Word: Extemporaneous Ship: Boyf Riends

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Jeremy's POV

Memorized oral presentations. Three words that will someday end my life.

History. The class that will make my death slow and painful.

I have a memorized oral presentation for history today if you couldn't tell. This is why I'm miserable. Nothing good ever comes from me having to do a presentation. All I do is stammer and fidget with my jacket when I'm up there. Michael just decided to wing his. His was extemporaneous yet presented really well. Now it's my turn.

I shuffle up and clutch the bottom of my jacket before speaking. "The-the assassination o-of, um, of Lincoln, sorry..," I mumble. The rest of the presentation went similar to that. At the end I look up to see everyone staring at me. "Th-the end?"

Michael stands up proud and tall and starts clapping, letting out various 'whoops' and cheers. "That's my boyfriend!" he shouts proudly. Some people decide to join him in his clapping. I take my seat and sit through the rest of the presentations.

After School

"You didn't have to do that. I was just fine," I mumble into my boyfriend's neck.

"Yeah but I wanted to."

I giggle at the vibrations that come when people speak. I begin to leave gentle kisses on the area my head was resting. He laughs and pushes me away. I whimper. He sighs before pulling me into a sweet a loving kiss. He pulls away and rests his forehead against mine. "You useless furry."

I pull away sharply. "I'm not a furry! How many times do I have to say this?"

He ruffles my hair and shoves a bowl in my hands. "Shut up and eat you lucky charms."

"What am I, a child?"

"Yes, yes you are."

"Would that make you my daddy?"

He shoves me roughly but I don't fail to catch his blush. "You kinky fuck."

"You love it."

"No, I love you."

"Good enough."

Word Count: 324


This one was a bit short but I like it. I don't know. Leave advice in the comments and point out any errors. Alright peace.

Extemporaneous-spoken or done without preparation

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