Chapter 5

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Kenshi, Johnny cage and Kung Lao are currently standing in front of Liu kang as they look at a poster of Shang tsung.

Kenshi: We find him in outworld and bring him here for questioning?

Liu Kang: Yes. If what I fear has happened- he is a great threat to the realms.

Kenshi: Anything Else??

Liu Kang: Shang Tsung is a master of deceit. Do not trust a word he utters.

Johnny chimes in, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Johnny: Great. So, we're dealing with a master bullshitter. This should be a breeze.

Kenshi: I'd rather take Raiden than this one. He gestures to Johnny.

Johnny: Hey! This one- is up for the job!

Liu kang: This mission- must be done quietly. I am breaking sindel's trust by sending you to outworld without her knowledge.

Kung Lao cuts in, trying to maintain the focus on the task at hand.

Kung Lao: We understand, Liu Kang. We'll be discreet. But what do we do once we find him?

Liu Kang thinks for a moment, considering their options.

Liu Kang: Once you find Shang Tsung, secure him without drawing too much attention. Bring him back here so we can question him quietly. Can you do that?

Kenshi nods, determination in his eyes.

Kenshi: We won't let you down.

Johnny gives a cocky smirk, his confidence unwavering.

Johnny: Piece of cake. We've got this handled.

Liu kang: Be careful. Sindel's son could be out there.... he is one not to be messed with.

Kung Lao looks a bit concerned at the mention of Y/N.

Kung Lao: You think we'll run into him?

Liu Kang nods, a hint of worry in his eyes.

Liu Kang: It's possible. Y/N is incredibly powerful. Be on your guard.

Johnny seems unphased, still acting overconfident.

Johnny: We can handle some mutant freak. Come on guys, let's do this!

At outworld in the middle of the night a wolf is seen sniffing around for food in the woods.The wolf continues to sniff around, searching for something edible to hunt. It's nose twitches as it picks up on potential prey nearby. The wolf moves stealthily, its footsteps almost silent as it stalks through the foliage. It gets closer to a small clearing, where it spots a small group of gazelles grazing. The wolf lets out a startled yelp as the sound of metal claws rings out through the woods. It turns to see a figure approaching. Y/N. Y/N moves with silent grace through the woods, his metal claws glinting in the moonlight. He's clearly hunting for something, and the wolf is in his way. Y/N watches the wolf run off, chuckling softly to himself. He continues stalking towards the gazelles, preparing to make his move.

Y/N: Alright coast is clear.

Tanya and rain appear holding an unconscious Milenna.

Y/N: Tanya. This Shang tsung sorcerer- are you sure he has a cure for Milenna?

Tanya nods, a mix of concern and determination on her face.

Tanya: Yes, I'm certain. Shang Tsung is one of the most powerful sorcerers in Outworld. If anyone can help Mileena, it's him. But we have to tread carefully. Shang Tsung isn't known for being particularly... trustworthy.

Y/N: Yeah..... so they say. He nods and walks through the woods

Tanya and Rain follow closely behind Y/N as they make their way deeper into the woods, keeping an eye out for any potential threats. Tanya whispers to Y/N, her voice low and quiet.

Tanya: You sure you're up for this? Shang Tsung is dangerous...

Y/N: Wasn't it your idea to get him to help Milenna?

Tanya smiles a bit, acknowledging that it was her idea.

Tanya: Fair enough. But just remember, Shang Tsung is no fool. We need to approach this situation carefully.

Y/N nods in agreement, his mind focused on the task ahead. The trio continues moving through the woods, the sounds of the night surrounding them as they head towards Shang Tsung's supposed hideout. They arrive at a large tower as Y/N bangs on the door The sound of the banging echoes through the tower, sending shockwaves through the stone walls. After a moment, the door creaks open, revealing Shang Tsung standing there, a smug smirk on his face.

Shang Tsung: Ah, if it isn't my special guests. Come in, come in.

Y/N blankly looked at him under his cowl before walking in. Shang Tsung steps aside, letting Y/N, Tanya, and Rain enter the tower. The interior is dimly lit, with an ominous aura lingering in the air. They walk up the stairs and enter a laboratory as Tanya and rain follow behind holding Milenna. Shang Tsung leads them into the lab, the walls lined with various potions, scrolls, and other mystical items. The air is thick with the smell of herbs and potions. Shang Tsung motions for them to place Mileena on the examination table, his eyes studying her closely. They place her down on the examination table as Y/N takes his cowl off. Shang Tsung looks over at Y/N as he takes off his cowl, his eyes widening in surprise.

Shang Tsung: Well, well, well... If it isn't the mutant warrior himself. I must say, I'm a bit surprised to see you here.

Y/N: Yeah yeah I get that a lot bub.

Shang Tsung chuckles, amused by Y/N's snarky response.

Shang Tsung: Hmm, feisty as usual. Well then, let's get down to business. I understand your friend here is in need of my... assistance.

Y/N: Sister. My sister.

Shang Tsung nods, realizing his mistake.

Shang Tsung: My apologies. Your sister, then.

He begins to examine Mileena, his fingers gently prodding at her skin and analyzing her symptoms. Rain and Tanya stand by anxiously, watching as Shang Tsung conducts his examination. Shang Tsung hums quietly to himself as he studies Mileena's condition, his eyes furrowing in concentration. After a few moments, he stands up straight and looks over at Y/N.

Shang Tsung: Mm, fascinating. Your sister's condition is unusual, but not unsalvageable. The disease hasn't progressed too far yet...

Y/N: So. Can you cure her...?

Shang Tsung nods, a hint of confidence in his eyes.

Shang Tsung: Yes. I believe I have the necessary ingredients to concoct a cure for her. It will take some time to prepare, but I assure you, she will be fully recovered soon enough.

Rain lets out a soft sigh of relief, while Tanya looks slightly skeptical. Y/N, however, remains expressionless, his eyes fixed on Shang Tsung. Shang Tsung chuckles, noticing Y/N's stoic expression.

Shang Tsung: You know, you're quite the hard one to read. No need to look so suspicious of me. I'm a man of my word. I will cure your sister.

Y/N sniffs the air catching his scent as he squints his eyes.

Y/N: You smell funny bub....

Shang Tsung raises an eyebrow, looking slightly amused by Y/N's comment.

Shang Tsung: Smell funny? In what way, exactly?

Y/N's nose wrinkles as he takes another whiff, trying to pinpoint the strange scent.

Y/N: You smell... artificial. Like some sorta cheap perfume or cologne. But there's somethin' else... Somethin' I cant quite put my finger on.

Shang Tsung chuckles, somewhat impressed by Y/N's heightened senses.

Shang Tsung: How... observant of you. You're correct. I do use a potent fragrance to... enhance my natural aroma. But I assure you, it's for purely aesthetic purposes.

Y/N: Listen here bub.

He walks over to Shang tsung.

Y/N: If you decieve us- trick us- or do anything to my sister that makes her condition worse.

He brings his hand up bringing his claws out.

Y/N: I'm gonna stab you in your heart until you bleed to death.....

Shang Tsung doesn't flinch as Y/N brings his claws up, standing his ground.

Shang Tsung: Bold words, mutant. But I assure you, I have no interest in causing your sister any harm. My goals align with yours - to cure her.

Y/N stares at Shang Tsung for a moment, his eyes narrowed. He doesn't trust the sorcerer, but he seems genuine enough.

Y/N: Alright. I'll hold you to that. But if you cross us, I won't hesitate to make good on my threat.

He retracts his claws and stood back. Shang Tsung nods, a hint of a smirk on his face.

Shang Tsung: Good. Now that we have an understanding, I'll begin working on the cure. It'll take some time, so feel free to make yourselves comfortable. I'll call for you when it's ready.

At the tarkatan colony Kenshi, Johnny, and Kung Lao had encountered Baraka for the first time as Baraka told them about his disease and about Shang tsung. After the conversation Baraka led them all to his tower as Kenshi, Johnny, and Kung Lao enter the tower quietly and suddenly hid by the stairs before looking over the stairway and see Tanya, rain, Shang tsung- and the man himself. Y/N/The Wolverine. The trio of Kenshi, Johnny, and Kung Lao watch in shock as they see Y/N conversing with Shang Tsung, Tanya, and Rain. They couldn't believe their eyes - Y/N, the Wolverine himself, was working with the enemy? Kenshi's eyes widen, his mouth dropping open in surprise.

Kenshi: What the hell? Is that... Y/N? What's he doing here... with Shang Tsung?

Johnny squints, trying to get a closer look.

Johnny: Damn, it is him. I can't believe this... Why's he hanging out with Shang Tsung? That's... not good.

Kung Lao: He is infecting princess Milenna with tarkat!

Johnny cage: And he's got sindel's two top dogs in on it. No wonder Liu kang was worried about this guy.

Kenshi: We need to stop him.

Johnny: Like a damsel in distress? Sure thing!

They show themselves and run into the lab room as Tanya, rain, Shang tsung, and Y/N turn around their eyes widen as Y/N growled and clenched his fists.


Johnny: YOU BITCH! He smirked.

Kung Lao: Excuse me?! He said in an offended confused tone.

Johnny: You know- the movie! Tiny girl- ginormous alien- Ripley!

Kenshi and Kung Lao look at him confused and dumbfounded.

Johnny: No??? Seriously?!

Rain: Earthrealmers! How did they find us-

Tanya: They've already seen too much! She charges at them

With lightning quick reflexes, Tanya darts forward, attempting to take the intruders down before they can do anything. Shang Tsung steps back, watching the confrontation unfold. He seems somewhat amused by the turn of events. Kenshi suddenly kicks Shang tsung making him drop the syringe which contained the tarkat marrow cure as he groaned.

Shang Tsung: I need time! Buy me it!

Y/N: You heard him!

Rain joins the fray, lunging at Johnny and Kung Lao, while Tanya attacks Kenshi. Shang Tsung, meanwhile, scrambles to pick up the dropped syringe, his eyes fixed on Mileena lying unconscious on the table. Rain engages in a fierce battle with Johnny and Kung Lao, their attacks a whirlwind of fists and kicks. Meanwhile, Tanya clashes with Kenshi, her staff a blur of motion as she duels the blind swordsman. Y/N stands protectively by Shang Tsung's side, his eyes constantly scanning the room, ready to intervene at any moment. Tanya and rain are defeated as Y/N groaned and looked at Shang tsung.

Y/N: I'll buy you time! Just hurry!

Shang Tsung nods, a hint of gratitude in his eyes.

Shang Tsung: I'll be as quick as I can. Don't die.

He quickly begins preparing the cure, his hands moving with precision and urgency. Y/N walks into the room and stares down the trio. The trio, slightly battered and bruised from their previous battles, look up at Y/N, their eyes filled with determination.

Kung Lao: You're not getting away with this. We won't let you.

Y/N: Good. Cause I wasn't gonna let any of you leave either. He brought his hand up making his claws come out.

Johnny, not one to back down from a fight, grins cockily.

Johnny: Bring it on, Wolverine wannabe.

Kenshi, more measured and strategic, steps forward, his sword at the ready.

Kenshi: We won't go down easily, mutant.

Kung Lao, his hat held tightly in his hand, joins the fray, his expression stern.

Kung Lao: You've messed with the wrong warriors.

Y/N roared and charged at them The trio barely has time to react as Y/N charges headlong at them, his claws extended and ready to strike. Johnny and Kenshi dodge out of the way, their reflexes saving them from Y/N's initial onslaught. Kung Lao, however, isn't quite as fortunate. He tries to block Y/N's charge with his hat but is caught off guard by the mutant's strength and speed. Y/N knocks Kung Lao back, the force of the blow sending him crashing into a wall. Johnny and Kenshi immediately seize the opportunity, launching a coordinated attack on Y/N. Johnny leaps into the air, his fists clenched, while Kenshi swings his sword with deadly precision. Y/N spins around, blocking Johnny's incoming attack and parrying Kenshi's sword strike with a well-timed counter. Johnny and Kenshi withdraw for a moment, regrouping near Kung Lao. They exchange glances, silently strategizing their next move. Across the room, Shang Tsung continues working on the tarkat cure, his eyes darting between the intense battle and Mileena's unconscious form. The trio, now backed into a corner, braces for Y/N's next attack. They know they're up against a formidable opponent, but they're not about to back down without a fight. Y/N, sensing their determination, roars again, his claws glistening with anticipation. Johnny, Kenshi, and Kung Lao tense, their muscles coiled and ready to spring into action. The tension is palpable. Y/N continued fighting with them until suddenly kenshi clashed his sword with his claws giving Johnny and Kung Lao the opportunity to punch him at the same time Y/N stumbles back, caught off guard by the unexpected double punch from Johnny and Kung Lao. He shakes his head, momentarily dazed. Kenshi delivers a kick to Y/N before Johnny punches him again and Kung Lao uppercuts him temporarily knocking him out.
Y/N crumples to the ground, knocked out cold. The room falls silent, save for the sound of Shang Tsung's laboured breathing as he finishes the tarkat cure.

Kenshi and the others walk towards Shang tsung.

Kenshi; Step away from the table! He aims his sword at Shang tsung.

Shang Tsung groaned and put the syringe down.

Shang Tsung: This is twice you've been a thorn in my side! You earthrealmers do have unhealthy habits....

Johnny: You heard him! You're not infecting her with tarkat!

Shang Tsung: You fools. I'm trying to protect her! Not infect her!

Kenshi: We heard about how you lie! Excuse us if we're skeptical- watch him. He ordered Kung Lao and Johnny as he walks over to milenna's body.

Kung Lao and Johnny keep a close eye on him as Kenshi walks over to Milenna.

Kenshi; Princess....? Can you hear me....??

Milenna groggily wakes up due to the sedatives

Millena: I-is it over.....?

Kenshi nods, gently resting a hand on Mileena's shoulder.

Kenshi: We've stopped Shang Tsung. You're safe now.

Milenna: S-stopped him........? W-why?!

Kenshi speaks calmly, trying to reassure her.

Kenshi: Shang Tsung was planning to infect you with a disease called tarkat. We had to stop him for your own good.

Milenna starts shaking rapidly. Seeing her sudden shaking, Kenshi becomes concerned.

Kenshi: Princess? Are you alright?

Milenna continues shaking as her eyes start to change. Kenshi's concern grows as he notices
Mileena's changing eyes.

Kenshi: Mileena? What's happening?

Milenna's teeth start changing.

Kung Lao: What have you done to her?!

Shang Tsung: You fools! It's what you've done! Now let me help her before it's too late!

Kung Lao and Johnny's attention snaps back to Shang Tsung as he speaks, the desperation in his voice palpable.

Kung Lao: What do you mean, it's our fault?! We were trying to stop you!

Milenna screams as she suddenly turns into her tarkat form making kenshi back up. Kenshi's eyes widen as he sees Mileena transform into her fully infected form. He takes a cautionary step back, clearly taken aback by her sudden change.

Kenshi: Johnny! A little help here!

Johnny, also stunned by Mileena's transformation, quickly snaps out of it and joins Kenshi.

Johnny: Right! I've got your back!

Kenshi: Whatever we do- we can't hurt her!

Johnny: Her?! I'm more worried about us!

Kenshi takes a firm stance.

Kenshi: We have to calm her down! She may be infected, but she's still Mileena.

Shang Tsung: Hold her still! I have the tarkat marrow!

Johnny and Kenshi exchange a wary glance, unsure whether to trust Shang Tsung. But they realize that for Mileena's sake, they have no choice but to try.

Kenshi: We'll hold her still. Hurry.

They grab Milenna but she quickly shoves Johnny and Kung Lao off her before kicking Kenshi away and grabbing her sais and stabbing Kenshi in his eyes permanently blinding him.


Johnny: KENSHI!!!

Milenna gets off him as Shang tsung grabbed Milenna and injected her with the tarkat marrow as Kenshi passes out. Suddenly Kitana, General Shao, Goro, and royal guards appear.

Kitana: By the gods- Y/N! Milenna!!!

Y/N, still recovering from the knock-out, groans and slowly gets back to his feet as Kitana and the others burst into the room. Kitana rushes to Y/N and helps him up. Y/N, grateful for Kitana's assistance, stands up with her help. He nods, silently thanking her before focusing his attention on the scene unfolding before them.

Kitana: What's happened brother?!

Y/N: These- earthrealmers thought we were infecting Milenna!

Shang Tsung: They also came to disrupt your sisters treatment. Liu kang sent these men to take all of us down.

Kitana's face hardens as she hears Shang Tsung's claim. She looks at Y/ N with concern, then turns to her sister who's being held by Shang Tsung.

Kitana: Is that true?

Y/N: Yes. He nodded.

Johnny: WHAT?! That's total fake news! Princess! We were-

Goro suddenly knocks him out as Kung Lao tried to fight him but gets punched as well passing out.

Shao: Thank you goro! I don't have stomach for earthrealm lies!

Kitana watches in surprise as Goro knocks out Johnny and Kung Lao, and she also flinches as Shao agrees with Goro. She looks at Y/N, searching for reassurance.

Y/N: I'm ok sis.

Kitana relaxes a bit when Y/N reassures her, but her gaze is still fixed on Shang Tsung and Mileena.

Kitana: And Mileena? Is she... alright?

Shang Tsung looks over at Kitana and Y/N, a hint of relief in his eyes.

Shang Tsung: Her symptoms have been stabilized. With my treatment, she will make a full recovery.

Y/N: You better be right sorcerer...

Shang Tsung meets Y/N's gaze with confidence.

Shang Tsung: I assure you, my treatment has already halted the virus' progression. Mileena will be fine.

Shao: We should detain the earthrealmers and the tarkatan we found outside! At least until the empress is ready to respond to this incursion.

Shang Tsung nods in agreement with Shao's suggestion.

Shang Tsung: Yes, a holding cell would be prudent. Especially for that tarkotan. I'm all too familiar with their feral nature, he could be trouble.

Shao turns to the royal guards and commands them.

Shao: Escort the earthrealmers and the tarkotan to the holding cells! I'll ensure that Empress Sindel is informed immediately.

Y/N couldn't help but look at the earthrealmers and get an odd feeling that something wasn't right.

To be continued...

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