Word: holus-bolus Ship: Boyf Riends

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Apocalypse AU

Jeremy's POV

The space is cold. A metal pipe is jabbing into my hip. Beads of sweat make their way down my face with my tears. The footsteps grow closer. I curl into myself further, shaking as I cower away. The metal cover I put in front of me is kicked out of the way and an axe is held in front of my face. I look up the arm of the person and to their face.


"Jeremy!" Michael puts his axe next to him and throws his arms around me. I sob quietly into his shoulder.

"I-I thought you w-were d-d-dead!" I sob. Michael rubs my back tenderly and kisses the top of my head. Everything is at peace.

Then the growls come. Zombies surround us. I curl into myself further when Michael let's go. He grabs his axe and prepares himself. He mutters something under his breath. His voice grows louder since the zombies don't seem to be approaching. "Jeremy, if I don't make it, I want you to take the axe and run. I can't handle this many at once. Just remember I love you. Okay? You'll make it through this."

More tears cascade down my cheeks, making the previous tear stains even worse. Michael can't handle all these zombies holus-bolus. He said it himself. My mind drifts back to the pipe jabbing into my side.

I grab the pipe and run to Michael for support before I can rethink my decisions. Michael turns to me in confusion before his eyes widen. I wipe my cheeks and make my stare colder. Michael mimics the stare before charging ahead. He swings his axe wildly, chopping off heads, slicing open chests. Eventually, I decide to join him. I bash in a couple skulls before hearing Michael shriek. I turn my head in the direction of the sound to see him on the ground with a zombie on top of him. I charge toward him and kick the zombie's head to push it away before bashing his skull in. I quickly drag Michael into my hiding space and move the metal cover that was acting as a door earlier in front of it. All the zombies that were out there are dead but you have to be sure.

I turn my attention to the boy laying on my lap. He has a few cuts on his face but nothing major. That's until my eyes fall upon the gaping bite on his thigh. I clasp a hand over my mouth. His skin has paled drastically around the bite but he seems to not be in pain. It takes a minute for him to open his eyes, but when he does, he instantly winces. Nonetheless, he pushes himself up. He looks at me wide eyed.

"They got me Jere. They got me. Jere, they got me!" he begins shouting and crying. I go to hug him but his pushes me away. "No! I don't want to hurt you!"

"Michael, it'll be okay. You'll be fine," I say semi-calmly.

His head begins to droop and pale. "Jere, it's cold."

"Shh, it's okay."

I shuffle closer to him and wrap my arms around him. It's just a minor bite. It shouldn't have that bad of an affect on him, should it? I fumble around with his hair and he buries his face into my shoulder. I smile and press a gentle kiss to his head.

"Kill me," he mumbles into my shoulder.

"What?" My eyes widen. "Michael no."

He lifts his head. "I don't want to be like this Jeremy! I'm so cold and some part of my brain is already nagging at me to bite you! I don't want this!" he shouts.

"Michael...I-I don't want th-this for y-you either, b-but I-I can't l-l-lose you."

"Jeremy please! Just do it!"

"No Michael!" I shout.

"Jeremy please!"

I don't answer. Instead, I grab his face and press my lips to his. He presses back with more force. He feels cold, dead almost. I guess that makes sense. One thing leads to another and he ends up on top of me, leaving little kisses on my neck. Something happens and I push him off without thinking. I press my hand to my neck. He bit me. He looks at me with fear. Everything goes dark.

Twenty Minutes Later

When I wake up, I'm freezing. Michael wasn't lying when he said it was cold. Wait. Michael!

I sit up quickly, clutching my head from the dizziness that comes with sitting up to quickly. Michael looks up from his lap and over to me. I gasp. He's so much paler.

"J-jere, I-I'm so s-s-so-sorry."

I don't answer. Instead I pull him into a tight hug. "You're freezing Micha."

"No shit Sherlock."

"I love you too."

"Yeah, yeah, you big adorable whale penis."


"Of course."

Word Count: 829


So, that happened. Please point out any errors and inform me in how I can improve. Okay peace.

Holus-Bolus- all at once

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