02 || not keeping people hostage

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“She moves like a ghost
Sleepless eyes and weathered bones
She is glass, and stone, and all things in between
And so it seems
That she floats amongst the falling leaves
She is all the places that I have ever been

Oh, so maybe you're a bluebird, darling”


Bluebird by Luca Fogale

“Hello, I'm Steve.”


Anne mumbled, feeling her cheeks heat up as she bent down to pick up her carrots, batatas and an unhealthy amount of chocolate.

She felt another presence next to her, gently falling on one knee as they helped her to collect her apples and pears that had rolled on the floor. How embarrassing.

"I apologize for startling you, ma'am." He said, voice soft like honey. He was so close, she didn't usually allow people to stay so close to her. She smelt his cologne that did smell as if he had spent a fortune on it. However, the colour choice of his pants told Anne the man didn't like to look wealthy. Who wears mustard nowadays. Still, she didn't dare to look up as she snatched the last carrot she saw, trying not to let any other one's slip.

She stood up, ready to head towards the traitorous apple that had rolled all the way to the end of the corridor, only to jump slight when the giant of a man stood up as well. “It's okay, I'll get it.”

And Anne turned into a stuttering mess. “I-I uhm, can get it?” she offered, but her neighbour had already reached it.

Oh boy does he have a nice a—

“Here, all set now?”  he asked with a small, friendly smile. Even though she could tell that he was still hesitant and guarded. “Uhm, yes, thank you.”Anne had the courage to look up now, she had to crane her neck to make eye contact with the man.

And then something weird happened, something that made Anne uneasy.

Steve's blue orbs widened and he inhaled sharply, freezing on the spot as he looked down at the small woman. She didn't dare to move, too startled by the sudden change of atmosphere as she gripped her veggies and fruits, pressing them against her stomach as if they would protect her from the man.

“Connie?” he asked breathlessly, voice quiet, almost a whisper. And the man looked so hopeful, his eyes seemed to be burning with curiosity and Anne almost wanted to say yes.

“Uhm, sorry, no, its- I'm Anne.” she said nervously, clamping her mouth shut as her accent swept through her anxious words. God why couldn't she have born in an English speaking country.

The man blinked, looking embarrassed as he broke the eye contact, staring at his feet. And Anne was glad, his stare was intimidating. “Right, I'm sorry, you just reminded me of someone, my bad.”  he said, scratching the back of his head as his face heated up.

“Yeah it's okay, I get that a lot, I just have one of those faces.” she said, trying to sound nonchalant. Because no, she doesn't have one of those faces and not once has anyone ever thought she was anyone else but simple, plain Anne.

“Right, still, I apologise for startling you. I just have met everyone on this floor and yet haven't had the pleasure of meeting you.” he said, having collected himself enough to look back at her. She tried to reach for the keys in her purse, wiggling rather awkwardly. She just wanted to melt into a puddle of water right there, Steve looked so relaxed while she was trying not to lose her calm.

He was intimidating alright.

“No it's okay, I was just deep in thought and didn't see you there, I mean, you're not hard to miss with those musc— height! With your height, I mean. Yeah, I'll just...” before the apples could fall again, Steve showed off his remarkable reflexes and caught them skillfully in mid-air, his knees bent and the tight shirt hugging his muscles. Anne had to force herself to not gape like a fool. A man like him must get a lot of unwanted attention. And she wasn't going to be one of those girls. Not that there was anything wrong with one of those girls, free country and everything.

“Here, let me help you if that's alright?” he offered, blue eyes flickering up as he tried to prevent smiling. He was amused alright.

“Uhm, yeah, please.” he definitely noticed her gawking. How embarrassing.

He took the pears and chocolate, freeing her hand so she could fish her purse for the keys. As she twisted it in the keyhole, Steve froze and so did Anne.

“Let me out, let me out!” shrilling voice called from the apartment, sounding almost hysterical. Steve's previously friendly eyes turned cold as they landed on Anne who flinched under the cold stare.

“What's this?” he asked, scanning her from head to toe, trying to analyse her.
Anne stumbled over her words, trying to unlock the door as the voice called out again, almost desperate. “I- it's not! I mean, uhm, it's not what it sounds like!” she rushed, pushing the door open as she hurriedly walked in, Steve following close behind. She could sense the tension and his close proximity, making every hair in the back of her neck arise. She could feel her heartbeat pick up and anxiety tighten her throat at his presence.

They headed to the cosy, small living room as Anne placed the items on the table. “Let me out, let me out!” she hurried towards the large cage that sat in the corner of the room, right where the wall with plants was. She opened the cage door for Scuttle to fly out if he wishes to, but the bird just latched himself on the door, eyed Steve up and then pulled the door closed again with a beat of his wings, locking it again with him inside.

“Let me out, let me out!” he cried out dramatically, making Annd sigh as she turned to Steve who now looked just lost, standing in the living room, holding the pears and staring at the bird who was playing a victim as he now jumped against the locked cage door, using his peak to climb the huge cage. 

“see? Not a, uhm, criminal. Just owner of a dramatic macaw. Excuse him, he sometimes even plays dead so I would pay attention to him. And when he heard the front door he must have realised it was time for attention again.” Anne explained, opening the cage door again, only for the bird to hop out, stare at Steve with one bright eye before closing the door again, locking himself in.

“Ah, right. Sorry for barging in, I just...”

“Yeah it's okay, I would be worried too if someone cried out for help like Scuttle did.” she chuckled, trying to ease the nervousness in the room. He smiled, appreciating the gesture before placing the rest of her food on the table as well. 

Lekker tetten” the parrot croaked out, still eyeing Steve up curiously. Anne's eyes widened drastically as she looked at the cheeky parrot, where the hell did he learn that?

“What? What does it mean?” Steve asked, looking down at her expectantly. Before she could answer, Scuttle raised one of his legs up to his peak and side the shh motion, mimicking Anne whenever she told Scuttle to be quiet when someone came over and she had to pretend she wasn't home.

“I don't know! Don't mind him, he sometimes just rants in different languages.” she smiled, and Steve just looked amused. Yeah, he definitely knew she was lying.

Anne felt her cheeks heating up, why is her life a joke.

Before Steve could answer, they heard someone in the hallway, knocking on the opposite door. They moved towards the front door that was just slightly ajar, and there was another man, boredom in his voice as he called for Steve.

“Here, Sam.” he said gently, stepping out into the hallway as Sam whipped around, his dark eyes sliding from Steve to Anne who hesitantly stood in the doorway. “Well hello there.” he said, smiling knowingly as he looked between the two. Anne didn't quite understand that look but Steve did, and he looked annoyed.

“Anne, Sam. Sam, Anne.” he introduced the two, Sam's eyes not solely on her as he held out his hand.

“Nice to meet you, Anne. I'm Sam, the best friend.” he said charmingly, shaking her hand. She pulled back immediately, feeling their heavy stares on her. “uhm, nice meeting you Sam.” she said quietly, feeling her neck and ears going red as Scuttle called out again.

Sam looked startled but this time, Steve just shook his head, smiling. Anne's shoulders relaxed. “I'll just go now... Let him out. Have a good day.” she said hurriedly, closing the door and locking it.

“Kinky.” she heard Sam say.

“Sam!” Steve scolded, opening his flat door. The last thing she heard was Sam laughing at flustered Steve.

Anne entered her living room, hands on her hips as she glared at the parrot who had now quieted down, looking innocent and beautiful perching on his twig. “You're in trouble now, mister. That was so embarrassing!”

“Bite me.”

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