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The territory is a meadow with forests surrounding it and a mountain watching over all. The meadow is green and lush, the forest dark and secretive, and the mountain is unexplored

Quiet song tree
A giant tree where most of the bird species go to nest. Most of the year it's quiet, but in spring and summer it's alive with bird calls

Stone river
A long river that runs trough the land. It's one of the last water sources during spring and summer, thus making it the favorite of any prey that stayed behind

A beautiful waterfall that comes from the mountain and falls into the stone river. At night it reflects the moon and stars so perfectly, that it almost seems to capture them

Lush den
Fading tracks and a few whispers is all that's known of lush den. Noone knows were it is or how to get to it, but tales have been told about it, it is hidden so well that no predators can find it, and because of the lush growth prey will wander right into the den

Stone mountain
A large mountain overlooking the land. No wolf has ever traveled up the mountain, but many report that prey migrates to the mountain during dry season

Tree den
A stump that was once a tree. Beneath it is a rather roomy den. The scents suggests unwanted pupies were left in the den, and got picked up by wandering packs that wanted more members

(dens will be added here once they get made)

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