Chapter 3

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The day of the tournament finally arrived as Milenna and Kitana are currently waiting for Liu kang and the earthrealmers to arrive at sun do as Tanya and umgadi soldiers are next to Milenna and kitana while Y/N was back at the palace with Sindel. Milenna and kitana see a portal open as Liu kang, Kenshi, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, and Raiden arrive. Milenna and Kitana are waiting at the Sun Do arena with a group of soldiers from the Umgadi behind them. They see a portal open and Liu Kang, Kenshi, Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, and Raiden step out from it. Milenna and Kitana smile and approach the group, ready to greet and welcome them to Outworld.

Johnny Cage: Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore. Oh my. Are those...

Liu Kang: Empress Sindel's daughters, yes.

Johnny Cage: They do not disappiont.

Raiden: We are Earthrealm's ambassadors, Johnny. We'll show them respect... not unwanted attention.

Johnny just smirked and winked at Raiden as they all stand in front of Milenna and Kitana.

Mileena: Lord Liu Kang, welcome.

Liu Kang: Thank you, Princess Mileena.

Mileena: You remember my sister?

Liu Kang: Of course. Princess Kitana. May I introduce Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Kenshi Takahashi and Earthrealm's champion... Raiden.

Kitana: I hope you're prepared, Raiden. Our champions are determined to win.

Mileena: None more so than me. It's been too long since we've known victory.

Tanya suddenly walks by milenna's side.

Tanya: Princess Mileena... We should be on our way. Empress Sindel awaits.

Mileena: Thank you, Tanya. Follow me, please.

They all follow Milenna and Kitana to separate carriages as they ride through sun do festival. Raiden, Liu kang, and Milenna are in a carriage as Raiden takes in the view.

Raiden: Those are Centaurians. And Shokan!

Mileena: The six-armed beings are Naknadans.

Raiden: The monks described them. But seeing them in person...

Liu Kang: I see that Her Majesty once again spares no expense on the festival.

Mileena: Should she not? It commemorates my late father.

Liu Kang: I admire, Princess. I do not judge. As did all of Outworld, I valued greatly Jerrod's fellowship.

Suddenly they are stopped as Milenna noticed li Mei afar watching the crowd as she knocks on the carriage before stepping off of it and walking to li Mei.

Mileena: First Constable! Our route was to be clear. This couldn't wait?

Li Mei: Should I allow Tarkatans to infect the city, Your Highness? Those arrested were harboring some here, rather than report them for quarantine.

Mileena: The Earthrealms cannot be privy to our secrets, Li Mei. As Sun Do's First Constable, you must show better judgement. Perhaps that too much to expect...... she said coldly before walking off

Raiden: Princess Mileena doesn't seem to like her very much.

Liu Kang: Li Mei used to lead the Umgadi, the palace guard. It was on her watch that the Princess's father was murdered....

A few minutes pass by and they arrive at the palace as Liu kang and earth realm were in the throne room waiting.

Liu Kang: Worry expends energy for no purpose, Raiden.

Raiden: But the tournament. If I lose..

Liu Kang: Focus on your actions, not the outcome. It is all you can control.

Suddenly general Shao is seen arriving in the throne room.

Liu Kang: General Shao. Do not let him goad you.

General Shao walks in front of Liu kang and smirks.

General Shao: (laughing) Is it me, or is Earthrealm's champion scrawnier than usual?

Kung Lao: Would you care to test his strength?! Raiden will-

Liu Kang: Will prove himself soon enough.

General Shao: Have you still not told most Earthrealmers that Outworld exists?

Liu Kang: It is safer that way, General.

General Shao: I suppose so. Your people's frail minds couldn't handle truth.

Liu Kang: You presume them frail, General? Should you... given how frequently they win this tournament?

General Shao: We will destroy your champion, Liu Kang. He will taste no victory. He says coldly before walking off.

Sindel, Milenna, Kitana, and Y/N are seen walking inside the throne room as Y/N was wearing casual clothing since his fight hasn't started. They all take their seats as Raiden and the others curiously look at Y/N.

Sindel: Welcome, members of the royal house. Welcome, our esteemed Earthrealm guests. We gather once again to honor my late husband's legacy. To continue the tournament that he founded with Lord Liu Kang in hopes that it would foster peace among realms. May Jerrod's soul watch over us with pride from its resting place in the Living Forest.

Everyone listens intently as Sindel speaks about the tournament and Jerrod's legacy. There is a sense of solemnity and respect in the air as she mentions the late Outworld Emperor. Even the Earthrealmers are silent and paying attention, taking in every word. Among the crowd, Y/N can feel the eyes of the Outworlders and the Earthrealmers on him.

Sindel: Before we begin- I would like you all to meet my first son. Y/N. This will be his first tournament he will be attending and competing in.

The Earthrealmers are taken aback by the announcement. They hadn't expected the presence of Sindel's son. They all look at Y/N, their curious glances turning into surprised looks now.

Sindel: Lord Liu Kang.

Liu kang steps forward.

Liu Kang: Empress Sindel. It pleases me to once again be your guest.

Sindel: Here, you are always welcome. Now. Let us meet your champion.

Liu Kang: Earthrealm's champion is Raiden, Your Majesty. He has earned his place by embodying the very best qualities of Earthrealm's people.

Raiden steps forward with a confident look.

Sindel: You seem nervous, young man.

Raiden: I'm a stranger in an unfamiliar land. Here to compete against its greatest fighters. Yes, I am nervous...

Sindel: As you should be. You have a difficult path ahead.

Sindel stands up.

Sindel: It has begun!

Li Mei is suddenly seen walking inside the throne room as the crowd looks at her.

Sindel: As tradition requires, Outworld's initial competitor will be Sun Do's First Constable... Li Mei. May she defend our realm's glory as well as she preserves our capital's order.

Li Mei: Your Majesty. I will honor both the royal house, and all of Outworld, with my kombat.

Sindel: If so, you will vastly exceed my expectations. Remember. Were it not for Jerrod's tradition, you would not be here.

Liu Kang: All you need do is your best. The rest will take care of itself.

Raiden: Yes, Lord Liu Kang.

Li Mei: Shall we see what you can do?

Raiden: Hopefully, this will be the first of many victories.

Li Mei: I will prevail, Earthrealmer. This fight is more important to me than you can ever know.

After Raiden beats Li Mei. The fight between Raiden and Li Mei is fast and intense. Li Mei's fighting style is swift and brutal, but Raiden manages to keep up and eventually lands a series of powerful hits that defeat her. The crowd cheers and applause as Raiden stands victorious, sweating and panting, but clearly proud of his achievement.

Raiden: Thank you for the match, First Constable.

Li Mei bows and walks off as the crowd stare at her.

Sindel: My compliments, Raiden on a well-fought match. We'll see how you fare in the next. General Shao. Whom have you chosen as our next competitor?

General Shao: Your Majesty, I have chosen Reiko, my second-in-command.

Reiko is suddenly seen entreating the throne room.

General Shao: As a boy, Reiko was orphaned during the Kafallah War. Though captured, his spirit remained unbroken. He scratched, clawed, and survived. After the war, I took him in. Molded him into the perfect soldier. Few others are as well versed in the ways of war.

Reiko taunts Raiden as he does some moves in front of him as Y/N sighed.

Y/N: He's gonna lose.....

Reiko stands up and stares at Raiden.

Reiko: In whose army have you served? In what wars have you fought?

Raiden: I have done neither.

Reiko: Then you are woefully unprepared, Earthrealmer. This will be your last battlefield.

After Raiden defeats Reiko, The fight between Raiden and Reiko is intense and brutal. Reiko is a skilled soldier, but Raiden is agile and fast. Despite Reiko's attempts to intimidate him, Raiden stays focused and eventually lands the winning blow. The crowd cheers and applauds as Raiden stands victorious once again.

Raiden: Felled by a simple farmer.

General Shao: hmph. he groaned before walking off.

Raiden: I am ready for my next opponent, Your Majesty. Whom shall I face?

Sindel: Patience, young man. We are adjourned until first light. I hope to see you all at this evening's banquet.

The crowd disperses as Sindel adjourns the tournament for the evening. The Earthrealmers look at each other, discussing the fights that they just witnessed, and preparing for the next day.

Kung Lao: Guess we'll see what this banquet's like.

The Earthrealmers enter the grand ballroom, which is elegantly decorated with banners and flowers. There are tables lined with food and drinks, and the sound of music fills the air. The atmosphere is formal and refined, with the guests dressed in their finest clothes. Kung Lao looks around, marveling at the opulence of the room.

Kung Lao: I could get used to this.

Johnny Cage: I'm sorry. You're ten thousand years old? Talk about aging gracefully. He flirted with Kitana as she laughed.

However, Y/N who was watching a few seats away shakes his head and facepalms.

Raiden: What do you see in him? He points to Johnny.

Liu Kang: He is a hero, Raiden. Though he may not yet know it. Do you recognize everyone here?

Raiden: Most, yes. From your descriptions. Except for him.

Liu Kang: That is Rain, the High Mage of Outworld. Not his given name, but one earned due to his mastery of water magic.

Raiden: And him...? He points to Y/N.

Liu Kang follows Raiden's gaze and looks at Y/N, who is sitting silently a few seats away.

Liu Kang: That is Y/N, Sindel's son. He is... unique. It was said that Sindel found him outside her palace 13 years ago which led her to adopting him as her first son.

Raiden looks at Y/N with curiosity as Liu Kang explains his origin.

Raiden: Sindel adopted him? Where did he come from, then?

Liu Kang nods.

Liu Kang: Yes, Sindel adopted him. As for where he came from, no one knows. He was just found outside her palace.

Raiden looks at Y/N intently, as if trying to riddle out his past. During the banquet Milenna couldn't help but feel uneasy and sick as Tanya walks by her side.

Tanya: Are you unwell, Princess?

Mileena: I am fine, Tanya.

Raiden curiously looks at Milenna before speaking to Liu kang.

Raiden: I know I'm to fight Mileena, but will I also face Tanya?

Liu Kang: By tradition, you should not. If you did, you would be tested.

Raiden: Why?

Liu Kang: Umgadi, like Tanya, are warrior priestesses. Selected from the first born daughters of Outworld. From infancy, they are trained to defend the royal family.

Raiden: Outworld must see much conflict, if the Empress needs such protection.

Liu Kang: Its past has been difficult. Though the last thousand years of Empress Sindel's reign have been a true golden age, the memories of that strife still linger.

Liu Kang nods and acknowledges the turmoil of Outworld's past. Raiden considers the gravity of Liu Kang's words and ponders the weight of Outworld's history. Meanwhile, Y/N observes the conversations between the Earthrealmers and the Outworlders, feeling somewhat detached from the conversation. The music stops as Sindel stands from her chair before speaking.

Sindel: My husband Jerrod believed that the future of our realms lay together. Let us move forward in open dialogue, letting no secrets tear our bonds asunder.

Raiden: Your Majesty. It's an honor to be here and to meet your people. I can already see there's more that joins us than divides us.

General Shao: (snarling laugh) Our peoples could not be more different, champion.

Raiden: Excuse me?

General Shao: You heard me. Earthrealmers are devoid of all-

Sindel: That's enough, General. She glared at general Shao as Y/N and the others stare at him.

General Shao: My apologies, Your Majesty. Perhaps I've enjoyed too much of this excellent wine. With your permission-

Sindel: You may go.

General Shao walks off as Y/N turns to Kitana.

Y/N: Was he drunk??

Kitana rolls her eyes and shakes her head, clearly frustrated by General Shao's behavior.

Kitana: Yes, he was. General Shao has a history of being... outspoken, especially after he's had a few drinks.

Y/N just shakes his head as the scene transitions to Sindel and Shao in her office.

Sindel: It is bad enough we may lose to the Earthrealmers. But then you go and drunkenly insult them?! You needlessly stain my honor and your family's proud military tradition!

General Shao: May I speak freely Your Majesty?

Sindel: (exasperated sigh) Again with this? If you must.

General Shao: We must act on the sorcerer's prophecy. He warms that Liu Kang will conquer Outworld.

Sindel: And his predictions are usually impeccable. But I've no proof of Liu Kang's ill intent. His interventions have kept Outworld at peace for centuries.

General Shao: He herds us into compromises, shackles our independence. If we could meet our enemies in battle... We'd take-

Sindel: You would consign us to endless war!

General Shao: Better that than be Liu Kang's lapdog.

Sindel: If I see evidence of the prophecy's accuracy, we will act. But only then and only at my command. Did not your illustrious father teach you that war is the last resort, not the first?

General Shao: He did, Your Majesty.

Sindel: Do not forget that, General.

The general leaves as Y/N, Milenna, and Kitana are seen outside the door.

Sindel: Come.

Y/N, Milenna, and Kitana walk in.

Mileena: You asked to see us.

Sindel: I saw what happened this evening.

Mileena: That was nothing. Something I ate.

Sindel: Was it? I can't chance it, can I? If you fight tomorrow, the symptoms of your disease could manifest. Kitana and Y/N will take your place.

Mileena looks at her mother with a mixture of disappointment and resignation. Meanwhile, Kitana and Y/N exchange a glance, clearly concerned about what's to come.

Mileena: What?! There are already whispers she should replace me as your heir. This will make them screams!

Sindel: Your illness is your fault. Why you left the place that night unattended is still beyond me.

Mileena: I just needed time alone, away from all this! I never thought that-

Sindel: That's your problem, Mileena. You never think!

Kitana and Y/N listen to the tense exchange between Mileena and Sindel.

Kitana shoots a sympathetic glance at Mileena, understanding her frustration. Y/N remains silent, his expression neutral.

Kitana: Mother is only trying to protect you, sister. If your disease becomes known, you will be banished to the Wastes. For you to hold the throne, we must keep your secret.

Y/N placed a hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: Trust us Milenna. She's right.....

Milenna just scoffed and walked out. Mileena stomps off in a huff, clearly angry and frustrated. Kitana watches her go, a mixture of sadness and understanding on her face. Y/N stands silently, still processing everything that just happened. Kitana turns to Y/N, her expression worried.

Kitana: How do you think Mileena will take this?

Y/N thinks for a moment before responding.

Y/N: Mileena is already angry and frustrated. This is just going to add fuel to the fire.

Kitana glances at the door that Mileena just stormed through.

Kitana: I hope she'll see reason. We're only trying to protect her.

Y/N nods, though his expression remains worried.

Y/N: Mother. Are you sure I'm ready....?

Kitana and Y/N turn to see Sindel watching them with a gentle, yet firm expression.

Sindel places a hand on Y/N's shoulder.

Sindel: You are more than ready, Y/N. I've seen how you've trained and grown.

Y/N smiles softly and nods.

Y/N: Yes mother. I'll try my best.

To be continued...

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