Word: Rejuvenate Ship: Tree Bros

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Flower shop au

Evan's POV

I walk around the small shop, unable to contain my excitement at all the plants that just came in. There's cacti, succulents, flowers, trees, and then there's some garden decor. I love it here. It's my safe place.

The bell above the door rings and a tall boy in a black hoodie walks in with a girl. I walk over to them while I fidget with my uniform shirt. When I reach them, I offer them a small smile. The girl returns it while the boy looks around the shop.

"I'm E-Evan, h-how can I h-help you?"

The girl holds her hand out. "I'm Zoe." I take her hand and shake it. Zoe, nice name. "I need some advice. My parents were out on a couples' cruise and I forgot to water my mom's plants. Is there any way I could possibly rejuvenate them?"

My gaze drifts back to the boy. He's wandered to the succulents. I look back to Zoe.

"Wh-what kind of plants w-were they?"

"They were some kind of flower."

"A little m-more specific?"

"Um...I don't know."

"D-do you want t-to look around the
s-store to see if we have th-the flower?"

She nods and looks to the boy. "Connor. What are you doing?"

So Connor's his name. Nice.

"The plant is talking. Shhh," he says and turns back to the succulent.

"God you're such an embarrassment," Zoe mumbles. She walks off to the flowers.

The bo- Connor walks up to me. "I have her thinking I'm high. I won't do anything stupid though. Don't worry. Just play along," he mumbles.


"While she's distracted, I have a few questions of my own."

"F-fire away." I smile.

"Do you happen to go to Lincoln?" (Don't judge the name. I couldn't think of anything better.)


"I'm Connor Murphy. I believe we have some classes together."

"E-Evan Hansen."

"Yeah, I know. You know Alana? Alana Beck, I mean."


"She told us about this store. Um, what's your favorite plant?"

My eyes light up. "W-w-well, I l-like the cacti but trees are b-better in my opinion. They help the-the environment by giving off oxygen, they p-provide shade, they...they...th-that's all I've got," I say, dropping the hand I've started counting on. He starts laughing and I laugh too.

Once he calms down, he says, "Pick a tree in the store Evan."

I nod and walk to the bonsai trees. I pick one up and hand it to him. He smiles and pulls out his wallet. "How much?"

"Th-thirty-five dollars?"

His eyes widen before pulling out some bills. He holds the money out in his hand and I take it. After counting it, I realize he gave me forty. However, he turns down my offer when I try to give him the five dollars back.

"Keep it. Think of it as a tip."

"Th-thank you!"

"Found it!" Zoe exclaims from the other side of the shop. She struts over looking very proud of herself. "Dragon lilies."

I turn my attention back to Zoe while Connor runs off laughing to keep up the high act. "When d-did they bloom?"

"About a month ago."

"Y-you were supposed to de-decrease watering them anyway so j-just water them a little bit when you get home."

"Thanks Ev, you're a life saver."

And with that, they're both gone. Not for long though. Connor comes back to the shop with me everyday after school so we can chat and do homework. After a few months, we grow incredibly close. We've even started hanging out outside of the flower shop!

Connor comes into the shop on a bright Saturday morning. That's odd. He usually doesn't come on weekends. He takes his usual seat on the counter and waits for me to jump up with him. Once I'm up, he starts talking.

"So I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now but I haven't really had the courage so please just listen." I nod, suddenly nervous. "I like you. I've liked you for a while now actually. And by like you I mean I like you more than a friend. As in, I desperately want to kiss you right now but I won't because that would probably overstep some boundaries. What I'm trying to say is, will you please go out with me?"

"Your r-rambling is making you s-sound like me," I chuckle. "Y-Yeah, I'll go out with y-you."

Connor looks overjoyed to say the least. "Can I kiss you?"

My breath catches in my throat. I nod. We both lean in slowly, locking eye contact. He's the first to close his eyes. I follow suit. We continue to lean in until our lips finally touch. Butterflies flutter in my stomach. He actually likes me. Wow.

Word Count: 831


So there we go! I actually kinda like this one. Whoop! Sorry that was so cringy and awkward. I'm so sorry you had to see that. I'll just move onto the word now. Also, is anyone else having a weird glitch where the things won't stay bolded or something? If so, do you know how to fix it? Alright thanks if you do.

Rejuvenate- make (someone or something) look or feel better, younger, or more vital

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