CHAPTER 7: Infiltrate

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3rd P.O.V

Just before Cao and Shen left, they went to see the Doctor to have him assist them in creating a fake account in one of Spectral bases. They were given high recommendation on file, so that they can be called by the leader of the bases. That way it will be easier for Cao to use his telekinesis power on him and find out the information, which they needed to know about this new weapon they created.

Cao's P.O.V

I faced Shen, "Before we leave, we need to see Doctor first. We need his help in order to hack into one of Spectral bases. He'll add us into their database with a high recommendation or high regard that way it'll make it easier for me to use my powers on their troop once we are inside."

Crossing my arms, I cocked an eyebrow at him, "Also Shen, once we get to the commander's office. I will need you to connect the 'nessus' drive to the commander's computer. After, we'll leave the rest to the Doctor to find out the information that we need." (A/N: also the nessus is a type of hacking tool used to hack into computer software.)

One of Spectral bases in Kyoto

Sir, we have some new recruits coming in today and they're the top of their class. (Army Specialist).

I see. Have them come to my office, I want to see for myself what's so special about them. (base commander).

Yes, sir! (Army Specialist).

So, we're finally here. (Cao).

Yes. (shin).

We must not fail master Ren, he entrusted us with this mission and so we must come back with some good news. (Cao).

Inside the base

You two must be the new recruits that we were supposed to have received today. (Army Specialist).

Yes, sir. We are. I am private Cao and this here is private Shen, sir. (Cao).

I am the army specialist and I am also your senior here, so follow me. I will lead you to the commander's office. He wants to properly meet you two. (Army Specialist).

Time skip

Here we are! Sir, I have the two new recruits- here...?(Army Specialist).

Good, bring them in. (base commander).

They both saluted the base commander.

Be at ease private. So I see you two were the to-

AHHHHHHHH! What are you doing to- ARRGGGHHH My head hurts. (base commander).

(Half the troop members including the base commander fell unconscious for a few minutes before they woke up).

Wake up, commander. (Cao).

(A/N: I will write cao and shen words in italic).

Yes, General Cao what can I do for you. (Base commander).

Shen, connect the Nessus drive to the commander computer while I ask him some question. (General Cao).

So tell me commander, what is the purpose of this base? (General Cao).

General Cao, the purpose of this base is to find a stronger material in the mountains. It is to create a more potent weapon and armor to fight against Ren when we meet him again. (Base commander).

What functions does the material have? (General Cao).

They have higher resistance to any form of energy or power. They also have a better durability. (Base commander).

Cao, the download is complete. We have too leave now. (General Shen).

I see! I will contact you for further instructions on where to transport the materials. When the time comes, I will call for you. (General Cao).

3rd P.O.V

Just as they left the base commander's office, one of the Army specialist went into the office. He commanded the Army Specialist to stop the two who were trying to get away. Just as they were about to leave, a few Army Specialist left the base commander office and used their powers to subdue them for questioning.

Army specialist 1

Water jet (A/N: it has a very sharp blade and traveling at 60 miles per hour).

Army specialist 2

Sonic spear.

Army specialist 3

Earth spikes.

Army specialist 4

Sonic pulse. (A/N: vibrational waves sent into the ground causing one to lose his balance).

Cao, duck! (General Shin).


(A/N: just in case you're wondering why no one else in the base has going to the explosion is because they are all under Cao control).

3rd P.O.V

Cao barely dodged the sonic spear on time. As soon Cao dodged, Shen activated his powers and stopped the water jet and earth spike. After Shin blocked the attack, Cao used his power to take control over the Army specialists. They all seemed to act normal as if nothing had happened before. as they left and headed back to the castle.

Doctor, can you please join us in the throne room to talk to master Ren. (General Cao).

Surely, General Cao. (Doctor).

Inside the throne room

Master Ren, we have returned from our mission. (General Cao)

Congratulation on completing your first mission and making it out alive. (Ren).

Thank you, Master Ren. (General Cao/shen).

What did you find out about this new weapon that Spectral is creating to use against me? (Ren).

Reporting to master Ren, what we found out we had sent the data to the Doctor to analyzed it. We also found out that they were mining the materials called electric safimony on the mountain and sending to somewhere else to improve their armor and weapons to have a fighting chance against you. I also told the base commander that I would call upon him and tell him what to do, where we needed to take the materials to. But we need your permission first to bring them here and have the Doctor create an anti- suit against the bullet.

(A/N: here a short explanation on what the the anti- bullet and armor does

Anti bullet: the anti- bullet has a special dispersal effect where it would disperse Ren's energy temporarily, making a 'hole' appear in his impeccable defense and allowing the bullet to bypass and hit Ren which can also kill him if shoot in a vital organ.

Anti- armor: The armors have the same dispersal affect but it is much more robust and condense. If they were to be hit with one of Ren's attack, the energy that had been compressed will fall apart.)

Do you think you are capable of creating an anti-suit against the any bullets and physically attack they will throw at me, Doctor? (Ren).

Yes, and I believe I can create an armor similar to their anti-armor. I just finished deciphering the data that Cao and Shen had sent to me. From what I have been able to decipher from the data that I had received, they're currently mining this ore the electric safimony from underneath their base in Kyoto and they are sending it to Mount Fuji. There they have a large underground facility awaiting for the completed products. The electric safimony that Spectral had found has a special reaction when it comes in contact with your energy, master Ren. The Electric safimony has a natural dispersal effect that will repel your energy if it comes into close proximity to it, it has a small circumference in which it will cause the reaction but it is still enough to enable their bullets to come through your shield. It works in a similar fashion for the developed armor. The metal is much more condensed and compacted together, therefore its effect is much more profound. It will cause your energy that you've condensed to scatter once it hits the armor. Though Spectral could not gauge your powers, master Ren. It will still reduce a certain amount of the damage. (The Doctor)

(A/N: this is the ore which spectral were mining the Electric safimony).

Ren Grins devilishly at the information which he has just received (Ren).


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