Word: Banquet Ship: Jamilton

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Prince AU

Alex's POV

Bleh. That's the only word I can use to describe how I feel about the impending feeling of dread I have towards this event. The annual banquet. Oh joy...

Every year, Martha and George hold and annual banquet to celebrate our freedom from the devilish reign of George III and his minions the redcoats. George III would send his redcoats to hunt down and imprison those who refused to worship him as if he were a god. That was until a team of revolutionaries banded together to stop him. We overthrew him and his army and took over the throne that George and Martha now sit. I'm their son, sadly. And now that I'm 18, I'm being auctioned off for marriage like some kind of prize.

The waiters are waiting by the doors until the guests begin to arrive. I groan and lie on Washington's throne like some kind of heathen. It's not like I wanted to be a prince, it just happened. Now I'm here: sad, hungry, tired, and just awaiting death to walk through those doors.

I get up and begin to wander around the room. I put in my ear buds and begin to dance slowly to it. I look down at my feet to see my scuffed shoes and ratty socks. My pants are mere jeans and my shirt is a mint button up. I'm trying to look presentable but average. I let my eyes flutter shut and smile to myself as I dance rhythmically to the music. The music takes me away from the stress and back home, my old home. The home I grew up in. I can see the beaten chair in the corner, the tattered coffee table in front of the worn couch, the old cabinets peaking through the doorway from the kitchen. I can smell the water of the ocean I used to live by, hear the sound of birds squawking, and feel the soft carpet on the balls of my feet. I smile and take a deep breath. Peace.

Sadly, I'm taken away from my peace all too soon when I begin to fall forward. I hold my hands in front of me to catch myself. When I land with a sickening smack, I hear slow clapping. I look up helplessly and give a tiny glare when I see who it is. I practically growl out his name, "Jefferson."

"Hamilton. Pleasure to see you too. How was your little moment of freedom? That was quite the stumble there," he says in his cocky voice with a cocky smirk on his face.

I push myself up and look around the room to see George and Martha talking to Jefferson's parents. Gee, thanks for the help.

I look back and scoff. "Like you could do better. And for your information, yes, I did enjoy my freedom."

"I don't get why you'd want to go back there. You said it yourself, your old town was a wreck."

"Yeah but it was my home. I actually belonged there."

"Yeah, a mess living in a wreck. Prefect," he says with his smirk ever growing.

"Say what you want, I liked it there."

Jefferson takes a seat on the floor in front of me. His smile grows. "We're the only ones here."

"I'm aware of this Thomas."

"Oh first name. Nice"

"Shut up."

"As I was saying, we're the only ones here. Dance with me. We'll see if I can really do better."

He gets up and holds out his hand. I scowl and take it. He pulls me up and positions his right hand on my hip and grabs my right hand in his hip. I'm assuming I'm the feminine role now. Great. I throw my pride away and put my left hand on his shoulder. We begin our dance. It was stiff at first but gradually, our movements became more fluid. Jefferson moves his left hand to my hip and pulls me closer. I rest my right hand on his shoulder. We continue like this, adding our own additional flair. Jefferson dips me extravagantly and pulls me back up, close enough our chests are nearly touching. I feel my face heat up.

We get so caught up, we don't notice the music has started and that we've sped up to match the pace. Another thing we've failed to notice is the people surrounding us, watching our dance of challenge.

I take the handkerchief out of Jefferson's coat pocket and wrap it behind his neck, beginning to slowly pull him closer. Eventually we're so close our lips are nearly touching. Thomas's face heats up. I pull him into a rough and passion filled kiss. Cheers erupt around us from the people that have joined us. I don't care. Once Thomas is all in, I pull away and whisper, "Checkmate."

Word Count: 794



Banquet- an elaborate and formal evening meal for many people, often followed by speeches

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