You came in like a dream

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1. A dream
You came in like a dream.
A dream with eyes spark like fireworks
A dream with a tender smile that shakes my heart
A dream with soft, fluffy hair which i would be tempted to mess with
A dream with a heart that I fell in love with.
That dream talks in a sound that captivate me more than music . . .
Has an unfamiliar, yet familiar voice.
That dream smiles and my whole world gets a little brighter every time
That dream laughs,
And i think i won't be able to love anyone else anymore
That dream sometimes cry too,
my heart hurts, and shatters just like pieces of glass
Then, i begin to cry . . .
That dream isn't perfect either, oh dear, that dream has tons of flaws,
And they are so fucking beautiful
You are so fucking beautiful...
Heart-takingly beautiful

2. Definition of dream
/dream/: something you can see but can't touch
/you/: are as if right in front of me, but just as i try to reach for you, i can't grab your hand... you are still there, so i try again, it is just impossible, and i realize, you will always be there,
it's me, who can't reach you.

3. You come in like a dream
You came in like a dream
And you still do.

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