Word: plucky Ship: Lams

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Alex's POV

Long distance relationships are difficult. They can be even more difficult if you're not even on the same landmass. Bonus points in the difficulty region if you've never met them in real life.

My boyfriend is John Laurens. He's in South Carolina whereas I'm on the island Nevis in the Caribbean.

We started as pen pals in fourth grade, right after my father left. John would help me deal with that. We'd send each other letters back and forth and a friendship blossomed. When sixth grade came around, we exchanged phone numbers and Skype names. We'd video chat every night until John's parents would tell him to go to sleep. After that, we'd move onto texting until around two in the morning. A few months after exchanging emails, my mom and I got sick. The medicine was very expensive so we couldn't get any. I got better whereas my mom got worse. I was twelve when she died. My recovery was slow but soon I was told to pack my stuff and move in with my cousin. I never told John about my mom dying or me being sick. I didn't want him to be worried. Everything after that was great.

We're both seventeen now. We're on a chat. It's twelve pm so we won't have to worry about John's mother anytime soon.

"I want to see you," John says suddenly.

"You can see me right now."

"No I mean, I want to see you. I want to be able to feel your hair, I want to kiss you goodnight, I want to watch the stars with you."

See what I mean by long distance being difficult? I can make it work though. I've been told that I can be quite plucky.

"I know, John. I want that too, but you know how expensive it would be."

"Yeah I know."

A voice calls from the background on John's side. "That's my mom. I've gotta go but I'll call you tonight. See ya."

"See ya."

He hangs up. A few weeks later, a hurricane hits. All power goes out. I leave my house with only my essentials. My clothes, journals, and pens. I don't spare my phone or my laptop any thought at the time. After the storm is over and the town is well on its way in its rebuilding, I realize I've lost all contact with John. I haven't see him since.

Two Years Later

John is but a distant memory now. He pops up in my thoughts occasionally and it just makes me feel bad. I still love him but I don't think there's much hope in bringing that relationship back.

I started school at Columbia University a week ago and was able to get a scholarship. This makes it possible for me to actually afford it.

I walk down the street from Columbia University. There's a coffee shop nearby and I'm in desperate need of some. I woke up too early this morning.

There's a gentle breeze that is constantly pushing my hair against my face. I pull my hair into a ponytail. Hair still somehow ends up in my mouth.

I walk in the shop, order my coffee, and find a seat. I pull the new laptop out of the case and get to work. Stupid lectures with their early assignments. The bell ringing every so often to signify someone has left or has entered and the constant chatter adds to the relaxed feel of the shop and allows me to work better.

Something flashes on the corner of my eye so I turn to look. I slam the laptop shut, not having to save thanks to google docs, and run out the door with it.

"John!" I scream while frantically waving my arm in the air and running toward him. It takes a moment before recognition flashes on his face and he smiles. Are those tears in his eyes?

I'm close to reaching him so I quickly and carefully put my stuff on a windowsill and speed up. I take a final leap and wrap my arms around his neck. There's no hesitation before I feel his arms wrap around my waist. We pull away and just look at each other.

"Your hair is longer!"

"You're so short!"

"Oh my god your eyes are like an old recording!"

"Oh my god. Your hair!"

We continue like that, getting quite the number of  stares.

"God I missed you Laurens"

"What happened? Why did we suddenly stop talking? I thought you wanted to end it so you stopped talking to me."

I grab his hand, drag him to the windowsill to get my stuff, and drag him to where my booth was.

"A hurricane went through my town and destroyed everything. I lost every form of contact I could've had with you. I still love you, so much Laurens."

"I love you too Alex."

"God, you look great."

"I could say the same to you. Your hair is great."

"Your eyes are beautiful, like an old recording." He tilts his head. "They restore so many old memories and remind me of the good old times."

"There's so much stuff I want to do with you."

"Lead the way." I smile. I love this boy.

We end up going on a date everyday for a month. It's my turn to pick what to do and I have the perfect idea.

"I'll meet you at your dorm at 9. Dress casually. Be ready," I say over the phone.

"What are we doing?"

"It's a surprise. I'll see you then. Bye." I hang up before he can protest.

That night, I drive him to this park I found. There's a pond and a playground but there's also a large area of open grass. I brought a blanket so we don't have to worry about getting itchy.

We sit on the blanket in front of the pond. "Remember what you told me the night you brought up us seeing each other?"

"You and your elephant mind. That was two and a half years ago."

"I never forgot. You said you want to feel my hair, you want to kiss me, you want to watch the stars together."

"That's why you brought us here."

"Of course my dear Laurens."

"Can I kiss you then?"

I nod. He leans forward and quickly connects our lips. His hands make their way to the back of my head and thread themselves through my loose hair. He gives my hair a gentle tug and I hum in satisfaction. He pulls away panting. We simultaneously fall back, our hair spread in the grass and hands gripping each other tightly. We watch the stars together. Just how he wanted.

Word Count: 1123


Welp...that happened. Have fun.

Plucky-having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties

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