01 || muffins and new neighbours

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"And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree
There will be an answer, let it be
For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be"

The Beatles, Let It Be

Anne had been baking chocolate muffins when she had heard the commotion outside of her door. It had been her day off, and as much as she had tried to sleep in till noon, she couldn't. She had woken up at 7AM sharp, unable to sleep. She then had decided to watch another episode of My Kitchen Rules and dig out her own muffin making ingredients.

So when she had heard a commotion in the hallway, she had tried to ignore it.

"It isn't your business, Anne, it isn't. You keep doing your muffins girl." she mumbled to herself, ignoring the shuffling of feathers as a large bird suddenly flew into the kitchen.

"Someones coming, someones coming!" the blue and yellow macaw croaked out, bobbling his head up and down as he looked at Anne with one bright eye.

"No Scuttle, they aren't coming here, they are just... Doing something outside. Just because someone walks by our door doesn't mean they are coming here. No one comes here. Unless it's Nigel. And we don't like Nigel, Scuttle. You know, next time he comes, you can attack him." Anne said, shrugging her shoulders as she dried the last bowl and placed it away, looking at the amount of muffins on the table, and the last patch that was still in the oven. What would she do with those she had no idea, she wasn't that much of a sweet tooth.

"Attacking Nigel, Nigel attack." the bird repeated her words. Making Anne sigh as she curiously looked towards the front door. When she heard a loud thud, she bit her lip and decided that her curiosity did get the best of her.

"Ah hell with it." she said under her breath, hopping down the barstool and running towards the locked front door. The bird took off into the air, screeching as he flew in circles "Hell is coming, hell is coming!" Anne waved him away, glancing through the peephole as she held her breath, trying to see as much as possible without being noticed.

Oh she was sneaky, she was on ninja mode now.

She noticed a pile of boxes, three to be exact. The one on the top seemed to have fallen down somehow, she looked curiously as the door to the opposite apartment opened, a man, no, - a giant muscle mountain - walked out, looking left and right and then down on the box. He was wearing a simple, mustard coloured pants, a blue flannel and a well fitted brown jacket. There was not a stray hair sticking out on his perfectly combed blond head, making him look really put together, elegant, yet casual.

Anne's jaw was on the floor as she looked the stranger up and down, feeling somewhat giddy as she realised the man was her new neighbour. The apartment had been rented out a couple of times, but had stayed empty for the past three months but it seemed as if it was about to change.

Anne knew she was being a creep, but if there was a man as beautiful as this one just standing in the hallway, she couldn't help but stare secretly. Besides, who was there to judge her? Except for Scuttle, of course.

As the man walked back into his apartment, Anne pulled away from the door.

She wasn't going to talk with this man, not even offer him her muffins. Not because she was rude, because Anne didn't like rudeness. In fact, she loathed it. She understood that everyone had their bad days and she wouldn't allow herself to feel down if anyone snapped at her.

But the reason why she decided that she wasn't going to go and greet this man like proper Americans do, was that she felt afraid. Kind of, men intimidated her. Especially if they were over six feet and packed with muscle. Of course she knew she shouldn't feel intimidated by everyone taller than her, but she couldn't help it. She'd been working on getting rid of her silly fear but she still had a long way to go.


She looked over to Scuttle who had perched himself on the dark grey couch. The parrot had a habit of shouting in Dutch. 

Anne dragged herself over to the living room, her large, pink fluffy slippers with bunny ears sliding over the polished floor as she halted before the stereo. She put on her playlist, the Beatles song Let It Be playing from the speaker. Her playlist was very colourful, it was packed with every genre possible, there was Doris Day, Ed Sheeran, Kygo, Ray Charles and somewhere between those different decades even Queen and Bring Me The Horizon seemed to fit in. And some random piano music here and there.

She hummed along, tapping her foot as she thought about cleaning the place up a little, but then she just shrugged and went to seek out her paints and canvas, if only she could remember where she put them all.

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