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3rd P.O.V

 Cao and the others watch the golems rise out of the earth. As for Cao, he noticed that the rocks were almost indiscernible from the bright flares because of the surplus amount of flames that encompassed the golem. None of them had expect that after the artificial beings came to life, the golems would all start moving. It wasn't that they were aimlessly walking towards nowhere, instead it was like they all thought in unison for they turned to one direction and departed towards the castle. Cao and the others were startled by their movements and quickly rushed back to the ship. They fired up the gears and shot back to the castle. They were afraid of what the golems would do once they reached there, they needed to stop them before they decimated the castle.

Time skip

Inside the castle, the golems assembled inside. They had all gone in search of that energy source that was similar to theirs. It was as if they were being dragged instinctively to the source. It was as if they didn't go there, that they will be forever hollow and left without a purpose to live. Once they had arrived at the gates of the castle, they felt hesitance. As they stood there, they heard a voice call out to them saying, "Who are you waiting for? Are you going to remain standing there, or are you going to come in?"

When the golems heard his voice, it resonated inside of them. The same feeling crossed all within them. It was him, the one who was destined to rule over the world. Their cores all cried out inside of them to go forth and enter, to meet their King. When they opened the door, they bowed down to him, "Master, we are here to serve you. We will carry out any and all of your commands."

Their voices filled with devoted loyalty and utter submission. The man stood tall, the faint curve of his lips left anyone who stared at him to shudder at the malice that it held. Ren chuckled evilly. His eyes wandered over his new pawns. Now that most things were in place, it was finally time to put his plans into actions.

Cao's P.O.V

as soon as I casted the vial holding the crystal on the ground, it was as if was as if the ground was alive as it eagerly swallowed the vial., After a few minutes passed, a lot of hands popped up from the ground like in a zombie apocalypse. Instead of rotten corpse hands, the hands were made out of essence from the ground itself. Rising up and crawling, they gripped the ground as they inched their way out.

As they were breaking free, I contacted the others and explained what was happening over at Mount Etna (A/N: Mount Etna or Etna, is an active stratovolcano in italy). They all said the same thing. Ting was give the brown crystal, which was earth's essence.It somehow gave birth to golems. He described his as this a enormous battle golem that could easily destroy a city. Ting stuttered, "Cao, I am not sure how to say this... but the earth golems just shrunk down, and they're headed south to Master Ren's castle, Ryūgū-jō. We have to stop them." (A/N: I decided to call Ren castle Ryūgū-jō)

Ren P.O.V

I tilted my head to the side as I raised a brow. ~Hmm. Strange... I could sense a large wave of my energy pulsating just outside the Throne's room's door. It seems like none of the security defenses were activated from the intruders that were able to get in. ~I waited for their grand entrance but I could perceive timidness and uncertainty beyond the doors. I grew irritated at their reluctance to come in, "Who are you waiting for? Are you going to remain standing there, or are you going to come in?"

As soon as those words left my lips, the door opened. What lied behind the door made me narrowed my eyes. Five golems all surrounded by the elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire stood in ajar in the doorway. The Doctor's words appeared in my mind. These were the golems that he had been talking about. They came in and it turned out that my suspicions were right. I could see that the energy I had infused into the cores for the golems were much stronger than when I had used my energy to awaken my Generals. My observation was interrupted, when the golems kneeled before me, "Master, we are here to serve you. We will carry out any and all of your commands."

It surprised me to hear the words come from the golem's mouths. I didn't think that they could communicate. From my estimations, they also had developed their own consciousness. The look in their eyes could not deceive me. I could recognize those looks anywhere. I bust out with laughter, "Ahahaha."

My eyes glinted with a cold light, "Yes, I am your King. I believe that it's about time... Soon, everything will be under my grasp once more and no one will stand in my way."

Just then, my Generals arrived. I waved a hand nonchalantly, "Rest, these golems are currently under my command. They will follow you in your endeavors later on. For now, half of the golems will be added to Ryūgū-jō's defenses. As for Kazuma, I will contact the Doctor to create a suitable metal golem for you. It shouldn't be long for it to be birthed. As for the rest of you, go and rest for tomorrow.Cao, Ting, Hen, and the rest of you will be assigned with a golem. will have to make due with the the golems that I will assign to you according to what works well with your powers. Leave, that is all that I have to say to you all.

Ting's P.O.V

When we arrived at the castle, we saw the golems all kneeling before Master Ren. He knew when we had entered inside of the room, his eyes swept over us. A discernible smirk appeared on his lips when he greeted us. I was quite surprised as he greeted us. He assured us that the golems were all under his control and that we were to be assigned with a suitable golem tomorrow. My body became filled with excitement as I pondered on what golem I would get. I could also see the excitement in the other's eyes with the same thoughts. Seeing as we were dismissed, I guess I will just have to wait for tomorrow to come and see.....

Spectral P.O.V

Rairyū Hōtengeki as shiro chanted this words .....

A/N: Sorry about today chapter's, I repeated some things I have already said in the third P.O.V, the reason for that was because I  was trying to explain the things i wrote for u to understand it better.

also if you have any ideas which you think i should add to the story pls tell me so i can make it more interesting :)

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