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I take one last look around out apartment, taking in a deep breath. Today is the day we leave for a year, for our Youtube World Tour. Kam and I will be joining various other Youtubers for a huge meet & greet world tour. Our first stop is London, to say hello to Kam’s family, and persuade Everett to travel with us.


“You ready, May?” Ana whispers. Ana won’t be joining us for the first part of their trip, but she will be joining us at Playlist Live in a few weeks.


“Yeah.” I smile weakly. This is the first time Ana and I will be separated since the car crash that killed our parents. We were each other’s rock, each other’s lifeline.


“It’ll be alright, we’ll see each other in a few weeks, May.” Ana was always the stronger one, always the confident one. Ana could go and party with her friends and be confident about everything, whereas I was insecure and rarely ever happy, unless I was with Ana or Kam. What was I supposed to do without Ana? Sure, I'd have Kam, but Ana was the one there from the start, since we were born.


“I’m gonna miss you so much, Ana.” I envelope her in a hug.


"I'm gonna miss you too, May."




"Kam!" Everett, Kam's older brother, yells as he opens the front door. Kam drops her clutch and tightly hugs Everett.


"Everett!" She smiles. "It's been forever, bro." Everett nods in agreement, and spots me over Kam's shoulder. His face lightens up and breaks into an even bigger grin.


"May! I haven't seen you for three years!" He exclaims, running towards me.


"Ever-" I try to yell, only to be cut short by Everett lifting me up into the air and spinning me around before crushing me to his body. The smell of his cologne hits me in the face like a truck. I breathe it in, feeling at home. Oh, add that to the list of times I've ever felt happy -- Kam's house. They were a second family to me, Everett being the over protective older brother.


"You look good, May." He smirks, his eyes twinkling.


"Right back at you, Everett." I laugh. And he seriously did. Since I had seen him last, he had gotten taller and more muscular. His dirty blonde hair was darker, making his blue eyes pop. He was fit and seriously good looking. He still hadn't gotten tan though - that was something we always joked about. Everett and I were the two pale ones, the vampires, whereas Kam and Ana were always tan - Kam naturally, Ana from being outside all the damn time. "Still haven't gotten tan, though I see." I laugh.


"Hey, hey!" Everett laughs, punching me on the shoulder. "That was uncalled for!" He grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder. I shriek and Kam falls on the ground laughing.


"Put me down!" I scream, pounding on Everett's back with my tiny little fists.


"You can beat me as much as you want, it still won't hurt, and I'm not going to put you down." Everett chuckles, making his body vibrate.


"Everett James! Put me down this instant!" I yell, laughing making my command a lot less of a command.


"I don't think so sweetheart." I can feel him smirking even though I can't see it.


"Kam, Kam! Help me!" I shriek. I struggle against Everett's firm grasp as he covers my mouth with one hand.


"Not today, Hun." He whispers huskily in my ear.


"Everett!" A feminine voice gasps. “What are you doing with May?"


"Giving her a well deserved punishment!" He laughs evilly. I recognize the sitting room of Kam's parents house. My vision is blurred as Everett tosses me down on the sofa. He climbs on top of me, straddling me with his lean legs. "Now....say you're sorry!" He shouts, and begins to tickle my sides, causing an uncontrollable laughter to escape my body.


"N...never!" I manage through the laughter.


"Alright, you asked for it!" He pokes my sides harder, and then trails his fingers behind my neck, giving me shivers.


"S-stop!" I shriek.


"Not until you apologize, May!"


"Not gonna...HAPPEN!" I scream. Everett smirks devilishly, and leans down to my neck. I suck in a breath as his lips press lightly against my collarbone.


"Are you going to apologize yet?" He whispers.


"N-never." I say, my confidence wavering. He slowly, agonizingly, moves further up my body, littering my neck in kisses, making my heart race. He doesn't say anything as he bites the bottom of my ear, and moves toward my mouth. My heart stops all together as I feel his strong hands graze the inside of my thigh. He runs his palms up and down my thighs, tugging at the waistband of my jeans. He hovers over my mouth, teasing me. I can't wait any longer, I reach up, about to press my lips to his and taste the sickly sweetness of Everett....


"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!" Kam screams. Everett pulls away suddenly, leaving me disappointed and embarrassed. "What the fuck were you two doing? I know it's been three years, but damn!" Everett collapses against the edge of the sofa in a fit of laughter. I cover my mouth with my hand to prevent giggles.


"We're. Just. Glad. It. Wasn't. Mum." Everett manages between laughs.


"You've both just scarred me for life, ugh! May, what would Ana say if she were here?" Kam scolds.


"Congratulations sis, that's what Ana would say." I laugh because I know it's true, and so does she.


"So, what possessed you guys to come back home? I mean, besides the obvious." Everett asks after we had calmed down. He glances at me and winks.


"And what would the obvious be, Everett?" I ask wonderingly.


"Well, my good looks, of course!" He smiles.


"Keep dreaming." I say jokingly.


"That's not what it seemed like five minutes ago." He smirks at me.


"Too. Soon." I hit him in the face with a pillow.


"Enough, lovebirds." Kam jokes. We both turn to her, outraged. I glance at Everett and he nods. We both grab pillows and smack Kam on either side of her face.


"Oh it's on bitches!" She laughs, snatching pillows off the furniture closest to her.


"Everett, team up?" I yell.


"Of course!" He yells back. He tugs me out of the way as Kam throws a well-aimed pillow at my head. "In here!" He pulls me into the kitchen, slamming the door behind him.


"That's cheating!" Kam yells. "OH! Don't you two do anything in there, I swear to God!"


"Game plan. I'll be the bait, the easy target. You'll crawl underneath the coffee table, and come up behind her. Sneak attack. It's perfect. Ready?" He breathes.


"Yes." I whisper.


"Go." He opens the door and jumps into the sitting room, where Kam is waiting for us. I duck down and begin to crawl towards Kam, slowly and quietly.


"Where's May?" Kam searches the room and I freeze. "Ah-ha!" She laughs. She grabs my arm tightly and pulls me out from underneath the coffee table. "Everett, you do the same plan every damn time, it's too obvious." Everett groans and runs his hand through his hair.


"Great, now you've got bait."


"Yup, and you're not getting her back." Kam taunts. She pushes me into a chair behind her and I see panic in Everett's eyes. Why is he panicking?


"Oh, c'mon don't do this." He pleads. Kam smirks and turns to me. She grasps my arm and drags me up the stairs.


"Sit. Stay." She orders, as she pushes me onto a chair in her bedroom. She locks the door on her way out, so I'm trapped in. I sigh, knowing that I will be let out, but not until they finish the war.


"Bitch!" I hear Everett roar at Kam and Kam screeches. Damn.....they get intense during pillows fights. The door to Kam's room busts open and there stands Everett.


"How the hell did you get in here?! The door was locked!" I say, shocked.


"Oh, trust me, the amount of times I've had to break open this lock is ridiculous. Now, come on, before she comes back." He scoops me into his arms, bridal style and races down the stairs.


"I got her back, Kam!" He says triumphantly.


"How did you lose, Kam? You never lose!" I tease her from Everett's arms. She glares at me as she stands up.


"This idiot here decided to tackle me and cover me in pillows and furniture." She glares at Everett. "I will get you back for that one, bro." She stomps up to her room, pissed off.


"Hey, uh, Everett?"




"Can-can you put me down now?" I ask.


"Oh. Right. Of course." He lets me out of his arms and steadies me on the floor.


"Thanks for being my hero." I say sarcastically, although I was never in any real danger.


"What, no kiss?" He smiles childishly.


"Nope!" I grin, and sprint up to Kam's room, where she's sitting on her bed waiting. I slam the door and lock it as I hear footsteps pounding up the stairs.


"Kam! May! Open up!" Everett yells, pounding on the door. Kam rolls her eyes and unlocks the door as Everett tugs at the handle. She flings it open, and Everett comes crashing to the ground.


"He never learns." She shakes her head.


"Alright, will you two please tell me why you're here?" He pleads as he gets off the ground.


"Okay, well as you may know Kam and I are famous Youtubers." Everett nods as I begin to explain. "And we're about to start our World Tour, so we were wondering if you'd like to come with us?" I finish.


"For the entire tour? How long is it? Why are you asking me? Why isn't Ana coming with you?" Questions fly from Everett's mouth rapidly.


"Yes, for the entire thing. We'll be gone for about a year. We're asking you because we think it'd be fun to have you along, and you've literally never left London. And Ana is joining us, at Playlist Live in six weeks." Kam answers.


"Of course, I'll come! I'd be insane not to!" Everett cheers and envelopes Kam and I in a bear hug.


"Everett! You're suffocating us!" Kam laughs. Everett's body shakes with laughter, and he releases us. Kam and I gasp, thankful to have fresh air.


"When do we leave?" He asks happily.


"Soon!" Kam responds. "Now, out of my room! You need to pack!" Kam shoves her brother out the door and slams the door in his face. "Now that's he's gone.... What the fuck was that thing earlier?"


"What thing?" I say my cheeks heating up.


"You two almost....y'know....kissing." She smirks.


"I don't even know, man. I think I'm was weird."


"What the fuck are you on and can I have some?" Kam says our classic joke.


"As always," I reply, winking, while the image of Everett being centimeters, no, millimeters, away from my face. His hot breath against my neck, making goosebumps reveal themselves, and shivers not running, but full out sprinting down my body, making my every muscle numb with desire, passion, and pure bliss. I never thought a guy's touch, let alone breath could, or would do this to me. Especially after what happened before...


"Space cadet, you okay there Hun? Why don't you come back to earth and we can go say hello to dad. He just got home." Kam replies, taking me out of the moment I never wanted to leave.


"Yeah, I'm here. Let's go." I reply, following her downstairs to see the rest of the family.



"So, how long is the tour?" James, Kam's father, asks.


"It's for a year, maybe more. We travel all around the world, and then Ana is meeting us at playlist live in 6 weeks." I say coolly.


"Maybe more?"


"Yeah. Sometimes so many fans want to come and meet us that we end up adding more dates. We love it though, we love getting to meet our subscribers!" Kam smiles. I nod, a grin taking over my face, as Everett walks into the room. Our eyes meet and he smirks. I immediately look away, my face heated. James' eyes flick from my face to Everett's, his face bewildered.


"You ready for excitement, Ev?" Kam bounces over to her brother, placing her elbow on his shoulder.


"As ready as I'll ever be." He replies, voice coated with sleep.


"You’re going as well, Everett?" James questioned.


"Erm, yeah, the girls told me to get out for once in my life, so I thought why not?" He chuckles.


"Bloody hell! We gotta go!" Kam yells.


"Oh my, yeah. C'mon Everett, get everything and we'll head off to the station." I say, going up the stairs and Everett follows. When I reach the middle, I am stopped.


Everett turns me around so I am facing him. His eyes are still sparkling like always, they just look brighter than usual. I smile and take his hand in mine, bringing him in for a hug. After we let go he grabs my hips, pulls me in close, looks me in the eyes, then to my lips, bites his bottom lip, looks back at my eyes and then--and then!-- he kisses me! It wasn't really forced at all. It was soft, and slow, and gentle.


“W-what was that?” I stare at him wide-eyed. I hadn’t really thought anything of what had happened earlier, we were just messing with each other. Yeah, he’s attractive and all, but he’s Kam’s brother. Imagine how awkward things would be between Kam and I if Everett and I became a thing. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the kiss.


“Just having some fun.” Everett whispers, his blue eyes never leaving my face. I avert my eyes, my insides churning.


"Everett... we...we can't."


"We can't what?"


"We can't be...this! You can't kiss me unexpectedly like this! You're Kam's brother! My best friends brother! Look, you're cool and all, but I don't like you in that way. I do like you, but I'mo not ready for a relationship. Especially not one with a boy I've known my entire life, let alone my best friend's brother. Sorry, Everett, we just....can't." He looks heartbroken, and I feel terrible, but it had to be done. I wriggle out of his grasp, and walk away slowly, tears in my eyes, wrapping my arms around myself to hold myself together, as I picture his broken face.



sorry for not updating for a while, but homework and school and shiz. yanno. 

anyways, enjoy this chapter!! 

idk when we'll update again, so if we don't update before Christmas:

Merry Christmas!

and if we don't update before New Year's:

Happy New Year! 

obviously i'll post something on my page on those days, but just in


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