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hi. sort of unedited, don't mind any mistakes.


"May! Everett! Get your asses down here! NOW!" I yell, considering we have to leave. They both come down the stairs, looking kind of depressed, even though we are heading off to London.


"Save it Everett," She snaps back, I decide to leave it alone because of what happened before.


"I said not right now Everett, we'll talk about it later." She turns to him, her face red with anger.

I wonder what he did that she is like this...

"You guys ready? I know I am!" I say, excited to head to London.

"Yeah, lets head out!" May completely changes her mood from pissed to out-of-handle happy in two seconds. "Everett, you first." She says coldly, and Everett walks out of the door, looking hurt. Again with the mood change. "Kam....wait." Her voice cracks.

"What's going on, May?"


"Everett, what?"

"He....he kissed me." She sighs.

"He WHAT?!" I'm shocked at how he would do such a thing. He knows May is off limits, he knows what she's been through! He knows we're best friends, practically sisters! Ugh, damn you Everett.

"Yeah. I'm pretty pissed." She looks everywhere but my face.

"Why did he look so hurt?" I wonder.

"I pushed him off me, and told him he can't kiss me. Ever again."

"Ah...so you broke his pretty little heart?" I tease.

"Probably. He couldn't handle all this, he's too weak." May points to her body, laughing.

"Better now?" I ask.

"Better." She smiles. "But you're sitting by Everett!" She yells, running out the door.

"Oh, hell no!" I shout, sprinting after May. But by the time I reach her, she's already sitting in the farthest seat away from Everett, leaving me to sit in the middle. "Damn, you're fast for someone who doesn't exercise often." I tease her, punching her on the shoulder.

"I just need to be faster than you!" May laughs, poking the side of my stomach. I shriek, tensing up.

"Hey, shut up! We're in a cab, idiots." Everett huffs. May rolls her eyes at me, her lips pursed together tightly. "With other people."

"Right." I sigh. The cab driver is sitting in the front seat, eyes wide. "Excuse me, sir." I say politely. He turns around in his seat, waiting for directions. "We would like to go to the train station, please." I tell him sweetly. The guy is kind of young, and he's obviously staring at me. I am trying so hard not to laugh right now, it's insane.

"Sure thing, darling." He drawls. Ew. He turns around, and I shut the glass door between the seats, blocking him out. I look at May, and we both burst out laughing.

"Well...." May breathes between laughs. "That was, interesting."

"Did you see the way he looked at me!? Ew. Wait, he..looks familiar. Oh well, whatever. I'm probably going crazy yet again." I chuckle.

The guy turns looks back at us through the front mirror and it hits me like a semi going 70 miles per hour....it's my ex, Cole.

"May, May look at him! It's Cole!" I whisper-yell.

"Who? What?" She questions.

"The taxi driver, it's Cole, my ex from high school! Remember?" I hit her violently like a little kid.

"Oww, okay, yes I see it. Calm your tits," she rubs the red spot on her arm.

"Ummm, Kam?" Everett questioned.

"What, Everett!?" I groan.

"We need to be at the airport in like 2 minutes or we will miss the flight..." He says cautiously.

"WHAT!?!?" I scream.

I tell Cole to step on it and we all go flying backwards. I was never so worried in my life.

I can't believe it, I'm going to miss the flight. My life is over. It's gone.

We arrived at our destination with little time to spare. After we went through security, we sprinted as fast as we could to the terminal. Thankfully we got there right before it left.

"Kam, Kam, i...can't do this....what if we crash? What if we die? What if.."

"Shut up Ev, we are going to be fine. I've traveled by plane a lot. There is nothing to worry about." I told Everett, him still panicking.

"No, it's not okay, we are going to die!" He whisper-yells.

"Look at me, you fool. Nothing, and I promise, nothing bad will happen. Okay?" May snapped.

Everett just went to where our seats were, and stopped. Making us stop as well.

"Umm, who is sitting by me?" He asked.

"Well, I want window seat, and so does May. So, you're going with May because I'm NOT dealing with you whining the whole time!" I say, going to my own spot, leaving them two...alone..oh dear lord...what was I thinking..?


"May, I'm.."

"Save it Everett, I don't want to talk." I hear May and Ev talking. I look through peripheral vision, spying on them.

"Then don't talk, listen.." My brother pleads."Look, I'm sorry for what I did. I had no control over myself. I didn't want to, it just sort of happened. I don't want this to ruin our friendship...please, forgive me?" He begs. I swear if you don't forgive him I will punch you so hard in the...

"I forgive you. Doesn't mean I will forget. But I'll give you one chance, better not screw it up pretty boy..." She says, emphasizing her sarcasm at the end.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" He says, and squeezes her to the point of not being able to breathe.

"Let....me....GO! Asshole." May mumbles. When she wriggles out of the hug, there's the faint ghost of a smile printed on her lips.

"C'mon....you know you wanna smile..." Everett teases May. May stares straight ahead, biting her lip to keep from smiling.

"Come on, May! Just smile! You know you want to." I whisper across the aisle, getting in on the action. I know for a fact May can't keep a straight face in situations like this. May's breathing speeds up as she tries so hard not to smile. And that's when Everett pokes her in the stomach. May bursts out laughing, sending Everett and I into a fit of giggles.

"Oh my God, you're KamKakes! And you're ComePlayWithMay! I love you guys!" A voice gasps. May and I whip our heads around, still breathless from laughing. A girl who looks no more than 13 stares at us, her brown eyes shining.

"Hi! What's your name, sweetie?" I smile at the girl with big black glasses and platinum blonde hair.

"L-Louise." She stutters.

"Hello Louise, nice to meet you!" May grins at her.

"C-can I have a picture with you guys?"

"Of course! Come here, darling!" I take Louise's hand lightly, urging her forward. She tenses, and then relaxes as I pull her in for a quick hug to make her comfortable. "Now, how about that picture?"

After we get done with the pictures, May and I signed a piece of paper and gave it to her. She was such a sweetheart. A little while later, I started to doze off.

"That's what makes you beautifu-u-ul! That's what makes you...."


"M-mom? D-dad? Ana? May?" I gasp, desperate for air.


"May, May, I.."

"Calm down, it's okay, shh," She comforts me.

"Crash...we, we were in a crash. You and Ana were.."

"It was just a dream Kam, you're going to be fine. I'm right here," She tries to hold me, but I push her away.

"No, May, that wasn't a dream, it was real. It happened. I know it did, because I got a gash where my scar is now," I say, pulling up my shirt, revealing a 3 inch scar across my side.

"Okay. It's true. You were in a crash with your mom and dad, and Ana and I were with you. We both have the same dream as you do, where we crash, and everything," She tells me.

"So..why have you never told me about this? What if this means something? We all couldn't remember our past from the same time, and I'm pretty sure you guys started having the dreams the same time I did, right?" We heard a loud groan from Ev coming from the seat in front of us, so we stopped talking and agreed we would discuss it later.

May looked back from her seat at me with a frown, worried for what these memories could unveil about our past, and I was too, but the only thing we can do about it, is wait and see.


so. another chapter. of a story that's not Forbidden Love. yeah, i know. this isn't all my fault though. my friend and I both write this story, as you know, and I'm just putting out the new chapter we finished a while ago. i know i havent updated WCH(this story) or Forbidden Love in, like, five months or so, but i've had realllllllly bad writers block. im working on the new chapter of Forbidden Love as we speak, so I'll go write that now.

-megan (kylee says hi)

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