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I'm tired of the assumptions

The labels placed on me

People think they know me

But they don't really see

They try to define my character

But they don't take the time

To truly get to know me

I'm more than just a label

More than what you see

So if you don't put the effort in

Don't try to define me

I am constantly changing,

Growing and evolving

Don't try to put me in a box

I'm still exploring

So before you judge or label me

Take the time to understand

I am more than meets the eye

I am more than just a brand

I am complex and multifaceted

A mystery to unravel

Don't try to define me

I am still discovering myself,

And who I want to be

So please don't label me

Let me define me


My lovely readers,

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for taking the time to read my book and supporting my writing career.

Your support means the world to me, and I am truly thankful for each and every one of you.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could vote on each chapter and leave feedback in the comment sections, as your input is invaluable to me.

Please consider adding this book to your private and public reading lists so that you can be notified when I release new content.

If you enjoy poetry, I have multiple poems collections  that I believe you will love.

1.)What The Eyes Don't See

2.)Words Better Left Unsaid

3 .)Whispers Of The Earth

They touch upon relatable and real-life topics that everyone can understand and relate to.

If you have the time, please share this book with other poetry /book enthusiasts

Thank you again for your support, and I hope you have a wonderful day. <3

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