Chapter 2

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The next day had passed and the whole royal family (Sindel, Sindel's daughters, and Y/N) were in the dining room  eating breakfast. Sindel sat at the head of the table. Kitana and Mileena sat in their usual spots next to each other, with Y/N sitting next to Kitana. As they ate, Sindel began speaking to the others.

Sindel: I have an important announcement that I would like to discuss with all of you. Something that we must all discuss.

The others raised their eyebrows in curiosity as they listened to Sindel, curious and wondering what this important announcement she wanted to discuss was about.

Sindel: As some of you are already well aware of, I've been grooming and preparing Mileena to take over the throne as Empress whenever the time came.

Mileena tensed up a little at hearing this, but remained calm. Mileena nodded and responded with a "yes mom" to Sindel's statement, but Y/N could tell that she looked a bit nervous and timid. Kitana glanced over and noticed it as well. Y/N cleared his throat.

Y/N: Annnnddd. Not to mention the tournament.

Sindel took a sip from her tea and turned her gaze to Y/N.

Sindel: Yes, the tournament. The tournament will be held in a week from now, and you and Mileena will both be participating in it.

Kitana and Y/N both raised their eyebrows and glanced at each other, both a bit surprised at hearing this new information that they would be participating in this tournament, along with Mileena.

Y/N: Hold on hold, you want me to participate in the tournament too?

Sindel nodded.

Sindel: Yes I do. Your combat skills have improved over the past few years, and with you by Mileena's side, I believe that the two of you can win the tournament. You both just have to be ready.

But- what if........ what if I let you down....?

Sindel's gaze on Y/N soften a bit, she could tell that he seemed very concerned.

Sindel: That's what's getting you worried? You think you're going to let us down?

Y/N just nodded, still looking a bit concerned and worried. Sindel sighed and smiled softly before speaking.

Sindel: I don't want you worried or concerned about letting us down. I believe in you and your abilities. You are a talented warrior, and I know you will do well in this tournament.

Y/N: I-I know. It's just- this is my first ever tournament I'm gonna be in....

Sindel nodded, understanding his feelings.

Sindel: Yes, it is your first tournament, and it's normal to feel nervous, but you do not have to worry, you will be fine. Remember, I'm doing this because I believe in you and I know that you are ready.

Y/N felt slightly better after hearing that, but there was still a bit of doubt in his mind.

Y/N: But....what if I still let you and the others down? What if I lose?

Sindel took a deep breath and spoke.

Sindel: My son, the first tournament is never easy, and you will not win every fight, you will not win every match. But what is important is that you give it your all and try your best. No one is expecting you to win every fight. Just try your best.

Y/N listened to her words and nodded slightly.

Y/N: Ok....I'll try. I'll try my best as long as I can.

Sindel smiled and nodded.

Sindel: That's all I'm asking for, for you to try. I know you will do alright, I know you will.

The others remained quiet, but there were reassuring smiles on their faces, showing that they had faith in him. Y/N smiled a little as he saw the reassuring smiles on his family's faces, he was beginning to feel a bit more confident and encouraged. He looked at the others, especially Kitana and Mileena, and they both smiled at him and gave nodding their heads, as if they were silently telling him 'you got this'Y/N smiled at them, feeling even more confident now thanks to their silent encouragement, he knew that he had the support of his family and that they were behind him and believed in him. Sindel turned her gaze to Mileena and spoke.

Sindel: Now, Mileena, as for you, my daughter, I know how much you've wanted this. And I know you're also feeling nervous and have doubts, but I want you to remember that you are ready for this to. You are ready to become Empress. Just trust your instincts and put your best effort in the tournament.

Mileena nodded but still looked a bit timid and nervous, but she was also trying her best to put on a calm and confident demeanor.

Mileena: Yes, I understand mother, I'll do my best.

Y/N nods and smiled at Milenna silently telling her she'll do good Mileena glanced over at him, and she nodded and smiled back at him, silently thanking him for his faith in her. Sindel looked at both of them with a pleased expression, she was happy to see their support for and confidence in each other.

Sindel: Good, now that all this is settled, I need you both to be focused and stay ready for the tournament. I don't want you to be unfocused or unprepared. Understood?

Y/N and Mileena nodded and responded simultaneously.

Y/N and Mileena: Yes mother.

Sindel: Good, I expect both of you to do well. Now, finish eating your breakfast.

Y/N and Mileena nodded again and continued eating their food, with Sindel also returning to eating. Kitana smiled slightly as she watched them, glad to see that they were supporting and believing in each other. After they finished eating breakfast Y/N was in his room sitting down on his bed thinking about what to wear for the tournament. Y/N sat on his bed, looking at his closet of clothes and outfits, trying to decide what would be the best to wear for the tournament. He wanted something that would look good and also be practical for the fights. He looked at each item of clothing, trying to imagine himself wearing it while fighting in the tournament. He pulled out various shirts, pants, jackets, and even some armor pieces, but nothing seemed quite right. He sighed and leaned back against the bed, feeling frustrated and unsure about what to wear. He knew that he wanted to look good and make a good impression, but he also wanted something that would be comfortable and allow him freedom of movement during the fights. After a few more minutes of trying to decide, Y/N heard a knock at his door. Y/N got up and went to the door, opening it to see Kitana standing on the other side.

Kitana smiled when she saw him and spoke.

Kitana: Hey, can I come in?

Y/N nodded and stepped aside to let her in.

Y/N: Yeah, of course, come on in.

Kitana entered the room and looked at Y/N's closet of clothes, noticing that he was still trying to decide what to wear.

Kitana: Still figuring out what to wear for the tournament, huh?

Y/N sighed and nodded.

Y/N: Yeah, I can't decide on a good outfit. I want something that looks good, but I also want something that will be practical and comfortable for fighting.

Kitana chuckled slightly.

Kitana: I see, well, fashion and practicality aren't always a good combination, but I'm sure you'll come up with something eventually.
Kitana looked around the room and her eyes landed on a particular item of his clothes. What about that one?  
Kitana pointed to a black leather jacket hanging in the closet.

Y/N looked at the jacket that Kitana was pointing to and picked it up.

Y/N: This old thing? I haven't worn it in ages.

Y/N held it up and examined it, contemplating whether he should wear it or not.

Kitana smiled and spoke.

Kitana: I think it would look great on you. And it'll give you a bit of an edgier look, which will be perfect for the tournament.

Y/N looked at it for a few more seconds before he throws it out the window.

Y/N: Nah.... That's ok. Hmmmm..... maybe I can make an outfit....?

Kitana looked out the window, confused as why he would throw the jacket out the window, but she also seemed a bit curious about what he meant by making an outfit. Kitana looked at him and asked.

Kitana: Make an outfit? What do you mean?

Y/N walked over to a desk in his room where there was some sewing supplies, scissors, and other materials.

Y/N: I mean that since I can't decide on an outfit, why don't I just make my own?

Kitana raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the idea.

Kitana: Make your own outfit? Interesting idea.

She looked at the sewing supplies and materials on the desk, seeing what he had to work with. Y/N began to go through the supplies, looking at the different fabrics, colors, and materials that he had to work with. Kitana watched with interest, wondering what kind of design he was planning to create. As Y/N sorted through the supplies, he started to visualize how he wanted his outfit to look. He wanted something that would be unique and eye-catching, but still practical and comfortable for the tournament. He picked out a few fabrics and materials that he thought would work well together, and started to lay them out on his bed.

Y/N: Wait.....

Kitana was curious about what he was thinking and spoke.

Kitana: What is it?

Y/N suddenly walked out his room and walked into his mom's office and stared at the old drawing his mom had of the costume he drew. Kitana followed him into the office and noticed the drawing hanging on the wall, she walked over and looked at it, realizing It was a drawing that Y/N had made of a costume design when he was younger. Y/N stared at the drawing with a contemplating look on his face, and Kitana noticed this. She smiled softly and spoke.

Kitana: You're thinking about using the design from your drawing, aren't you?

Y/N nodded slightly before responding.

Y/N: Yeah, I am. This drawing was something I came up with when I was a kid, but I never really did anything with it. However, I think this could work, and I think it's time I put this design to use.

Y/N grabbed the photo and smirked.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Play complication song

Kitana watched as Y/N grabbed the photo and began to look at it intensely as he began to envision the design in his head, and he starts to grab some drawing tools. She smiled and chuckled slightly, seeing how focused he was on his design and how the picture inspired him. As Y/N works on drawing his design, the sound of music can be heard playing in the background, and a montage of scenes starts playing, showing Y/N working on his costume design.

They say we are what we are, but we don't have to be
I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way
I'll be the watcher (watcher) of the eternal flame
I'll be the guard dog of all your fever dreams

Y/N can be seen sketching and drawing out different parts of the costume, as well as adding details and colors to it. He occasionally pauses to think, trying to figure out how to make the design perfect. Kitana is still watching him, watching him intensely as he works on the design, occasionally offering a comment or a suggestion.

Oh, I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass, glass, glass

Y/N keeps working on his design, sketching and drawing with precision and focus, adding details and elements he wants to include in the outfit. Kitana can see the determination and passion on his face as he works, and she can't help but be impressed by his dedication to the design. A montage of Y/N working out and training outside is shown.

Oh, I try to picture me without you, but I can't

'Cause we could be immortals, immortals
Just not for long, for long
And live with me forever now, pull the blackout curtains down
Just not for long, for long

We could be immor—immortals, immor—immortals
Immor—immortals, immor—immortals, immortals

The montage continues showing Y/N working out and training outside, pushing himself to his limits. He is seen doing various exercises and fighting drills, honing his skills and building his strength and speed. Kitana watches from a distance, admiring his dedication to training and how much he has improved through the years. Sindel is sat behind her desk in her office, going over some paperwork and looking out the window. She notices Y/N outside training and working out. She smiles slightly and watches him for a few moments, feeling a sense of pride as she watches him work hard and improve his skills. As Y/N continues working out and training outside, Sindel continues to watch him from her office window, still feeling impressed and proud of him. Sindel looks at Y/N, she can't help but think about everything he's gone through and how much he's grown and transformed into the man he is now.

Sometimes the only payoff for having any faith
Is when it's tested again and again every day
I'm still comparing your past to my future It might be your wound, but they're my sutures

She can't help but feel a sense of hope and optimism for his future, knowing that he has the potential to achieve greatness and overcome any challenges that come his way. She smiles softly and continues to watch him train, feeling grateful that he's her son.

Oh, I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass, glass, glass

The music continues to play as Sindel's thoughts continue.

Sindel's thoughts:

"Even though he's faced many obstacles and difficult times, he never gives up and always finds a way to overcome them. He has a strong spirit and a determined will, and I have no doubt that he will continue to grow and push himself to become even stronger. He truly is a remarkable son."

Oh, I try to picture me without you, but I can't

'Cause we could be immortals, immortals

A montage of Y/N doing push ups while kitana is sitting on his back drinking tea is shown as another scene which shows Milenna on Y/N's back is seen and then goro on Y/N's back as he struggles a bit to do a push up with goro on his back but still manages

Just not for long, for long
And live with me forever now, pull the blackout curtains down
Just not for long, for long

We could be immor—immortals, immor—immortals, immortals

The montage continues to play, showing Y/N doing push-ups with various people on his back. First with Kitana, he does the push-ups flawlessly, but when he attempts to do the push-up with Goro on his back, he struggles a bit, but he manages to do it with a little effort. Then a scene shows Mileena on his back and he does the push-up without any trouble. Sindel continues to watch from her office window, feeling impressed by his display of strength and endurance.

And live with me forever now
Pull the blackout curtains down

Y/N is now shown in a scene, dragging a heavy cart with a rope over his shoulders. His muscles are straining and he's sweating, but he's pushing himself to the limit. Sindel watches from her office window and can see the determination and effort on Y/N's face as he struggles to pull the heavy cart.

We could be immortals, immortals
Just not for long, for long

Sindel watches as Y/N continues to drag the heavy cart, his muscles straining and sweat dripping down his face. He's pushing himself to the limit, gritting his teeth and pushing through the pain. Sindel can't help but be impressed, watching her son push himself so hard and show such incredible strength and determination. Y/N is seen again alone in his room working on a yellow and blue costume along with a black and blue cowl with white eye stripes Y/N is sitting alone in his room, his costume sprawled out on his bed. He's working on the final touches of the costume, adding the finishing details and making sure everything looks perfect. He's carefully placing the pieces of fabric together, adding the colors and designs that he envisioned. He's focused and intent on his work, making sure that every detail is just right.

We could be immor—immortals, immor—immortals
Immor—immortals, immor—immortals, immortals

The song ends as it transitions to the morning where Y/N is seen passed out on his desk
His body slumped over and snoring lightly. He looks exhausted from working on his costume all night. Y/N rubs his eyes groggily as he jolts awake. He looks around his room and sees that it's a mess. The floor is littered with crumpled papers, bits of fabric, and old clothing that he doesn't wear anymore. He realizes that he fell asleep while working on his costume and got carried away with it. He stands up from his desk and begins to pick up the mess, looking at the different items strewn around the room. Y/N continues to pick up the trash and clean up his room. As he is doing so, he notices his costume and the finished cowl on his desk. He stops what he's doing and begins to slowly walk towards his desk, his eyes fixated on the cowl. He reaches his desk and slowly grabs the cowl, holding it carefully in his hands as he examines it. He can't believe that he actually finished the costume and the cowl. Y/N brings the cowl up to his face, looking at it closely and admiring his own work. The details and the colors all mesh together perfectly, and the overall design looks amazing. He can't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment as he holds his own creation in his hands. He smiles slightly, feeling satisfied with what he's made and excited to try it on. Y/N grins as he looks at the cowl and says to himself,

Y/N: Hell yeah, the Wolverine is born.

He feels a surge of excitement and pride as he imagines himself wearing the costume and fighting in the tournament. He can already picture himself looking cool and badass in the outfit.

To be continued...

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