Word: Embezzle Ship: Tree Bros

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I'm aware this is like the fourth tree bros but it's just so I have a valid reason to have tree bros as the cover until I eventually change it...maybe I'll change it...probably not.

Evan's POV

I stare at my mom with wide eyes. This can't be good. When has 'Get down here, we need to talk' ended with something good? Her death stare isn't helping either. I shift uncomfortably in my seat. Her eyes scan me over in a way that says 'you're in trouble. You better come clean now before I up your punishment'. I shift again.

"I just got a call from the sheriff's department followed by a call from Connor's parents. Care to explain why?"

I gulp. I know why. Let's try to act innocent. "I d-d-don't know w-what y-you're angle i-is. I didn't do a-anything."

"So you didn't try to rob an ice cream stand?", her glare grows colder. My shoulders tense more than usual.

Continue the act. "N-no? Why w-would y-you think that?"

"Officer Craig caught you and Connor on the security cameras." She must've caught the fear and shock in my eyes because soon after she said, "Unless that wasn't you? Come clean Evan."

I look down and mumble. "F-fine. I-I d-did it."

"Why? Evan, you were such a good kid. What happened to you?"

I cringe. I always hated when parents say stuff like that. Having it said directly to me is even worse.

"I'm starting to think Connor's a bad influence on you."

My eyes widen. "I-it wasn't his i-idea!", I just about shout.

My mom's face falls. She grows quiet. After a moment she speaks. "You wanted to do this?", she questions quietly.

I silently nod. "I-I don't know w-why. I-I w-wanted to h-help with o-our f-funds but...g-getting money th-that way w-wasn't the best idea on m-my p-part." I drop my voice to a whisper. "I-I'm sorry."

Mom swipes her thumbs under her eyes and straightens her posture. "I already discussed your punishment with Officer Craig. Your community service starts Wednesday. You go straight to school and straight home after. No people are allowed over until your service is over. Especially not Connor. We'll talk about what your service is tomorrow. You're lucky you didn't actually embezzle anything. Go to your room.", she says blankly.

I nod and rush up the stairs. As soon as I'm seated on the bed, something taps on my window. I close and lock my door before looking out the window. I nearly scream when Connor's face comes into view. Connor draws his finger to his lips before mimicking opening a window. I get the hint and unlock it, allowing Connor to open it. He climbs in and wraps his arms around my waist. I smile and place my hands in either side of his face. He trails his left hand up my back and places it on the back of my head. I smile into the kiss as he pulls my closer. A thought dawns on me so I pull away. "Y-you're not a-allowed t-to be here.", I mumble.

"I know. That's why I'm here.", he replies with a smile.

"That m-makes no sense.", I chuckle and shake my head while looking down.

"I'm here so you don't feel bad. What did you tell your mom?"

"I-I t-told her th-the truth."

"Ev, I would've taken the blame for you."

"N-no. She th-thinks y-you're a b-bad influence as it i-is. I-I can't l-let her take y-you a-away f-from me." I start tearing up and letting out quiet sobs at the thought of being left alone b

Connor pulls me into him so that my head is resting against his chest. He shushes me quietly. "Wait until your mom leaves for her classes tonight. I'll come to your window. I have to go before my parents or Zoe realize I'm gone.", he mumbles against my head. I nod and pull away. He climbs back out the window and closes it silently. I sit on my bed and start my homework while I wait.

Later That Night

My mom just left for work. Connor should be here any minute now. Just as I'm about to close my laptop, tapping coming from the window resonates in my room. I jump up and open the window. Connor climbs in instantly and sits on my bed. He opens his arms. I take that as a sign and sit on his lap facing him. "H-hi." My face flushes.

"Hey.", he says in return. I giggle and lean in to kiss him. I feel him smile into the kiss. He pulls away briefly to say, "You're adorable Ev."

"Th-thanks.", I mumble. "I l-love you?"

"Is that a question or a statement."

"Statement.", I say as confidently as I can, which is actually more confident sounding than I thought it would come out.

"Good because I love you too.", he smiles before reattaching our lips. He leans back slowly so that his head hits my pillow. He pulls away and reattaches his lips to my neck and leaves quick little kisses going from my jaw to my collarbones. I giggle quietly at the tickling sensation. He flips us over carefully and pins my arms next to my head. He smirks at me. I smirk back knowingly before he reattaches his lips to my neck. This time being a little...rougher.

Third POV

That night when Heidi came home, she went upstairs to check on her son. What she saw was a little...unexpected. He was cuddling with Connor under the covers. She didn't dare check underneath said covers for fear of what could be under there. Judging by the hickeys on her son'd neck, she was right not to check. She decided the couple was too cute to wake up. She'll discuss this with them when they wake up in the morning. For now, let's let them enjoy themselves and place bets on how horrible Evan will be at hiding those hickeys.

Word Count: 1013

Embezzle-steal or misappropriate.

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