special chapter.

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(A/N: Today's chapter is going to be about Ren's background.)

Somewhere in northern America

Ren was watching some old videos about his childhood, where he was learning how to ride a bicycle. His dad would be pushing him from behind and when he finally got the hang of it, his dad let him ride on by himself. The child version of Ren called out cheerfully, "Mummy! Mummy look, I can ride a bicycle all by myself now!"

As Ren continued to watch the video, he remembered the disturbing events that occurred. Something in which he thought he had long forgotten about

3rd P.O.V

Ding dong!!!! Ding dong!!!Ding dong!!!!

"I am coming, I am coming." As Ren's dad went to check who that was. Looking through the keyhole he saw Tom. It sent shivers down his back because he knew what kind of person Tom was, and what he was going to do to him for betraying him. Knowing that there was no other way out and that they were cornered, Ren's dad gently called out to his wife. He told her to take Ren up to his room and to lock the door.

Tom, what are you doing here?  he asked with a blank look that his his inner turmoil perfectly. (Ren's Dad)

What kind of reason do I need to come and visit my dear old friend? (Tom)

Haha. None. None at all. Come in, please make yourself at home. Ren’s dad said with trembling voice completely breaking the facade he tried to maintain. (Ren's Dad)

Tom walked into the room and whistled as he entered. He scanned around the room but didn't see anyone else.

So, where are your wife and kid?  he asked as a violent light flashed through his eyes.(Tom)

Oh, well she took Ren to his soccer game. Ren’s dad lied trying to sound as genuine as possible. Cold sweat drenched his back as he prayed that Tom wouldn't see through him or try to check his words out just to be rest assured.(Ren's Dad)

I see... That's good then. I will make this very quick.He took out the gun he was hiding behind his waist all this while and pointed it at his formerly best friend. Not an ounce of mercy, remorse or hesitation in his cold blue eyes.Bang,!!!! bang,!!!! bang!!!!The muffled gunshots sounded and Ren's dad clutched his chest as blood red flower began too bloom on it. Blood rushed up to his throat as he coughed, but he still forced himself to ask (Tom)

Tom..., w-why.. how could you do this? he asked with myrads of emotions twirling in his eyes which were slowly getting dimmer.(Ren Dad).

tch. Are you seriously asking me that?!_he yelled as madness slowly consumed his mind _you sold me out to the army! You of all the people got me imprisoned by them! As if it wasn't enough you took all our money! Where is my sha..Dammit!. He's already dead... Tom whispered the last part to know one in particular. He grabbed his hair and leaned on the wall, endless rage eating him alive.

Thump!The abrupt sound startled him out of his state as a cruel smile appeared on his face once again. His icy blue eyes gleaming with sadistic, twisted light.~Ohhhh... So they are here. Even in death, you still dared to speak lies straight to my face.~ he thought as he looked over to the source of the sound, waiting anticipating....(Tom)

He watched her walk down the stairs. the first thing that she saw was her husband dead on the floor with Tom standing over him covered in blood. Horrified and shocked, her thoughts became a mess as she ran away instinctively, forgetting about her lovely son upstairs. Tom smiled crazily as he noticed her figure dashing away. He caught her easily and felt heat erupt in his body as he watched her try and struggle away from his grip. Every brush against his body from her soft and subtle figure only further enticed him. Giving into his dark and sadistic desires, he raped her until the devil in him was satisfied. Just as he finished, he heard cop's siren coming closer. He finished her off and left the premises. Unknown to Tom, a small figure was at the top of the stairs. He had hear the shrilling cries from his mum and the lasting sound of the gunshot that ended her life. Tears flooded down his chubby cheeks as his hands were covering his ears strong enough for the nails to dig into the skin and draw the blood.

When the cops got inside of the home, they were astounded by the sight that they had stumbled upon. Some of the younger and inexperienced cops fled the scene, they were retching and vomiting their insides out. They did a routine search around the house and found Ren underneath his bed. They tried to questioned Ren, but he was too emotionally traumatized to say anything. They could only sigh and shake their heads at his unfortunate fate and he was sent to an orphanage, as there was no relatives in which he could move in with. As the years passed, Ren had enlisted himself into the army and was the best there; was in his platoon.

On one fateful day, Ren found the man who claimed his parent's life. Ren had only joined the army because he knew that it would be his only lead to find the murderer of his parents. Ren invested a lot of time investigating why Tom had come after his parents and after many long hours of research, he found out that Tom was involved in some illegal activities. He was smuggling and selling military weapons on the black market. He was overcome with greed and wanted money. When his dad found out about what Tom was doing in the dark, he turned him in.

Ren received a special mission to take down the head of the of the dragon organization. They were being controlled by Tom. The information that he had gotten from the intel had informed Ren that Tom would be attending a party held by one of his best buyer. Tom's plans to sell him a new weapon which had been in development in one of base. The weapon was a rail gun. His mission was to capture Tom alive and bring him back to the base for interrogation, they wanted to know who and where Tom was selling the weapons to.

When Ren got the order, the corners of his mouth upturned. It was a scary smile appeared on his lips. Yes, I have finally found him after all these years. Now, I am going to make him pay for what he did to my parents. I'm going to make sure he has a painful death.

After getting on the plane and waiting for 11 hours, he had finally made it to Japan. The party was being hosted in Yokohama. At the party, Ren had already spotted Tom with his buyer. They were heading to the basement, and he followed after them but kept at a distance. At one point there were guards that were blocking the way, Ren quickly disposed of them and continued on. Before he went any further in, he turned off his radio. Upon getting inside, he ruthlessly killed every single one of the guards. One after another, until finally reaching the end of the corridor, there was a room.

Inside Ren could hear Tom discussing about the new weapon with some potential buyers. Just as they were in the middle of their negotiation, Ren threw a gas bomb inside the room. After he fired off his weapon and killed off everyone inside the room. Ren quickly turned on his radio and told them that Tom had been killed in the crossfire and he turned off his radio once more. It was a lie as everyone except for two people were dead, one of the buyers who had been lucky and the other one had been Tom. He searched for Tom and found him on the floor unconscious. He took Tom and Tom's phone as it would prove useful for when he got back to base.

In a dim lighted room, Tom was strapped to a chair with his hands behind his back. Ren circled around him with a nonchalant manner.

Hello, Tom do you remember me? (Ren)

Remember you? Are u stupid or something! How do you expect me to know you if I haven't seen you before, asshole. (Tom)

Tom glanced at Ren and suddenly something came to mind.

Now that I take another look at you, you have the same eyes as that basta- (Tom)


Tom reeled back in pain.



Punches rain upon Tom for each insult that came out of his foul mouth about his dad.

Hahaha! You really don't get it, do you Tom? Did you actually think that I would take you to the base to be detained and questioned? No, no, no. You've got it all wrong. We are nowhere near the army base and you're not leaving this room alive. (Ren)

Shivers were sent down Tom's back. His eyes grew fearful as he knew that Ren was serious. He foreboding feeling that he was going to die here today was swimming inside of him. Tom questioned himself. Is this it? Am I really going to die here today? Did karma finally caught up to me now?

Ren brought out a set of tools from his backpack. He whisked them into the air with enthusiasm. Ren took his time torturing Tom. Each time he would fall unconscious from his nerves being over stimulated by the intense pain, he would pour water on his face. Ren did not grant him a single second of rest and continued on with the tortue. He would pull out Tom's nails, cut off his fingers, peel off his skin, and breaking his bones. Ren clicked his tongue in annoyance at Tom's early death. He wasn't even satisfied with the level of torture before Tom died. He would've continued sweet torture  if not for the death claiming his life.
As soon as Ren cleaned up the mangled Tom, he headed back to the base. As he was making his way, he was called to the general's office. They had asked what had happened, in which he repeated what he had said over the radio. On his way inside, one of the guards had spotted him and alerted the rest of the guards including Tom and the buyers. In midst of all the gunshots being fired, Tom was shot. After he told the general, Ren suddenly felt very weak and his vision blurred. He fell face down on the floor, he was drugged. Two soldiers came into the room and dragged Ren away. He was sent to a secret base to be used as a lab rat. They were currently researching on how to strengthen the soldiers in order to defeat their enemies.

Ren was kept as a captive and a test subject. As the years went by, he was injected with countless combinations of chemical that would cause energy transmogrification to take place. When his powers first surfaced, the first thing he did was annihilating everyone who had been involved in the experiments and hurt him, everyone but one man. The man who called himself, Doctor. The only person who had been nice to him the entire time he had been imprisoned there.

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