My dear Y/N... I'm afraid my time has come.

Y/N's heart aches as he listens to Sindel's words. The realization that she is indeed nearing the end makes his eyes well up with tears.

Y/N: But... but you can't leave us... you can't leave me.

Sindel reaches out and gently touches Y/N's face, her fingers trembling slightly from her weakened state.

Sindel: I know, my son, I know. But everything has its time, and mine has come.

Her voice is soft and tender, yet laced with sadness and acceptance. Y/N leans into his mother's touch, his tears beginning to fall as he tries to hold back his emotions. The finality of her words, the certainty that this may be their last conversation together, cuts deep into his heart. Sindel's hand lingers on his face for a moment, her touch conveying a silent message of love and reassurance.

Sindel: Y/N, listen to me. You have grown into a remarkable young man. I couldn't have asked for a better son.

Her voice, although weary, holds a note of pride and affection. Y/N nods, struggling to find his voice amidst the flood of emotions that fill him. He gazes at his mother, trying to ingrain every detail of her face into his memory, knowing that this moment may be one of their last together. Sindel's smile grows a little weaker as she takes in her son's emotional state.

Sindel: You have so much potential, Y/N. So much strength and goodness within you. You must use those gifts wisely.

The weight of her words hangs heavily in the air, carrying a deeper message, a final lesson from a mother to her child.

Y/N: I-I will mother...... I-i will.....

Sindel's eyes shimmer with pride and contentment as she sees the determination in Y/N's eyes, hearing the conviction in his voice.

Sindel: I know, my son. I know you will.

She continues to stroke his cheek softly, her touch a gentle reminder of the bond they share. Y/N takes her hand in his, grasping it tightly as if willing her to stay with him for just a moment longer. The pain in his eyes belies the strength he's trying to maintain.

Y/N: I'll miss you, mom. I don't want you to go. I....... I never got the chance to owe you back for everything.....

Sindel's heart aches as she hears the anguish in Y/N's voice. Her eyes well up with tears as she understands the depth of his grief.

Sindel: You've already given me more than enough, my dear. Just seeing you grow into a strong, compassionate man is the greatest gift you could ever give me.

Y/N's grip on her hand tightens, as if he could somehow will her strength to return and change fate. But deep down, he knows that there's nothing he can do to change the inevitable.

Y/N: But there's so much I still wanted to learn from much I wanted to share with you......

Sindel's eyes soften as she gazes upon her son's pained expression. Her voice becomes even quieter, but still filled with love and wisdom.

Sindel: You carry a part of me within you, Y/N. All the lessons, all the love, all the's within you. You just need to believe in yourself.

Y/N nods, even as tears continue to stream down his face. Her words resonate deep within him, and he clenches his jaw, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. His voice quivers as he speaks.

Y/N: I promise.....I'll make you proud, mom. I won't let you down. I'll carry your love with me.

Sindel smiles weakly, her eyes glimmering with pride and love.

Sindel: Oh, my son, you already have. I'm so proud of the man you've become.

Her voice is barely more than a whisper, her strength slowly but surely fading.

Sindel: I'll always........... love........ you all.........

Y/N feels her hand slip from his face, and his heart clenches at the sight. Her statement, so simple yet powerful, pierces deep into his heart, leaving him with a mixture of grief, love, and bittersweet acceptance.

Y/N: ......I love you too, mom.......

He closes his eyes, letting the tears flow freely as he comes to terms with the reality of his newfound loss. Suddenly sindel's soul starts entering Jerrod's body as everyone looks at him in confusion.

Y/N: F-father.....?

Milenna: Wh-what did you do?!

Jerrod: I collected your mother's soul. It resides within me. She is safe.

Y/N's eyes widen in disbelief, his jaw dropping slightly as he tries to process what he's just heard. Jerrod's words seem almost surreal, like something out of a dream.

Y/N: F-father, is this....true? Is mother......inside you?

Jerrod nods silently, his expression unusually solemn. Despite the situation, there's a strange air of calmness about him.

Jerrod: Yes, my son. Your mother's soul is safe within me. For as long as I live, she will as well.

Liu Kang: Hurry, everyone! We must withdraw.

They all stood up and run out. Y/N spares one final, lingering glance at his mother's lifeless form, tears welling up in his eyes once more. He forces himself to look away, his heart heavy with grief and a strange sense of loss.

Y/N: ....May you find peace, mother.

With a deep breath, he turns away from her and quickly catches up with the others, his cowls hiding the tears that he can't hold back anymore.

To be continued.....

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