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Authors' Note:
Hey guys, me and my friend Amazing_Kylee are collaborating on this book. We have a lot in store for you especially because she helped be part of my inspiration on Forbidden Love:) Have fun getting sucked deeper and deeper into our teen fiction book, World Class Heartbreak! By the way, the chapters will be written in (and named after) one of the characters point of view for the WHOLE chapter. Good luck(: (this was written by Kylee, lol she was pretending to be me)


"Ana, where did Kam go?" May questioned as she removed her headphones from her ears. She had been listening to music for the past two hours, all but tuning out everything.

"She said she was going to get some groceries for dinner tonight. She is making tortellini with Alfredo sauce. Mm. Yummy!" She chirped, putting the bookmark halfway through the old, beaten down, Harry Potter book she is reading for the millionth time already.

"Okay, when are you going to read a different book?!" May chuckled at her twin.

"Once another author writes something equally as good, if not better, as this series."

The door opens, and in comes Kam, arms loaded with bags,

"Hey guys, I bought stuff for the sleepover tonight! There is tortellini, Alfredo sauce, and some other junk food for later. I thought we could film the night and put it up on our YouTube channel." She yells, setting the bags of food on the counter. May went to help put groceries away as Ana disappeared upstairs into her room for the fifth time in the last 20 minutes. Kam sucked in a breath and collapsed to the floor, bashing her head on one of the chairs as she fell.

"Oh my God, ANA! ANA, COME DOWN HERE! SOMETHING'S WRONG!" May yells frantically.

"What, what is it? What's wrong?" Ana questioned, breathing hard and fast as she ran down the steps.

"Call 9-9-9, Kam just passed out for no reason. We need to get help." May responded, checking Kam's breath and heart.

"She's still breathing, but she's not responding to anything. Oh my God, oh my God." May freaks out. Ana snatches May's iPhone off the counter, and dials 9-9-9, breathing heavily, eyes widened.

"Hello? 9-9-9? We have an emergency. Our friend Kam just passed out for no reason." Pause. "Yes, she's still breathing, but slowly, and she's not responding to anything." Silence. "Alright, we'll try that. Thank you." Ana hangs up the phone, and whips around to May and Kam. "She said to get ice cold water and splash her with it, and if that doesn't work, call back." May nods, afraid for her best friend. Ana fills a coffee cup with freezing water, and dashes over to May and Kam as quickly as she can. She dumps the water on Kam's face, praying for the best. Kam's eyes shoot open, and she gasps,

"Oh! M-May? A-Ana? What's going on?"

"Oh, Kam! You just collapsed, we have no idea what brought it on. What happened?" May sighs, relieved Kam is now awake.

"I...I don't know. All I remember is setting the grocery bags on the counter, and you coming into help me unload them. I don't know why I'd just pass out randomly...." Kam shrugs. " I remember seeing a flash of white and feeling immense pain....what the hell..." May and Ana share a glance, they've been haunted by white light and immense pain before. Ana shakes her head, 'Not here.' May nods, but she can't help thinking the flashbacks, per say, could be related. May blinks, clearing her head. She helps Kam off the ground and they resume unloading the food.

"OH MY GOD! YOU BOUGHT KINDER EGGS?!" May yells. Kam laughs,

"I couldn't resist! They're just too good! Was that wrong....?" Kam asks innocently, fully knowing that she's only allowed to buy Kinder Eggs when May is with her.

"You bitch! Ugh!" May grabs a towel from the drawer, and throws it at Kam. Kam retaliates, splashing May with ice water. "Oh, it's on!" May screams. She sprints to the fridge and snatches a whipped cream container, quietly opening it while Kam sneaks into the pantry and grabs a handful of flour. Kam jumps out from the shelter of pantry door, only to have her face and hair doused in whipped cream.

"Motherfucker!" She screams. May laughs maniacally, running around the kitchen, trying to find a good hiding place. Little does she know, Kam has snuck up behind her, ready to attack.

"Heyyyyy....Mayyyyy....." She taunts. May whips around, and Kam launches the flour into her face, covering her in white powder.

"HEY!" Ana yells. May and Kam whip around to face her. "Really, you guys? I trusted you to NOT do this again. Every damn time..." She sighs. "Now clean the fucking mess up." She orders.

"Yes, mum..." Kam jokes under her breath. May bursts out laughing, whereas Ana smacks Kam on the bum. They scrub the kitchen, but not before taking a video of it for their vlog.

"Hi guys!" Kam chirps as she starts to record. "So I just came home from buying groceries, and May and I may have destroyed the kitchen...." Kam laughs as May stifles giggles behind her. "Here, have a look." She turns the camera around and pans out so the Internet can see the entire mess. "And this was all because I bought Kinder Eggs....oh, dear Lord." Kam shakes her head and switches the camera off. "We're such idiots." She laughs at May. May nods her head in agreement, still shaking silently from a fit of laughter.

A little while later, after almost burning the house down making supper, they were all sitting on the couch watching movies and eating tortellini and different unhealthy foods. Kam had her camera set up on her tripod in her room, and when they were done eating dinner, they were going to film together, for Kam's channel, then May's. Kam's channel is KamKakes, May's channel is ComePlayWithMay.


"Hey, it's KamKakes here with my guest this week, ComePlayWithMay! We are about to watch a movie with May's sister, Ana!" Kam waves at he camera, or rather, the Internet.

"Hello, Internet! It's ComePlayWithMay here, more commonly known as just May! What film are we about to watch, Kam?" May smiles. Kam smirks slyly, making it seem like they're about to watch something very, very dirty.

"We're going to be watching..." Pause for dramatic effect, "THE LITTLE MERMAID!" She shouts. May does a little happy dance on the bed,

"Ahhh! YAY! That's my favourite! You look like Ariel!"

"You say that everytime, May." Kam shakes her head laughing at May's silliness.

"Well, it's true. OH! I know! Let's have your subscribers decide! Comment below if you think Kam looks like Ariel!" May grins at the blinking red light on the top of the Nikon L320, pointing at the floor.

"Alright, let's move onto the actual video now. Drumroll please...." May does the drumroll like always. "WHAT NOT TO DO IN WINTER!"

"Haha, we'll be good at this one May." Kam giggles, making May laugh as well.

"Definitely!" And they proceed with the video, showing what NOT to do in winter. They wear shorts and jump outside, they wear bathing suits and do everything totally opposite of what normal people would do during winter. Although they live in Manchester, where there is basically no interesting weather at all, it still does get pretty frigid at times.

"What shall we do next?" May questioned Kam, after shutting off the camera.

"I say, watch The Little Mermaid, eat, vlog, and then edit the video!"

"You read my mind, Kam." May says as she heads upstairs to get Ana. "ANA!" She yells from halfway.

"WHAT?!" Ana screams back from her room, clearly annoyed.

'We're gonna watch the film now, you coming?" May asks. No sooner than May finishes her sentence does Ana's door fling open and she bounds down the steps two at a time, smacking her face into the wall as a consequence of not looking.

"Hell yes!" Ana shouts as she collapses on the plump, red sofa, breathless. Kam looks at May and mouths,

'She's your twin, not mine...' May rolls her eyes as she pops in the film.


"I can't believe you guys got into a kettle corn war in the middle of the film!" Ana says exasperatedly. May kept saying that Kam looked like Ariel, and Kam got annoyed. So they started throwing kettle corn at each other, Ana filming the entire thing.

"Hey, so are you ready for the World Tour and Playlist Live?" Kam asks May.

"Um, obviously!" May cheers happily.

"I was thinking that we could get Everett to come along with us, I mean all he does is sit at home, never exploring the world."

"Everett? I haven't seen him for three years!" May exclaims.

And so it begins.


hey guys, megan here! 

welcome to my (and kylee's) new story! this is probably the longest chapter i have ever written, EVER. 


if you're here from Forbidden Love, thank you for being an awesome and active reader! i love you all. 

hope to see you all again soon , on here and on Forbidden Love! this story will have unexpected plot twists and turns, so enjoy! 

until next time, then! 

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