Word: Modicum Ship: Boyf Riends

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Michael POV

School. The bane of my existence. Literally the only good thing that comes from this is seeing Jeremy.

Jeremy. My best friend since second grade. Probably the only reason I'm still here. Everyone else would have gotten to me by now if it wasn't for him. I might have my own problems but when something goes wrong concerning Jeremy, he's the only thing I care about.


I refocus on the class I'm in. "Yes sir?"

"Could you tell us where we are?"

"Not a clue sir."

The teacher grumbles under his breath and goes back to teaching about a subject I couldn't care less about. He already has a modicum of tolerance for me. Ha. Fight me education system.

The bell rings and I deck it out of the room. I run to the bathroom and go to the sink. The sink begins to fill to the brim. I take off my glasses. I plunge my face into the water filled basin and take in the slightly numb and tingly feeling of the freezing water on my face. I lift my face and stare at myself in the mirror. Heh. I'm a lot better looking when I'm blurry. I shake my head to rid myself of  this thought. Stay focused Michael. Maybe the cold water will keep me awake enough to stop zoning out.

The bell rings and I rush to dry my face and drain the sink. I push my glasses on and run out of the bathroom, straight into Jeremy.

"Michael! Why is your hair wet?"

Of course that's the first thing he points out.

"I needed to wake up a bit. Now I gotta motor but I'll see you at lunch okay?"

Jeremy looks confused for a moment but nods so I take that as my motive to leave. I run into the classroom, avoiding and glares and glances if confusion that come my way.

After Class and During Lunch

The cafeteria is already bustling when I walk in. Oh what a joy this place is. I catch a glimpse of Jeremy and wave my arm from my seat. This must've gained his attention because soon he joins me.

"Michael, what's been going on with you? You've been really distant lately," he says as soon as he's comfortable.

"Nothing's been going on? Why would you suggest that?" I play dumb.

"You walked out of the bathroom with your hair wet. You expect me to think that's just natural?"

"Well maybe I just have an overly sweaty scalp."

"Michael," he says sternly before continuing,"I will get answers from you, and I will get them now."

Jeremy can be intimidating when he's stubborn. It's kind of endearing.

"You want the truth?"

"The truth would be preferred."

"I'm gay. I'm gay and I've had a crush on you since third grade after I got to know you. I'm gay and I don't want anyone else to find out because they'll mock and bully me for it. I'm gay and I love you Jeremy Heere."

Jeremy looks slightly taken aback. My face goes red realizing that I probably shouldn't have let that all out. He probably hates me now. Shit. I'm such an idiot. I just ruined our friendship. Shit. I'll never be able to look at him aga-

Jeremy's lips are pressed against mine. He's kissing me.

He's kissing me.

Jeremy is kissing me.

Jeremy Heere is kissing Michael Mell.

I kiss back as soon as I come to my senses. I quickly pull away at the realization we're in front of a cafeteria of teenagers.

Jeremy looks hurt. "Was I that bad?"

I look around while responding, "No you're a great kisser but just not here. They'll mock you. I don't want them mocking you."

"Can I come over tonight? We don't have school tomorrow anyway."

I finally look back at him. "Sure. I'll drive you?"

He nods, "Sure."

After School

I park the door and me and Jeremy get out of the car. Jeremy walks up so close to me that our shoulders are touching and grabs my hand. I feel the blood rush to my face. We go inside and sit on the futon in my basement. Jeremy's subtle with it, but he makes delicate movements until he's on my lap facing me. He presses his lips to mine and I return the favor almost instantly.

Jeremy nibbles on my bottom lip, causing me to gasp and allowing him to slip his tongue in. After a while he works down my neck, peppering small kisses until he reaches my collarbone. He pulls away and stares me in the eyes.

God, this boy.

Word Count: 779


SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR LITERALLY A WEEK. ALSO, SORRY THIS ONE IS KIND OF DULL AND REPETITIVE. I JUST WANTED TO GET SOMETHING OUT FOR FOR YOU. Okay, now that I'm done yelling, I made an art book! I doodle and I think those doodles are decent so I decided to post them to see what you think and to get some constructive criticism. Okay so that promo is done, let's find the definition of the word.

Modicum-a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something considered desirable or valuable

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