Chapter 4

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The next day, everyone was outside. However- Y/N or Milenna was nowhere to be seen.

Sindel: You continue to suprise, Raiden. Among others, you have defeated Kotal, Motaro and Sheeva. Only two fights remain. Are you ready, Earthrealmer?

Raiden: I am, Your Majesty.

Sindel: Then next you face my daughter... Kitana.

Liu Kang: Your Majesty, this is unprecedented. Raiden's next opponent should be your heir.

Sindel: Mileena is unavailable. She's away on pressing imperial business.

Liu Kang: But I have not prepared him to battle Kitana.

Sindel: He's already demonstrated great skill. Can he not improvise?

Raiden: Do not worry, I can do this.

Liu Kang: Very well.

Kitana: I will be no easier to fight than my sister, Earthrealmer.

Raiden: I suffer under no such delusion, Your Highness.

Kitana: I will win this fight. For her, my Empress, and all of Outworld.

After Raiden beats Kitana the crowd cheers as Kitana lays defeated on the ground. Liu Kang looks on, a mix of concern and pride for Raiden. Raiden extends a hand to help Kitana up, and they exchange a moment of mutual respect.

Raiden: You fight well, Princess.

Kitana: As do you, Earthrealmer. Surprisingly so.

Raiden: I hope we meet again. Under different circumstances.

Kitana walks off as she sits next to Sindel again.

Sindel: It's time for the final match. It's a testament to your abilities that you've made it thus far. But now you must face General Shao.

General Shao walks out in his battle armor.

Sindel: Victor of Tervarian War. Conqueror of the Kuatan Plains. Defender of the Navala Coast. As has his family for generations, General Shao defends us with zeal and tenacity. All of Outworld is grateful for his service.

Raiden: That's a notable list of accomplishments, General.

General Shao: It is a mere fraction of them. A full recitation would take days.

After Raiden beats General Shao

Raiden: It's over. I have done it!

The crowd erupts into a chorus of cheers and applause as General Shao lays defeated on the ground. Raiden stands tall, basking in the glory of his victory. Liu Kang watches, a satisfied smile on his face. Sindel laughs as she stands up from her seat, admiring Raiden's skills.

Sindel: Impressive, Earthrealmer. You have truly excelled, as I expected. However. The real final match begins....

Sindel's statement causes a murmur to ripple through the crowd. Raiden's expression turns serious as he looks at Sindel, unsure of what's coming. Sindel takes a step forward, her gaze fixed on Raiden.

Sindel: A new champion must truly be worthy, don't you think?

Liu Kang and the watching Earthrealmers exchange worried glances, wondering what Sindel has in mind. Sindel raises her hand, signaling silence from the crowd.

Sindel: A final adversary yet awaits you, one of the finest warriors in Outworld. Someone who will truly test your skills.

A long scraping noise is heard in the shadows as Sindel's smile broadens as the scraping noise grows louder. The crowd looks on in anticipation, wondering who the final challenger might be. Suddenly glowing yellow eyes are seen in the shadow as the figure leaps from the shadows and lands on the ground which reveals to be Y/N in his new blue, yellow, Wolverine suit.

Y/N brings his claws out and slashes the air before roaring and slamming his claws into the ground. The crowd erupts into a mix of gasps and applause as Y/N reveals his new look. Sindel watches with a satisfied smile, clearly knowing that Y/N was the final opponent the whole time.

Sindel; Your final opponent....... My son. Y/N. Or as he likes to be called- The Wolverine.

The crowd looks on in a mix of shock and anticipation as Sindel reveals Y/ N as the final opponent. Some murmur in disbelief, while others wonder if Y/N really has a chance at defeating Raiden. Y/N takes his claws out the ground before taking his cowl off.

Y/N: So...... I finally get to face the champion myself huh?

Raiden looks at Y/N, his expression serious but intrigued.

Raiden; It seems that's the case, Wolverine. I must admit, I wasn't expecting you to be the final challenger.

Y/N lets out a dry chuckle, claws still extended.

Y/N: You're not the only one who's surprised, champ. But I'm not here to make this easy for you. But tell me- have you fought a mutant before?

Raiden shakes his head, still keeping his focus on Y/N.

Raiden: I'm afraid not. But I've faced my fair share of powerful opponents. I don't doubt your abilities, but I won't let that stop me from defending my title.

Y/N smirks, enjoying the challenge.

Y/N: Well, don't say I didn't warn you. Just hope those skills of yours are up to par. And today is your first time fighting a mutant bub. Don't get comfortable. He smirked and put his cowl back on before bringing his claws back out

Raiden readies himself for the battle, aware that fighting a mutant like Y/N will be a unique challenge.

Raiden: I won't underestimate you, Wolverine. Let's see what you're made of.

Y/N and Raiden get in position as the crowd waits for the match to start The tension in the air is palpable as Y/N and Raiden square off against each other. Sindel looks on, a mix of pride and apprehension in her eyes. The crowd holds its breath, anticipating the start of the battle between the Earthrealm champion and the new mutant challenger.

Sindel: FIGHT!

As Sindel rings out 'fight', the match begins.
Raiden quickly lunges at Y/N, his electricity crackling around him. Y/N dodges Raiden's initial attack, his reflexes and agility on full display. He counters with a swift slash of his claws, attempting to take the fight to the God of Thunder. Raiden narrowly dodges the claws, but Y/N continues his assault. Each of his strikes is powerful and precise, a testament to his mutation-enhanced strength and dexterity.
Despite Raiden's best attempts to counteract the quick strikes, Y/N's mutant abilities allow him to move with a speed and agility Raiden hadn't anticipated. Raiden is forced onto the defensive, struggling to keep up with Y/N's fast and furious strikes. He tries to use his own abilities, firing bolts of electricity towards Y/N. Y/N dodges the bolts with ease, his senses honed to anticipate Raiden's attacks. He continues his relentless assault, each strike fueled by his mutant powers.
The two fighters clash in a flurry of lightning-fast attacks. Raiden is pushed to his limits, struggling to keep up with Y/N's incredible strength and agility.

Y/N: Getting sloppy farm boy!

Raiden grits his teeth, irritated by Y/ N's taunt.

Raiden: I won't go down that easily!

He channels more electricity into his attacks,
trying to turn the tide of the fight.
Y/N grins, his claws continuing to slash through the air.

Y/N: I like your spirit. But it's not enough.

He continues his onslaught, each strike aimed to
wear down Raiden. Raiden's movements start to falter. Y/N's mutant abilities, combined with his aggressive fighting style, are wearing down on the God of Thunder. Raiden stumbles back, his footing faltering.

Raiden: This isn't over yet! He tries to stabilize himself, gathering his strength for a counterattack.

Y/N senses the opportunity and presses forward. He takes advantage of Raiden's temporary weakness, launching a barrage of lightning-fast strikes. Raiden struggles to block the attacks, his defenses weakening. He desperately throws out his own attacks, trying to catch Y/N off guard. Y/N easily dodges the attacks, almost effortlessly avoiding them. He keeps pressing the assault, his mutant abilities allowing him to seemingly anticipate every move Raiden makes. Y/N stood and smirks before letting out a loud roar making his eyes red and the tips of his claws burn with fire. The sight of Y/N's mutated form and fiery claws takes Raiden by surprise.

Raiden: What in—? He tries to take a step back, caught off guard by the sudden transformation.

Y/N: Let's see how well you adapt! He rushes at Raiden full speed

Raiden quickly regains his composure, bracing himself for the incoming attack.

Raiden: You really think that'll make a difference?

He fires a bolt of electricity at Y/N as he rushes forward. Y/N dodges the electric bolt with ease, his enhanced senses allowing him to anticipate the attack. He continues charging forward, closing the distance between him and Raiden with alarming speed. Raiden readies himself for the imminent impact.

Raiden: I won't back down!

He braces for the collision, preparing to meet Y/N's mutant strength head-on. Y/N collides with Raiden, the fiery tips of his claws scorching the God of Thunder's skin. The sheer force of the impact sends Raiden staggering backward, struggling to maintain his balance. Y/N roars again before slashing at Raiden multiple times and attacking him faster than before. The barrage of slashes and attacks leaves Raiden reeling.

Raiden: You're .... too fast.

He tries his best to block and dodge, but Y/N's mutant speed and ferocity are overwhelming.
Y/N continues his onslaught, his mutant strength combining with his burning claws to create a devastating assault. Each strike lands with incredible force, searing Raiden's skin and pushing him to his limit. Y/N let's out one final roar doing a X slash to Raiden knocking him down. The powerful X-slash connects, sending Raiden crashing to the ground. He lies there, dazed and breathing heavily.

Raiden: I... can't... keep up...

Y/N walks over to him as his eyes turn back to normal and his claws back to normal. Y/N stands over Raiden, his mutant powers subsiding.
He looks down at the defeated Earthrealm champ, his expression a mix of victory and perhaps some small measure of respect. Y/N aims his claw at Raiden before slowly retracting it and holding his hand out to him Raiden looks at Y/N's outstretched hand, weary but relieved.

Raiden: You...... had me beaten. He grabs Y/N's hand, pulling himself up with a wince.

Despite his exhaustion and the pain, Raiden manages a small smile.

Raiden: You're one hell of a fighter. ll give you that.

Y/N: You're not so bad yourself Raiden. He bows

Raiden bows back, a sign of respect for the mutant warrior.

Raiden: Your powers... they're unlike anything I've encountered.

He looks at Y/N with a mix of admiration and curiosity. Sindel smiles and stands up.

Sindel: Congratulations my son. Outworld wins.

The crowd erupts into cheers as Sindel declares Outworld the victor. The Earthrealm champions look on, disappointment on their faces. Y/N smiles and turns back to Raiden.

Y/N: You fought well Raiden. I hope we meet again one day.

Raiden nods, still a bit winded.

Raiden: I can't deny that you're incredibly strong. But know that next time, I won't go down as easily. He gives a small smile, respecting Y/ N's prowess.

As Y/N leaves with Sindel and Kitana, Raiden stands there, watching him go.  Raiden takes a moment to catch his breath, reflecting on the surprising power of the mutant warrior. The crowd slowly starts to disperse, with some still discussing the surprise outcome of the tournament match. Raiden watches as the Earthrealm fighters regroup and begin to head back to their own realm, disappointment and shock on their faces. At the fire temple Liu kang was sitting son peacefully in his thoughts until Geras shows up. Geras approaches Liu Kang, who is meditating in the temple.

Geras: Liu Kang.

Liu Kang opens his eyes and looks up at Geras.

Liu Kang: Geras. What brings you here?

Geras walks closer, his expression serious.

Geras: We have a problem.

Liu Kang stands up, concern on his face.

Liu Kang: A problem? Speak.

Geras explains that the sorcerer Shang Tsung and his ally "Damashi" have been meddling with time again, going against Liu Kang's vision for this timeline. Geras informs him that they've been stealing souls on a massive scale and building devices to further disrupt time.

Geras: And most importantly- Y/N's victory may have changed the timeline.

Liu Kang stands there, processing this information.

Liu Kang: Y/N's victory.... it could have altered the course of this timeline?

Geras nods, confirming Liu Kang's worst fears.

Geras: Yes. His victory against Raiden has introduced a significant change to this timeline. The repercussions could be far-reaching and unpredictable.

Liu Kang's expression darkens as he considers the implications.

Liu Kang: We must act quickly then. Do we know what Shang Tsung and "Damashi" intend to do with the stolen souls and their devices?

Geras shakes his head, his expression filled with a rare sense of uncertainty.

Geras: We don't know their exact plans. But we do know that their intentions are malicious. They seek to bend time and reality to their will, with dire consequences for all of existence.

Liu Kang clenches his fist, determination in his eyes.

Liu Kang: We can't allow that to happen. We must stop them, no matter the cost.

He turns towards the exit of the temple, ready to take action.

To be continued...

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